use of io.prestosql.cost.StatsProvider in project hetu-core by openlookeng.
the class LogicalPlanner method plan.
public Plan plan(Analysis analysis, boolean skipStatsWithPlan, Stage stage) {
PlanNode root = planStatement(analysis, analysis.getStatement());
PlanNode.SkipOptRuleLevel optimizationLevel = APPLY_ALL_RULES;
planSanityChecker.validateIntermediatePlan(root, session, metadata, typeAnalyzer, planSymbolAllocator.getTypes(), warningCollector);
if (stage.ordinal() >= Stage.OPTIMIZED.ordinal()) {
for (PlanOptimizer optimizer : planOptimizers) {
if (OptimizerUtils.isEnabledLegacy(optimizer, session, root) && OptimizerUtils.canApplyOptimizer(optimizer, optimizationLevel)) {
root = optimizer.optimize(root, session, planSymbolAllocator.getTypes(), planSymbolAllocator, idAllocator, warningCollector);
requireNonNull(root, format("%s returned a null plan", optimizer.getClass().getName()));
optimizationLevel = optimizationLevel == APPLY_ALL_RULES ? root.getSkipOptRuleLevel() : optimizationLevel;
if (stage.ordinal() >= Stage.OPTIMIZED_AND_VALIDATED.ordinal()) {
// make sure we produce a valid plan after optimizations run. This is mainly to catch programming errors
planSanityChecker.validateFinalPlan(root, session, metadata, typeAnalyzer, planSymbolAllocator.getTypes(), warningCollector);
TypeProvider types = planSymbolAllocator.getTypes();
// we calculate stats here only if need to show as part of EXPLAIN, otherwise not needed.
if (skipStatsWithPlan && isSkipAttachingStatsWithPlan(session)) {
return new Plan(root, types, StatsAndCosts.empty());
} else {
StatsProvider statsProvider = new CachingStatsProvider(statsCalculator, session, types);
CostProvider costProvider = new CachingCostProvider(costCalculator, statsProvider, Optional.empty(), session, types);
return new Plan(root, types, StatsAndCosts.create(root, statsProvider, costProvider));
use of io.prestosql.cost.StatsProvider in project hetu-core by openlookeng.
the class DetermineJoinDistributionType method getJoinNodeWithCost.
private PlanNodeWithCost getJoinNodeWithCost(Context context, JoinNode possibleJoinNode) {
TypeProvider types = context.getSymbolAllocator().getTypes();
StatsProvider stats = context.getStatsProvider();
boolean replicated = possibleJoinNode.getDistributionType().get().equals(REPLICATED);
* Currently cost model always has to compute the total cost of an operation.
* For JOIN the total cost consist of 4 parts:
* - Cost of exchanges that have to be introduced to execute a JOIN
* - Cost of building a hash table
* - Cost of probing a hash table
* - Cost of building an output for matched rows
* When output size for a JOIN cannot be estimated the cost model returns
* UNKNOWN cost for the join.
* However assuming the cost of JOIN output is always the same, we can still make
* cost based decisions based on the input cost for different types of JOINs.
* Although the side flipping can be made purely based on stats (smaller side
* always goes to the right), determining JOIN type is not that simple. As when
* choosing REPLICATED over REPARTITIONED join the cost of exchanging and building
* the hash table scales with the number of nodes where the build side is replicated.
* TODO Decision about the distribution should be based on LocalCostEstimate only when PlanCostEstimate cannot be calculated. Otherwise cost comparator cannot take query.max-memory into account.
int estimatedSourceDistributedTaskCount = taskCountEstimator.estimateSourceDistributedTaskCount();
LocalCostEstimate cost = calculateJoinCostWithoutOutput(possibleJoinNode.getLeft(), possibleJoinNode.getRight(), stats, types, replicated, estimatedSourceDistributedTaskCount);
return new PlanNodeWithCost(cost.toPlanCost(), possibleJoinNode);
use of io.prestosql.cost.StatsProvider in project hetu-core by openlookeng.
the class DetermineSemiJoinDistributionType method getSemiJoinNodeWithCost.
private PlanNodeWithCost getSemiJoinNodeWithCost(SemiJoinNode possibleJoinNode, Context context) {
TypeProvider types = context.getSymbolAllocator().getTypes();
StatsProvider stats = context.getStatsProvider();
boolean replicated = possibleJoinNode.getDistributionType().get().equals(REPLICATED);
* Currently cost model always has to compute the total cost of an operation.
