use of in project pravega by pravega.
the class WatermarkWorkflowTest method testWatermarkClient.
@Test(timeout = 10000L)
public void testWatermarkClient() {
Stream stream = new StreamImpl("scope", "stream");
SynchronizerClientFactory clientFactory = spy(SynchronizerClientFactory.class);
@Cleanup MockRevisionedStreamClient revisionedClient = new MockRevisionedStreamClient();
doAnswer(x -> revisionedClient).when(clientFactory).createRevisionedStreamClient(anyString(), any(), any());
@Cleanup PeriodicWatermarking.WatermarkClient client = new PeriodicWatermarking.WatermarkClient(stream, clientFactory);
// iteration 1 ==> null -> w1
// There is no watermark in the stream. All values should be null and all writers active and participating.
assertEquals(revisionedClient.getMark(), MockRevision.EMPTY);
assertEquals(client.getPreviousWatermark(), Watermark.EMPTY);
Map.Entry<String, WriterMark> entry0 = new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>("writerId", new WriterMark(0L, ImmutableMap.of()));
Map.Entry<String, WriterMark> entry1 = new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>("writerId", new WriterMark(1L, ImmutableMap.of()));
Map.Entry<String, WriterMark> entry2 = new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>("writerId", new WriterMark(2L, ImmutableMap.of()));
Map.Entry<String, WriterMark> entry3 = new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>("writerId", new WriterMark(3L, ImmutableMap.of()));
Map.Entry<String, WriterMark> entry4 = new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>("writerId", new WriterMark(4L, ImmutableMap.of()));
Map.Entry<String, WriterMark> entry5 = new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>("writerId", new WriterMark(5L, ImmutableMap.of()));
assertTrue(client.isWriterActive(entry0, 0L));
Watermark first = new Watermark(1L, 2L, ImmutableMap.of());
// iteration 2 : do not emit ==> w1 -> w1
// There is one watermark. All writers should be active and writers greater than last watermark should be participating
assertEquals(revisionedClient.getMark(), MockRevision.EMPTY);
assertEquals(revisionedClient.watermarks.size(), 1);
assertEquals(client.getPreviousWatermark(), first);
assertTrue(client.isWriterActive(entry2, 0L));
assertFalse(client.isWriterActive(entry1, 0L));
// dont emit a watermark. Everything stays same as before.
// iteration 3 : emit ==> w1 -> w1 w2
// There is one watermark. All writers should be active and writers greater than last watermark should be participating
assertEquals(revisionedClient.getMark(), MockRevision.EMPTY);
assertEquals(revisionedClient.watermarks.size(), 1);
assertEquals(client.getPreviousWatermark(), first);
assertTrue(client.isWriterActive(entry2, 0L));
// emit second watermark
Watermark second = new Watermark(2L, 3L, ImmutableMap.of());
// iteration 4: do not emit ==> w1 w2 -> w1 w2
assertEquals(revisionedClient.getMark(), revisionedClient.watermarks.get(0).getKey());
assertEquals(2, revisionedClient.watermarks.size());
assertEquals(client.getPreviousWatermark(), second);
assertFalse(client.isWriterActive(entry2, 0L));
assertTrue(client.isWriterActive(entry3, 0L));
assertTrue(client.isWriterActive(entry0, 1000L));
// dont emit a watermark but complete this iteration.
