use of io.pravega.segmentstore.server.logs.operations.Operation in project pravega by pravega.
the class ContainerMetadataUpdateTransactionTests method testAcceptStreamSegmentTruncate.
* Tests the acceptOperation method with StreamSegmentTruncate operations.
public void testAcceptStreamSegmentTruncate() throws Exception {
val metadata = createMetadata();
val append = createAppendNoOffset();
// Here, we also Seal, since in preProcessStreamSegmentTruncate we did not.
val seal = createSeal();
final long truncateOffset = SEGMENT_LENGTH + append.getLength() / 2;
val truncate = createTruncate(truncateOffset);
// Apply all operations in order, in the same transaction. This helps verify that, should these operations happen
// concurrently, they are applied to the metadata in the correct order.
val txn1 = createUpdateTransaction(metadata);
for (Operation o : Arrays.asList(append, seal, truncate)) {
// Attempt some more invalid truncate operations.
AssertExtensions.assertThrows("preProcessOperation accepted a truncate operation with wrong offset (smaller).", () -> txn1.preProcessOperation(createTruncate(truncateOffset - 1)), ex -> ex instanceof BadOffsetException);
AssertExtensions.assertThrows("preProcessOperation accepted a truncate operation with wrong offset (larger).", () -> txn1.preProcessOperation(createTruncate(truncateOffset + append.getLength())), ex -> ex instanceof BadOffsetException);
// Verify the Update Transaction has been updated, but the metadata has not yet been touched.
val sm = metadata.getStreamSegmentMetadata(SEGMENT_ID);
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected StartOffset in UpdateTransaction.", truncateOffset, txn1.getStreamSegmentMetadata(SEGMENT_ID).getStartOffset());
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected StartOffset in Metadata pre-commit.", 0, sm.getStartOffset());
// Commit and verify that the metadata has been correctly updated.
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected StartOffset in Metadata post-commit.", truncateOffset, sm.getStartOffset());
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected Length in Metadata post-commit.", append.getStreamSegmentOffset() + append.getLength(), sm.getLength());
Assert.assertTrue("Unexpected Sealed status in Metadata post-commit.", sm.isSealed());
// Verify single truncate operation (check to see that it reads from actual metadata if needed).
val op2 = createTruncate(truncateOffset + 1);
val txn2 = createUpdateTransaction(metadata);
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected StartOffset in Metadata post-commit (second).", op2.getStreamSegmentOffset(), sm.getStartOffset());
// Verify truncating the entire segment.
val op3 = createTruncate(sm.getLength());
val txn3 = createUpdateTransaction(metadata);
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected StartOffset in Metadata when truncating entire segment.", sm.getLength(), sm.getStartOffset());
use of io.pravega.segmentstore.server.logs.operations.Operation in project pravega by pravega.
the class ContainerMetadataUpdateTransactionTests method testMaxAttributeLimit.
* Tests the ability of the ContainerMetadataUpdateTransaction to enforce the maximum attribute limit on Segments.
public void testMaxAttributeLimit() throws Exception {
// We check all operations that can update attributes.
val ops = new HashMap<String, Function<Collection<AttributeUpdate>, Operation>>();
ops.put("UpdateAttributes", u -> new UpdateAttributesOperation(SEGMENT_ID, u));
ops.put("Append", u -> new StreamSegmentAppendOperation(SEGMENT_ID, DEFAULT_APPEND_DATA, u));
// Set the maximum allowed number of attributes on a segment.
