use of io.netty.handler.codec.http.DefaultHttpResponse in project riposte by Nike-Inc.
the class StreamingAsyncHttpClient method prepChannelForDownstreamCall.
protected void prepChannelForDownstreamCall(ChannelPool pool, Channel ch, StreamingCallback callback, Deque<Span> distributedSpanStackToUse, Map<String, String> mdcContextToUse, boolean isSecureHttpsCall, boolean relaxedHttpsValidation, boolean performSubSpanAroundDownstreamCalls, long downstreamCallTimeoutMillis, ObjectHolder<Boolean> callActiveHolder, ObjectHolder<Boolean> lastChunkSentDownstreamHolder) throws SSLException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, KeyStoreException {
ChannelHandler chunkSenderHandler = new SimpleChannelInboundHandler<HttpObject>() {
protected void channelRead0(ChannelHandlerContext downstreamCallCtx, HttpObject msg) throws Exception {
try {
// the call is fully processed should not trigger the behavior a second time.
if (callActiveHolder.heldObject) {
if (msg instanceof LastHttpContent) {
lastChunkSentDownstreamHolder.heldObject = true;
if (performSubSpanAroundDownstreamCalls) {
// Complete the subspan.
runnableWithTracingAndMdc(() -> {
if (distributedSpanStackToUse == null || distributedSpanStackToUse.size() < 2)
}, distributedSpanStackToUse, mdcContextToUse).run();
HttpObject msgToPass = msg;
if (msg instanceof HttpResponse) {
// We can't pass the original HttpResponse back to the callback due to intricacies of how
// Netty handles determining the last chunk. If we do, and the callback ends up writing
// the message out to the client (which happens during proxy routing for example), then
// msg's headers might get modified - potentially causing this channel pipeline to
// never send a LastHttpContent, which will in turn cause an indefinite hang.
HttpResponse origHttpResponse = (HttpResponse) msg;
HttpResponse httpResponse = (msg instanceof FullHttpResponse) ? new DefaultFullHttpResponse(origHttpResponse.getProtocolVersion(), origHttpResponse.getStatus(), ((FullHttpResponse) msg).content()) : new DefaultHttpResponse(origHttpResponse.getProtocolVersion(), origHttpResponse.getStatus());
msgToPass = httpResponse;
} else {
if (shouldLogBadMessagesAfterRequestFinishes) {
runnableWithTracingAndMdc(() -> logger.warn("Received HttpObject msg when call was not active: {}", String.valueOf(msg)), distributedSpanStackToUse, mdcContextToUse).run();
} finally {
if (msg instanceof LastHttpContent) {
releaseChannelBackToPoolIfCallIsActive(ch, pool, callActiveHolder, "last content chunk sent", distributedSpanStackToUse, mdcContextToUse);
Consumer<Throwable> doErrorHandlingConsumer = (cause) -> {
Pair<Deque<Span>, Map<String, String>> originalThreadInfo = null;
try {
// Setup tracing and MDC so our log messages have the correct distributed trace info, etc.
originalThreadInfo = linkTracingAndMdcToCurrentThread(distributedSpanStackToUse, mdcContextToUse);
// call is fully processed should not trigger the behavior a second time.
if (callActiveHolder.heldObject) {
if (performSubSpanAroundDownstreamCalls) {
if (distributedSpanStackToUse == null || distributedSpanStackToUse.size() < 2)
if (cause instanceof Errors.NativeIoException) {
// NativeIoExceptions are often setup to not have stack traces which is bad for debugging.
// Wrap it in a NativeIoExceptionWrapper that maps to a 503 since this is likely a busted
// connection and a second attempt should work.
cause = new NativeIoExceptionWrapper("Caught a NativeIoException in the downstream streaming call pipeline. Wrapped it in a " + "NativeIoExceptionWrapper so that it maps to a 503 and provides a usable stack trace " + "in the logs.", (Errors.NativeIoException) cause);
} else {
if (cause instanceof DownstreamIdleChannelTimeoutException) {
logger.debug("A channel used for downstream calls will be closed because it was idle too long. " + "This is normal behavior and does not indicate a downstream call failure: {}", cause.toString());
} else {
logger.warn("Received exception in downstream call pipeline after the call was finished. " + "Not necessarily anything to worry about but in case it helps debugging the " + "exception was: {}", cause.toString());
} finally {
// Mark the channel as broken so it will be closed and removed from the pool when it is returned.