// iteration 6: emit ==> w1 w2 -> w1 w2 w3
assertEquals(revisionedClient.getMark(), revisionedClient.watermarks.get(0).getKey());
assertEquals(2, revisionedClient.watermarks.size());
assertEquals(client.getPreviousWatermark(), second);
assertTrue(client.isWriterActive(entry3, 0L));
// emit third watermark
Watermark third = new Watermark(3L, 4L, ImmutableMap.of());
// iteration 7: do not emit ==> w1 w2 w3 -> w1 w2 w3
// active writers should be ahead of first watermark. participating writers should be ahead of second watermark
assertEquals(revisionedClient.getMark(), revisionedClient.watermarks.get(1).getKey());
assertEquals(3, revisionedClient.watermarks.size());
assertEquals(client.getPreviousWatermark(), third);
assertFalse(client.isWriterActive(entry3, 0L));
assertTrue(client.isWriterActive(entry4, 0L));
// iteration 8 : emit ==> w2 w3 -> w2 w3 w4
assertEquals(revisionedClient.getMark(), revisionedClient.watermarks.get(1).getKey());
// window = w2 w3
assertEquals(revisionedClient.watermarks.size(), 3);
assertEquals(client.getPreviousWatermark(), third);
assertFalse(client.isWriterActive(entry3, 0L));
assertTrue(client.isWriterActive(entry4, 0L));
// emit fourth watermark
Watermark fourth = new Watermark(4L, 5L, ImmutableMap.of());
// iteration 9: do not emit ==> w1 w2 w3 w4 -> w1 w2 w3 w4.. check writer timeout
assertEquals(revisionedClient.getMark(), revisionedClient.watermarks.get(2).getKey());
assertEquals(revisionedClient.watermarks.size(), 4);
assertEquals(client.getPreviousWatermark(), fourth);
assertFalse(client.isWriterActive(entry3, 0L));
// verify that writer is active if we specify a higher timeout
assertTrue(client.isWriterActive(entry1, 1000L));
// now that the writer is being tracked
assertFalse(Futures.delayedTask(() -> client.isWriterActive(entry1, 1L), Duration.ofSeconds(1), executor).join());
// dont emit a watermark but complete this iteration. This should shrink the window again.
// iteration 10
assertEquals(revisionedClient.getMark(), revisionedClient.watermarks.get(2).getKey());
assertEquals(revisionedClient.watermarks.size(), 4);
assertEquals(client.getPreviousWatermark(), fourth);
assertFalse(client.isWriterActive(entry4, 0L));
assertTrue(client.isWriterActive(entry5, 0L));
use of in project pravega by pravega.
the class WatermarkWorkflowTest method testWatermarkingWorkflow.
@Test(timeout = 30000L)
public void testWatermarkingWorkflow() {
SynchronizerClientFactory clientFactory = spy(SynchronizerClientFactory.class);
ConcurrentHashMap<String, MockRevisionedStreamClient> revisionedStreamClientMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
doAnswer(x -> {
String streamName = x.getArgument(0);
return revisionedStreamClientMap.compute(streamName, (s, rsc) -> {
if (rsc != null) {
return rsc;
} else {
return new MockRevisionedStreamClient();
}).when(clientFactory).createRevisionedStreamClient(anyString(), any(), any());
@Cleanup PeriodicWatermarking periodicWatermarking = new PeriodicWatermarking(streamMetadataStore, bucketStore, sp -> clientFactory, executor, new RequestTracker(false));
String streamName = "stream";
String scope = "scope";
streamMetadataStore.createScope(scope, null, executor).join();
streamMetadataStore.createStream(scope, streamName, StreamConfiguration.builder().scalingPolicy(ScalingPolicy.fixed(3)).timestampAggregationTimeout(10000L).build(), System.currentTimeMillis(), null, executor).join();
streamMetadataStore.setState(scope, streamName, State.ACTIVE, null, executor).join();
// set minimum number of segments to 1
StreamConfiguration config = StreamConfiguration.builder().scalingPolicy(ScalingPolicy.fixed(1)).timestampAggregationTimeout(10000L).build();
streamMetadataStore.startUpdateConfiguration(scope, streamName, config, null, executor).join();
VersionedMetadata<StreamConfigurationRecord> configRecord = streamMetadataStore.getConfigurationRecord(scope, streamName, null, executor).join();
streamMetadataStore.completeUpdateConfiguration(scope, streamName, configRecord, null, executor).join();
// 2. note writer1, writer2, writer3 marks
// writer 1 reports segments 0, 1.
