use of in project pravega by pravega.
the class RetentionTest method retentionTest.
private CompletableFuture<Void> retentionTest(String streamName, boolean sizeBased) throws Exception {
return CompletableFuture.runAsync(() -> {
final ClientConfig clientConfig = Utils.buildClientConfig(controllerURI);
@Cleanup ConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new SocketConnectionFactoryImpl(clientConfig);
ControllerImpl controller = new ControllerImpl(ControllerImplConfig.builder().clientConfig(clientConfig).build(), connectionFactory.getInternalExecutor());
@Cleanup ClientFactoryImpl clientFactory = new ClientFactoryImpl(SCOPE, controller, connectionFactory);"Invoking Writer test with Controller URI: {}", controllerURI);
// create a writer
@Cleanup EventStreamWriter<Serializable> writer = clientFactory.createEventWriter(streamName, new JavaSerializer<>(), EventWriterConfig.builder().build());
// write an event
String writeEvent = "event";
if (sizeBased) {
// since truncation always happens at an event boundary, for size based, we will write two events,
// so that truncation can happen at the first event.
log.debug("Writing event: {} ", writeEvent);
// sleep for 5 mins -- retention frequency is set to 2 minutes. So in 5 minutes we should definitely have
// 2 retention cycles, with a stream cut being computed in first cycle and truncation happening on the
// previously computed streamcut in second cycle.
// for time based retention, we wrote one event, which would get truncated.
// for size based retention we wrote two events such that stream would retain at least 1 byte as prescribed by
// the policy
Exceptions.handleInterrupted(() -> Thread.sleep(5 * 60 * 1000));
// create a reader
ReaderGroupManager groupManager = ReaderGroupManager.withScope(SCOPE, clientConfig);
String groupName = READER_GROUP + streamName;
groupManager.createReaderGroup(groupName, ReaderGroupConfig.builder().disableAutomaticCheckpoints().stream(Stream.of(SCOPE, streamName)).build());
EventStreamReader<String> reader = clientFactory.createReader(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), groupName, new JavaSerializer<>(), ReaderConfig.builder().build());
if (sizeBased) {
// we should read one write event back from the stream.
String event = reader.readNextEvent(6000).getEvent();
assertEquals(event, writeEvent);
// verify reader functionality is unaffected post truncation
String event = "newEvent";
writer.writeEvent(event);"Writing event: {}", event);
Assert.assertEquals(event, reader.readNextEvent(6000).getEvent());
log.debug("The stream is already truncated.Simple retention test passed.");
use of in project pravega by pravega.
the class AutoScaleTest method scaleUpTest.
* Invoke the simple scale up Test, produce traffic from multiple writers in parallel.
* The test will periodically check if a scale event has occurred by talking to controller via
* controller client.
* @throws InterruptedException if interrupted
* @throws URISyntaxException If URI is invalid
private CompletableFuture<Void> scaleUpTest() {
ClientFactoryImpl clientFactory = getClientFactory();
ControllerImpl controller = getController();
final AtomicBoolean exit = new AtomicBoolean(false);
createWriters(clientFactory, 6, SCOPE, SCALE_UP_STREAM_NAME);
// overall wait for test to complete in 260 seconds (4.2 minutes) or scale up, whichever happens first.
return Retry.withExpBackoff(10, 10, 30, Duration.ofSeconds(10).toMillis()).retryingOn(ScaleOperationNotDoneException.class).throwingOn(RuntimeException.class).runAsync(() -> controller.getCurrentSegments(SCOPE, SCALE_UP_STREAM_NAME).thenAccept(x -> {
log.debug("size ==" + x.getSegments().size());
if (x.getSegments().size() == 1) {
throw new ScaleOperationNotDoneException();
} else {"scale up done successfully");
}), scaleExecutorService);
use of in project pravega by pravega.
the class MultiReaderTxnWriterWithFailoverTest method setup.
public void setup() {
// Get zk details to verify if controller, SSS are running
Service zkService = Utils.createZookeeperService();
List<URI> zkUris = zkService.getServiceDetails();
log.debug("Zookeeper service details: {}", zkUris);
// get the zk ip details and pass it to host, controller
URI zkUri = zkUris.get(0);
// Verify controller is running.
controllerInstance = Utils.createPravegaControllerService(zkUri);
List<URI> conURIs = controllerInstance.getServiceDetails();"Pravega Controller service instance details: {}", conURIs);
// Fetch all the RPC endpoints and construct the client URIs.
final List<String> uris =;
controllerURIDirect = URI.create((Utils.TLS_AND_AUTH_ENABLED ? TLS : TCP) + String.join(",", uris));"Controller Service direct URI: {}", controllerURIDirect);
// Verify segment store is running.
segmentStoreInstance = Utils.createPravegaSegmentStoreService(zkUri, controllerURIDirect);
assertTrue(segmentStoreInstance.isRunning());"Pravega Segmentstore service instance details: {}", segmentStoreInstance.getServiceDetails());
// executor service
executorService = ExecutorServiceHelpers.newScheduledThreadPool(NUM_READERS + NUM_WRITERS + 2, "MultiReaderTxnWriterWithFailoverTest-main");
controllerExecutorService = ExecutorServiceHelpers.newScheduledThreadPool(2, "MultiReaderTxnWriterWithFailoverTest-controller");
final ClientConfig clientConfig = Utils.buildClientConfig(controllerURIDirect);
// get Controller Uri
controller = new ControllerImpl(ControllerImplConfig.builder().clientConfig(clientConfig).maxBackoffMillis(5000).build(), controllerExecutorService);
testState = new TestState(true);
// read and write count variables
streamManager = new StreamManagerImpl(clientConfig);
createScopeAndStream(scope, STREAM_NAME, config, streamManager);"Scope passed to client factory {}", scope);
clientFactory = new ClientFactoryImpl(scope, controller, new SocketConnectionFactoryImpl(clientConfig));
readerGroupManager = ReaderGroupManager.withScope(scope, clientConfig);
use of in project pravega by pravega.
the class OffsetTruncationTest method offsetTruncationTest.
