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Example 11 with RealmException

use of io.realm.exceptions.RealmException in project realm-java by realm.

the class Realm method createOrUpdateAllFromJson.

     * Tries to update a list of existing objects identified by their primary key with new JSON data. If an existing
     * object could not be found in the Realm, a new object will be created. This must happen within a transaction.
     * If updating a {@link RealmObject} and a field is not found in the JSON object, that field will not be updated.
     * If a new {@link RealmObject} is created and a field is not found in the JSON object, that field will be assigned
     * the default value for the field type.
     * @param clazz type of {@link io.realm.RealmObject} to create or update. It must have a primary key defined.
     * @param json string with an array of JSON objects.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if trying to update a class without a {@link io.realm.annotations.PrimaryKey}.
     * @throws RealmException if unable to create a JSON array from the json string.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the JSON object doesn't have a primary key property but the corresponding
     * {@link RealmObjectSchema} has a {@link io.realm.annotations.PrimaryKey} defined.
     * @see #createAllFromJson(Class, String)
public <E extends RealmModel> void createOrUpdateAllFromJson(Class<E> clazz, String json) {
    if (clazz == null || json == null || json.length() == 0) {
    JSONArray arr;
    try {
        arr = new JSONArray(json);
    } catch (JSONException e) {
        throw new RealmException("Could not create JSON array from string", e);
    createOrUpdateAllFromJson(clazz, arr);
Also used : JSONArray(org.json.JSONArray) JSONException(org.json.JSONException) RealmException(io.realm.exceptions.RealmException)

Example 12 with RealmException

use of io.realm.exceptions.RealmException in project realm-java by realm.

the class Realm method createAllFromJson.

     * Creates a Realm object for each object in a JSON array. This must be done within a transaction.
     * JSON properties with unknown properties will be ignored. If a {@link RealmObject} field is not present in the
     * JSON object the {@link RealmObject} field will be set to the default value for that type.
     * @param clazz type of Realm objects to create.
     * @param json the JSON array as a String where each object can map to the specified class.
     * @throws RealmException if mapping from JSON fails.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the JSON object doesn't have a primary key property but the corresponding
     * {@link RealmObjectSchema} has a {@link io.realm.annotations.PrimaryKey} defined.
public <E extends RealmModel> void createAllFromJson(Class<E> clazz, String json) {
    if (clazz == null || json == null || json.length() == 0) {
    JSONArray arr;
    try {
        arr = new JSONArray(json);
    } catch (JSONException e) {
        throw new RealmException("Could not create JSON array from string", e);
    createAllFromJson(clazz, arr);
Also used : JSONArray(org.json.JSONArray) JSONException(org.json.JSONException) RealmException(io.realm.exceptions.RealmException)

Example 13 with RealmException

use of io.realm.exceptions.RealmException in project realm-java by realm.

the class Realm method createOrUpdateObjectFromJson.

     * Tries to update an existing object defined by its primary key with new JSON data. If no existing object could be
     * found a new object will be saved in the Realm. This must happen within a transaction. If updating a
     * {@link RealmObject} and a field is not found in the JSON object, that field will not be updated. If a new
     * {@link RealmObject} is created and a field is not found in the JSON object, that field will be assigned the
     * default value for the field type.
     * <p>
     * This API is only available in API level 11 or later.
     * @param clazz type of {@link io.realm.RealmObject} to create or update. It must have a primary key defined.
     * @param in the {@link InputStream} with object data in JSON format.
     * @return created or updated {@link io.realm.RealmObject}.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if trying to update a class without a {@link io.realm.annotations.PrimaryKey}.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the JSON object doesn't have a primary key property but the corresponding
     * {@link RealmObjectSchema} has a {@link io.realm.annotations.PrimaryKey} defined.
     * @throws RealmException if failure to read JSON.
     * @see #createObjectFromJson(Class,
public <E extends RealmModel> E createOrUpdateObjectFromJson(Class<E> clazz, InputStream in) throws IOException {
    if (clazz == null || in == null) {
        return null;
    // As we need the primary key value we have to first parse the entire input stream as in the general
    // case that value might be the last property. :(
    Scanner scanner = null;
    try {
        scanner = getFullStringScanner(in);
        JSONObject json = new JSONObject(;
        return createOrUpdateObjectFromJson(clazz, json);
    } catch (JSONException e) {
        throw new RealmException("Failed to read JSON", e);
    } finally {
        if (scanner != null) {
Also used : Scanner(java.util.Scanner) JSONObject(org.json.JSONObject) JSONException(org.json.JSONException) RealmException(io.realm.exceptions.RealmException) TargetApi(android.annotation.TargetApi)

Example 14 with RealmException

use of io.realm.exceptions.RealmException in project realm-java by realm.

the class PrimaryKeyTests method removingPrimaryKeyRemovesConstraint_typeSetters.