// Release it back to the pool if possible/necessary so the pool can do its usual cleanup.
releaseChannelBackToPoolIfCallIsActive(ch, pool, callActiveHolder, "error received in downstream pipeline: " + cause.toString(), distributedSpanStackToUse, mdcContextToUse);
// No matter what the cause is we want to make sure the channel is closed. Doing this raw ch.close()
// here will catch the cases where this channel does not have an active call but still needs to be
// closed (e.g. an idle channel timeout that happens in-between calls).
// Unhook the tracing and MDC stuff from this thread now that we're done.
ChannelHandler errorHandler = new ChannelInboundHandlerAdapter() {
public void exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext downstreamCallCtx, Throwable cause) throws Exception {
public void channelInactive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
runnableWithTracingAndMdc(() -> logger.debug("Downstream channel closing. call_active={}, last_chunk_sent_downstream={}, channel_id={}", callActiveHolder.heldObject, lastChunkSentDownstreamHolder.heldObject,, distributedSpanStackToUse, mdcContextToUse).run();
// We only care if the channel was closed while the call was active.
if (callActiveHolder.heldObject)
doErrorHandlingConsumer.accept(new DownstreamChannelClosedUnexpectedlyException(ch));
// Set up the HTTP client pipeline.
ChannelPipeline p = ch.pipeline();
List<String> registeredHandlerNames = p.names();
// couldn't be removed at that time because it wasn't in the channel's eventLoop.
if (registeredHandlerNames.contains(DOWNSTREAM_IDLE_CHANNEL_TIMEOUT_HANDLER_NAME)) {
if (idleHandler != null)
if (debugChannelLifecycleLoggingEnabled && !registeredHandlerNames.contains(DEBUG_LOGGER_HANDLER_NAME)) {
// Add the channel debug logger if desired.
// Add/replace a downstream call timeout detector.
addOrReplacePipelineHandler(new DownstreamIdleChannelTimeoutHandler(downstreamCallTimeoutMillis, () -> callActiveHolder.heldObject, true, "StreamingAsyncHttpClientChannel-call-timeout", distributedSpanStackToUse, mdcContextToUse), DOWNSTREAM_CALL_TIMEOUT_HANDLER_NAME, p, registeredHandlerNames);
if (isSecureHttpsCall) {
// SSL call. Make sure we add the SSL handler if necessary.
if (!registeredHandlerNames.contains(SSL_HANDLER_NAME)) {
if (clientSslCtx == null) {
if (relaxedHttpsValidation) {
clientSslCtx = SslContextBuilder.forClient().trustManager(InsecureTrustManagerFactory.INSTANCE).build();
} else {
TrustManagerFactory tmf = TrustManagerFactory.getInstance(TrustManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm());
tmf.init((KeyStore) null);
clientSslCtx = SslContextBuilder.forClient().trustManager(tmf).build();
p.addAfter(DOWNSTREAM_CALL_TIMEOUT_HANDLER_NAME, SSL_HANDLER_NAME, clientSslCtx.newHandler(ch.alloc()));
} else {
// Not an SSL call. Remove the SSL handler if it's there.
if (registeredHandlerNames.contains(SSL_HANDLER_NAME))
// The HttpClientCodec handler deals with HTTP codec stuff so you don't have to. Set it up if it hasn't already
// been setup, and inspect it to make sure it's in a "ready to handle a new request" state. Some rare
// and currently unknown edgecases can cause us to hit this point with the HttpClientCodec in an unclean
// state, and if we barrel forward without cleaning this up the call will fail.
