use of io.prestosql.testing.MaterializedResult in project hetu-core by openlookeng.
the class AbstractTestDistributedQueries method testCommentTable.
public void testCommentTable() {
assertUpdate("CREATE TABLE test_comment(id integer)");
assertUpdate("COMMENT ON TABLE test_comment IS 'new comment'");
MaterializedResult materializedRows = computeActual("SHOW CREATE TABLE test_comment");
assertTrue(materializedRows.getMaterializedRows().get(0).getField(0).toString().contains("COMMENT 'new comment'"));
assertUpdate("COMMENT ON TABLE test_comment IS ''");
materializedRows = computeActual("SHOW CREATE TABLE test_comment");
assertTrue(materializedRows.getMaterializedRows().get(0).getField(0).toString().contains("COMMENT ''"));
assertUpdate("COMMENT ON TABLE test_comment IS NULL");
materializedRows = computeActual("SHOW CREATE TABLE test_comment");
assertUpdate("DROP TABLE test_comment");
use of io.prestosql.testing.MaterializedResult in project hetu-core by openlookeng.
the class AbstractTestDistributedQueries method testAddColumn.
public void testAddColumn() {
assertUpdate("CREATE TABLE test_add_column AS SELECT 123 x", 1);
assertUpdate("CREATE TABLE test_add_column_a AS SELECT 234 x, 111 a", 1);
assertUpdate("CREATE TABLE test_add_column_ab AS SELECT 345 x, 222 a, 33.3E0 b", 1);
assertQueryFails("ALTER TABLE test_add_column ADD COLUMN x bigint", ".* Column 'x' already exists");
assertQueryFails("ALTER TABLE test_add_column ADD COLUMN X bigint", ".* Column 'X' already exists");
assertQueryFails("ALTER TABLE test_add_column ADD COLUMN q bad_type", ".* Unknown type 'bad_type' for column 'q'");
assertUpdate("ALTER TABLE test_add_column ADD COLUMN a bigint");
assertUpdate("INSERT INTO test_add_column SELECT * FROM test_add_column_a", 1);
MaterializedResult materializedRows = computeActual("SELECT x, a FROM test_add_column ORDER BY x");
assertEquals(materializedRows.getMaterializedRows().get(0).getField(0), 123);
assertEquals(materializedRows.getMaterializedRows().get(1).getField(0), 234);
assertEquals(materializedRows.getMaterializedRows().get(1).getField(1), 111L);
if (supportsPushdown()) {
Session session1 = Session.builder(getSession()).setCatalogSessionProperty(getSession().getCatalog().get(), "orc_predicate_pushdown_enabled", "true").build();
MaterializedResult materializedRows1 = computeActual(session1, "SELECT x, a FROM test_add_column ORDER BY x");
assertEquals(materializedRows1.getMaterializedRows().get(0).getField(0), 123);
assertEquals(materializedRows1.getMaterializedRows().get(1).getField(0), 234);
assertEquals(materializedRows1.getMaterializedRows().get(1).getField(1), 111L);
assertUpdate("ALTER TABLE test_add_column ADD COLUMN b double");
assertUpdate("INSERT INTO test_add_column SELECT * FROM test_add_column_ab", 1);
materializedRows = computeActual("SELECT x, a, b FROM test_add_column ORDER BY x");
assertEquals(materializedRows.getMaterializedRows().get(0).getField(0), 123);
assertEquals(materializedRows.getMaterializedRows().get(1).getField(0), 234);
assertEquals(materializedRows.getMaterializedRows().get(1).getField(1), 111L);
assertEquals(materializedRows.getMaterializedRows().get(2).getField(0), 345);
assertEquals(materializedRows.getMaterializedRows().get(2).getField(1), 222L);
assertEquals(materializedRows.getMaterializedRows().get(2).getField(2), 33.3);
assertUpdate("DROP TABLE test_add_column");
assertUpdate("DROP TABLE test_add_column_a");
assertUpdate("DROP TABLE test_add_column_ab");
assertFalse(getQueryRunner().tableExists(getSession(), "test_add_column"));
assertFalse(getQueryRunner().tableExists(getSession(), "test_add_column_a"));
assertFalse(getQueryRunner().tableExists(getSession(), "test_add_column_ab"));
use of io.prestosql.testing.MaterializedResult in project hetu-core by openlookeng.
the class AbstractTestDistributedQueries method testLikePredicateWithPartitionKey.