// Tests that primary key constraints are actually removed.
public void removingPrimaryKeyRemovesConstraint_typeSetters() {
    RealmConfiguration config = configFactory.createConfigurationBuilder().name("removeConstraints").build();
    SharedRealm sharedRealm = SharedRealm.getInstance(config);
    Table tbl = sharedRealm.getTable("EmployeeTable");
    tbl.addColumn(RealmFieldType.STRING, "name");
    // Creates first entry with name "Foo".
    tbl.setString(0, tbl.addEmptyRow(), "Foo", false);
    long rowIndex = tbl.addEmptyRow();
    try {
        // Tries to create 2nd entry with name Foo.
        tbl.setString(0, rowIndex, "Foo", false);
    } catch (RealmPrimaryKeyConstraintException e1) {
        // Primary key check worked, now removes it and tries again.
        try {
            tbl.setString(0, rowIndex, "Foo", false);
        } catch (RealmException e2) {
            fail("Primary key not removed");
    fail("Primary key not enforced.");
Also used : RealmConfiguration(io.realm.RealmConfiguration) RealmPrimaryKeyConstraintException(io.realm.exceptions.RealmPrimaryKeyConstraintException) RealmException(io.realm.exceptions.RealmException) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 15 with RealmException

use of io.realm.exceptions.RealmException in project realm-java by realm.

the class RealmTests method runMethodOnWrongThread.

// Calling methods on a wrong thread will fail.
private boolean runMethodOnWrongThread(final Method method) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
    if (method != Method.METHOD_BEGIN) {
    ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
    Future<Boolean> future = executorService.submit(new Callable<Boolean>() {

        public Boolean call() throws Exception {
            try {
                switch(method) {
                    case METHOD_BEGIN:
                    case METHOD_COMMIT:
                    case METHOD_CANCEL:
                    case METHOD_DELETE_TYPE:
                    case METHOD_DELETE_ALL:
                    case METHOD_CREATE_OBJECT:
                        realm.createObject(AllJavaTypes.class, 1L);
                    case METHOD_COPY_TO_REALM:
                        realm.copyToRealm(new AllTypes());
                    case METHOD_COPY_TO_REALM_OR_UPDATE:
                        realm.copyToRealm(new AllTypesPrimaryKey());
                    case METHOD_CREATE_ALL_FROM_JSON:
                        realm.createAllFromJson(AllTypes.class, "[{}]");
                    case METHOD_CREATE_OR_UPDATE_ALL_FROM_JSON:
                        realm.createOrUpdateAllFromJson(AllTypesPrimaryKey.class, "[{\"columnLong\":1," + " \"columnBoolean\": true}]");
                    case METHOD_CREATE_FROM_JSON:
                        realm.createObjectFromJson(AllTypes.class, "{}");
                    case METHOD_CREATE_OR_UPDATE_FROM_JSON:
                        realm.createOrUpdateObjectFromJson(AllTypesPrimaryKey.class, "{\"columnLong\":1," + " \"columnBoolean\": true}");
                    case METHOD_INSERT_COLLECTION:
                        realm.insert(Arrays.asList(new AllTypes(), new AllTypes()));
                    case METHOD_INSERT_OBJECT:
                        realm.insert(new AllTypes());
                    case METHOD_INSERT_OR_UPDATE_COLLECTION:
                        realm.insert(Arrays.asList(new AllTypesPrimaryKey(), new AllTypesPrimaryKey()));
                    case METHOD_INSERT_OR_UPDATE_OBJECT:
                        realm.insertOrUpdate(new AllTypesPrimaryKey());
                return false;
            } catch (IllegalStateException ignored) {
                return true;
            } catch (RealmException jsonFailure) {
                // TODO: Eew. Reconsider how our JSON methods reports failure. See
                return (jsonFailure.getMessage().equals("Could not map Json"));
    boolean result = future.get();
    if (method != Method.METHOD_BEGIN) {
    return result;
Also used : ExecutorService(java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService) AllTypes(io.realm.entities.AllTypes) AtomicBoolean(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean) AllJavaTypes(io.realm.entities.AllJavaTypes) JSONException(org.json.JSONException) RealmPrimaryKeyConstraintException(io.realm.exceptions.RealmPrimaryKeyConstraintException) RealmFileException(io.realm.exceptions.RealmFileException) RealmException(io.realm.exceptions.RealmException) ExpectedException(org.junit.rules.ExpectedException) IOException( ExecutionException(java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException) RealmException(io.realm.exceptions.RealmException) AllTypesPrimaryKey(io.realm.entities.AllTypesPrimaryKey)


RealmException (io.realm.exceptions.RealmException)31 Test (org.junit.Test)10 JSONException (org.json.JSONException)9 AllJavaTypes (io.realm.entities.AllJavaTypes)5 JSONObject (org.json.JSONObject)5 InvocationTargetException (java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException)4 TargetApi (android.annotation.TargetApi)3 RealmConfiguration (io.realm.RealmConfiguration)3 AllTypesPrimaryKey (io.realm.entities.AllTypesPrimaryKey)3 Table (io.realm.internal.Table)3 Date (java.util.Date)3 Scanner (java.util.Scanner)3 JSONArray (org.json.JSONArray)3 Realm (io.realm.Realm)2 AllTypes (io.realm.entities.AllTypes)2 RealmPrimaryKeyConstraintException (io.realm.exceptions.RealmPrimaryKeyConstraintException)2 ByteArrayInputStream ( InputStream ( Method (java.lang.reflect.Method)2 ParseException (java.text.ParseException)2