UpdateableContainerMetadata metadata = createMetadata();
val initialUpdates = new ArrayList<AttributeUpdate>(SegmentMetadata.MAXIMUM_ATTRIBUTE_COUNT);
val expectedValues = new HashMap<UUID, Long>();
for (int i = 0; i < SegmentMetadata.MAXIMUM_ATTRIBUTE_COUNT; i++) {
UUID attributeId;
do {
attributeId = UUID.randomUUID();
} while (expectedValues.containsKey(attributeId));
initialUpdates.add(new AttributeUpdate(attributeId, AttributeUpdateType.None, i));
expectedValues.put(attributeId, (long) i);
// And load them up into an UpdateTransaction.
val txn = createUpdateTransaction(metadata);
val initialOp = new UpdateAttributesOperation(SEGMENT_ID, initialUpdates);
// invokes preProcessOperation() - which is responsible with validation, so no changes are made to the UpdateTransaction.
for (val opGenerator : ops.entrySet()) {
// Value replacement.
val replacementUpdates = new ArrayList<AttributeUpdate>();
int i = 0;
for (val e : expectedValues.entrySet()) {
AttributeUpdate u;
switch((i++) % 4) {
case 0:
u = new AttributeUpdate(e.getKey(), AttributeUpdateType.ReplaceIfEquals, e.getValue() + 1, e.getValue());
case 1:
u = new AttributeUpdate(e.getKey(), AttributeUpdateType.ReplaceIfGreater, e.getValue() + 1);
case 2:
u = new AttributeUpdate(e.getKey(), AttributeUpdateType.Accumulate, 1);
u = new AttributeUpdate(e.getKey(), AttributeUpdateType.Replace, 1);
// This should not throw anything.
// Removal - this should not throw anything either.
val toRemoveId = initialUpdates.get(0).getAttributeId();
val toRemoveUpdate = new AttributeUpdate(toRemoveId, AttributeUpdateType.Replace, SegmentMetadata.NULL_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE);
// Addition - this should throw.
UUID toAddId;
do {
toAddId = UUID.randomUUID();
} while (expectedValues.containsKey(toAddId));
val toAddUpdate = new AttributeUpdate(toAddId, AttributeUpdateType.None, 1);
AssertExtensions.assertThrows("Too many attributes were accepted for operation " + opGenerator.getKey(), () -> txn.preProcessOperation(opGenerator.getValue().apply(Collections.singleton(toAddUpdate))), ex -> ex instanceof TooManyAttributesException);
// Removal+Addition+Replacement: this particular setup should not throw anything.
val mixedUpdates = Arrays.asList(new AttributeUpdate(toAddId, AttributeUpdateType.None, 1), new AttributeUpdate(toRemoveId, AttributeUpdateType.Replace, SegmentMetadata.NULL_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE), new AttributeUpdate(initialUpdates.get(1).getAttributeId(), AttributeUpdateType.Replace, 10));
use of io.pravega.segmentstore.server.logs.operations.Operation in project pravega by pravega.
the class DurableLogTests method testRecoveryFailures.
* Tests the DurableLog recovery process in a scenario when there are failures during the process
* (these may or may not be DataCorruptionExceptions).
public void testRecoveryFailures() throws Exception {
int streamSegmentCount = 50;
int appendsPerStreamSegment = 20;
// Fail DataLog reads after X reads.
int failReadAfter = 2;
// Setup a DurableLog and start it.
AtomicReference<TestDurableDataLog> dataLog = new AtomicReference<>();
@Cleanup TestDurableDataLogFactory dataLogFactory = new TestDurableDataLogFactory(new InMemoryDurableDataLogFactory(MAX_DATA_LOG_APPEND_SIZE, executorService()), dataLog::set);
@Cleanup Storage storage = InMemoryStorageFactory.newStorage(executorService());
HashSet<Long> streamSegmentIds;
List<OperationWithCompletion> completionFutures;
// First DurableLog. We use this for generating data.