public void testLikePredicateWithPartitionKey() {
if (supportsPushdown()) {
assertUpdate("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_partition_predicate");
assertUpdate("CREATE TABLE test_partition_predicate (id int, p1 varchar, p2 varchar) WITH (partitioned_by=ARRAY['p2'])");
assertTrue(getQueryRunner().tableExists(getSession(), "test_partition_predicate"));
assertTableColumnNames("test_partition_predicate", "id", "p1", "p2");
assertUpdate("INSERT INTO test_partition_predicate VALUES (1,'aaa','aaa'), (2,'bbb','bbb'), (3,'ccc','ccc')", 3);
assertUpdate("INSERT INTO test_partition_predicate VALUES (4,'ddd','ddd'), (5,'eee','eee'), (6,'fff','fff')", 3);
assertUpdate("INSERT INTO test_partition_predicate VALUES (7,'ggg','ggg'), (8,'hhh','hhh'), (9,'iii','iii')", 3);
Session sessionPushdown = Session.builder(getSession()).setCatalogSessionProperty(getSession().getCatalog().get(), "orc_predicate_pushdown_enabled", "true").setCatalogSessionProperty(getSession().getCatalog().get(), "orc_row_data_cache_enabled", "false").build();
Session sessionCachePushdown = Session.builder(getSession()).setCatalogSessionProperty(getSession().getCatalog().get(), "orc_predicate_pushdown_enabled", "true").setCatalogSessionProperty(getSession().getCatalog().get(), "orc_row_data_cache_enabled", "true").build();
assertUpdate("INSERT INTO test_partition_predicate VALUES (10,NULL,'10'), (11,NULL,NULL), (NULL,NULL,NULL)", 3);
assertUpdate("INSERT INTO test_partition_predicate VALUES (13,'ab',NULL), (14,'aab',NULL), (NULL,'aaab',NULL)", 3);
assertUpdate("INSERT INTO test_partition_predicate VALUES (15,'ab','aab'), (16,'aab','aab'), (NULL,'aaab','aaab')", 3);
assertUpdate("INSERT INTO test_partition_predicate VALUES (18,'b',NULL), (19,'abb',NULL), (NULL,'abbb',NULL)", 3);
assertUpdate("INSERT INTO test_partition_predicate VALUES (21,'b','b'), (22,'abb','abb'), (NULL,'abbb','abbb')", 3);
MaterializedResult resultNormal;
MaterializedResult resultPushdown;
MaterializedResult resultCachePushdown;
/* Conjuct Like */
List<String> sqlList = Arrays.asList("SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and p2 LIKE 'a%' ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and p2 LIKE 'a%' ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and p2 LIKE 'aa%' ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and p2 LIKE 'ab%' ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and p2 LIKE '%a' ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and p2 LIKE '%b' ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and p2 LIKE '%ab' ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and p2 LIKE '%a%' ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and p2 LIKE '%aa%' ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and p2 LIKE '%aaa%' ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and p1 LIKE 'a%' ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and p1 LIKE 'a%' ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and p1 LIKE 'aa%' ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and p1 LIKE 'ab%' ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and p1 LIKE '%a' ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and p1 LIKE '%b' ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and p1 LIKE '%ab' ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and p1 LIKE '%a%' ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and p1 LIKE '%aa%' ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and p1 LIKE '%aaa%' ORDER BY id");
for (String sql : sqlList) {
resultNormal = computeActual(sql);
resultPushdown = computeActual(sessionPushdown, sql);
resultCachePushdown = computeActual(sessionCachePushdown, sql);
assertEquals(resultNormal.getMaterializedRows(), resultPushdown.getMaterializedRows());
assertEquals(resultNormal.getMaterializedRows(), resultCachePushdown.getMaterializedRows());
/* disjunct Like */
sqlList = Arrays.asList("SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and (p2 LIKE 'a%' OR p1 > 'c') ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and (p2 LIKE 'a%' OR p1 > 'c') ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and (p2 LIKE 'aa%' OR p1 > 'c') ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and (p2 LIKE 'ab%' OR p1 > 'c') ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and (p2 LIKE '%a' OR p1 > 'c') ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and (p2 LIKE '%b' OR p1 > 'c') ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and (p2 LIKE '%ab' OR p1 > 'c') ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and (p2 LIKE '%a%' OR p1 > 'c') ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and (p2 LIKE '%aa%' OR p1 > 'c') ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and (p2 LIKE '%aaa%' OR p1 > 'c') ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and (p2 LIKE 'a%' OR p1 IS NULL) ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and (p2 LIKE 'a%' OR p1 IS NULL) ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and (p2 LIKE 'aa%' OR p1 IS NULL) ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and (p2 LIKE 'ab%' OR p1 IS NULL) ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and (p2 LIKE '%a' OR p1 IS NULL) ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and (p2 LIKE '%b' OR p1 IS NULL) ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and (p2 LIKE '%ab' OR p1 IS NULL) ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and (p2 LIKE '%a%' OR p1 IS NULL) ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and (p2 LIKE '%aa%' OR p1 IS NULL) ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and (p2 LIKE '%aaa%' OR p1 IS NULL) ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and (p2 LIKE 'a%' OR p1 IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and (p2 LIKE 'a%' OR p1 IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and (p2 LIKE 'aa%' OR p1 IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and (p2 LIKE 'ab%' OR p1 IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and (p2 LIKE '%a' OR p1 IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and (p2 LIKE '%b' OR p1 IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and (p2 LIKE '%ab' OR p1 IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and (p2 LIKE '%a%' OR p1 IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and (p2 LIKE '%aa%' OR p1 IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and (p2 LIKE '%aaa%' OR p1 IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and (p1 LIKE 'a%' OR p2 > 'c') ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and (p1 LIKE 'a%' OR p2 > 'c') ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and (p1 LIKE 'aa%' OR p2 > 'c') ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and (p1 LIKE 'ab%' OR p2 > 'c') ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and (p1 LIKE '%a' OR p2 > 'c') ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and (p1 LIKE '%b' OR p2 > 'c') ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and (p1 LIKE '%ab' OR p2 > 'c') ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and (p1 LIKE '%a%' OR p2 > 'c') ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and (p1 LIKE '%aa%' OR p2 > 'c') ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and (p1 LIKE '%aaa%' OR p2 > 'c') ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and (p1 LIKE 'a%' OR p2 IS NULL) ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and (p1 LIKE 'a%' OR p2 IS NULL) ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and (p1 LIKE 'aa%' OR p2 IS NULL) ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and (p1 LIKE 'ab%' OR p2 IS NULL) ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and (p1 LIKE '%a' OR p2 IS NULL) ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and (p1 LIKE '%b' OR p2 IS NULL) ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and (p1 LIKE '%ab' OR p2 IS NULL) ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and (p1 LIKE '%a%' OR p2 IS NULL) ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and (p1 LIKE '%aa%' OR p2 IS NULL) ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and (p1 LIKE '%aaa%' OR p2 IS NULL) ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and (p1 LIKE 'a%' OR p2 IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and (p1 LIKE 'a%' OR p2 IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and (p1 LIKE 'aa%' OR p2 IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and (p1 LIKE 'ab%' OR p2 IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and (p1 LIKE '%a' OR p2 IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and (p1 LIKE '%b' OR p2 IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and (p1 LIKE '%ab' OR p2 IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and (p1 LIKE '%a%' OR p2 IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and (p1 LIKE '%aa%' OR p2 IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY id", "SELECT id, p1, p2 FROM test_partition_predicate WHERE id > 0 and (p1 LIKE '%aaa%' OR p2 IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY id");
for (String sql : sqlList) {
resultNormal = computeActual(sql);
resultPushdown = computeActual(sessionPushdown, sql);
resultCachePushdown = computeActual(sessionCachePushdown, sql);
if (!resultNormal.getMaterializedRows().equals(resultPushdown.getMaterializedRows()) || !resultNormal.getMaterializedRows().equals(resultCachePushdown.getMaterializedRows())) {
System.out.println("Failed Query: " + sql);
System.out.println("Expected : " + resultNormal.getMaterializedRows());
System.out.println("Result[Pushdown]: " + resultPushdown.getMaterializedRows());
System.out.println("Result[Cache] : " + resultCachePushdown.getMaterializedRows());
resultNormal = computeActual("EXPLAIN " + sql);
resultPushdown = computeActual(sessionPushdown, "EXPLAIN " + sql);
resultCachePushdown = computeActual(sessionCachePushdown, "EXPLAIN " + sql);
System.out.println("Running query [" + sql + "]");
System.out.println("Normal Plan: " + resultNormal);
System.out.println("PushDown Plan: " + resultPushdown);
System.out.println("CacheDown Plan: " + resultCachePushdown);
assertEquals(resultNormal.getMaterializedRows(), resultPushdown.getMaterializedRows());
assertEquals(resultNormal.getMaterializedRows(), resultCachePushdown.getMaterializedRows());
use of io.prestosql.testing.MaterializedResult in project hetu-core by openlookeng.
the class AbstractTestDistributedQueries method testTableSampleSystemBoundaryValues.
public void testTableSampleSystemBoundaryValues() {
MaterializedResult fullSample = computeActual("SELECT orderkey FROM orders TABLESAMPLE SYSTEM (100)");
MaterializedResult emptySample = computeActual("SELECT orderkey FROM orders TABLESAMPLE SYSTEM (0)");
MaterializedResult all = computeActual("SELECT orderkey FROM orders");
assertContains(all, fullSample);
assertEquals(emptySample.getMaterializedRows().size(), 0);
use of io.prestosql.testing.MaterializedResult in project hetu-core by openlookeng.
the class AbstractTestDistributedQueries method testRenameTable.
public void testRenameTable() {
assertUpdate("CREATE TABLE test_rename AS SELECT 123 x", 1);
assertUpdate("ALTER TABLE test_rename RENAME TO test_rename_new");
MaterializedResult materializedRows = computeActual("SELECT x FROM test_rename_new");
assertEquals(getOnlyElement(materializedRows.getMaterializedRows()).getField(0), 123);
// provide new table name in uppercase
assertUpdate("ALTER TABLE test_rename_new RENAME TO TEST_RENAME");
materializedRows = computeActual("SELECT x FROM test_rename");
assertEquals(getOnlyElement(materializedRows.getMaterializedRows()).getField(0), 123);
assertUpdate("DROP TABLE test_rename");
assertFalse(getQueryRunner().tableExists(getSession(), "test_rename"));
assertFalse(getQueryRunner().tableExists(getSession(), "test_rename_new"));