use of io.prestodb.tempto.query.QueryResult in project urban-eureka by errir503.
the class PreparedStatements method preparedInsertVarbinaryApi.
@Test(groups = { JDBC, SIMBA_JDBC })
public void preparedInsertVarbinaryApi() {
if (usingTeradataJdbcDriver(connection())) {
String tableNameInDatabase = mutableTablesState().get(TABLE_NAME_MUTABLE).getNameInDatabase();
String insertSqlWithTable = String.format(INSERT_SQL, tableNameInDatabase);
String selectSqlWithTable = String.format(SELECT_STAR_SQL, tableNameInDatabase);
defaultQueryExecutor().executeQuery(insertSqlWithTable, param(TINYINT, null), param(SMALLINT, null), param(INTEGER, null), param(BIGINT, null), param(FLOAT, null), param(DOUBLE, null), param(DECIMAL, null), param(DECIMAL, null), param(TIMESTAMP, null), param(DATE, null), param(VARCHAR, null), param(VARCHAR, null), param(CHAR, null), param(BOOLEAN, null), param(VARBINARY, new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 42, -7 }));
QueryResult result = defaultQueryExecutor().executeQuery(selectSqlWithTable);
assertThat(result).containsOnly(row(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 42, -7 }));
} else {
LOGGER.warn("preparedInsertVarbinaryApi() only applies to TeradataJdbcDriver");
use of io.prestodb.tempto.query.QueryResult in project urban-eureka by errir503.
the class PreparedStatements method preparedInsertSql.
@Test(groups = { JDBC, SIMBA_JDBC })
public void preparedInsertSql() throws SQLException {
if (usingTeradataJdbcDriver(connection())) {
String tableNameInDatabase = mutableTablesState().get(TABLE_NAME_MUTABLE).getNameInDatabase();
String insertSqlWithTable = "PREPARE ps1 from " + String.format(INSERT_SQL, tableNameInDatabase);
String selectSqlWithTable = String.format(SELECT_STAR_SQL, tableNameInDatabase);
String executeSql = "EXECUTE ps1 using ";
Statement statement = connection().createStatement();
statement.execute(executeSql + "cast(127 as tinyint), " + "cast(32767 as smallint), " + "2147483647, " + "9223372036854775807, " + "cast(123.345 as real), " + "cast(234.567 as double), " + "cast(345 as decimal(10)), " + "cast(345.678 as decimal(10,5)), " + "timestamp '2015-05-10 12:15:35', " + "date '2015-05-10', " + "'ala ma kota', " + "'ala ma kot', " + "cast('ala ma' as char(10)), " + "true, " + "X'00010203002AF9'");
statement.execute(executeSql + "cast(1 as tinyint), " + "cast(2 as smallint), " + "3, " + "4, " + "cast(5.6 as real), " + "cast(7.8 as double), " + "cast(9 as decimal(10)), " + "cast(2.3 as decimal(10,5)), " + "timestamp '2012-05-10 1:35:15', " + "date '2014-03-10', " + "'abc', " + "'def', " + "cast('ghi' as char(10)), " + "false, " + "varbinary 'jkl'");
statement.execute(executeSql + "null, " + "null, " + "null, " + "null, " + "null, " + "null, " + "null, " + "null, " + "null, " + "null, " + "null, " + "null, " + "null, " + "null, " + "null");
QueryResult result = query(selectSqlWithTable);
assertThat(result).containsOnly(row(127, 32767, 2147483647, new Long("9223372036854775807"), Float.valueOf("123.345"), 234.567, BigDecimal.valueOf(345), new BigDecimal("345.67800"), Timestamp.valueOf("2015-05-10 12:15:35"), Date.valueOf("2015-05-10"), "ala ma kota", "ala ma kot", "ala ma ", Boolean.TRUE, new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 42, -7 }), row(1, 2, 3, 4, Float.valueOf("5.6"), 7.8, BigDecimal.valueOf(9), new BigDecimal("2.30000"), Timestamp.valueOf("2012-05-10 1:35:15"), Date.valueOf("2014-03-10"), "abc", "def", "ghi ", Boolean.FALSE, "jkl".getBytes()), row(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null));
} else {
LOGGER.warn("preparedInsertSql() only applies to TeradataJdbcDriver");
use of io.prestodb.tempto.query.QueryResult in project urban-eureka by errir503.
the class KafkaAvroSmokeTest method testNullType.
@Test(groups = { KAFKA })
public void testNullType() throws SQLException {
QueryResult queryResult = query(format("select * from %s.%s", KAFKA_CATALOG, ALL_NULL_AVRO_TABLE_NAME));
assertThat(queryResult).containsOnly(row(null, null, null, null));
use of io.prestodb.tempto.query.QueryResult in project urban-eureka by errir503.
the class TestHiveStorageFormats method assertSelect.
private static void assertSelect(String query, String tableName) {
QueryResult expected = query(format(query, "tpch." + TPCH_SCHEMA + ".lineitem"));
List<Row> expectedRows = expected.rows().stream().map((columns) -> row(columns.toArray())).collect(toImmutableList());
QueryResult actual = query(format(query, tableName));
use of io.prestodb.tempto.query.QueryResult in project urban-eureka by errir503.
the class TestSyncPartitionMetadata method assertData.
private static void assertData(String tableName, QueryAssert.Row... rows) {
QueryResult dataResult = query("SELECT payload, col_x, col_y FROM " + tableName + " ORDER BY 1, 2, 3 ASC");