use of io.mycat.config.model.SchemaConfig in project Mycat-Server by MyCATApache.
the class DruidDb2SqlParserTest method testDb2PageSQL.
public void testDb2PageSQL() throws SQLNonTransientException {
String sql = "SELECT *\n" + "FROM (SELECT sid, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY sid DESC) AS ROWNUM\n" + "\tFROM offer \n" + "\tWHERE sts <> 'N'\n" + "\t\t\t) XX\n" + "WHERE ROWNUM > 5\n" + "\tAND ROWNUM <= 15\n";
SchemaConfig schema = schemaMap.get("db2db");
RouteResultset rrs = routeStrategy.route(new SystemConfig(), schema, -1, sql, null, null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals(2, rrs.getNodes().length);
Assert.assertEquals(5, rrs.getLimitStart());
Assert.assertEquals(10, rrs.getLimitSize());
Assert.assertEquals(0, rrs.getNodes()[0].getLimitStart());
Assert.assertEquals(15, rrs.getNodes()[0].getLimitSize());
Assert.assertEquals("db2_1", rrs.getNodes()[0].getName());
Assert.assertEquals("db2_2", rrs.getNodes()[1].getName());
sql = "SELECT *\n" + "FROM (SELECT sid, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY sid DESC) AS ROWNUM\n" + "\tFROM offer1 \n" + "\tWHERE sts <> 'N'\n" + "\t\t\t) XX\n" + "WHERE ROWNUM > 5\n" + "\tAND ROWNUM <= 15\n";
rrs = routeStrategy.route(new SystemConfig(), schema, -1, sql, null, null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals(1, rrs.getNodes().length);
Assert.assertEquals(5, rrs.getLimitStart());
Assert.assertEquals(10, rrs.getLimitSize());
Assert.assertEquals(5, rrs.getNodes()[0].getLimitStart());
Assert.assertEquals(10, rrs.getNodes()[0].getLimitSize());
Assert.assertEquals(sql, rrs.getNodes()[0].getStatement());
Assert.assertEquals("db2_1", rrs.getNodes()[0].getName());
sql = "SELECT sid\n" + "FROM offer \n" + "ORDER BY sid desc\n" + "FETCH FIRST 10 ROWS ONLY";
rrs = routeStrategy.route(new SystemConfig(), schema, -1, sql, null, null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals(2, rrs.getNodes().length);
Assert.assertEquals(0, rrs.getLimitStart());
Assert.assertEquals(10, rrs.getLimitSize());
Assert.assertEquals(0, rrs.getNodes()[0].getLimitStart());
Assert.assertEquals(10, rrs.getNodes()[0].getLimitSize());
Assert.assertEquals(sql, rrs.getNodes()[0].getStatement());
Assert.assertEquals("db2_1", rrs.getNodes()[0].getName());
Assert.assertEquals("db2_2", rrs.getNodes()[1].getName());
use of io.mycat.config.model.SchemaConfig in project Mycat-Server by MyCATApache.
the class DruidMysqlCreateTableTest method testInsert.
// @Test
public void testInsert() throws SQLNonTransientException {
SchemaConfig schema = schemaMap.get("mysqldb");
RouteResultset rrs = routeStrategy.route(new SystemConfig(), schema, -1, "insert into autoslot (id,sid) values(1,2) ", null, null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals(1, rrs.getNodes().length);
use of io.mycat.config.model.SchemaConfig in project Mycat-Server by MyCATApache.
the class DruidMysqlRouteStrategyTest method testDuplicatePartitionKey.
public void testDuplicatePartitionKey() throws Exception {
String sql = null;
SchemaConfig schema = schemaMap.get("cndb");
RouteResultset rrs = null;
sql = "select * from cndb.offer where (offer_id, group_id ) In (123,234)";
schema = schemaMap.get("cndb");
rrs = routeStrategy.route(new SystemConfig(), schema, 1, sql, null, null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals(true, rrs.isCacheAble());
Assert.assertEquals(-1l, rrs.getLimitSize());
Assert.assertEquals(128, rrs.getNodes().length);
for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++) {
// Assert.assertEquals("offer_dn" + i ,
// rrs.getNodes()[i].getName());//node的排序有变化,所以此处不强求
Assert.assertEquals("select * from offer where (offer_id, group_id ) In (123,234)", rrs.getNodes()[i].getStatement());
sql = "SELECT * FROM offer WHERE FALSE OR offer_id = 123 AND member_id = 123 OR member_id = 123 AND member_id = 234 OR member_id = 123 AND member_id = 345 OR member_id = 123 AND member_id = 456 OR offer_id = 234 AND group_id = 123 OR offer_id = 234 AND group_id = 234 OR offer_id = 234 AND group_id = 345 OR offer_id = 234 AND group_id = 456 OR offer_id = 345 AND group_id = 123 OR offer_id = 345 AND group_id = 234 OR offer_id = 345 AND group_id = 345 OR offer_id = 345 AND group_id = 456 OR offer_id = 456 AND group_id = 123 OR offer_id = 456 AND group_id = 234 OR offer_id = 456 AND group_id = 345 OR offer_id = 456 AND group_id = 456";
schema = schemaMap.get("cndb");
rrs = routeStrategy.route(new SystemConfig(), schema, 1, sql, null, null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals(true, rrs.isCacheAble());
getNodeMap(rrs, 128);
sql = "select * from offer where false" + " or offer_id=123 and group_id=123" + " or group_id=123 and offer_id=234" + " or offer_id=123 and group_id=345" + " or offer_id=123 and group_id=456 ";
schema = schemaMap.get("cndb");
rrs = routeStrategy.route(new SystemConfig(), schema, 1, sql, null, null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals(true, rrs.isCacheAble());
Assert.assertEquals(-1l, rrs.getLimitSize());
use of io.mycat.config.model.SchemaConfig in project Mycat-Server by MyCATApache.
