use of io.prestosql.spi.block.SortOrder in project hetu-core by openlookeng.
the class TestWindowOperator method testMemoryLimit.
@Test(expectedExceptions = ExceededMemoryLimitException.class, expectedExceptionsMessageRegExp = "Query exceeded per-node user memory limit of 10B.*")
public void testMemoryLimit() {
List<Page> input = rowPagesBuilder(BIGINT, DOUBLE).row(1L, 0.1).row(2L, 0.2).pageBreak().row(-1L, -0.1).row(4L, 0.4).build();
DriverContext driverContext = createTaskContext(executor, scheduledExecutor, TEST_SESSION, new DataSize(10, Unit.BYTE)).addPipelineContext(0, true, true, false).addDriverContext();
WindowOperatorFactory operatorFactory = createFactoryUnbounded(ImmutableList.of(BIGINT, DOUBLE), Ints.asList(1), ROW_NUMBER, Ints.asList(), Ints.asList(0), ImmutableList.copyOf(new SortOrder[] { SortOrder.ASC_NULLS_LAST }), false);
toPages(operatorFactory, driverContext, input);
use of io.prestosql.spi.block.SortOrder in project hetu-core by openlookeng.
the class TestWindowOperator method testFirstValuePartitionSnapshot.
@Test(dataProvider = "spillEnabledSnapshot")
public void testFirstValuePartitionSnapshot(boolean spillEnabled, boolean revokeMemoryWhenAddingPages, long memoryLimit) {
List<Page> input = rowPagesBuilder(VARCHAR, VARCHAR, BIGINT, BOOLEAN, VARCHAR).row("b", "A1", 1L, true, "").row("a", "A2", 1L, false, "").row("a", "B1", 2L, true, "").pageBreak().row("b", "C1", 2L, false, "").row("a", "C2", 3L, true, "").row("c", "A3", 1L, true, "").build();
WindowOperatorFactory operatorFactory = createFactoryUnbounded(ImmutableList.of(VARCHAR, VARCHAR, BIGINT, BOOLEAN, VARCHAR), Ints.asList(0, 1, 2, 3), FIRST_VALUE, Ints.asList(0), Ints.asList(2), ImmutableList.copyOf(new SortOrder[] { SortOrder.ASC_NULLS_LAST }), spillEnabled);
DriverContext driverContext = createDriverContext(memoryLimit);
MaterializedResult expected = resultBuilder(driverContext.getSession(), VARCHAR, VARCHAR, BIGINT, BOOLEAN, VARCHAR).row("a", "A2", 1L, false, "A2").row("a", "B1", 2L, true, "A2").row("a", "C2", 3L, true, "A2").row("b", "A1", 1L, true, "A1").row("b", "C1", 2L, false, "A1").row("c", "A3", 1L, true, "A3").build();
assertOperatorEqualsWithRestoreToNewOperator(operatorFactory, driverContext, () -> createDriverContext(memoryLimit), input, expected, revokeMemoryWhenAddingPages);
use of io.prestosql.spi.block.SortOrder in project hetu-core by openlookeng.
the class TestWindowOperator method testRowNumberPartition.
@Test(dataProvider = "spillEnabled")
public void testRowNumberPartition(boolean spillEnabled, boolean revokeMemoryWhenAddingPages, long memoryLimit) {
List<Page> input = rowPagesBuilder(VARCHAR, BIGINT, DOUBLE, BOOLEAN).row("b", -1L, -0.1, true).row("a", 2L, 0.3, false).row("a", 4L, 0.2, true).pageBreak().row("b", 5L, 0.4, false).row("a", 6L, 0.1, true).build();
WindowOperatorFactory operatorFactory = createFactoryUnbounded(ImmutableList.of(VARCHAR, BIGINT, DOUBLE, BOOLEAN), Ints.asList(0, 1, 2, 3), ROW_NUMBER, Ints.asList(0), Ints.asList(1), ImmutableList.copyOf(new SortOrder[] { SortOrder.ASC_NULLS_LAST }), spillEnabled);
DriverContext driverContext = createDriverContext(memoryLimit, TEST_SESSION);
MaterializedResult expected = resultBuilder(driverContext.getSession(), VARCHAR, BIGINT, DOUBLE, BOOLEAN, BIGINT).row("a", 2L, 0.3, false, 1L).row("a", 4L, 0.2, true, 2L).row("a", 6L, 0.1, true, 3L).row("b", -1L, -0.1, true, 1L).row("b", 5L, 0.4, false, 2L).build();
assertOperatorEquals(operatorFactory, driverContext, input, expected, revokeMemoryWhenAddingPages);
use of io.prestosql.spi.block.SortOrder in project hetu-core by openlookeng.
the class TestWindowOperator method testLeadPartition.