boolean pipelineContainsHttpClientCodec = registeredHandlerNames.contains(HTTP_CLIENT_CODEC_HANDLER_NAME);
boolean existingHttpClientCodecIsInBadState = false;
if (pipelineContainsHttpClientCodec) {
HttpClientCodec currentCodec = (HttpClientCodec) p.get(HTTP_CLIENT_CODEC_HANDLER_NAME);
int currentHttpClientCodecInboundState = determineHttpClientCodecInboundState(currentCodec);
if (currentHttpClientCodecInboundState != 0) {
runnableWithTracingAndMdc(() -> logger.warn("HttpClientCodec inbound state was not 0. It will be replaced with a fresh HttpClientCodec. " + "bad_httpclientcodec_inbound_state={}", currentHttpClientCodecInboundState), distributedSpanStackToUse, mdcContextToUse).run();
existingHttpClientCodecIsInBadState = true;
} else {
int currentHttpClientCodecOutboundState = determineHttpClientCodecOutboundState(currentCodec);
if (currentHttpClientCodecOutboundState != 0) {
runnableWithTracingAndMdc(() -> logger.warn("HttpClientCodec outbound state was not 0. It will be replaced with a fresh HttpClientCodec. " + "bad_httpclientcodec_outbound_state={}", currentHttpClientCodecOutboundState), distributedSpanStackToUse, mdcContextToUse).run();
existingHttpClientCodecIsInBadState = true;
// or replace it if it was in a bad state.
if (!pipelineContainsHttpClientCodec || existingHttpClientCodecIsInBadState) {
addOrReplacePipelineHandler(new HttpClientCodec(4096, 8192, 8192, true), HTTP_CLIENT_CODEC_HANDLER_NAME, p, registeredHandlerNames);
// Update the chunk sender handler and error handler to the newly created versions that know about the correct
// callback, dtrace info, etc to use for this request.
addOrReplacePipelineHandler(chunkSenderHandler, CHUNK_SENDER_HANDLER_NAME, p, registeredHandlerNames);
addOrReplacePipelineHandler(errorHandler, ERROR_HANDLER_NAME, p, registeredHandlerNames);
use of io.netty.handler.codec.http.DefaultHttpResponse in project asterixdb by apache.
the class HttpServerHandler method respond.
protected void respond(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, HttpVersion httpVersion, HttpResponseStatus status) {
DefaultHttpResponse response = new DefaultHttpResponse(httpVersion, status);
use of io.netty.handler.codec.http.DefaultHttpResponse in project flink by apache.
the class TaskManagerLogHandler method display.
private void display(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, HttpRequest request, String message) {
HttpResponse response = new DefaultHttpResponse(HTTP_1_1, OK);
response.headers().set(CONTENT_TYPE, "text/plain");
if (HttpHeaders.isKeepAlive(request)) {
response.headers().set(CONNECTION, HttpHeaders.Values.KEEP_ALIVE);
byte[] buf = message.getBytes(ConfigConstants.DEFAULT_CHARSET);
ByteBuf b = Unpooled.copiedBuffer(buf);
HttpHeaders.setContentLength(response, buf.length);
// write the initial line and the header.
ChannelFuture lastContentFuture = ctx.writeAndFlush(LastHttpContent.EMPTY_LAST_CONTENT);
// close the connection, if no keep-alive is needed
if (!HttpHeaders.isKeepAlive(request)) {
use of io.netty.handler.codec.http.DefaultHttpResponse in project flink by apache.
the class TaskManagerLogHandler method respondAsLeader.
* Response when running with leading JobManager.
protected void respondAsLeader(final ChannelHandlerContext ctx, final Routed routed, final ActorGateway jobManager) {
if (cache == null) {
scala.concurrent.Future<Object> portFuture = jobManager.ask(JobManagerMessages.getRequestBlobManagerPort(), timeout);
scala.concurrent.Future<BlobCache> cacheFuture = Mapper<Object, BlobCache>() {
public BlobCache checkedApply(Object result) throws IOException {
Option<String> hostOption =;
String host = hostOption.isDefined() ? hostOption.get() : "localhost";
int port = (int) result;
return new BlobCache(new InetSocketAddress(host, port), config);
}, executor);
cache = new FlinkFuture<>(cacheFuture);
final String taskManagerID = routed.pathParams().get(TaskManagersHandler.TASK_MANAGER_ID_KEY);
final HttpRequest request = routed.request();
//fetch TaskManager logs if no other process is currently doing it
if (lastRequestPending.putIfAbsent(taskManagerID, true) == null) {
try {
InstanceID instanceID = new InstanceID(StringUtils.hexStringToByte(taskManagerID));