the class DruidMysqlRouteStrategyTest method testIgnoreSchema.
public void testIgnoreSchema() throws Exception {
SchemaConfig schema = schemaMap.get("ignoreSchemaTest");
String sql = "select * from offer where offer_id=1";
RouteResultset rrs = routeStrategy.route(new SystemConfig(), schema, 1, sql, null, null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals(false, rrs.isCacheAble());
Assert.assertEquals("cndb_dn", rrs.getNodes()[0].getName());
Assert.assertEquals(sql, rrs.getNodes()[0].getStatement());
sql = "select * from ignoreSchemaTest.offer1 where ignoreSchemaTest.offer1.offer_id=1";
rrs = routeStrategy.route(new SystemConfig(), schema, 1, sql, null, null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals(false, rrs.isCacheAble());
Assert.assertEquals("select * from offer1 where offer1.offer_id=1", rrs.getNodes()[0].getStatement());
sql = "select * from ignoreSchemaTest2.offer where ignoreSchemaTest2.offer.offer_id=1";
rrs = routeStrategy.route(new SystemConfig(), schema, 1, sql, null, null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals(false, rrs.isCacheAble());
Assert.assertEquals(sql, rrs.getNodes()[0].getStatement(), sql);
sql = "select * from ignoreSchemaTest2.offer a,offer b where ignoreSchemaTest2.offer.offer_id=1";
rrs = routeStrategy.route(new SystemConfig(), schema, 1, sql, null, null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals(false, rrs.isCacheAble());
Assert.assertEquals("select * from ignoreSchemaTest2.offer a,offer b where ignoreSchemaTest2.offer.offer_id=1", rrs.getNodes()[0].getStatement());
use of io.mycat.config.model.SchemaConfig in project Mycat-Server by MyCATApache.
the class DDLRouteTest method testDDL.
* ddl deal test
* @throws Exception
public void testDDL() throws Exception {
SchemaConfig schema = schemaMap.get("TESTDB");
CacheService cacheService = new CacheService();
RouteService routerService = new RouteService(cacheService);
// create table/view/function/..
String sql = " create table company(idd int)";
sql = RouterUtil.getFixedSql(sql);
String upsql = sql.toUpperCase();
//TODO : modify by zhuam
// 小写表名,需要额外转为 大写 做比较
String tablename = RouterUtil.getTableName(sql, RouterUtil.getCreateTablePos(upsql, 0));
tablename = tablename.toUpperCase();
List<String> dataNodes = new ArrayList<>();
Map<String, TableConfig> tables = schema.getTables();
TableConfig tc;
if (tables != null && (tc = tables.get(tablename)) != null) {
dataNodes = tc.getDataNodes();
int nodeSize = dataNodes.size();
int rs = ServerParse.parse(sql);
int sqlType = rs & 0xff;
RouteResultset rrs = routerService.route(new SystemConfig(), schema, sqlType, sql, "UTF-8", null);
Assert.assertTrue(rrs.getNodes().length == nodeSize);
// drop table test
sql = " drop table COMPANY";
sql = RouterUtil.getFixedSql(sql);
upsql = sql.toUpperCase();
tablename = RouterUtil.getTableName(sql, RouterUtil.getDropTablePos(upsql, 0));
tables = schema.getTables();
if (tables != null && (tc = tables.get(tablename)) != null) {
dataNodes = tc.getDataNodes();
nodeSize = dataNodes.size();
rs = ServerParse.parse(sql);
sqlType = rs & 0xff;
rrs = routerService.route(new SystemConfig(), schema, sqlType, sql, "UTF-8", null);
Assert.assertTrue(rrs.getNodes().length == nodeSize);
//alter table
sql = " alter table COMPANY add COLUMN name int ;";
sql = RouterUtil.getFixedSql(sql);
upsql = sql.toUpperCase();
tablename = RouterUtil.getTableName(sql, RouterUtil.getAlterTablePos(upsql, 0));
tables = schema.getTables();
if (tables != null && (tc = tables.get(tablename)) != null) {
dataNodes = tc.getDataNodes();
nodeSize = dataNodes.size();
rs = ServerParse.parse(sql);
sqlType = rs & 0xff;
rrs = routerService.route(new SystemConfig(), schema, sqlType, sql, "UTF-8", null);
Assert.assertTrue(rrs.getNodes().length == nodeSize);
//truncate table;
sql = " truncate table COMPANY";
sql = RouterUtil.getFixedSql(sql);
upsql = sql.toUpperCase();
tablename = RouterUtil.getTableName(sql, RouterUtil.getTruncateTablePos(upsql, 0));
tables = schema.getTables();
if (tables != null && (tc = tables.get(tablename)) != null) {
dataNodes = tc.getDataNodes();
nodeSize = dataNodes.size();
rs = ServerParse.parse(sql);
sqlType = rs & 0xff;
rrs = routerService.route(new SystemConfig(), schema, sqlType, sql, "UTF-8", null);
Assert.assertTrue(rrs.getNodes().length == nodeSize);