use of io.questdb.griffin.SqlException in project questdb by bluestreak01.
the class SampleByTest method testSampleFillLinearConstructorFail.
public void testSampleFillLinearConstructorFail() throws Exception {
assertMemoryLeak(() -> {
compiler.compile("create table x as " + "(" + "select" + " rnd_double(0)*100 a," + " rnd_symbol(5,4,4,1) b," + " timestamp_sequence(172800000000, 3600000000) k" + " from" + " long_sequence(20000000)" + ") timestamp(k) partition by NONE", sqlExecutionContext);
FilesFacade ff = new FilesFacadeImpl() {
int count = 4;
public long mmap(long fd, long len, long offset, int flags, int memoryTag) {
if (count-- > 0) {
return super.mmap(fd, len, offset, flags, memoryTag);
return -1;
CairoConfiguration configuration = new DefaultCairoConfiguration(root) {
public FilesFacade getFilesFacade() {
return ff;
try (CairoEngine engine = new CairoEngine(configuration)) {
try (SqlCompiler compiler = new SqlCompiler(engine)) {
try {
compiler.compile("select b, sum(a), k from x sample by 3h fill(linear)", sqlExecutionContext);;
} catch (SqlException e) {
Assert.assertTrue(Chars.contains(e.getMessage(), "could not mmap"));
Assert.assertEquals(0, engine.getBusyReaderCount());
Assert.assertEquals(0, engine.getBusyWriterCount());
use of io.questdb.griffin.SqlException in project questdb by bluestreak01.
the class SwitchFunctionFactory method getIfElseFunction.
private Function getIfElseFunction(ObjList<Function> args, IntList argPositions, int position, int n, Function keyFunction, int returnType, Function elseBranch) throws SqlException {
final CaseFunctionPicker picker;
final ObjList<Function> argsToPoke;
if (n == 3) {
// only one conditional branch
boolean value = args.getQuick(1).getBool(null);
final Function branch = args.getQuick(2);
final Function elseB = getElseFunction(returnType, elseBranch);
if (value) {
picker = record -> keyFunction.getBool(record) ? branch : elseB;
} else {
picker = record -> keyFunction.getBool(record) ? elseB : branch;
argsToPoke = new ObjList<>();
} else if (n == 5) {
final boolean a = args.getQuick(1).getBool(null);
final Function branchA = args.getQuick(2);
final boolean b = args.getQuick(3).getBool(null);
final Function branchB = args.getQuick(4);
if (a && b || !a && !b) {
throw SqlException.$(argPositions.getQuick(3), "duplicate branch");
if (a) {
picker = record -> keyFunction.getBool(record) ? branchA : branchB;
} else {
picker = record -> keyFunction.getBool(record) ? branchB : branchA;
argsToPoke = new ObjList<>();
} else {
throw SqlException.$(argPositions.getQuick(5), "too many branches");
return CaseCommon.getCaseFunction(position, returnType, picker, argsToPoke);
use of io.questdb.griffin.SqlException in project questdb by bluestreak01.
the class SwitchFunctionFactory method getIntKeyedFunction.
private Function getIntKeyedFunction(ObjList<Function> args, IntList argPositions, int position, int n, Function keyFunction, int valueType, Function elseBranch, IntMethod intMethod) throws SqlException {
final IntObjHashMap<Function> map = new IntObjHashMap<>();
final ObjList<Function> argsToPoke = new ObjList<>();
for (int i = 1; i < n; i += 2) {
final Function fun = args.getQuick(i);
final int key = intMethod.getKey(fun, null);
final int index = map.keyIndex(key);
if (index < 0) {
throw SqlException.$(argPositions.getQuick(i), "duplicate branch");
map.putAt(index, key, args.getQuick(i + 1));
argsToPoke.add(args.getQuick(i + 1));
final Function elseB = getElseFunction(valueType, elseBranch);
final CaseFunctionPicker picker = record -> {
final int index = map.keyIndex(intMethod.getKey(keyFunction, record));
if (index < 0) {
return map.valueAtQuick(index);
return elseB;
return CaseCommon.getCaseFunction(position, valueType, picker, argsToPoke);
use of io.questdb.griffin.SqlException in project questdb by bluestreak01.
the class IODispatcherTest method testJsonQueryMultiThreaded.
