Search in sources :

Example 26 with UserConfig

use of io.mycat.config.model.UserConfig in project Mycat_plus by coderczp.

the class ShowTables method getTableSet.

private static Set<String> getTableSet(ServerConnection c, Map<String, String> parm) {
    TreeSet<String> tableSet = new TreeSet<String>();
    MycatConfig conf = MycatServer.getInstance().getConfig();
    Map<String, UserConfig> users = conf.getUsers();
    UserConfig user = users == null ? null : users.get(c.getUser());
    if (user != null) {
        Map<String, SchemaConfig> schemas = conf.getSchemas();
        for (String name : schemas.keySet()) {
            if (null != parm.get(SCHEMA_KEY) && parm.get(SCHEMA_KEY).toUpperCase().equals(name.toUpperCase())) {
                if (null == parm.get("LIKE_KEY")) {
                } else {
                    String p = "^" + parm.get("LIKE_KEY").replaceAll("%", ".*");
                    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(p, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
                    Matcher ma;
                    for (String tname : schemas.get(name).getTables().keySet()) {
                        ma = pattern.matcher(tname);
                        if (ma.matches()) {
    return tableSet;
Also used : Pattern(java.util.regex.Pattern) SchemaConfig(io.mycat.config.model.SchemaConfig) Matcher(java.util.regex.Matcher) TreeSet(java.util.TreeSet) MycatConfig(io.mycat.config.MycatConfig) UserConfig(io.mycat.config.model.UserConfig)

Example 27 with UserConfig

use of io.mycat.config.model.UserConfig in project Mycat_plus by coderczp.

the class ShowWhiteHost method setHost.

public static synchronized void setHost(ManagerConnection c, String ips) {
    OkPacket ok = new OkPacket();
    String[] users = ips.split(",");
    if (users.length < 2) {
        c.writeErrMessage(ErrorCode.ER_YES, "white host info error.");
    String host = "";
    List<UserConfig> userConfigs = new ArrayList<UserConfig>();
    int i = 0;
    for (String user : users) {
        if (i == 0) {
            host = user;
        } else {
            UserConfig uc = MycatServer.getInstance().getConfig().getUsers().get(user);
            if (null == uc) {
                c.writeErrMessage(ErrorCode.ER_YES, "user doesn't exist in host.");
            if (uc.getSchemas() == null || uc.getSchemas().size() == 0) {
                c.writeErrMessage(ErrorCode.ER_YES, "host contains one root privileges user.");
    if (MycatServer.getInstance().getConfig().getFirewall().addWhitehost(host, userConfigs)) {
        try {
            FirewallConfig.updateToFile(host, userConfigs);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LOGGER.warn("set while host error : " + e.getMessage());
            c.writeErrMessage(ErrorCode.ER_YES, "white host set success ,but write to file failed :" + e.getMessage());
        ok.packetId = 1;
        ok.affectedRows = 1;
        ok.serverStatus = 2;
        ok.message = "white host set to succeed.".getBytes();
    } else {
        c.writeErrMessage(ErrorCode.ER_YES, "host duplicated.");
Also used : OkPacket( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) UserConfig(io.mycat.config.model.UserConfig) ConfigException(io.mycat.config.util.ConfigException)

Example 28 with UserConfig

use of io.mycat.config.model.UserConfig in project Mycat-Server by MyCATApache.

the class XMLServerLoader method loadFirewall.

 * 初始载入配置获取防火墙配置,配置防火墙方法之一,一共有两处,另一处:
 * @see  FirewallConfig
 * @modification 修改增加网段白名单
 * @date 2016/12/8
 * @modifiedBy Hash Zhang
private void loadFirewall(Element root) throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException {
    NodeList list = root.getElementsByTagName("host");
    Map<String, List<UserConfig>> whitehost = new HashMap<>();
    Map<Pattern, List<UserConfig>> whitehostMask = new HashMap<>();
    for (int i = 0, n = list.getLength(); i < n; i++) {
        Node node = list.item(i);
        if (node instanceof Element) {
            Element e = (Element) node;
            String host = e.getAttribute("host").trim();
            String userStr = e.getAttribute("user").trim();
            if (this.firewall.existsHost(host)) {
                throw new ConfigException("host duplicated : " + host);
            String[] users = userStr.split(",");
            List<UserConfig> userConfigs = new ArrayList<UserConfig>();
            for (String user : users) {
                UserConfig uc = this.users.get(user);
                if (null == uc) {
                    throw new ConfigException("[user: " + user + "] doesn't exist in [host: " + host + "]");
                if (uc.getSchemas() == null || uc.getSchemas().size() == 0) {
                    throw new ConfigException("[host: " + host + "] contains one root privileges user: " + user);
            if (host.contains("*") || host.contains("%")) {
                whitehostMask.put(FirewallConfig.getMaskPattern(host), userConfigs);
            } else {
                whitehost.put(host, userConfigs);
    WallConfig wallConfig = new WallConfig();
    NodeList blacklist = root.getElementsByTagName("blacklist");
    for (int i = 0, n = blacklist.getLength(); i < n; i++) {
        Node node = blacklist.item(i);
        if (node instanceof Element) {
            Element e = (Element) node;
            String check = e.getAttribute("check");
            if (null != check) {
            Map<String, Object> props = ConfigUtil.loadElements((Element) node);
            ParameterMapping.mapping(wallConfig, props);
Also used : Pattern(java.util.regex.Pattern) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) NodeList(org.w3c.dom.NodeList) Node(org.w3c.dom.Node) Element(org.w3c.dom.Element) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ConfigException(io.mycat.config.util.ConfigException) WallConfig( UserConfig(io.mycat.config.model.UserConfig) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) NodeList(org.w3c.dom.NodeList) List(java.util.List)