scala.concurrent.Future<JobManagerMessages.TaskManagerInstance> scalaTaskManagerFuture = jobManager.ask(new JobManagerMessages.RequestTaskManagerInstance(instanceID), timeout).mapTo(ClassTag$.MODULE$.<JobManagerMessages.TaskManagerInstance>apply(JobManagerMessages.TaskManagerInstance.class));
Future<JobManagerMessages.TaskManagerInstance> taskManagerFuture = new FlinkFuture<>(scalaTaskManagerFuture);
Future<BlobKey> blobKeyFuture = taskManagerFuture.thenCompose(new ApplyFunction<JobManagerMessages.TaskManagerInstance, Future<BlobKey>>() {
public Future<BlobKey> apply(JobManagerMessages.TaskManagerInstance value) {
Instance taskManager = value.instance().get();
if (serveLogFile) {
return taskManager.getTaskManagerGateway().requestTaskManagerLog(timeTimeout);
} else {
return taskManager.getTaskManagerGateway().requestTaskManagerStdout(timeTimeout);
Future<String> logPathFuture = blobKeyFuture.thenCombine(cache, new BiFunction<BlobKey, BlobCache, Tuple2<BlobKey, BlobCache>>() {
public Tuple2<BlobKey, BlobCache> apply(BlobKey blobKey, BlobCache blobCache) {
return Tuple2.of(blobKey, blobCache);
}).thenComposeAsync(new ApplyFunction<Tuple2<BlobKey, BlobCache>, Future<String>>() {
public Future<String> apply(Tuple2<BlobKey, BlobCache> value) {
final BlobKey blobKey = value.f0;
final BlobCache blobCache = value.f1;
//delete previous log file, if it is different than the current one
HashMap<String, BlobKey> lastSubmittedFile = serveLogFile ? lastSubmittedLog : lastSubmittedStdout;
if (lastSubmittedFile.containsKey(taskManagerID)) {
if (!blobKey.equals(lastSubmittedFile.get(taskManagerID))) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
return FlinkCompletableFuture.completedExceptionally(new Exception("Could not delete file for " + taskManagerID + '.', e));
lastSubmittedFile.put(taskManagerID, blobKey);
} else {
lastSubmittedFile.put(taskManagerID, blobKey);
try {
return FlinkCompletableFuture.completed(blobCache.getURL(blobKey).getFile());
} catch (IOException e) {
return FlinkCompletableFuture.completedExceptionally(new Exception("Could not retrieve blob for " + blobKey + '.', e));
}, executor);
logPathFuture.exceptionally(new ApplyFunction<Throwable, Void>() {
public Void apply(Throwable failure) {
display(ctx, request, "Fetching TaskManager log failed.");
LOG.error("Fetching TaskManager log failed.", failure);
return null;
logPathFuture.thenAccept(new AcceptFunction<String>() {
public void accept(String filePath) {
File file = new File(filePath);
final RandomAccessFile raf;
try {
raf = new RandomAccessFile(file, "r");
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
display(ctx, request, "Displaying TaskManager log failed.");
LOG.error("Displaying TaskManager log failed.", e);
long fileLength;
try {
fileLength = raf.length();
} catch (IOException ioe) {
display(ctx, request, "Displaying TaskManager log failed.");
LOG.error("Displaying TaskManager log failed.", ioe);
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error("Could not close random access file.", e);
final FileChannel fc = raf.getChannel();
HttpResponse response = new DefaultHttpResponse(HTTP_1_1, OK);
response.headers().set(CONTENT_TYPE, "text/plain");
if (HttpHeaders.isKeepAlive(request)) {
response.headers().set(CONNECTION, HttpHeaders.Values.KEEP_ALIVE);
HttpHeaders.setContentLength(response, fileLength);
// write the initial line and the header.
// write the content.
ChannelFuture lastContentFuture;
final GenericFutureListener<io.netty.util.concurrent.Future<? super Void>> completionListener = new GenericFutureListener<io.netty.util.concurrent.Future<? super Void>>() {
public void operationComplete(io.netty.util.concurrent.Future<? super Void> future) throws Exception {
if (ctx.pipeline().get(SslHandler.class) == null) {
ctx.write(new DefaultFileRegion(fc, 0, fileLength), ctx.newProgressivePromise()).addListener(completionListener);
lastContentFuture = ctx.writeAndFlush(LastHttpContent.EMPTY_LAST_CONTENT);
} else {
try {
lastContentFuture = ctx.writeAndFlush(new HttpChunkedInput(new ChunkedFile(raf, 0, fileLength, 8192)), ctx.newProgressivePromise()).addListener(completionListener);
} catch (IOException e) {
display(ctx, request, "Displaying TaskManager log failed.");
LOG.warn("Could not write http data.", e);
// HttpChunkedInput will write the end marker (LastHttpContent) for us.
