Search in sources :

Example 6 with MapKey

use of in project questdb by bluestreak01.

the class GroupByRecordCursorFactory method getCursor.

public RecordCursor getCursor(SqlExecutionContext executionContext) throws SqlException {
    final RecordCursor baseCursor = base.getCursor(executionContext);
    try {
        Function.init(recordFunctions, baseCursor, executionContext);
        final Record baseRecord = baseCursor.getRecord();
        final int n = groupByFunctions.size();
        while (baseCursor.hasNext()) {
            final MapKey key = dataMap.withKey();
            mapSink.copy(baseRecord, key);
            MapValue value = key.createValue();
            GroupByUtils.updateFunctions(groupByFunctions, n, value, baseRecord);
        cursor.of(baseCursor, dataMap.getCursor());
        // init all record function for this cursor, in case functions require metadata and/or symbol tables
        return cursor;
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        throw e;
Also used : MapKey( MapValue(

Example 7 with MapKey

use of in project questdb by bluestreak01.

the class AbstractSampleByFillRecordCursorFactory method getCursor.

public RecordCursor getCursor(SqlExecutionContext executionContext) throws SqlException {
    final RecordCursor baseCursor = base.getCursor(executionContext);
    final SqlExecutionInterruptor interruptor = executionContext.getSqlExecutionInterruptor();
    try {
        // This factory fills gaps in data. To do that we
        // have to know all possible key values. Essentially, every time
        // we sample we return same set of key values with different
        // aggregation results and timestamp
        int n = groupByFunctions.size();
        final Record baseCursorRecord = baseCursor.getRecord();
        while (baseCursor.hasNext()) {
            MapKey key = map.withKey();
            mapSink.copy(baseCursorRecord, key);
            MapValue value = key.createValue();
            if (value.isNew()) {
                // timestamp is always stored in value field 0
                value.putLong(0, Numbers.LONG_NaN);
                // this would set values for when keys are not found right away
                for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        // empty map? this means that base cursor was empty
        if (map.size() == 0) {
            return EmptyTableNoSizeRecordCursor.INSTANCE;
        // because we pass base cursor twice we have to go back to top
        // for the second run
        boolean next = baseCursor.hasNext();
        // we know base cursor has value
        assert next;
        return initFunctionsAndCursor(executionContext, baseCursor);
    } catch (Throwable ex) {
        throw ex;
Also used : EmptyTableNoSizeRecordCursor(io.questdb.griffin.engine.EmptyTableNoSizeRecordCursor) MapKey( SqlExecutionInterruptor(io.questdb.griffin.SqlExecutionInterruptor) MapValue(

Example 8 with MapKey

use of in project questdb by bluestreak01.

the class AbstractSampleByFillValueRecordCursor method hasNext.

public boolean hasNext() {
    if (mapCursor.hasNext()) {
        // next() will return record that uses current map position
        return refreshRecord();
    if (baseRecord == null) {
        return false;
    // key map has been flushed
    // before we build another one we need to check
    // for timestamp gaps
    // what is the next timestamp we are expecting?
    long expectedLocalEpoch = timestampSampler.nextTimestamp(nextSampleLocalEpoch);
    // is data timestamp ahead of next expected timestamp?
    if (expectedLocalEpoch < localEpoch) {
        this.sampleLocalEpoch = expectedLocalEpoch;
        this.nextSampleLocalEpoch = expectedLocalEpoch;
        // reset iterator on map and stream contents
        return refreshMapCursor();
    long next = timestampSampler.nextTimestamp(localEpoch);
    this.sampleLocalEpoch = localEpoch;
    this.nextSampleLocalEpoch = localEpoch;
    // looks like we need to populate key map
    int n = groupByFunctions.size();
    while (true) {
        long timestamp = getBaseRecordTimestamp();
        if (timestamp < next) {
            adjustDSTInFlight(timestamp - tzOffset);
            final MapKey key = map.withKey();
            keyMapSink.copy(baseRecord, key);
            final MapValue value = key.findValue();
            assert value != null;
            if (value.getLong(0) != localEpoch) {
                value.putLong(0, localEpoch);
                GroupByUtils.updateNew(groupByFunctions, n, value, baseRecord);
            } else {
                GroupByUtils.updateExisting(groupByFunctions, n, value, baseRecord);
            // carry on with the loop if we still have data
            if (base.hasNext()) {
            // we ran out of data, make sure hasNext() returns false at the next
            // opportunity, after we stream map that is.
            baseRecord = null;
        } else {
            // timestamp changed, make sure we keep the value of 'lastTimestamp'
            // unchanged. Timestamp columns uses this variable
            // When map is exhausted we would assign 'next' to 'lastTimestamp'
            // and build another map
            timestamp = adjustDST(timestamp, n, null, next);
            if (timestamp != Long.MIN_VALUE) {
        return refreshMapCursor();
Also used : MapKey( MapValue(

Example 9 with MapKey

use of in project questdb by bluestreak01.

the class AbstractSampleByFillValueRecordCursor method updateValueWhenClockMovesBack.

protected void updateValueWhenClockMovesBack(MapValue value, int n) {
    final MapKey key = map.withKey();
    keyMapSink.copy(baseRecord, key);
    super.updateValueWhenClockMovesBack(key.createValue(), n);
Also used : MapKey(

Example 10 with MapKey

use of in project questdb by bluestreak01.

the class SampleByFillNoneRecordCursor method hasNext.

public boolean hasNext() {
    if (mapCursor.hasNext()) {
        return true;
    if (baseRecord == null) {
        return false;
    this.sampleLocalEpoch = this.localEpoch;
    long next = timestampSampler.nextTimestamp(this.localEpoch);
    // looks like we need to populate key map
    // at the start of this loop 'lastTimestamp' will be set to timestamp
    // of first record in base cursor
    int n = groupByFunctions.size();
    do {
        long timestamp = getBaseRecordTimestamp();
        if (timestamp < next) {
            adjustDSTInFlight(timestamp - tzOffset);
            final MapKey key = map.withKey();
            keyMapSink.copy(baseRecord, key);
            GroupByUtils.updateFunctions(groupByFunctions, n, key.createValue(), baseRecord);
        } else {
            // map value is conditional and only required when clock goes back
            // we override base method for when this happens
            // see: updateValueWhenClockMovesBack()
            timestamp = adjustDST(timestamp, n, null, next);
            if (timestamp != Long.MIN_VALUE) {
                return createMapCursor();
    } while (base.hasNext());
    // we ran out of data, make sure hasNext() returns false at the next
    // opportunity, after we stream map that is.
    baseRecord = null;
    return createMapCursor();
Also used : MapKey(


MapKey ( MapValue ( DataFrame (io.questdb.cairo.sql.DataFrame)2 Record (io.questdb.cairo.sql.Record)2 SqlExecutionInterruptor (io.questdb.griffin.SqlExecutionInterruptor)2 EmptyTableRandomRecordCursor (io.questdb.griffin.engine.EmptyTableRandomRecordCursor)2 EmptyTableNoSizeRecordCursor (io.questdb.griffin.engine.EmptyTableNoSizeRecordCursor)1