use of in project pravega by pravega.
the class ZkStreamTest method testTransaction.
@Test(timeout = 10000)
public void testTransaction() throws Exception {
final ScalingPolicy policy = ScalingPolicy.fixed(5);
final StreamMetadataStore store = new ZKStreamMetadataStore(cli, executor);
final String streamName = "testTx";
final Predicate<Throwable> operationNotAllowedPredicate = ex -> Exceptions.unwrap(ex) instanceof StoreException.IllegalStateException;
StreamConfiguration streamConfig = StreamConfiguration.builder().scope(SCOPE).streamName(streamName).scalingPolicy(policy).build();
store.createStream(SCOPE, streamName, streamConfig, System.currentTimeMillis(), null, executor).get();
store.setState(SCOPE, streamName, State.ACTIVE, null, executor).get();
OperationContext context = store.createContext(ZkStreamTest.SCOPE, streamName);
UUID txnId1 = UUID.randomUUID();
VersionedTransactionData tx = store.createTransaction(SCOPE, streamName, txnId1, 10000, 600000, 30000, context, executor).get();
Assert.assertEquals(txnId1, tx.getId());
UUID txnId2 = UUID.randomUUID();
VersionedTransactionData tx2 = store.createTransaction(SCOPE, streamName, txnId2, 10000, 600000, 30000, context, executor).get();
Assert.assertEquals(txnId2, tx2.getId());
store.sealTransaction(SCOPE, streamName, tx.getId(), true, Optional.<Integer>empty(), context, executor).get();
assert store.transactionStatus(SCOPE, streamName, tx.getId(), context, executor).get().equals(TxnStatus.COMMITTING);
// Test to ensure that sealTransaction is idempotent.
Assert.assertEquals(TxnStatus.COMMITTING, store.sealTransaction(SCOPE, streamName, tx.getId(), true, Optional.empty(), context, executor).join().getKey());
// Test to ensure that COMMITTING transaction cannot be aborted.
testAbortFailure(store, SCOPE, streamName, tx.getEpoch(), tx.getId(), context, operationNotAllowedPredicate);
CompletableFuture<TxnStatus> f1 = store.commitTransaction(SCOPE, streamName, tx.getEpoch(), tx.getId(), context, executor);
store.sealTransaction(SCOPE, streamName, tx2.getId(), false, Optional.<Integer>empty(), context, executor).get();
assert store.transactionStatus(SCOPE, streamName, tx2.getId(), context, executor).get().equals(TxnStatus.ABORTING);
// Test to ensure that sealTransaction is idempotent.
Assert.assertEquals(TxnStatus.ABORTING, store.sealTransaction(SCOPE, streamName, tx2.getId(), false, Optional.empty(), context, executor).join().getKey());
// Test to ensure that ABORTING transaction cannot be committed.
testCommitFailure(store, SCOPE, streamName, tx2.getEpoch(), tx2.getId(), context, operationNotAllowedPredicate);
CompletableFuture<TxnStatus> f2 = store.abortTransaction(SCOPE, streamName, tx2.getEpoch(), tx2.getId(), context, executor);
CompletableFuture.allOf(f1, f2).get();
assert store.transactionStatus(SCOPE, streamName, tx.getId(), context, executor).get().equals(TxnStatus.COMMITTED);
assert store.transactionStatus(SCOPE, streamName, tx2.getId(), context, executor).get().equals(TxnStatus.ABORTED);
// Test to ensure that sealTransaction, to commit it, on committed transaction does not throw an error.
Assert.assertEquals(TxnStatus.COMMITTED, store.sealTransaction(SCOPE, streamName, tx.getId(), true, Optional.empty(), context, executor).join().getKey());
// Test to ensure that commitTransaction is idempotent.
Assert.assertEquals(TxnStatus.COMMITTED, store.commitTransaction(SCOPE, streamName, tx.getEpoch(), tx.getId(), context, executor).join());
// Test to ensure that sealTransaction, to abort it, and abortTransaction on committed transaction throws error.
testAbortFailure(store, SCOPE, streamName, tx.getEpoch(), tx.getId(), context, operationNotAllowedPredicate);
// Test to ensure that sealTransaction, to abort it, on aborted transaction does not throw an error.
Assert.assertEquals(TxnStatus.ABORTED, store.sealTransaction(SCOPE, streamName, tx2.getId(), false, Optional.empty(), context, executor).join().getKey());
// Test to ensure that abortTransaction is idempotent.