UpdateableContainerMetadata metadata = new MetadataBuilder(CONTAINER_ID).build();
@Cleanup InMemoryCacheFactory cacheFactory = new InMemoryCacheFactory();
@Cleanup CacheManager cacheManager = new CacheManager(DEFAULT_READ_INDEX_CONFIG.getCachePolicy(), executorService());
try (ReadIndex readIndex = new ContainerReadIndex(DEFAULT_READ_INDEX_CONFIG, metadata, cacheFactory, storage, cacheManager, executorService());
DurableLog durableLog = new DurableLog(ContainerSetup.defaultDurableLogConfig(), metadata, dataLogFactory, readIndex, executorService())) {
// Generate some test data (we need to do this after we started the DurableLog because in the process of
// recovery, it wipes away all existing metadata).
streamSegmentIds = createStreamSegmentsWithOperations(streamSegmentCount, metadata, durableLog, storage);
List<Operation> operations = generateOperations(streamSegmentIds, new HashMap<>(), appendsPerStreamSegment, METADATA_CHECKPOINT_EVERY, false, false);
// Process all generated operations and wait for them to complete
completionFutures = processOperations(operations, durableLog);
// Stop the processor.
// Recovery failure due to DataLog Failures.
metadata = new MetadataBuilder(CONTAINER_ID).build();
try (ReadIndex readIndex = new ContainerReadIndex(DEFAULT_READ_INDEX_CONFIG, metadata, cacheFactory, storage, cacheManager, executorService());
DurableLog durableLog = new DurableLog(ContainerSetup.defaultDurableLogConfig(), metadata, dataLogFactory, readIndex, executorService())) {
// Inject some artificial error into the DataLogRead after a few reads.
ErrorInjector<Exception> readNextInjector = new ErrorInjector<>(count -> count > failReadAfter, () -> new DataLogNotAvailableException("intentional"));
dataLog.get().setReadErrorInjectors(null, readNextInjector);
// Verify the exception thrown from startAsync() is of the right kind. This exception will be wrapped in
// multiple layers, so we need to dig deep into it.
AssertExtensions.assertThrows("Recovery did not fail properly when expecting DurableDataLogException.", () -> durableLog.startAsync().awaitRunning(), ex -> {
if (ex instanceof IllegalStateException) {
ex = ex.getCause();
if (ex == null) {
try {
// We need this to enter a FAILED state to get its failure cause.
} catch (Exception ex2) {
ex = durableLog.failureCause();
ex = Exceptions.unwrap(ex);
return ex instanceof DataLogNotAvailableException && ex.getMessage().equals("intentional");
// Recovery failure due to DataCorruptionException.
metadata = new MetadataBuilder(CONTAINER_ID).build();
try (ReadIndex readIndex = new ContainerReadIndex(DEFAULT_READ_INDEX_CONFIG, metadata, cacheFactory, storage, cacheManager, executorService());
DurableLog durableLog = new DurableLog(ContainerSetup.defaultDurableLogConfig(), metadata, dataLogFactory, readIndex, executorService())) {
// Reset error injectors to nothing.
dataLog.get().setReadErrorInjectors(null, null);
AtomicInteger readCounter = new AtomicInteger();
dataLog.get().setReadInterceptor(readItem -> {
if (readCounter.incrementAndGet() > failReadAfter && readItem.getLength() > DataFrame.MIN_ENTRY_LENGTH_NEEDED) {
// Mangle with the payload and overwrite its contents with a DataFrame having a bogus
// previous sequence number.
DataFrame df = DataFrame.ofSize(readItem.getLength());
ArrayView serialization = df.getData();
return new InjectedReadItem(serialization.getReader(), serialization.getLength(), readItem.getAddress());
return readItem;
// Verify the exception thrown from startAsync() is of the right kind. This exception will be wrapped in
// multiple layers, so we need to dig deep into it.
