use of io.pravega.segmentstore.server.UpdateableSegmentMetadata in project pravega by pravega.
the class StorageWriter method getSegmentAggregator.
// endregion
// region Helpers
* Gets, or creates, a SegmentAggregator for the given StorageOperation.
* @param streamSegmentId The Id of the StreamSegment to get the aggregator for.
private CompletableFuture<SegmentAggregator> getSegmentAggregator(long streamSegmentId) {
SegmentAggregator existingAggregator = this.aggregators.getOrDefault(streamSegmentId, null);
if (existingAggregator != null) {
if (closeIfNecessary(existingAggregator).isClosed()) {
// Existing SegmentAggregator has become stale (most likely due to its SegmentMetadata being evicted),
// so it has been closed and we need to create a new one.
} else {
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(existingAggregator);
// Get the SegmentAggregator's Metadata.
UpdateableSegmentMetadata segmentMetadata = this.dataSource.getStreamSegmentMetadata(streamSegmentId);
if (segmentMetadata == null) {
return Futures.failedFuture(new DataCorruptionException(String.format("No StreamSegment with id '%d' is registered in the metadata.", streamSegmentId)));
// Then create the aggregator, and only register it after a successful initialization. Otherwise we risk
// having a registered aggregator that is not initialized.
SegmentAggregator newAggregator = new SegmentAggregator(segmentMetadata, this.dataSource,, this.config, this.timer, this.executor);
try {
CompletableFuture<Void> init = newAggregator.initialize(this.config.getFlushTimeout());
Futures.exceptionListener(init, ex -> newAggregator.close());
return init.thenApply(ignored -> {
this.aggregators.put(streamSegmentId, newAggregator);
return newAggregator;
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw ex;
use of io.pravega.segmentstore.server.UpdateableSegmentMetadata in project pravega by pravega.
the class ContainerMetadataUpdateTransaction method createSegmentMetadata.
* Creates a new UpdateableSegmentMetadata for the given Segment and registers it.
private UpdateableSegmentMetadata createSegmentMetadata(String segmentName, long segmentId, long parentId) {
UpdateableSegmentMetadata metadata;
if (parentId == ContainerMetadata.NO_STREAM_SEGMENT_ID) {
metadata = new StreamSegmentMetadata(segmentName, segmentId, this.containerId);
} else {
metadata = new StreamSegmentMetadata(segmentName, segmentId, parentId, this.containerId);
this.newSegments.put(metadata.getId(), metadata);
this.newSegmentNames.put(metadata.getName(), metadata.getId());
return metadata;
use of io.pravega.segmentstore.server.UpdateableSegmentMetadata in project pravega by pravega.
the class ContainerMetadataUpdateTransaction method getOrCreateSegmentUpdateTransaction.
* Gets an UpdateableSegmentMetadata for the given Segment. If already registered, it returns that instance,
* otherwise it creates and records a new Segment metadata.
private SegmentMetadataUpdateTransaction getOrCreateSegmentUpdateTransaction(String segmentName, long segmentId, long parentId) {
SegmentMetadataUpdateTransaction sm = tryGetSegmentUpdateTransaction(segmentId);
if (sm == null) {
SegmentMetadata baseSegmentMetadata = createSegmentMetadata(segmentName, segmentId, parentId);
sm = new SegmentMetadataUpdateTransaction(baseSegmentMetadata, this.recoveryMode);
this.segmentUpdates.put(segmentId, sm);
return sm;
use of io.pravega.segmentstore.server.UpdateableSegmentMetadata in project pravega by pravega.
the class ContainerMetadataUpdateTransaction method commit.
* Commits all pending changes to the given target Container Metadata.
* @param target The UpdateableContainerMetadata to commit to.
void commit(UpdateableContainerMetadata target) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(target.getContainerId() == this.containerId, "ContainerId mismatch");
Preconditions.checkArgument(target.isRecoveryMode() == this.isRecoveryMode(), "isRecoveryMode mismatch");
if (target.isRecoveryMode()) {
if (this.processedCheckpoint) {
// If we processed a checkpoint during recovery, we need to wipe the metadata clean. We are setting
// a brand new one.
