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Example 6 with VariableWidthBlock

use of io.prestosql.spi.block.VariableWidthBlock in project carbondata by apache.

the class SliceStreamReader method setDictionary.

public void setDictionary(CarbonDictionary dictionary) {
    if (dictionary == null) {
        dictionaryBlock = null;
        this.isLocalDict = false;
    boolean[] nulls = new boolean[dictionary.getDictionarySize()];
    nulls[0] = true;
    nulls[1] = true;
    int[] dictOffsets = new int[dictionary.getDictionarySize() + 1];
    int size = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < dictionary.getDictionarySize(); i++) {
        dictOffsets[i] = size;
        if (dictionary.getDictionaryValue(i) != null) {
            size += dictionary.getDictionaryValue(i).length;
    byte[] singleArrayDictValues = new byte[size];
    for (int i = 0; i < dictionary.getDictionarySize(); i++) {
        if (dictionary.getDictionaryValue(i) != null) {
            System.arraycopy(dictionary.getDictionaryValue(i), 0, singleArrayDictValues, dictOffsets[i], dictionary.getDictionaryValue(i).length);
    dictOffsets[dictOffsets.length - 1] = size;
    dictionaryBlock = new VariableWidthBlock(dictionary.getDictionarySize(), Slices.wrappedBuffer(singleArrayDictValues), dictOffsets, Optional.of(nulls));
    this.isLocalDict = true;
Also used : VariableWidthBlock(io.prestosql.spi.block.VariableWidthBlock)

Example 7 with VariableWidthBlock

use of io.prestosql.spi.block.VariableWidthBlock in project hetu-core by openlookeng.

the class AbstractTestHBaseRowSerializer method testGetMapFromBlock.

 * testGetMapFromBlock
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
public void testGetMapFromBlock() throws Exception {
    MethodHandle methodHandle = Mockito.mock(MethodHandle.class);
    MapType type = new MapType(VARCHAR, BIGINT, methodHandle, methodHandle, methodHandle, methodHandle);
    int[] offsets = { 0, 2, 4 };
    Block rowkey = new VariableWidthBlock(2, TestSliceUtils.createSlice("12345678901"), offsets, Optional.empty());
    HBaseRowSerializer.getMapFromBlock(type, rowkey);
Also used : VariableWidthBlock(io.prestosql.spi.block.VariableWidthBlock) ShortArrayBlock(io.prestosql.spi.block.ShortArrayBlock) Block(io.prestosql.spi.block.Block) MapType(io.prestosql.spi.type.MapType) MethodHandle(java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle) VariableWidthBlock(io.prestosql.spi.block.VariableWidthBlock) Test(org.testng.annotations.Test)

Example 8 with VariableWidthBlock

use of io.prestosql.spi.block.VariableWidthBlock in project hetu-core by openlookeng.

the class SliceDictionaryColumnReader method setDictionaryBlockData.

private void setDictionaryBlockData(byte[] dictionaryData, int[] dictionaryOffsets, int positionCount) {
    verify(positionCount > 0);
    // the engine currently uses identity equality to test if dictionaries are the same
    if (currentDictionaryData != dictionaryData) {
        boolean[] isNull = new boolean[positionCount];
        isNull[positionCount - 1] = true;
        dictionaryOffsets[positionCount] = dictionaryOffsets[positionCount - 1];
        dictionaryBlock = new VariableWidthBlock(positionCount, wrappedBuffer(dictionaryData), dictionaryOffsets, Optional.of(isNull));
        currentDictionaryData = dictionaryData;
Also used : VariableWidthBlock(io.prestosql.spi.block.VariableWidthBlock)

Example 9 with VariableWidthBlock

use of io.prestosql.spi.block.VariableWidthBlock in project hetu-core by openlookeng.

the class SliceDictionarySelectiveColumnReader method setDictionaryBlockData.

private void setDictionaryBlockData(byte[] dictionaryData, int[] dictionaryOffsets, int positionCount) {
    verify(positionCount > 0);
    // the engine currently uses identity equality to test if dictionaries are the same
    if (currentDictionaryData != dictionaryData) {
        boolean[] isNullVector = new boolean[positionCount];
        isNullVector[positionCount - 1] = true;
        dictionaryOffsets[positionCount] = dictionaryOffsets[positionCount - 1];
        dictionaryBlock = new VariableWidthBlock(positionCount, wrappedBuffer(dictionaryData), dictionaryOffsets, Optional.of(isNullVector));
        currentDictionaryData = dictionaryData;
Also used : VariableWidthBlock(io.prestosql.spi.block.VariableWidthBlock)

Example 10 with VariableWidthBlock

use of io.prestosql.spi.block.VariableWidthBlock in project hetu-core by openlookeng.

the class SliceDirectColumnReader method readBlock.