AssertExtensions.assertThrows("Recovery did not fail properly when expecting DataCorruptionException.", () -> durableLog.startAsync().awaitRunning(), ex -> {
if (ex instanceof IllegalStateException) {
ex = ex.getCause();
return Exceptions.unwrap(ex) instanceof DataCorruptionException;
// Verify that the underlying DurableDataLog has been disabled.
val disabledDataLog = dataLogFactory.createDurableDataLog(CONTAINER_ID);
AssertExtensions.assertThrows("DurableDataLog has not been disabled following a recovery failure with DataCorruptionException.", () -> disabledDataLog.initialize(TIMEOUT), ex -> ex instanceof DataLogDisabledException);
use of io.pravega.segmentstore.server.logs.operations.Operation in project pravega by pravega.
the class DurableLogTests method testTruncateWithStorageMetadataCheckpoints.
* Tests the ability of the truncate() method to auto-queue (and wait for) mini-metadata checkpoints containing items
* that are not updated via normal operations. Such items include StorageLength and IsSealedInStorage.
public void testTruncateWithStorageMetadataCheckpoints() {
int streamSegmentCount = 50;
int appendsPerStreamSegment = 20;
// Setup a DurableLog and start it.
@Cleanup TestDurableDataLogFactory dataLogFactory = new TestDurableDataLogFactory(new InMemoryDurableDataLogFactory(MAX_DATA_LOG_APPEND_SIZE, executorService()));
@Cleanup Storage storage = InMemoryStorageFactory.newStorage(executorService());
val metadata1 = new MetadataBuilder(CONTAINER_ID).build();
@Cleanup InMemoryCacheFactory cacheFactory = new InMemoryCacheFactory();
@Cleanup CacheManager cacheManager = new CacheManager(DEFAULT_READ_INDEX_CONFIG.getCachePolicy(), executorService());
@Cleanup val readIndex1 = new ContainerReadIndex(DEFAULT_READ_INDEX_CONFIG, metadata1, cacheFactory, storage, cacheManager, executorService());
HashSet<Long> streamSegmentIds;
List<OperationWithCompletion> completionFutures;
// First DurableLog. We use this for generating data.
try (DurableLog durableLog = new DurableLog(ContainerSetup.defaultDurableLogConfig(), metadata1, dataLogFactory, readIndex1, executorService())) {
// Generate some test data (we need to do this after we started the DurableLog because in the process of
// recovery, it wipes away all existing metadata).
streamSegmentIds = createStreamSegmentsWithOperations(streamSegmentCount, metadata1, durableLog, storage);
List<Operation> queuedOperations = generateOperations(streamSegmentIds, new HashMap<>(), appendsPerStreamSegment, METADATA_CHECKPOINT_EVERY, false, false);
completionFutures = processOperations(queuedOperations, durableLog);
// Update the metadata with Storage-related data. Set some arbitrary StorageOffsets and seal 50% of the segments in storage.
long storageOffset = 0;
for (long segmentId : streamSegmentIds) {
val sm = metadata1.getStreamSegmentMetadata(segmentId);
sm.setStorageLength(Math.min(storageOffset, sm.getLength()));
if (sm.isSealed() && storageOffset % 2 == 0) {
// Truncate at the last possible truncation point.
val originalOperations = readUpToSequenceNumber(durableLog, metadata1.getOperationSequenceNumber());
long lastCheckpointSeqNo = -1;
for (Operation o : originalOperations) {
if (o instanceof MetadataCheckpointOperation) {
lastCheckpointSeqNo = o.getSequenceNumber();
AssertExtensions.assertGreaterThan("Could not find any truncation points.", 0, lastCheckpointSeqNo);
durableLog.truncate(lastCheckpointSeqNo, TIMEOUT).join();
// Stop the processor.
