use of io.netty.handler.codec.http2.Http2ConnectionEncoder in project netty by netty.
the class HttpToHttp2ConnectionHandler method write.
* Handles conversion of {@link HttpMessage} and {@link HttpContent} to HTTP/2 frames.
public void write(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg, ChannelPromise promise) {
if (!(msg instanceof HttpMessage || msg instanceof HttpContent)) {
ctx.write(msg, promise);
boolean release = true;
SimpleChannelPromiseAggregator promiseAggregator = new SimpleChannelPromiseAggregator(promise,, ctx.executor());
try {
Http2ConnectionEncoder encoder = encoder();
boolean endStream = false;
if (msg instanceof HttpMessage) {
final HttpMessage httpMsg = (HttpMessage) msg;
// Provide the user the opportunity to specify the streamId
currentStreamId = getStreamId(httpMsg.headers());
// Convert and write the headers.
Http2Headers http2Headers = HttpConversionUtil.toHttp2Headers(httpMsg, validateHeaders);
endStream = msg instanceof FullHttpMessage && !((FullHttpMessage) msg).content().isReadable();
writeHeaders(ctx, encoder, currentStreamId, httpMsg.headers(), http2Headers, endStream, promiseAggregator);
if (!endStream && msg instanceof HttpContent) {
boolean isLastContent = false;
HttpHeaders trailers = EmptyHttpHeaders.INSTANCE;
Http2Headers http2Trailers = EmptyHttp2Headers.INSTANCE;
if (msg instanceof LastHttpContent) {
isLastContent = true;
// Convert any trailing headers.
final LastHttpContent lastContent = (LastHttpContent) msg;
trailers = lastContent.trailingHeaders();
http2Trailers = HttpConversionUtil.toHttp2Headers(trailers, validateHeaders);
// Write the data
final ByteBuf content = ((HttpContent) msg).content();
endStream = isLastContent && trailers.isEmpty();
release = false;
encoder.writeData(ctx, currentStreamId, content, 0, endStream, promiseAggregator.newPromise());
if (!trailers.isEmpty()) {
// Write trailing headers.
writeHeaders(ctx, encoder, currentStreamId, trailers, http2Trailers, true, promiseAggregator);
} catch (Throwable t) {
onError(ctx, t);
} finally {
if (release) {