use of io.prestosql.spi.function.Description in project hetu-core by openlookeng.
the class StringFunctions method concat.
// TODO: implement N arguments char concat
@Description("concatenates given character strings")
@LiteralParameters({ "x", "y", "u" })
@Constraint(variable = "u", expression = "x + y")
public static Slice concat(@LiteralParameter("x") Long x, @SqlType("char(x)") Slice left, @SqlType("char(y)") Slice right) {
int rightLength = right.length();
if (rightLength == 0) {
return left;
Slice paddedLeft = padSpaces(left, x.intValue());
int leftLength = paddedLeft.length();
Slice result = Slices.allocate(leftLength + rightLength);
result.setBytes(0, paddedLeft);
result.setBytes(leftLength, right);
return result;
use of io.prestosql.spi.function.Description in project hetu-core by openlookeng.
the class StringFunctions method hammingDistance.
@Description("computes Hamming distance between two strings")
@LiteralParameters({ "x", "y" })
public static long hammingDistance(@SqlType("varchar(x)") Slice left, @SqlType("varchar(y)") Slice right) {
int distance = 0;
int leftPosition = 0;
int rightPosition = 0;
while (leftPosition < left.length() && rightPosition < right.length()) {
int codePointLeft = tryGetCodePointAt(left, leftPosition);
int codePointRight = tryGetCodePointAt(right, rightPosition);
// the following code treats them as equal if they happen to be of the same length
if (codePointLeft != codePointRight) {
leftPosition += codePointLeft > 0 ? lengthOfCodePoint(codePointLeft) : -codePointLeft;
rightPosition += codePointRight > 0 ? lengthOfCodePoint(codePointRight) : -codePointRight;
checkCondition(leftPosition == left.length() && rightPosition == right.length(), INVALID_FUNCTION_ARGUMENT, "The input strings to hamming_distance function must have the same length");
return distance;
use of io.prestosql.spi.function.Description in project hetu-core by openlookeng.
the class QuantileDigestFunctions method valuesAtQuantilesDouble.
@Description("For each input q between [0, 1], find the value whose rank in the sorted sequence of the n values represented by the qdigest is qn.")
public static Block valuesAtQuantilesDouble(@SqlType("qdigest(double)") Slice input, @SqlType("array(double)") Block percentilesArrayBlock) {
QuantileDigest digest = new QuantileDigest(input);
BlockBuilder output = DOUBLE.createBlockBuilder(null, percentilesArrayBlock.getPositionCount());
for (int i = 0; i < percentilesArrayBlock.getPositionCount(); i++) {
DOUBLE.writeDouble(output, sortableLongToDouble(digest.getQuantile(DOUBLE.getDouble(percentilesArrayBlock, i))));
use of io.prestosql.spi.function.Description in project hetu-core by openlookeng.
the class QuantileDigestFunctions method valuesAtQuantilesReal.
@Description("For each input q between [0, 1], find the value whose rank in the sorted sequence of the n values represented by the qdigest is qn.")
public static Block valuesAtQuantilesReal(@SqlType("qdigest(real)") Slice input, @SqlType("array(double)") Block percentilesArrayBlock) {
QuantileDigest digest = new QuantileDigest(input);
BlockBuilder output = REAL.createBlockBuilder(null, percentilesArrayBlock.getPositionCount());
for (int i = 0; i < percentilesArrayBlock.getPositionCount(); i++) {
REAL.writeLong(output, floatToRawIntBits(sortableIntToFloat((int) digest.getQuantile(DOUBLE.getDouble(percentilesArrayBlock, i)))));
use of io.prestosql.spi.function.Description in project hetu-core by openlookeng.
the class JoniRegexpFunctions method regexpExtractAll.
@Description("group(s) extracted using the given pattern")
public static Block regexpExtractAll(@SqlType("varchar(x)") Slice source, @SqlType(JoniRegexpType.NAME) Regex pattern, @SqlType(StandardTypes.BIGINT) long groupIndex) {
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(source.getBytes());
validateGroup(groupIndex, matcher.getEagerRegion());
BlockBuilder blockBuilder = VARCHAR.createBlockBuilder(null, 32);
int group = toIntExact(groupIndex);
int nextStart = 0;
while (true) {
int offset =, source.length(), Option.DEFAULT);
if (offset == -1) {
if (matcher.getEnd() == matcher.getBegin()) {
nextStart = matcher.getEnd() + 1;
} else {
nextStart = matcher.getEnd();
Region region = matcher.getEagerRegion();
int beg = region.beg[group];
int end = region.end[group];
if (beg == -1 || end == -1) {
} else {
Slice slice = source.slice(beg, end - beg);
VARCHAR.writeSlice(blockBuilder, slice);