Example 29 with UserConfig

use of io.mycat.config.model.UserConfig in project Mycat-Server by MyCATApache.

the class MycatPrivileges method checkFirewallWhiteHostPolicy.

 * 防火墙白名单处理,根据防火墙配置,判断目前主机是否可以通过某用户登陆
 * 白名单配置请参考:
 * @see  XMLServerLoader
 * @see  FirewallConfig
 * @modification 修改增加网段白名单识别配置
 * @date 2016/12/8
 * @modifiedBy Hash Zhang
public boolean checkFirewallWhiteHostPolicy(String user, String host) {
    MycatConfig mycatConfig = MycatServer.getInstance().getConfig();
    FirewallConfig firewallConfig = mycatConfig.getFirewall();
    // 防火墙 白名单处理
    boolean isPassed = false;
    Map<String, List<UserConfig>> whitehost = firewallConfig.getWhitehost();
    Map<Pattern, List<UserConfig>> whitehostMask = firewallConfig.getWhitehostMask();
    if ((whitehost == null || whitehost.size() == 0) && (whitehostMask == null || whitehostMask.size() == 0)) {
        Map<String, UserConfig> users = mycatConfig.getUsers();
        isPassed = users.containsKey(user);
    } else {
        List<UserConfig> list = whitehost.get(host);
        Set<Pattern> patterns = whitehostMask.keySet();
        if (patterns != null && patterns.size() > 0) {
            for (Pattern pattern : patterns) {
                if (pattern.matcher(host).find()) {
                    isPassed = true;
        if (list != null) {
            for (UserConfig userConfig : list) {
                if (userConfig.getName().equals(user)) {
                    isPassed = true;
    if (!isPassed) {
        ALARM.error(new StringBuilder().append(Alarms.FIREWALL_ATTACK).append("[host=").append(host).append(",user=").append(user).append(']').toString());
        return false;
    return true;
Also used : Pattern(java.util.regex.Pattern) FirewallConfig(io.mycat.config.model.FirewallConfig) UserConfig(io.mycat.config.model.UserConfig) List(java.util.List)

Example 30 with UserConfig

use of io.mycat.config.model.UserConfig in project Mycat-Server by MyCATApache.

the class ReloadConfig method reload_all.