public void testJsonQueryMultiThreaded() throws Exception {
final int threadCount = 4;
final int requestsPerThread = 500;
final String[][] requests = { { "GET /exec?query=xyz%20where%20sym%20%3D%20%27UDEYY%27 HTTP/1.1\r\n" + "Host: localhost:9001\r\n" + "Connection: keep-alive\r\n" + "Cache-Control: max-age=0\r\n" + "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1\r\n" + "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/74.0.3729.169 Safari/537.36\r\n" + "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3\r\n" + "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br\r\n" + "Accept-Language: en-GB,en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8\r\n" + "\r\n", "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" + "Server: questDB/1.0\r\n" + "Date: Thu, 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT\r\n" + "Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n" + "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8\r\n" + "Keep-Alive: timeout=5, max=10000\r\n" + "\r\n" + "d9\r\n" + "{\"query\":\"xyz where sym = 'UDEYY'\",\"columns\":[{\"name\":\"sym\",\"type\":\"SYMBOL\"},{\"name\":\"d\",\"type\":\"DOUBLE\"}],\"dataset\":[[\"UDEYY\",0.15786635599554755],[\"UDEYY\",0.8445258177211064],[\"UDEYY\",0.5778947915182423]],\"count\":3}\r\n" + "00\r\n" + "\r\n" }, { "GET /exec?query=xyz%20where%20sym%20%3D%20%27QEHBH%27 HTTP/1.1\r\n" + "Host: localhost:9001\r\n" + "Connection: keep-alive\r\n" + "Cache-Control: max-age=0\r\n" + "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1\r\n" + "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/74.0.3729.169 Safari/537.36\r\n" + "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3\r\n" + "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br\r\n" + "Accept-Language: en-GB,en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8\r\n" + "\r\n", "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" + "Server: questDB/1.0\r\n" + "Date: Thu, 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT\r\n" + "Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n" + "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8\r\n" + "Keep-Alive: timeout=5, max=10000\r\n" + "\r\n" + "0114\r\n" + "{\"query\":\"xyz where sym = 'QEHBH'\",\"columns\":[{\"name\":\"sym\",\"type\":\"SYMBOL\"},{\"name\":\"d\",\"type\":\"DOUBLE\"}],\"dataset\":[[\"QEHBH\",0.4022810626779558],[\"QEHBH\",0.9038068796506872],[\"QEHBH\",0.05048190020054388],[\"QEHBH\",0.4149517697653501],[\"QEHBH\",0.44804689668613573]],\"count\":5}\r\n" + "00\r\n" + "\r\n" }, { "GET /exec?query=xyz%20where%20sym%20%3D%20%27SXUXI%27 HTTP/1.1\r\n" + "Host: localhost:9001\r\n" + "Connection: keep-alive\r\n" + "Cache-Control: max-age=0\r\n" + "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1\r\n" + "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/74.0.3729.169 Safari/537.36\r\n" + "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3\r\n" + "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br\r\n" + "Accept-Language: en-GB,en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8\r\n" + "\r\n", "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" + "Server: questDB/1.0\r\n" + "Date: Thu, 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT\r\n" + "Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n" + "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8\r\n" + "Keep-Alive: timeout=5, max=10000\r\n" + "\r\n" + "da\r\n" + "{\"query\":\"xyz where sym = 'SXUXI'\",\"columns\":[{\"name\":\"sym\",\"type\":\"SYMBOL\"},{\"name\":\"d\",\"type\":\"DOUBLE\"}],\"dataset\":[[\"SXUXI\",0.6761934857077543],[\"SXUXI\",0.38642336707855873],[\"SXUXI\",0.48558682958070665]],\"count\":3}\r\n" + "00\r\n" + "\r\n" }, { "GET /exec?query=xyz%20where%20sym%20%3D%20%27VTJWC%27 HTTP/1.1\r\n" + "Host: localhost:9001\r\n" + "Connection: keep-alive\r\n" + "Cache-Control: max-age=0\r\n" + "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1\r\n" + "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/74.0.3729.169 Safari/537.36\r\n" + "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3\r\n" + "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br\r\n" + "Accept-Language: en-GB,en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8\r\n" + "\r\n", "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" + "Server: questDB/1.0\r\n" + "Date: Thu, 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT\r\n" + "Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n" + "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8\r\n" + "Keep-Alive: timeout=5, max=10000\r\n" + "\r\n" + "f4\r\n" + "{\"query\":\"xyz where sym = 'VTJWC'\",\"columns\":[{\"name\":\"sym\",\"type\":\"SYMBOL\"},{\"name\":\"d\",\"type\":\"DOUBLE\"}],\"dataset\":[[\"VTJWC\",0.3435685332942956],[\"VTJWC\",0.8258367614088108],[\"VTJWC\",0.437176959518218],[\"VTJWC\",0.7176053468281931]],\"count\":4}\r\n" + "00\r\n" + "\r\n" } };
new HttpQueryTestBuilder().withTempFolder(temp).withWorkerCount(threadCount).withHttpServerConfigBuilder(new HttpServerConfigurationBuilder()).withTelemetry(false).run((engine) -> {
final SqlExecutionContext sqlExecutionContext = new SqlExecutionContextImpl(engine, 1);
try (SqlCompiler compiler = new SqlCompiler(engine)) {
compiler.compile("create table xyz as (select rnd_symbol(10, 5, 5, 0) sym, rnd_double() d from long_sequence(30)), index(sym)", sqlExecutionContext);
final CyclicBarrier barrier = new CyclicBarrier(threadCount);
final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(threadCount);
final AtomicInteger errorCount = new AtomicInteger(0);
for (int i = 0; i < threadCount; i++) {
new QueryThread(requests, requestsPerThread, barrier, latch, errorCount).start();
Assert.assertEquals(0, errorCount.get());
} catch (SqlException e) {;
use of io.questdb.griffin.SqlException in project questdb by bluestreak01.
the class SwitchFunctionFactory method getLongKeyedFunction.
private Function getLongKeyedFunction(ObjList<Function> args, IntList argPositions, int position, int n, Function keyFunction, int valueType, Function elseBranch, LongMethod longMethod) throws SqlException {
final LongObjHashMap<Function> map = new LongObjHashMap<>();
final ObjList<Function> argsToPoke = new ObjList<>();
for (int i = 1; i < n; i += 2) {
final Function fun = args.getQuick(i);
final long key = longMethod.getKey(fun, null);
final int index = map.keyIndex(key);
if (index < 0) {
throw SqlException.$(argPositions.getQuick(i), "duplicate branch");
map.putAt(index, key, args.getQuick(i + 1));
argsToPoke.add(args.getQuick(i + 1));
final Function elseB = getElseFunction(valueType, elseBranch);
final CaseFunctionPicker picker = record -> {
final int index = map.keyIndex(longMethod.getKey(keyFunction, record));
if (index < 0) {
return map.valueAtQuick(index);
return elseB;
return CaseCommon.getCaseFunction(position, valueType, picker, argsToPoke);