public Block readBlock() throws IOException {
    if (!rowGroupOpen) {
    if (readOffset > 0) {
        if (presentStream != null) {
            // skip ahead the present bit reader, but count the set bits
            // and use this as the skip size for the length reader
            readOffset = presentStream.countBitsSet(readOffset);
        if (readOffset > 0) {
            if (lengthStream == null) {
                throw new OrcCorruptionException(column.getOrcDataSourceId(), "Value is not null but length stream is missing");
            long dataSkipSize = lengthStream.sum(readOffset);
            if (dataSkipSize > 0) {
                if (dataStream == null) {
                    throw new OrcCorruptionException(column.getOrcDataSourceId(), "Value is not null but data stream is missing");
    if (lengthStream == null) {
        if (presentStream == null) {
            throw new OrcCorruptionException(column.getOrcDataSourceId(), "Value is null but present stream is missing");
        Block nullValueBlock = readAllNullsBlock();
        readOffset = 0;
        nextBatchSize = 0;
        return nullValueBlock;
    // create new isNullVector and offsetVector for VariableWidthBlock
    boolean[] isNullVector = null;
    // We will use the offsetVector as the buffer to read the length values from lengthStream,
    // and the length values will be converted in-place to an offset vector.
    int[] offsetVector = new int[nextBatchSize + 1];
    if (presentStream == null) {, nextBatchSize);
    } else {
        isNullVector = new boolean[nextBatchSize];
        int nullCount = presentStream.getUnsetBits(nextBatchSize, isNullVector);
        if (nullCount == nextBatchSize) {
            // all nulls
            Block nullValueBlock = readAllNullsBlock();
            readOffset = 0;
            nextBatchSize = 0;
            return nullValueBlock;
        if (lengthStream == null) {
            throw new OrcCorruptionException(column.getOrcDataSourceId(), "Value is not null but length stream is missing");
        if (nullCount == 0) {
            isNullVector = null;
  , nextBatchSize);
        } else {
  , nextBatchSize - nullCount);
            unpackLengthNulls(offsetVector, isNullVector, nextBatchSize - nullCount);
    // Calculate the total length for all entries. Note that the values in the offsetVector are still length values now.
    long totalLength = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < nextBatchSize; i++) {
        totalLength += offsetVector[i];
    int currentBatchSize = nextBatchSize;
    readOffset = 0;
    nextBatchSize = 0;
    if (totalLength == 0) {
        return new VariableWidthBlock(currentBatchSize, EMPTY_SLICE, offsetVector, Optional.ofNullable(isNullVector));
    if (totalLength > ONE_GIGABYTE) {
        throw new PrestoException(GENERIC_INTERNAL_ERROR, format("Values in column \"%s\" are too large to process for Presto. %s column values are larger than 1GB [%s]", column.getPath(), nextBatchSize, column.getOrcDataSourceId()));
    if (dataStream == null) {
        throw new OrcCorruptionException(column.getOrcDataSourceId(), "Value is not null but data stream is missing");
    // allocate enough space to read
    byte[] data = new byte[toIntExact(totalLength)];
    Slice slice = Slices.wrappedBuffer(data);
    if (maxCodePointCount < 0) {
        // unbounded, simply read all data in on shot, 0, data.length);
    } else {
        // We do the following operations together in the for loop:
        // * truncate strings
        // * convert original length values in offsetVector into truncated offset values
        int currentLength = offsetVector[0];
        offsetVector[0] = 0;
        for (int i = 1; i <= currentBatchSize; i++) {
            int nextLength = offsetVector[i];
            if (isNullVector != null && isNullVector[i - 1]) {
                checkState(currentLength == 0, "Corruption in slice direct stream: length is non-zero for null entry");
                offsetVector[i] = offsetVector[i - 1];
                currentLength = nextLength;
            int offset = offsetVector[i - 1];
            // read data without truncation
  , offset, offset + currentLength);
            // adjust offsetVector with truncated length
            int truncatedLength = computeTruncatedLength(slice, offset, currentLength, maxCodePointCount, isCharType);
            verify(truncatedLength >= 0);
            offsetVector[i] = offset + truncatedLength;
            currentLength = nextLength;
    // this can lead to over-retention but unlikely to happen given truncation rarely happens
    return new VariableWidthBlock(currentBatchSize, slice, offsetVector, Optional.ofNullable(isNullVector));
Also used : Slice(io.airlift.slice.Slice) VariableWidthBlock(io.prestosql.spi.block.VariableWidthBlock) RunLengthEncodedBlock(io.prestosql.spi.block.RunLengthEncodedBlock) Block(io.prestosql.spi.block.Block) PrestoException(io.prestosql.spi.PrestoException) OrcCorruptionException(io.prestosql.orc.OrcCorruptionException) VariableWidthBlock(io.prestosql.spi.block.VariableWidthBlock)


VariableWidthBlock (io.prestosql.spi.block.VariableWidthBlock)13 Slice (io.airlift.slice.Slice)5 Block (io.prestosql.spi.block.Block)5 Test (org.testng.annotations.Test)4 AbstractVariableWidthBlock (io.prestosql.spi.block.AbstractVariableWidthBlock)2 RunLengthEncodedBlock (io.prestosql.spi.block.RunLengthEncodedBlock)2 ShortArrayBlock (io.prestosql.spi.block.ShortArrayBlock)2 VarcharVec (nova.hetu.omniruntime.vector.VarcharVec)2 HBaseTableHandle (io.hetu.core.plugin.hbase.connector.HBaseTableHandle)1 HBaseTransactionHandle (io.hetu.core.plugin.hbase.connector.HBaseTransactionHandle)1 HBasePageSinkProvider (io.hetu.core.plugin.hbase.query.HBasePageSinkProvider)1 OrcCorruptionException (io.prestosql.orc.OrcCorruptionException)1 Page (io.prestosql.spi.Page)1 PrestoException (io.prestosql.spi.PrestoException)1 IntArrayBlock (io.prestosql.spi.block.IntArrayBlock)1 LongArrayBlock (io.prestosql.spi.block.LongArrayBlock)1 ConnectorInsertTableHandle (io.prestosql.spi.connector.ConnectorInsertTableHandle)1 ConnectorPageSink (io.prestosql.spi.connector.ConnectorPageSink)1 MapType (io.prestosql.spi.type.MapType)1 MethodHandle (java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle)1