use of io.pravega.common.function.Callbacks in project pravega by pravega.
the class DataFrameBuilderTests method testFlush.
* Tests the flush() method.
public void testFlush() throws Exception {
// Append two records, make sure they are not flushed, close the Builder, then make sure they are flushed.
try (TestDurableDataLog dataLog = TestDurableDataLog.create(CONTAINER_ID, FRAME_SIZE, executorService())) {
ArrayList<TestLogItem> records = DataFrameTestHelpers.generateLogItems(2, SMALL_RECORD_MIN_SIZE, SMALL_RECORD_MAX_SIZE, 0);
List<DataFrameBuilder.CommitArgs> commitFrames = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<>());
BiConsumer<Throwable, DataFrameBuilder.CommitArgs> errorCallback = (ex, a) ->"Unexpected error occurred upon commit. %s", ex));
val args = new DataFrameBuilder.Args(Callbacks::doNothing, commitFrames::add, errorCallback, executorService());
@Cleanup DataFrameBuilder<TestLogItem> b = new DataFrameBuilder<>(dataLog, SERIALIZER, args);
for (TestLogItem item : records) {
// Check the correctness of the commit callback.
Assert.assertEquals("A Data Frame was generated but none was expected yet.", 0, commitFrames.size());
// Invoke flush.
// Wait for all the frames commit callbacks to be invoked.
TestUtils.await(() -> commitFrames.size() >= 1, 20, TIMEOUT.toMillis());
// Check the correctness of the commit callback (after closing the builder).
Assert.assertEquals("Exactly one Data Frame was expected so far.", 1, commitFrames.size());
// Read all entries in the Log and interpret them as DataFrames, then verify the records can be reconstructed.
val frames = dataLog.getAllEntries(readItem ->, readItem.getLength(), readItem.getAddress()));
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected number of frames generated.", commitFrames.size(), frames.size());
DataFrameTestHelpers.checkReadRecords(frames, records, r -> new ByteArraySegment(r.getFullSerialization()));