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Example 36 with Table

use of io.realm.internal.Table in project realm-java by realm.

the class DynamicRealmObject method setList.

     * Sets the reference to a {@link RealmList} on the given field.
     * @param fieldName field name.
     * @param list list of references.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if field name doesn't exist, it is not a list field, the type
     * of the object represented by the DynamicRealmObject doesn't match or any element in the list belongs to a
     * different Realm.
public void setList(String fieldName, RealmList<DynamicRealmObject> list) {
    if (list == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null values not allowed for lists");
    long columnIndex = proxyState.getRow$realm().getColumnIndex(fieldName);
    LinkView links = proxyState.getRow$realm().getLinkList(columnIndex);
    Table linkTargetTable = links.getTargetTable();
    final String linkTargetTableName = Table.tableNameToClassName(linkTargetTable.getName());
    boolean typeValidated;
    if (list.className == null && list.clazz == null) {
        // Unmanaged lists don't know anything about the types they contain. They might even hold objects of
        // multiple types :(, so we have to check each item in the list.
        typeValidated = false;
    } else {
        String listType = list.className != null ? list.className : Table.tableNameToClassName(proxyState.getRealm$realm().schema.getTable(list.clazz).getName());
        if (!linkTargetTableName.equals(listType)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "The elements in the list are not the proper type. " + "Was %s expected %s.", listType, linkTargetTableName));
        typeValidated = true;
    final int listLength = list.size();
    final long[] indices = new long[listLength];
    for (int i = 0; i < listLength; i++) {
        RealmObjectProxy obj = list.get(i);
        if (obj.realmGet$proxyState().getRealm$realm() != proxyState.getRealm$realm()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Each element in 'list' must belong to the same Realm instance.");
        if (!typeValidated && !linkTargetTable.hasSameSchema(obj.realmGet$proxyState().getRow$realm().getTable())) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "Element at index %d is not the proper type. " + "Was '%s' expected '%s'.", i, Table.tableNameToClassName(obj.realmGet$proxyState().getRow$realm().getTable().getName()), linkTargetTableName));
        indices[i] = obj.realmGet$proxyState().getRow$realm().getIndex();
    for (int i = 0; i < listLength; i++) {
Also used : RealmObjectProxy(io.realm.internal.RealmObjectProxy) Table(io.realm.internal.Table) LinkView(io.realm.internal.LinkView)

Example 37 with Table

use of io.realm.internal.Table in project realm-java by realm.

the class RealmObjectSchema method getColumnIndices.

     * Returns the column indices for the given field name. If a linked field is defined, the column index for
     * each field is returned.
     * @param fieldDescription fieldName or link path to a field name.
     * @param validColumnTypes valid field type for the last field in a linked field
     * @return list of column indices.
// TODO: consider another caching strategy so linked classes are included in the cache.
long[] getColumnIndices(String fieldDescription, RealmFieldType... validColumnTypes) {
    if (fieldDescription == null || fieldDescription.equals("")) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Non-empty fieldname must be provided");
    if (fieldDescription.startsWith(".") || fieldDescription.endsWith(".")) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal field name. It cannot start or end with a '.': " + fieldDescription);
    Table table = this.table;
    boolean checkColumnType = validColumnTypes != null && validColumnTypes.length > 0;
    if (fieldDescription.contains(".")) {
        // Resolves field description down to last field name.
        String[] names = fieldDescription.split("\\.");
        long[] columnIndices = new long[names.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < names.length - 1; i++) {
            long index = table.getColumnIndex(names[i]);
            if (index < 0) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid query: " + names[i] + " does not refer to a class.");
            RealmFieldType type = table.getColumnType(index);
            if (type == RealmFieldType.OBJECT || type == RealmFieldType.LIST) {
                table = table.getLinkTarget(index);
                columnIndices[i] = index;
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid query: " + names[i] + " does not refer to a class.");
        // Checks if last field name is a valid field.
        String columnName = names[names.length - 1];
        long columnIndex = table.getColumnIndex(columnName);
        columnIndices[names.length - 1] = columnIndex;
        if (columnIndex < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(columnName + " is not a field name in class " + table.getName());
        if (checkColumnType && !isValidType(table.getColumnType(columnIndex), validColumnTypes)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Field '%s': type mismatch.", names[names.length - 1]));
        return columnIndices;
    } else {
        Long fieldIndex = getFieldIndex(fieldDescription);
        if (fieldIndex == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Field '%s' does not exist.", fieldDescription));
        RealmFieldType tableColumnType = table.getColumnType(fieldIndex);
        if (checkColumnType && !isValidType(tableColumnType, validColumnTypes)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Field '%s': type mismatch. Was %s, expected %s.", fieldDescription, tableColumnType, Arrays.toString(validColumnTypes)));
        return new long[] { fieldIndex };
Also used : Table(io.realm.internal.Table)

Example 38 with Table

use of io.realm.internal.Table in project realm-java by realm.

the class Realm method createObjectInternal.