// writer 2 reports segments 1, 2,
// writer 3 reports segment 0, 2
String writer1 = "writer1";
Map<Long, Long> map1 = ImmutableMap.of(0L, 100L, 1L, 200L);
streamMetadataStore.noteWriterMark(scope, streamName, writer1, 100L, map1, null, executor).join();
String writer2 = "writer2";
Map<Long, Long> map2 = ImmutableMap.of(1L, 100L, 2L, 200L);
streamMetadataStore.noteWriterMark(scope, streamName, writer2, 101L, map2, null, executor).join();
String writer3 = "writer3";
Map<Long, Long> map3 = ImmutableMap.of(2L, 100L, 0L, 200L);
streamMetadataStore.noteWriterMark(scope, streamName, writer3, 102L, map3, null, executor).join();
// 3. run watermarking workflow.
StreamImpl stream = new StreamImpl(scope, streamName);
// verify that a watermark has been emitted.
// this should emit a watermark that contains all three segments with offsets = 200L
// and timestamp = 100L
MockRevisionedStreamClient revisionedClient = revisionedStreamClientMap.get(NameUtils.getMarkStreamForStream(streamName));
assertEquals(revisionedClient.watermarks.size(), 1);
Watermark watermark = revisionedClient.watermarks.get(0).getValue();
assertEquals(watermark.getLowerTimeBound(), 100L);
assertEquals(watermark.getStreamCut().size(), 3);
assertEquals(getSegmentOffset(watermark, 0L), 200L);
assertEquals(getSegmentOffset(watermark, 1L), 200L);
assertEquals(getSegmentOffset(watermark, 2L), 200L);
// send positions only on segment 1 and segment 2. nothing on segment 0.
map1 = ImmutableMap.of(1L, 300L);
streamMetadataStore.noteWriterMark(scope, streamName, writer1, 200L, map1, null, executor).join();
map2 = ImmutableMap.of(1L, 100L, 2L, 300L);
streamMetadataStore.noteWriterMark(scope, streamName, writer2, 201L, map2, null, executor).join();
map3 = ImmutableMap.of(2L, 300L);
streamMetadataStore.noteWriterMark(scope, streamName, writer3, 202L, map3, null, executor).join();
// run watermark workflow. this will emit a watermark with time = 200L and streamcut = 0 -> 200L, 1 -> 300L, 2 -> 300L
assertEquals(revisionedClient.watermarks.size(), 2);
watermark = revisionedClient.watermarks.get(1).getValue();
assertEquals(watermark.getLowerTimeBound(), 200L);
assertEquals(watermark.getStreamCut().size(), 3);
assertEquals(getSegmentOffset(watermark, 0L), 200L);
assertEquals(getSegmentOffset(watermark, 1L), 300L);
assertEquals(getSegmentOffset(watermark, 2L), 300L);
// scale stream 0, 1, 2 -> 3, 4
scaleStream(streamName, scope);
// writer 1 reports segments 0, 1.
// writer 2 reports segments 1, 2
// writer 3 reports segment 3
map1 = ImmutableMap.of(0L, 300L, 1L, 400L);
streamMetadataStore.noteWriterMark(scope, streamName, writer1, 302L, map1, null, executor).join();
map2 = ImmutableMap.of(1L, 100L, 2L, 400L);
streamMetadataStore.noteWriterMark(scope, streamName, writer2, 301L, map2, null, executor).join();
long segment3 = NameUtils.computeSegmentId(3, 1);
long segment4 = NameUtils.computeSegmentId(4, 1);
map3 = ImmutableMap.of(segment3, 100L);
// writer 3 has lowest reported time.
streamMetadataStore.noteWriterMark(scope, streamName, writer3, 300L, map3, null, executor).join();
// run watermark workflow. this will emit a watermark with time = 300L and streamcut = 3 -> 100L, 4 -> 0L
assertEquals(revisionedClient.watermarks.size(), 3);
watermark = revisionedClient.watermarks.get(2).getValue();
assertEquals(watermark.getLowerTimeBound(), 300L);
assertEquals(watermark.getStreamCut().size(), 2);
assertEquals(getSegmentOffset(watermark, segment3), 100L);
assertEquals(getSegmentOffset(watermark, segment4), 0L);
// report complete positions from writers.