* This test verifies that truncation works specifying an offset that applies to multiple segments. To this end,
* the test first writes a set of events on a Stream (with multiple segments) and truncates it at a specified offset
* (truncatedEvents). The tests asserts that readers first get a TruncatedDataException as they are attempting to
* read a truncated segment, and then they only read the remaining events that have not been truncated.
public void offsetTruncationTest() {
final int totalEvents = 200;
final int truncatedEvents = 50;
final ClientConfig clientConfig = Utils.buildClientConfig(controllerURI);
@Cleanup ConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new SocketConnectionFactoryImpl(clientConfig);
ControllerImpl controller = new ControllerImpl(ControllerImplConfig.builder().clientConfig(clientConfig).build(), connectionFactory.getInternalExecutor());
@Cleanup ClientFactoryImpl clientFactory = new ClientFactoryImpl(SCOPE, controller, connectionFactory);"Invoking offsetTruncationTest test with Controller URI: {}", controllerURI);
@Cleanup ReaderGroupManager groupManager = ReaderGroupManager.withScope(SCOPE, clientConfig);
groupManager.createReaderGroup(READER_GROUP, ReaderGroupConfig.builder().stream(Stream.of(SCOPE, STREAM)).build());
@Cleanup ReaderGroup readerGroup = groupManager.getReaderGroup(READER_GROUP);
// Write events to the Stream.
writeEvents(clientFactory, STREAM, totalEvents);
// Instantiate readers to consume from Stream up to truncatedEvents.
List<CompletableFuture<Integer>> futures = readEventFutures(clientFactory, READER_GROUP, PARALLELISM, truncatedEvents);
// Ensure that we have read all the events required before initiating the checkpoint.
assertEquals("Number of events read is not the expected one.", (Integer) truncatedEvents, -> Futures.getAndHandleExceptions(f, RuntimeException::new)).reduce(Integer::sum).get());
// Perform truncation on stream segment.
Checkpoint cp = readerGroup.initiateCheckpoint("truncationCheckpoint", executor).join();
StreamCut streamCut = cp.asImpl().getPositions().values().iterator().next();
StreamCut alternativeStreamCut = readerGroup.generateStreamCuts(executor).join().get(Stream.of(SCOPE, STREAM));
assertEquals("StreamCuts for reader group differ depending on how they are generated.", streamCut, alternativeStreamCut);
assertTrue(streamManager.truncateStream(SCOPE, STREAM, streamCut));
// Just after the truncation, read events from the offset defined in truncate call onwards.
final String newGroupName = READER_GROUP + "new";
groupManager.createReaderGroup(newGroupName, ReaderGroupConfig.builder().stream(Stream.of(SCOPE, STREAM)).build());
futures = readEventFutures(clientFactory, newGroupName, PARALLELISM);
assertEquals("Expected read events: ", totalEvents - truncatedEvents, (int);
log.debug("The stream has been successfully truncated at event {}. Offset truncation test passed.", truncatedEvents);
use of in project pravega by pravega.
the class ReadTxnWriteScaleWithFailoverTest method setup.
public void setup() {
// Get zk details to verify if controller, segmentstore are running
Service zkService = Utils.createZookeeperService();
List<URI> zkUris = zkService.getServiceDetails();
log.debug("Zookeeper service details: {}", zkUris);
// get the zk ip details and pass it to host, controller
URI zkUri = zkUris.get(0);
// Verify controller is running.
controllerInstance = Utils.createPravegaControllerService(zkUri);
List<URI> conURIs = controllerInstance.getServiceDetails();"Pravega Controller service instance details: {}", conURIs);
// Fetch all the RPC endpoints and construct the client URIs.
final List<String> uris =;
controllerURIDirect = URI.create((Utils.TLS_AND_AUTH_ENABLED ? TLS : TCP) + String.join(",", uris));"Controller Service direct URI: {}", controllerURIDirect);
// Verify segment store is running.
segmentStoreInstance = Utils.createPravegaSegmentStoreService(zkUri, controllerURIDirect);
assertTrue(segmentStoreInstance.isRunning());"Pravega Segmentstore service instance details: {}", segmentStoreInstance.getServiceDetails());
// num. of readers + num. of writers + 1 to run checkScale operation
executorService = ExecutorServiceHelpers.newScheduledThreadPool(NUM_READERS + NUM_WRITERS + 1, "ReadTxnWriteScaleWithFailoverTest-main");
controllerExecutorService = ExecutorServiceHelpers.newScheduledThreadPool(2, "ReadTxnWriteScaleWithFailoverTest-controller");
ClientConfig clientConfig = Utils.buildClientConfig(controllerURIDirect);
// get Controller Uri
controller = new ControllerImpl(ControllerImplConfig.builder().clientConfig(clientConfig).maxBackoffMillis(5000).build(), controllerExecutorService);
testState = new TestState(true);
streamManager = new StreamManagerImpl(clientConfig);
createScopeAndStream(scope, stream, config, streamManager);"Scope passed to client factory {}", scope);
clientFactory = new ClientFactoryImpl(scope, controller, clientConfig);
readerGroupManager = ReaderGroupManager.withScope(scope, clientConfig);