// we have in our UpdateTransaction. If we have nothing, we'll just set it to the default.
assert this.newSequenceNumber >= ContainerMetadata.INITIAL_OPERATION_SEQUENCE_NUMBER : "Invalid Sequence Number " + this.newSequenceNumber;
// Commit all segment-related transactional changes to their respective sources.
this.segmentUpdates.values().forEach(txn -> {
UpdateableSegmentMetadata targetSegmentMetadata = target.getStreamSegmentMetadata(txn.getId());
if (targetSegmentMetadata == null) {
targetSegmentMetadata = this.newSegments.get(txn.getId());
// We must first copy the Standalone Segments, and then the Transaction Segments. That's because
// the Transaction Segments may refer to one of these newly created Segments, and the metadata
// will reject the operation if it can't find the parent.
// We need this because HashMap does not necessarily preserve order when iterating via values().
copySegmentMetadata(this.newSegments.values(), s -> !s.isTransaction(), target);
copySegmentMetadata(this.newSegments.values(), SegmentMetadata::isTransaction, target);
// Copy truncation points.
// We are done. Clear the transaction.
use of io.pravega.segmentstore.server.UpdateableSegmentMetadata in project pravega by pravega.
the class DurableLogTests method testTailReads.
* Tests the ability to block reads if the read is at the tail and no more data is available (for now).
public void testTailReads() throws Exception {
final int operationCount = 10;
final long segmentId = 1;
final String segmentName = Long.toString(segmentId);
// Setup a DurableLog and start it.
@Cleanup ContainerSetup setup = new ContainerSetup(executorService());
@Cleanup DurableLog durableLog = setup.createDurableLog();
// Create a segment, which will be used for testing later.
UpdateableSegmentMetadata segmentMetadata = setup.metadata.mapStreamSegmentId(segmentName, segmentId);
// Setup a bunch of read operations, and make sure they are blocked (since there is no data).
ArrayList<CompletableFuture<Iterator<Operation>>> readFutures = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < operationCount; i++) {
long afterSeqNo = i + 1;
CompletableFuture<Iterator<Operation>> readFuture =, operationCount, TIMEOUT);
Assert.assertFalse("read() returned a completed future when there is no data available (afterSeqNo = " + afterSeqNo + ").", readFuture.isDone());
// Add one operation at at time, and each time, verify that the correct Read got activated.
OperationComparer operationComparer = new OperationComparer(true);
for (int appendId = 0; appendId < operationCount; appendId++) {
Operation operation = new StreamSegmentAppendOperation(segmentId, ("foo" + Integer.toString(appendId)).getBytes(), null);
durableLog.add(operation, TIMEOUT).join();
for (int readId = 0; readId < readFutures.size(); readId++) {
val readFuture = readFutures.get(readId);
boolean expectedComplete = readId <= appendId;
if (expectedComplete) {
// The internal callback happens asynchronously, so wait for this future to complete in a bit.
readFuture.get(TIMEOUT.toMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
Assert.assertEquals(String.format("Unexpected read completion status for read after seqNo %d after adding op with seqNo %d", readId + 1, operation.getSequenceNumber()), expectedComplete, readFutures.get(readId).isDone());
if (appendId == readId) {
// Verify that the read result matches the operation.
Iterator<Operation> readResult = readFuture.join();
// Verify that we actually have a non-empty read result.
Assert.assertTrue(String.format("Empty read result read after seqNo %d after adding op with seqNo %d", readId + 1, operation.getSequenceNumber()), readResult.hasNext());
// Verify the read result.
Operation readOp =;
operationComparer.assertEquals(String.format("Unexpected result operation for read after seqNo %d after adding op with seqNo %d", readId + 1, operation.getSequenceNumber()), operation, readOp);
// Verify that we don't have more than one read result.
Assert.assertFalse(String.format("Not expecting more than one result for read after seqNo %d after adding op with seqNo %d", readId + 1, operation.getSequenceNumber()), readResult.hasNext());
// Verify that such reads are cancelled when the DurableLog is closed.
CompletableFuture<Iterator<Operation>> readFuture = + 2, operationCount, TIMEOUT);
Assert.assertFalse("read() returned a completed future when there is no data available (afterSeqNo = MAX).", readFuture.isDone());
Assert.assertTrue("A tail read was not cancelled when the DurableLog was stopped.", readFuture.isCompletedExceptionally());