// Start a second DurableLog and then verify the metadata.
val metadata2 = new MetadataBuilder(CONTAINER_ID).build();
@Cleanup val readIndex2 = new ContainerReadIndex(DEFAULT_READ_INDEX_CONFIG, metadata2, cacheFactory, storage, cacheManager, executorService());
try (DurableLog durableLog = new DurableLog(ContainerSetup.defaultDurableLogConfig(), metadata2, dataLogFactory, readIndex2, executorService())) {
// Check Metadata1 vs Metadata2
for (long segmentId : streamSegmentIds) {
val sm1 = metadata1.getStreamSegmentMetadata(segmentId);
val sm2 = metadata2.getStreamSegmentMetadata(segmentId);
Assert.assertEquals("StorageLength differs for recovered segment " + segmentId, sm1.getStorageLength(), sm2.getStorageLength());
Assert.assertEquals("IsSealedInStorage differs for recovered segment " + segmentId, sm1.isSealedInStorage(), sm2.isSealedInStorage());
// Stop the processor.
use of io.pravega.segmentstore.server.logs.operations.Operation in project pravega by pravega.
the class DurableLogTests method testRecoveryWithNoFailures.
// endregion
// region Recovery
* Tests the DurableLog recovery process in a scenario when there are no failures during the process.
public void testRecoveryWithNoFailures() throws Exception {
int streamSegmentCount = 50;
int transactionsPerStreamSegment = 2;
int appendsPerStreamSegment = 20;
boolean mergeTransactions = true;
boolean sealStreamSegments = true;
// Setup a DurableLog and start it.
@Cleanup TestDurableDataLogFactory dataLogFactory = new TestDurableDataLogFactory(new InMemoryDurableDataLogFactory(MAX_DATA_LOG_APPEND_SIZE, executorService()));
@Cleanup Storage storage = InMemoryStorageFactory.newStorage(executorService());
HashSet<Long> streamSegmentIds;
AbstractMap<Long, Long> transactions;
List<OperationWithCompletion> completionFutures;
List<Operation> originalOperations;
// First DurableLog. We use this for generating data.
UpdateableContainerMetadata metadata = new MetadataBuilder(CONTAINER_ID).build();
@Cleanup InMemoryCacheFactory cacheFactory = new InMemoryCacheFactory();
@Cleanup CacheManager cacheManager = new CacheManager(DEFAULT_READ_INDEX_CONFIG.getCachePolicy(), executorService());
try (ReadIndex readIndex = new ContainerReadIndex(DEFAULT_READ_INDEX_CONFIG, metadata, cacheFactory, storage, cacheManager, executorService());
DurableLog durableLog = new DurableLog(ContainerSetup.defaultDurableLogConfig(), metadata, dataLogFactory, readIndex, executorService())) {
// Generate some test data (we need to do this after we started the DurableLog because in the process of
// recovery, it wipes away all existing metadata).
streamSegmentIds = createStreamSegmentsWithOperations(streamSegmentCount, metadata, durableLog, storage);
transactions = createTransactionsWithOperations(streamSegmentIds, transactionsPerStreamSegment, metadata, durableLog, storage);
List<Operation> operations = generateOperations(streamSegmentIds, transactions, appendsPerStreamSegment, METADATA_CHECKPOINT_EVERY, mergeTransactions, sealStreamSegments);
// Process all generated operations and wait for them to complete
completionFutures = processOperations(operations, durableLog);
// Get a list of all the operations, before recovery.
originalOperations = readUpToSequenceNumber(durableLog, metadata.getOperationSequenceNumber());
// Stop the processor.
// Second DurableLog. We use this for recovery.
metadata = new MetadataBuilder(CONTAINER_ID).build();
try (ReadIndex readIndex = new ContainerReadIndex(DEFAULT_READ_INDEX_CONFIG, metadata, cacheFactory, storage, cacheManager, executorService());
DurableLog durableLog = new DurableLog(ContainerSetup.defaultDurableLogConfig(), metadata, dataLogFactory, readIndex, executorService())) {
List<Operation> recoveredOperations = readUpToSequenceNumber(durableLog, metadata.getOperationSequenceNumber());
assertRecoveredOperationsMatch(originalOperations, recoveredOperations);
performMetadataChecks(streamSegmentIds, new HashSet<>(), transactions, completionFutures, metadata, mergeTransactions, sealStreamSegments);
performReadIndexChecks(completionFutures, readIndex);
// Stop the processor.