use of io.mycat.config.model.SchemaConfig in project Mycat-Server by MyCATApache.
the class DruidMysqlRouteStrategyTest method testBatchInsert.
* 支持insert into ... values (),()...
* 不支持insert into ... select...
* @throws Exception
public void testBatchInsert() throws Exception {
SchemaConfig schema = schemaMap.get("TESTDB");
RouteResultset rrs = null;
//不支持childtable 批量插入
String sql = "insert into orders (id,name,customer_id) values(1,'testonly',1),(2,'testonly',2000001)";
try {
rrs = routeStrategy.route(new SystemConfig(), schema, 1, sql, null, null, cachePool);
} catch (Exception e) {
Assert.assertEquals("ChildTable multi insert not provided", e.getMessage());
sql = "insert into employee (id,name,customer_id) select id,name,customer_id from customer";
try {
rrs = routeStrategy.route(new SystemConfig(), schema, 1, sql, null, null, cachePool);
} catch (Exception e) {
Assert.assertEquals("TODO:insert into .... select .... not supported!", e.getMessage());
//分片表批量插入正常 employee
sql = "insert into employee (id,name,sharding_id) values(1,'testonly',10000),(2,'testonly',10010)";
rrs = routeStrategy.route(new SystemConfig(), schema, 1, sql, null, null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals(2, rrs.getNodes().length);
Assert.assertEquals(false, rrs.isCacheAble());
Assert.assertEquals("dn1", rrs.getNodes()[0].getName());
Assert.assertEquals("dn2", rrs.getNodes()[1].getName());
String node1Sql = formatSql("insert into employee (id,name,sharding_id) values(1,'testonly',10000)");
String node2Sql = formatSql("insert into employee (id,name,sharding_id) values(2,'testonly',10010)");
RouteResultsetNode[] nodes = rrs.getNodes();
Assert.assertEquals(node1Sql, nodes[0].getStatement());
Assert.assertEquals(node2Sql, nodes[1].getStatement());
use of io.mycat.config.model.SchemaConfig in project Mycat-Server by MyCATApache.
the class DruidMysqlRouteStrategyTest method testModifySQLLimit.
public void testModifySQLLimit() throws Exception {
final SchemaConfig schema = schemaMap.get("TESTDB");
String sql = null;
RouteResultset rrs = null;
//SQL span multi datanode
sql = "select * from orders limit 2,3";
rrs = routeStrategy.route(new SystemConfig(), schema, ServerParse.SELECT, sql, null, null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals(true, rrs.isCacheAble());
Map<String, RouteResultsetNode> nodeMap = getNodeMap(rrs, 2);
NodeNameAsserter nameAsserter = new NodeNameAsserter("dn2", "dn1");
Assert.assertEquals(3, rrs.getLimitSize());
MySqlStatementParser parser = new MySqlStatementParser("SELECT * FROM orders LIMIT 0,5");
SQLStatement statement = parser.parseStatement();
Assert.assertEquals(statement.toString(), rrs.getNodes()[0].getStatement());
//SQL not span multi datanode
sql = "select * from customer where id=10000 limit 2,3";
rrs = routeStrategy.route(new SystemConfig(), schema, ServerParse.SELECT, sql, null, null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals(true, rrs.isCacheAble());
nodeMap = getNodeMap(rrs, 1);
nameAsserter = new NodeNameAsserter("dn1");
Assert.assertEquals(3, rrs.getLimitSize());
Assert.assertEquals("select * from customer where id=10000 limit 2,3", rrs.getNodes()[0].getStatement());
use of io.mycat.config.model.SchemaConfig in project Mycat-Server by MyCATApache.
the class DruidMysqlRouteStrategyTest method testInsertOnDuplicateKey.
* insert ... on duplicate key ... update...
* @throws Exception
public void testInsertOnDuplicateKey() throws Exception {
SchemaConfig schema = schemaMap.get("TESTDB");
String sql = "insert into employee (id,name,sharding_id) values(1,'testonly',10000) on duplicate key update name='nihao'";
RouteResultset rrs = null;
rrs = routeStrategy.route(new SystemConfig(), schema, ServerParse.SELECT, sql, null, null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals(1, rrs.getNodes().length);
Assert.assertEquals("dn1", rrs.getNodes()[0].getName());
//insert ... on duplicate key ... update col1 = VALUES(col1),col2 = VALUES(col2)
sql = "insert into employee (id,name,sharding_id) values(1,'testonly',10000) " + "on duplicate key update name=VALUES(name),id = VALUES(id)";
rrs = routeStrategy.route(new SystemConfig(), schema, ServerParse.SELECT, sql, null, null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals(1, rrs.getNodes().length);
Assert.assertEquals("dn1", rrs.getNodes()[0].getName());
//insert ... on duplicate key ,sharding key can't be updated
sql = "insert into employee (id,name,sharding_id) values(1,'testonly',10000) " + "on duplicate key update name=VALUES(name),id = VALUES(id),sharding_id = VALUES(sharding_id)";
try {
rrs = routeStrategy.route(new SystemConfig(), schema, ServerParse.SELECT, sql, null, null, cachePool);
} catch (Exception e) {
Assert.assertEquals("Sharding column can't be updated: EMPLOYEE -> SHARDING_ID", e.getMessage());
use of io.mycat.config.model.SchemaConfig in project Mycat-Server by MyCATApache.
the class DruidMysqlRouteStrategyTest method testroute.