     * Same as {@link #createObject(Class, Object)} but this does not check the thread.
     * @param clazz the Class of the object to create.
     * @param primaryKeyValue value for the primary key field.
     * @param acceptDefaultValue if {@code true}, default value of the object will be applied and
     *                           if {@code false}, it will be ignored.
     * @return the new object.
     * @throws RealmException if object could not be created due to the primary key being invalid.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the model class does not have an primary key defined.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the {@code primaryKeyValue} doesn't have a value that can be converted to the
     * expected value.
// Called from proxy classes.
<E extends RealmModel> E createObjectInternal(Class<E> clazz, Object primaryKeyValue, boolean acceptDefaultValue, List<String> excludeFields) {
    Table table = schema.getTable(clazz);
    long rowIndex = table.addEmptyRowWithPrimaryKey(primaryKeyValue);
    return get(clazz, rowIndex, acceptDefaultValue, excludeFields);
Also used : Table(io.realm.internal.Table)

Example 39 with Table

use of io.realm.internal.Table in project realm-java by realm.

the class RealmSchema method getTable.

Table getTable(Class<? extends RealmModel> clazz) {
    Table table = classToTable.get(clazz);
    if (table == null) {
        Class<? extends RealmModel> originalClass = Util.getOriginalModelClass(clazz);
        if (isProxyClass(originalClass, clazz)) {
            // If passed 'clazz' is the proxy, try again with model class.
            table = classToTable.get(originalClass);
        if (table == null) {
            table = realm.sharedRealm.getTable(realm.configuration.getSchemaMediator().getTableName(originalClass));
            classToTable.put(originalClass, table);
        if (isProxyClass(originalClass, clazz)) {
            // 'clazz' is the proxy class for 'originalClass'.
            classToTable.put(clazz, table);
    return table;
Also used : Table(io.realm.internal.Table)

Example 40 with Table

use of io.realm.internal.Table in project realm-java by realm.

the class RealmResults method createBacklinkResults.

static <T extends RealmModel> RealmResults<T> createBacklinkResults(BaseRealm realm, Row row, Class<T> srcTableType, String srcFieldName) {
    if (!(row instanceof UncheckedRow)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Row is " + row.getClass());
    UncheckedRow uncheckedRow = (UncheckedRow) row;
    Table srcTable = realm.getSchema().getTable(srcTableType);
    return new RealmResults<T>(realm, Collection.createBacklinksCollection(realm.sharedRealm, uncheckedRow, srcTable, srcFieldName), srcTableType);
Also used : Table(io.realm.internal.Table) UncheckedRow(io.realm.internal.UncheckedRow)


Table (io.realm.internal.Table)68 RealmObjectProxy (io.realm.internal.RealmObjectProxy)20 Test (org.junit.Test)19 Date (java.util.Date)10 PrimaryKeyAsString (io.realm.entities.PrimaryKeyAsString)5 RealmMigrationNeededException (io.realm.exceptions.RealmMigrationNeededException)4 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)4 PrimaryKeyAsLong (io.realm.entities.PrimaryKeyAsLong)3 RealmException (io.realm.exceptions.RealmException)3 UncheckedRow (io.realm.internal.UncheckedRow)2 JSONObject (org.json.JSONObject)2 TargetApi (android.annotation.TargetApi)1 JsonReader (android.util.JsonReader)1 AllTypes (io.realm.entities.AllTypes)1 Cat (io.realm.entities.Cat)1 IOSAllTypes (io.realm.entities.IOSAllTypes)1 StringOnly (io.realm.entities.StringOnly)1 MigrationFieldTypeToInt (io.realm.entities.migration.MigrationFieldTypeToInt)1 MigrationFieldTypeToInteger (io.realm.entities.migration.MigrationFieldTypeToInteger)1 LinkView (io.realm.internal.LinkView)1