// writer 1 reports 0, 1, 2
// writer 2 reports 0, 1, 2
// writer 3 doesnt report.
map1 = ImmutableMap.of(0L, 400L, 1L, 400L);
streamMetadataStore.noteWriterMark(scope, streamName, writer1, 400L, map1, null, executor).join();
map2 = ImmutableMap.of(1L, 100L, 2L, 400L);
streamMetadataStore.noteWriterMark(scope, streamName, writer2, 401L, map2, null, executor).join();
// run watermark workflow. there shouldn't be a watermark emitted because writer 3 is active and has not reported a time.
assertEquals(revisionedClient.watermarks.size(), 3);
// even though writer3 is excluded from computation, its mark is still not removed because it is still active
WriterMark writer3Mark = streamMetadataStore.getWriterMark(scope, streamName, writer3, null, executor).join();
assertEquals(writer3Mark.getTimestamp(), 300L);
// report shutdown of writer 3
streamMetadataStore.shutdownWriter(scope, streamName, writer3, null, executor).join();
writer3Mark = streamMetadataStore.getWriterMark(scope, streamName, writer3, null, executor).join();
assertEquals(writer3Mark.getTimestamp(), 300L);
// now a watermark should be generated. Time should be advanced. But watermark's stream cut is already ahead of writer's
// positions so stream cut should not advance.
// Also writer 3 being inactive and shutdown, should be removed.
assertEquals(revisionedClient.watermarks.size(), 4);
watermark = revisionedClient.watermarks.get(3).getValue();
assertEquals(watermark.getLowerTimeBound(), 400L);
assertEquals(watermark.getStreamCut().size(), 2);
assertEquals(getSegmentOffset(watermark, segment3), 100L);
assertEquals(getSegmentOffset(watermark, segment4), 0L);
AssertExtensions.assertFutureThrows("Writer 3 should have been removed from store", streamMetadataStore.getWriterMark(scope, streamName, writer3, null, executor), e -> Exceptions.unwrap(e) instanceof StoreException.DataNotFoundException);
// writer 1, 2 and 3 report marks. With writer 3 reporting mark on segment 4. Writer3 will get added again
map1 = ImmutableMap.of(0L, 500L, 1L, 500L);
streamMetadataStore.noteWriterMark(scope, streamName, writer1, 500L, map1, null, executor).join();
map2 = ImmutableMap.of(1L, 100L, 2L, 500L);
streamMetadataStore.noteWriterMark(scope, streamName, writer2, 501L, map2, null, executor).join();
map3 = ImmutableMap.of(segment4, 500L);
streamMetadataStore.noteWriterMark(scope, streamName, writer3, 502L, map3, null, executor).join();
// run watermarking workflow. It should generate watermark that includes segments 3 -> 100L and 4 -> 500L with time 500L
assertEquals(revisionedClient.watermarks.size(), 5);
watermark = revisionedClient.watermarks.get(4).getValue();
assertEquals(watermark.getLowerTimeBound(), 500L);
assertEquals(watermark.getStreamCut().size(), 2);
assertEquals(getSegmentOffset(watermark, segment3), 100L);
assertEquals(getSegmentOffset(watermark, segment4), 500L);
use of in project pravega by pravega.
the class ControllerServiceTest method getSegmentsAtTime.
private static void getSegmentsAtTime(Controller controller, final String scope, final String streamName) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
CompletableFuture<Map<Segment, Long>> segments = controller.getSegmentsAtTime(new StreamImpl(scope, streamName), System.currentTimeMillis());
assertFalse("FAILURE: Fetching positions at given time stamp failed", segments.get().isEmpty());
use of in project pravega by pravega.