* For SEMI-JOIN the total cost consist of 4 parts:
* - Cost of exchanges that have to be introduced to execute a JOIN
* - Cost of building a hash table
* - Cost of probing a hash table
* - Cost of building an output for matched rows
* When output size for a SEMI-JOIN cannot be estimated the cost model returns
* UNKNOWN cost for the join.
* However assuming the cost of SEMI-JOIN output is always the same, we can still make
* cost based decisions based on the input cost for different types of SEMI-JOINs.
* TODO Decision about the distribution should be based on LocalCostEstimate only when PlanCostEstimate cannot be calculated. Otherwise cost comparator cannot take query.max-memory into account.
int estimatedSourceDistributedTaskCount = taskCountEstimator.estimateSourceDistributedTaskCount();
LocalCostEstimate cost = calculateJoinCostWithoutOutput(possibleJoinNode.getSource(), possibleJoinNode.getFilteringSource(), stats, types, replicated, estimatedSourceDistributedTaskCount);
return new PlanNodeWithCost(cost.toPlanCost(), possibleJoinNode);
use of io.prestosql.cost.StatsProvider in project hetu-core by openlookeng.
the class IterativeOptimizer method ruleContext.
private Rule.Context ruleContext(Context context) {
StatsProvider statsProvider = new CachingStatsProvider(statsCalculator, Optional.of(context.memo), context.lookup, context.session, context.planSymbolAllocator.getTypes());
CostProvider costProvider = new CachingCostProvider(costCalculator, statsProvider, Optional.of(context.memo), context.session, context.planSymbolAllocator.getTypes());
return new Rule.Context() {
public Lookup getLookup() {
return context.lookup;
public PlanNodeIdAllocator getIdAllocator() {
return context.idAllocator;
public PlanSymbolAllocator getSymbolAllocator() {
return context.planSymbolAllocator;
public Session getSession() {
return context.session;
public StatsProvider getStatsProvider() {
return statsProvider;
public CostProvider getCostProvider() {
return costProvider;
public void checkTimeoutNotExhausted() {
public WarningCollector getWarningCollector() {
return context.warningCollector;
use of io.prestosql.cost.StatsProvider in project hetu-core by openlookeng.
the class PredicatePushDown method optimize.
public PlanNode optimize(PlanNode plan, Session session, TypeProvider types, PlanSymbolAllocator planSymbolAllocator, PlanNodeIdAllocator idAllocator, WarningCollector warningCollector) {
requireNonNull(plan, "plan is null");
requireNonNull(session, "session is null");
requireNonNull(types, "types is null");
requireNonNull(idAllocator, "idAllocator is null");
RowExpressionPredicateExtractor predicateExtractor = new RowExpressionPredicateExtractor(new RowExpressionDomainTranslator(metadata), metadata, planSymbolAllocator, useTableProperties);
Memo memo = new Memo(idAllocator, plan);
Lookup lookup = Lookup.from(planNode -> Stream.of(memo.resolve(planNode)));
StatsProvider statsProvider = new CachingStatsProvider(costCalculationHandle.getStatsCalculator(), Optional.of(memo), lookup, session, planSymbolAllocator.getTypes(), true);
CostProvider costProvider = new CachingCostProvider(costCalculationHandle.getCostCalculator(), statsProvider, Optional.of(memo), session, planSymbolAllocator.getTypes());
FilterPushdownForCTEHandler filterPushdownForCTEHandler = new FilterPushdownForCTEHandler(pushdownForCTE, costProvider, costCalculationHandle.getCostComparator());
Rewriter rewriter = new Rewriter(planSymbolAllocator, idAllocator, metadata, predicateExtractor, typeAnalyzer, session, dynamicFiltering, filterPushdownForCTEHandler);
PlanNode rewrittenNode = SimplePlanRewriter.rewriteWith(rewriter, plan, TRUE_CONSTANT);
if (rewriter.isSecondTraverseRequired()) {
return SimplePlanRewriter.rewriteWith(rewriter, rewrittenNode, TRUE_CONSTANT);
return rewrittenNode;