// close the connection, if no keep-alive is needed
if (!HttpHeaders.isKeepAlive(request)) {
} catch (Exception e) {
display(ctx, request, "Error: " + e.getMessage());
LOG.error("Fetching TaskManager log failed.", e);
} else {
display(ctx, request, "loading...");
use of io.netty.handler.codec.http.DefaultHttpResponse in project flink by apache.
the class StaticFileServerHandler method respondAsLeader.
* Response when running with leading JobManager.
private void respondAsLeader(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, HttpRequest request, String requestPath) throws IOException, ParseException, URISyntaxException {
// convert to absolute path
final File file = new File(rootPath, requestPath);
if (!file.exists()) {
// file does not exist. Try to load it with the classloader
ClassLoader cl = StaticFileServerHandler.class.getClassLoader();
try (InputStream resourceStream = cl.getResourceAsStream("web" + requestPath)) {
boolean success = false;
try {
if (resourceStream != null) {
URL root = cl.getResource("web");
URL requested = cl.getResource("web" + requestPath);
if (root != null && requested != null) {
URI rootURI = new URI(root.getPath()).normalize();
URI requestedURI = new URI(requested.getPath()).normalize();
// expected scope.
if (!rootURI.relativize(requestedURI).equals(requestedURI)) {
logger.debug("Loading missing file from classloader: {}", requestPath);
// ensure that directory to file exists.
Files.copy(resourceStream, file.toPath());
success = true;
} catch (Throwable t) {
logger.error("error while responding", t);
} finally {
if (!success) {
logger.debug("Unable to load requested file {} from classloader", requestPath);
sendError(ctx, NOT_FOUND);
if (!file.exists() || file.isHidden() || file.isDirectory() || !file.isFile()) {
sendError(ctx, NOT_FOUND);
if (!file.getCanonicalFile().toPath().startsWith(rootPath.toPath())) {
sendError(ctx, NOT_FOUND);
// cache validation
final String ifModifiedSince = request.headers().get(IF_MODIFIED_SINCE);
if (ifModifiedSince != null && !ifModifiedSince.isEmpty()) {
SimpleDateFormat dateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat(HTTP_DATE_FORMAT, Locale.US);
Date ifModifiedSinceDate = dateFormatter.parse(ifModifiedSince);
// Only compare up to the second because the datetime format we send to the client
// does not have milliseconds
long ifModifiedSinceDateSeconds = ifModifiedSinceDate.getTime() / 1000;
long fileLastModifiedSeconds = file.lastModified() / 1000;
if (ifModifiedSinceDateSeconds == fileLastModifiedSeconds) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Responding 'NOT MODIFIED' for file '" + file.getAbsolutePath() + '\'');
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Responding with file '" + file.getAbsolutePath() + '\'');
// Don't need to close this manually. Netty's DefaultFileRegion will take care of it.
final RandomAccessFile raf;
try {
raf = new RandomAccessFile(file, "r");
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
sendError(ctx, NOT_FOUND);
long fileLength = raf.length();
HttpResponse response = new DefaultHttpResponse(HTTP_1_1, OK);
setContentTypeHeader(response, file);
// since the log and out files are rapidly changing, we don't want to browser to cache them
if (!(requestPath.contains("log") || requestPath.contains("out"))) {
setDateAndCacheHeaders(response, file);
if (HttpHeaders.isKeepAlive(request)) {
response.headers().set(CONNECTION, HttpHeaders.Values.KEEP_ALIVE);
HttpHeaders.setContentLength(response, fileLength);
// write the initial line and the header.
// write the content.
ChannelFuture lastContentFuture;
if (ctx.pipeline().get(SslHandler.class) == null) {
ctx.write(new DefaultFileRegion(raf.getChannel(), 0, fileLength), ctx.newProgressivePromise());
lastContentFuture = ctx.writeAndFlush(LastHttpContent.EMPTY_LAST_CONTENT);
} else {
lastContentFuture = ctx.writeAndFlush(new HttpChunkedInput(new ChunkedFile(raf, 0, fileLength, 8192)), ctx.newProgressivePromise());
// HttpChunkedInput will write the end marker (LastHttpContent) for us.
// close the connection, if no keep-alive is needed
if (!HttpHeaders.isKeepAlive(request)) {