public void testroute() throws Exception {
SchemaConfig schema = schemaMap.get("cndb");
String sql = "select * from independent where member='abc'";
RouteResultset rrs = routeStrategy.route(new SystemConfig(), schema, 1, sql, null, null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals(true, rrs.isCacheAble());
Map<String, RouteResultsetNode> nodeMap = getNodeMap(rrs, 128);
IndexedNodeNameAsserter nameAsserter = new IndexedNodeNameAsserter("independent_dn", 0, 128);
SimpleSQLAsserter sqlAsserter = new SimpleSQLAsserter();
for (int i = 0; i < 128; ++i) {
sqlAsserter.addExpectSQL(i, "select * from independent where member='abc'");
RouteNodeAsserter asserter = new RouteNodeAsserter(nameAsserter, sqlAsserter);
for (RouteResultsetNode node : nodeMap.values()) {
// include database schema ,should remove
sql = "select * from cndb.independent A where a.member='abc'";
schema = schemaMap.get("cndb");
rrs = routeStrategy.route(new SystemConfig(), schema, 1, sql, null, null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals(true, rrs.isCacheAble());
nodeMap = getNodeMap(rrs, 128);
nameAsserter = new IndexedNodeNameAsserter("independent_dn", 0, 128);
sqlAsserter = new SimpleSQLAsserter();
for (int i = 0; i < 128; ++i) {
sqlAsserter.addExpectSQL(i, "select * from independent A where a.member='abc'");
asserter = new RouteNodeAsserter(nameAsserter, sqlAsserter);
for (RouteResultsetNode node : nodeMap.values()) {
use of io.mycat.config.model.SchemaConfig in project Mycat-Server by MyCATApache.
the class DruidMysqlRouteStrategyTest method testRouteInsertShort.
// public void testAlias() throws Exception {
// String sql = "SELECT UM.UserId , UM.MenuId ,SM.ParentId ,SM.FullName , SM.Description , SM.Img , SM.NavigateUrl ,SM.FormName ,SM.Target ,SM.IsUnfold FROM Lever_SysMenu SM INNER JOIN ( SELECT UR.UserId AS UserId , RM.MenuId AS MenuId FROM Lever_RoleMenu RM INNER JOIN Lever_UserRole UR ON RM.RoleId = UR.RoleId UNION SELECT UserId , MenuId FROM Lever_UserMenu UNION SELECT U.UserId , RM.MenuId FROM Lever_User U LEFT JOIN Lever_RoleMenu RM ON U.RoleId = RM.RoleId WHERE U.UserId = '8d28533f-1762-4e79-b71f-64eb1a50cb8b' ) UM ON SM.MenuId = UM.MenuId WHERE UM.UserId = '8d28533f-1762-4e79-b71f-64eb1a50cb8b' AND SM.Enabled = 1 ORDER BY SM.SortCode";
// SchemaConfig schema = schemaMap.get("wdw");
// RouteResultset rrs = routeStrategy.route(new SystemConfig(),schema, -1, sql, null,
// null, cachePool);
// }
public void testRouteInsertShort() throws Exception {
String sql = "inSErt into offer_detail (`offer_id`, gmt) values (123,now())";
SchemaConfig schema = schemaMap.get("cndb");
RouteResultset rrs = routeStrategy.route(new SystemConfig(), schema, -1, sql, null, null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals(1, rrs.getNodes().length);
Assert.assertEquals(false, rrs.isCacheAble());
Assert.assertEquals(-1l, rrs.getLimitSize());
Assert.assertEquals("detail_dn15", rrs.getNodes()[0].getName());
Assert.assertEquals("inSErt into offer_detail (`offer_id`, gmt) values (123,now())", rrs.getNodes()[0].getStatement());
sql = "inSErt into offer_detail ( gmt) values (now())";
schema = schemaMap.get("cndb");
try {
rrs = routeStrategy.route(new SystemConfig(), schema, -1, sql, null, null, cachePool);
} catch (Exception e) {
String msg = "bad insert sql (sharding column:";
sql = "inSErt into offer_detail (offer_id, gmt) values (123,now())";
schema = schemaMap.get("cndb");
rrs = routeStrategy.route(new SystemConfig(), schema, -1, sql, null, null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals(1, rrs.getNodes().length);
Assert.assertEquals(false, rrs.isCacheAble());
Assert.assertEquals(-1l, rrs.getLimitSize());
Assert.assertEquals("detail_dn15", rrs.getNodes()[0].getName());
Assert.assertEquals("inSErt into offer_detail (offer_id, gmt) values (123,now())", rrs.getNodes()[0].getStatement());
sql = "insert into offer(group_id,offer_id,member_id)values(234,123,'abc')";
schema = schemaMap.get("cndb");
rrs = routeStrategy.route(new SystemConfig(), schema, -1, sql, null, null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals(1, rrs.getNodes().length);
Assert.assertEquals(false, rrs.isCacheAble());
Assert.assertEquals(-1l, rrs.getLimitSize());
Assert.assertEquals("offer_dn12", rrs.getNodes()[0].getName());
Assert.assertEquals("insert into offer(group_id,offer_id,member_id)values(234,123,'abc')", rrs.getNodes()[0].getStatement());
sql = "\n" + " INSERT INTO \n" + "`offer` \n" + "(`asf`,member_id) \n" + "VALUES \n" + "(' the articles sfroms user selection ','abc')";
schema = schemaMap.get("cndb");
rrs = routeStrategy.route(new SystemConfig(), schema, -1, sql, null, null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals(1, rrs.getNodes().length);