the class ControllerServiceTest method getSegmentsBeforeCreation.
private static void getSegmentsBeforeCreation(Controller controller, final String scope, final String streamName) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
CompletableFuture<Map<Segment, Long>> segments = controller.getSegmentsAtTime(new StreamImpl(scope, streamName), System.currentTimeMillis() - 36000);
assertFalse("FAILURE: Fetching positions at given time before stream creation failed", segments.get().size() == 1);
use of in project pravega by pravega.
the class LargeEventTest method testReadWriteScaleStreamSeal.
* Tests that if a Stream is sealed no data will continue to be produced by the {@link}
@Test(timeout = 60000)
public void testReadWriteScaleStreamSeal() throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException, TimeoutException {
String readerGroupName = "testLargeEventScaleStreamSealReaderGroup";
String streamName = "ScaleStreamSeal";
StreamConfiguration config = StreamConfiguration.builder().retentionPolicy(RetentionPolicy.bySizeBytes(Long.MAX_VALUE)).build();
createScopeStream(SCOPE_NAME, streamName, config);
AtomicInteger generation = new AtomicInteger(0);
// Creates some data to write.
int events = 1;
Map<Integer, List<ByteBuffer>> data = generateEventData(NUM_WRITERS, events * generation.getAndIncrement(), events, LARGE_EVENT_SIZE);
merge(eventsWrittenToPravega, data);
// Perform a basic read-write cycle.
Queue<ByteBuffer> reads = readWriteCycle(streamName, readerGroupName, eventsWrittenToPravega);
validateEventReads(reads, eventsWrittenToPravega);
// Define the scale operation.
Runnable scale = () -> {
Stream stream = new StreamImpl(SCOPE_NAME, streamName);
try {
StreamSegments segments = controller.getCurrentSegments(SCOPE_NAME, streamName).get();
List<Long> ids = segments.getSegments().stream().map(Segment::getSegmentId).collect(Collectors.toList());
controller.startScale(stream, ids, Map.of(0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0)).get();
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
// Reset reads.
// Try to scale the segment after two `send` calls.
AtomicInteger sendCount = new AtomicInteger(0);
Supplier<Boolean> predicate = () -> sendCount.getAndIncrement() == CLOSE_WRITE_COUNT;
AtomicReference<Boolean> latch = new AtomicReference<>(true);
try (ConnectionExporter connectionFactory = new ConnectionExporter(ClientConfig.builder().build(), latch, scale, predicate);
ClientFactoryImpl clientFactory = new ClientFactoryImpl(SCOPE_NAME, controller, connectionFactory);
ReaderGroupManager readerGroupManager = new ReaderGroupManagerImpl(SCOPE_NAME, controller, clientFactory)) {
// Next set of writes.
data = generateEventData(NUM_WRITERS, events * generation.getAndIncrement(), events, LARGE_EVENT_SIZE);
merge(eventsWrittenToPravega, data);
// Start writing events to the stream.
val writers = createEventWriters(streamName, NUM_WRITERS, clientFactory, data);
// Wait for the scale event.
TestUtils.await(() -> !latch.get(), 200, 2000);
// Create a ReaderGroup.
createReaderGroup(readerGroupName, readerGroupManager, streamName);
// Create Readers.
val readers = createEventReaders(NUM_READERS, clientFactory, readerGroupName, eventsReadFromPravega);
Futures.allOf(readers).get();"Deleting ReaderGroup: {}", readerGroupName);
StreamSegments segments = controller.getCurrentSegments(SCOPE_NAME, streamName).get();
// Make sure that the scale event has happened.
Assert.assertEquals("Expected 2 StreamSegments.", 2, segments.getSegments().size());
// This time there are successor segments, so the data should have been accepted.
validateEventReads(eventsReadFromPravega, eventsWrittenToPravega);