@Test(dataProvider = "spillEnabled")
public void testLeadPartition(boolean spillEnabled, boolean revokeMemoryWhenAddingPages, long memoryLimit) {
List<Page> input = rowPagesBuilder(VARCHAR, VARCHAR, BIGINT, BIGINT, VARCHAR, BOOLEAN, VARCHAR).row("b", "A1", 1L, 1L, "D", true, "").row("a", "A2", 1L, 2L, "D", false, "").row("a", "B1", 2L, 2L, "D", true, "").pageBreak().row("b", "C1", 2L, 1L, "D", false, "").row("a", "C2", 3L, 2L, "D", true, "").row("c", "A3", 1L, 1L, "D", true, "").build();
WindowOperatorFactory operatorFactory = createFactoryUnbounded(ImmutableList.of(VARCHAR, VARCHAR, BIGINT, BIGINT, VARCHAR, BOOLEAN, VARCHAR), Ints.asList(0, 1, 2, 5), LEAD, Ints.asList(0), Ints.asList(2), ImmutableList.copyOf(new SortOrder[] { SortOrder.ASC_NULLS_LAST }), spillEnabled);
DriverContext driverContext = createDriverContext(memoryLimit, TEST_SESSION);
MaterializedResult expected = resultBuilder(driverContext.getSession(), VARCHAR, VARCHAR, BIGINT, BOOLEAN, VARCHAR).row("a", "A2", 1L, false, "C2").row("a", "B1", 2L, true, "D").row("a", "C2", 3L, true, "D").row("b", "A1", 1L, true, "C1").row("b", "C1", 2L, false, "D").row("c", "A3", 1L, true, "D").build();
assertOperatorEquals(operatorFactory, driverContext, input, expected, revokeMemoryWhenAddingPages);
use of io.prestosql.spi.block.SortOrder in project hetu-core by openlookeng.
the class TestWindowOperator method testCaptureRestoreWithSpill.
public void testCaptureRestoreWithSpill() throws Exception {
// Initialization
Path spillPath = Paths.get("/tmp/hetu/snapshot/");
GenericSpillerFactory genericSpillerFactory = createGenericSpillerFactory(spillPath, fileSystemClientManager, false, null);
SnapshotConfig snapshotConfig = new SnapshotConfig();
snapshotUtils = new SnapshotUtils(fileSystemClientManager, snapshotConfig, new InMemoryNodeManager());
ImmutableList.Builder<Page> outputPages = ImmutableList.builder();
List<Page> input1 = rowPagesBuilder(VARCHAR, BIGINT, DOUBLE, BOOLEAN).row("b", -1L, -0.1, true).row("a", 2L, 0.3, false).row("a", 4L, 0.2, true).pageBreak().row("b", 5L, 0.4, false).row("a", 6L, 0.1, true).build();
List<Page> input2 = rowPagesBuilder(VARCHAR, BIGINT, DOUBLE, BOOLEAN).row("c", -1L, -0.1, true).row("d", 2L, 0.3, false).row("c", 4L, 0.2, true).pageBreak().row("d", 5L, 0.4, false).build();
WindowOperatorFactory operatorFactory = new WindowOperatorFactory(0, new PlanNodeId("test"), ImmutableList.of(VARCHAR, BIGINT, DOUBLE, BOOLEAN), Ints.asList(0, 1, 2, 3), ROW_NUMBER, Ints.asList(0), ImmutableList.of(), Ints.asList(1), ImmutableList.copyOf(new SortOrder[] { SortOrder.ASC_NULLS_LAST }), 0, 10, new PagesIndex.TestingFactory(false), true, genericSpillerFactory, new OrderingCompiler());
DriverContext driverContext = createDriverContext(defaultMemoryLimit, TEST_SNAPSHOT_SESSION);
WindowOperator windowOperator = (WindowOperator) operatorFactory.createOperator(driverContext);
// Step1: add the first 2 pages
for (Page page : input1) {
// Step2: spilling happened here
// Step3: add a marker page to make 'capture1' happened
MarkerPage marker = MarkerPage.snapshotPage(1);
// Step4: add another 2 pages
for (Page page : input2) {
// Step5: assume the task is rescheduled due to failure and everything is re-constructed
driverContext = createDriverContext(8, TEST_SNAPSHOT_SESSION);
operatorFactory = new WindowOperatorFactory(0, new PlanNodeId("test"), ImmutableList.of(VARCHAR, BIGINT, DOUBLE, BOOLEAN), Ints.asList(0, 1, 2, 3), ROW_NUMBER, Ints.asList(0), ImmutableList.of(), Ints.asList(1), ImmutableList.copyOf(new SortOrder[] { SortOrder.ASC_NULLS_LAST }), 0, 10, new PagesIndex.TestingFactory(false), true, genericSpillerFactory, new OrderingCompiler());
windowOperator = (WindowOperator) operatorFactory.createOperator(driverContext);
// Step6: restore to 'capture1', the spiller should contains the reference of the first 2 pages for now.
MarkerPage resumeMarker = MarkerPage.resumePage(1);
// Step7: continue to add another 2 pages
for (Page page : input2) {
// Compare the results
MaterializedResult expected = resultBuilder(driverContext.getSession(), VARCHAR, BIGINT, DOUBLE, BOOLEAN, BIGINT).row("a", 2L, 0.3, false, 1L).row("a", 4L, 0.2, true, 2L).row("a", 6L, 0.1, true, 3L).row("b", -1L, -0.1, true, 1L).row("b", 5L, 0.4, false, 2L).row("c", -1L, -0.1, true, 1L).row("c", 4L, 0.2, true, 2L).row("d", 2L, 0.3, false, 1L).row("d", 5L, 0.4, false, 2L).build();
Page p = windowOperator.getOutput();
while (p == null) {
p = windowOperator.getOutput();
MaterializedResult actual = toMaterializedResult(driverContext.getSession(), expected.getTypes(),;
Assert.assertEquals(actual, expected);