public static boolean reload_all() {
     *  1、载入新的配置
     *  1.1、ConfigInitializer 初始化,基本自检
     *  1.2、DataNode/DataHost 实际链路检测
    ConfigInitializer loader = new ConfigInitializer(true);
    Map<String, UserConfig> newUsers = loader.getUsers();
    Map<String, SchemaConfig> newSchemas = loader.getSchemas();
    Map<String, PhysicalDBNode> newDataNodes = loader.getDataNodes();
    Map<String, PhysicalDBPool> newDataHosts = loader.getDataHosts();
    MycatCluster newCluster = loader.getCluster();
    FirewallConfig newFirewall = loader.getFirewall();
     * 1.2、实际链路检测
     *  2、承接
     *  2.1、老的 dataSource 继续承接新建请求
     *  2.2、新的 dataSource 开始初始化, 完毕后交由 2.3
     *  2.3、新的 dataSource 开始承接新建请求
     *  2.4、老的 dataSource 内部的事务执行完毕, 相继关闭
     *  2.5、老的 dataSource 超过阀值的,强制关闭
    MycatConfig config = MycatServer.getInstance().getConfig();
     * 2.1 、老的 dataSource 继续承接新建请求, 此处什么也不需要做
    boolean isReloadStatusOK = true;
     * 2.2、新的 dataHosts 初始化
    for (PhysicalDBPool dbPool : newDataHosts.values()) {
        String hostName = dbPool.getHostName();
        // 设置 schemas
        ArrayList<String> dnSchemas = new ArrayList<String>(30);
        for (PhysicalDBNode dn : newDataNodes.values()) {
            if (dn.getDbPool().getHostName().equals(hostName)) {
        dbPool.setSchemas(dnSchemas.toArray(new String[dnSchemas.size()]));
        // 获取 data host
        String dnIndex = DnPropertyUtil.loadDnIndexProps().getProperty(dbPool.getHostName(), "0");
        if (!"0".equals(dnIndex)) {
  "init datahost: " + dbPool.getHostName() + "  to use datasource index:" + dnIndex);
        if (!dbPool.isInitSuccess()) {
            isReloadStatusOK = false;
     *  TODO: 确认初始化情况
     *  新的 dataHosts 是否初始化成功
    if (isReloadStatusOK) {
         * 2.3、 在老的配置上,应用新的配置,开始准备承接任务
        config.reload(newUsers, newSchemas, newDataNodes, newDataHosts, newCluster, newFirewall, true);
         * 2.4、 处理旧的资源
        LOGGER.warn("1、clear old backend connection(size): " + NIOProcessor.backends_old.size());
        // 清除前一次 reload 转移出去的 old Cons
        Iterator<BackendConnection> iter = NIOProcessor.backends_old.iterator();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            BackendConnection con =;
            con.close("clear old datasources");
        Map<String, PhysicalDBPool> oldDataHosts = config.getBackupDataHosts();
        for (PhysicalDBPool dbPool : oldDataHosts.values()) {
            // 提取数据源下的所有连接
            for (PhysicalDatasource ds : dbPool.getAllDataSources()) {
                for (NIOProcessor processor : MycatServer.getInstance().getProcessors()) {
                    for (BackendConnection con : processor.getBackends().values()) {
                        if (con instanceof MySQLConnection) {
                            MySQLConnection mysqlCon = (MySQLConnection) con;
                            if (mysqlCon.getPool() == ds) {
                        } else if (con instanceof JDBCConnection) {
                            JDBCConnection jdbcCon = (JDBCConnection) con;
                            if (jdbcCon.getPool() == ds) {
        LOGGER.warn("2、to be recycled old backend connection(size): " + NIOProcessor.backends_old.size());
        // 清理缓存
        return true;
    } else {
        // 如果重载不成功,则清理已初始化的资源。
        LOGGER.warn("reload failed, clear previously created datasources ");
        for (PhysicalDBPool dbPool : newDataHosts.values()) {
            dbPool.clearDataSources("reload config");
        return false;
Also used : PhysicalDBNode(io.mycat.backend.datasource.PhysicalDBNode) BackendConnection(io.mycat.backend.BackendConnection) SchemaConfig(io.mycat.config.model.SchemaConfig) ConfigInitializer(io.mycat.config.ConfigInitializer) MycatCluster(io.mycat.config.MycatCluster) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) PhysicalDBPool(io.mycat.backend.datasource.PhysicalDBPool) UserConfig(io.mycat.config.model.UserConfig) FirewallConfig(io.mycat.config.model.FirewallConfig) MycatConfig(io.mycat.config.MycatConfig) NIOProcessor( PhysicalDatasource(io.mycat.backend.datasource.PhysicalDatasource) JDBCConnection(io.mycat.backend.jdbc.JDBCConnection) MySQLConnection(io.mycat.backend.mysql.nio.MySQLConnection)


UserConfig (io.mycat.config.model.UserConfig)36 MycatConfig (io.mycat.config.MycatConfig)10 SchemaConfig (io.mycat.config.model.SchemaConfig)10 FirewallConfig (io.mycat.config.model.FirewallConfig)8 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)8 Pattern (java.util.regex.Pattern)8 PhysicalDBNode (io.mycat.backend.datasource.PhysicalDBNode)6 PhysicalDBPool (io.mycat.backend.datasource.PhysicalDBPool)6 MycatCluster (io.mycat.config.MycatCluster)6 ConfigException (io.mycat.config.util.ConfigException)6 List (java.util.List)6 TreeSet (java.util.TreeSet)6 ConfigInitializer (io.mycat.config.ConfigInitializer)4 EOFPacket ( FieldPacket ( RowDataPacket ( ByteBuffer (java.nio.ByteBuffer)4 Matcher (java.util.regex.Matcher)4 Element (org.w3c.dom.Element)4 Node (org.w3c.dom.Node)4