Assert.assertEquals(TxnStatus.ABORTED, store.abortTransaction(SCOPE, streamName, tx2.getEpoch(), tx2.getId(), context, executor).join());
// Test to ensure that sealTransaction, to abort it, and abortTransaction on committed transaction throws error.
testCommitFailure(store, SCOPE, streamName, tx2.getEpoch(), tx2.getId(), context, operationNotAllowedPredicate);
assert store.commitTransaction(ZkStreamTest.SCOPE, streamName, 0, UUID.randomUUID(), null, executor).handle((ok, ex) -> {
if (ex.getCause() instanceof StoreException.DataNotFoundException) {
return true;
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("assert failed");
assert store.abortTransaction(ZkStreamTest.SCOPE, streamName, 0, UUID.randomUUID(), null, executor).handle((ok, ex) -> {
if (ex.getCause() instanceof StoreException.DataNotFoundException) {
return true;
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("assert failed");
assert store.transactionStatus(ZkStreamTest.SCOPE, streamName, UUID.randomUUID(), context, executor).get().equals(TxnStatus.UNKNOWN);
use of in project pravega by pravega.
the class StreamTransactionMetadataTasks method sealTxnBody.
* Seals a txn and transitions it to COMMITTING (resp. ABORTING) state if commit param is true (resp. false).
* Post-condition:
* 1. If seal completes successfully, then
* (a) txn state is COMMITTING/ABORTING,
* (b) CommitEvent/AbortEvent is present in the commit stream/abort stream,
* (c) txn is removed from host-txn index,
* (d) txn is removed from the timeout service.
* 2. If process fails after transitioning txn to COMMITTING/ABORTING state, but before responding to client, then
* since txn is present in the host-txn index, some other controller process shall put CommitEvent/AbortEvent to
* commit stream/abort stream.
* @param host host id. It is different from hostId iff invoked from TxnSweeper for aborting orphaned txn.
* @param scope scope name.
* @param stream stream name.
* @param commit boolean indicating whether to commit txn.
* @param txnId txn id.
* @param version expected version of txn node in store.
* @param ctx context.
* @return Txn status after sealing it.
CompletableFuture<TxnStatus> sealTxnBody(final String host, final String scope, final String stream, final boolean commit, final UUID txnId, final Integer version, final OperationContext ctx) {
TxnResource resource = new TxnResource(scope, stream, txnId);
Optional<Integer> versionOpt = Optional.ofNullable(version);
// Step 1. Add txn to current host's index, if it is not already present
CompletableFuture<Void> addIndex = host.equals(hostId) && !timeoutService.containsTxn(scope, stream, txnId) ? // then txn would no longer be open.
streamMetadataStore.addTxnToIndex(hostId, resource, Integer.MAX_VALUE) : CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null);
addIndex.whenComplete((v, e) -> {
if (e != null) {
log.debug("Txn={}, already present/newly added to host-txn index of host={}", txnId, hostId);
} else {
log.debug("Txn={}, added txn to host-txn index of host={}", txnId, hostId);
// Step 2. Seal txn
CompletableFuture<AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<TxnStatus, Integer>> sealFuture = addIndex.thenComposeAsync(x -> streamMetadataStore.sealTransaction(scope, stream, txnId, commit, versionOpt, ctx, executor), executor).whenComplete((v, e) -> {
if (e != null) {
log.debug("Txn={}, failed sealing txn", txnId);
} else {
log.debug("Txn={}, sealed successfully, commit={}", txnId, commit);
// Step 3. write event to corresponding stream.
return sealFuture.thenComposeAsync(pair -> {
TxnStatus status = pair.getKey();
switch(status) {
return writeCommitEvent(scope, stream, pair.getValue(), txnId, status);
return writeAbortEvent(scope, stream, pair.getValue(), txnId, status);
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(status);
case OPEN:
// exception would be thrown.
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(status);
}, executor).thenComposeAsync(status -> {
// Step 4. Remove txn from timeoutService, and from the index.
timeoutService.removeTxn(scope, stream, txnId);
log.debug("Txn={}, removed from timeout service", txnId);
return streamMetadataStore.removeTxnFromIndex(host, resource, true).whenComplete((v, e) -> {
if (e != null) {
log.debug("Txn={}, failed removing txn from host-txn index of host={}", txnId, hostId);
} else {
log.debug("Txn={}, removed txn from host-txn index of host={}", txnId, hostId);
}).thenApply(x -> status);
}, executor);