use of io.stackgres.common.crd.sgcluster.StackGresCluster in project stackgres by ongres.
the class PrometheusIntegration method generateResource.
public Stream<HasMetadata> generateResource(StackGresClusterContext context) {
final StackGresCluster stackGresCluster = context.getSource();
final Map<String, String> defaultLabels = labelFactory.clusterLabels(stackGresCluster);
Map<String, String> crossNamespaceLabels = labelFactory.clusterCrossNamespaceLabels(stackGresCluster);
Seq<HasMetadata> resources = Seq.of(new ServiceBuilder().withNewMetadata().withNamespace(stackGresCluster.getMetadata().getNamespace()).withName(AbstractEnvoy.serviceName(context)).withLabels(ImmutableMap.<String, String>builder().putAll(crossNamespaceLabels).put("container", AbstractEnvoy.NAME).build()).endMetadata().withSpec(new ServiceSpecBuilder().withSelector(defaultLabels).withPorts(new ServicePortBuilder().withProtocol("TCP").withName(AbstractEnvoy.NAME).withPort(8001).build()).build()).build());
Optional<Stream<HasMetadata>> serviceMonitors = context.getPrometheus().filter(c -> Optional.ofNullable(c.getCreateServiceMonitor()).orElse(false)).map(c -> getServiceMonitors(context, crossNamespaceLabels, c));
return -> Stream.concat(resources, hasMetadataStream)).orElse(resources);
use of io.stackgres.common.crd.sgcluster.StackGresCluster in project stackgres by ongres.
the class FluentBit method buildSource.
protected Optional<HasMetadata> buildSource(StackGresClusterContext context) {
final StackGresCluster cluster = context.getSource();
if (cluster.getSpec().getDistributedLogs() == null) {
return Optional.empty();
final String namespace = cluster.getMetadata().getNamespace();
final String fluentdRelativeId = cluster.getSpec().getDistributedLogs().getDistributedLogs();
final String fluentdNamespace = StackGresUtil.getNamespaceFromRelativeId(fluentdRelativeId, namespace);
final String fluentdServiceName = FluentdUtil.serviceName(StackGresUtil.getNameFromRelativeId(fluentdRelativeId));
String parsersConfigFile = "" + "[PARSER]\n" + " Name postgreslog_firstline\n" + " Format regex\n" + " Regex " + "^(?<log_time>\\d{4}-\\d{1,2}-\\d{1,2} \\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}.\\d*\\s\\S{3})" + ",(?<message>.*)\n" + "\n" + "[PARSER]\n" + " Name postgreslog_1\n" + " Format regex\n" + " Regex " + "^(?<log_time>\\d{4}-\\d{1,2}-\\d{1,2} \\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}.\\d*\\s\\S{3})" + ",(?<message>\"([^\"]*(?:\"\"[^\"]*)*)\"|)\n" + "\n" + "[PARSER]\n" + " Name patronilog_firstline\n" + " Format regex\n" + " Regex " + "^(?<log_time>\\d{4}-\\d{1,2}-\\d{1,2} \\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2},\\d*{3})" + " (?<error_severity>[^:]+): (?<message>.*)\n" + "\n" + "[PARSER]\n" + " Name patronilog_1\n" + " Format regex\n" + " Regex " + "^(?<log_time>\\d{4}-\\d{1,2}-\\d{1,2} \\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2},\\d*{3})" + " (?<error_severity>[^:]+): (?<message>.*)\n" + "\n" + "[PARSER]\n" + " Name kubernetes_tag\n" + " Format regex\n" + " Regex ^[^.]+\\.[^.]+\\.[^.]+\\." + "(?<namespace_name>[^.]+)\\.(?<pod_name>[^.]+)$\n" + "\n";
final String clusterNamespace = cluster.getMetadata().getNamespace();
String fluentBitConfigFile = "" + "[SERVICE]\n" + " Parsers_File /etc/fluent-bit/parsers.conf\n" + "\n" + "[INPUT]\n" + " Name tail\n" + " Path " + ClusterStatefulSetPath.PG_LOG_PATH.path() + "/postgres*.csv\n" + " Tag " + FluentdUtil.POSTGRES_LOG_TYPE + "\n" + " DB " + ClusterStatefulSetPath.PG_LOG_PATH.path() + "/postgreslog.db\n" + " Multiline On\n" + " Parser_Firstline postgreslog_firstline\n" + " Parser_1 postgreslog_1\n" + " Buffer_Max_Size 2M\n" + " Skip_Long_Lines On\n" + "\n" + "[INPUT]\n" + " Name tail\n" + " Key message\n" + " Path " + ClusterStatefulSetPath.PG_LOG_PATH.path() + "/patroni*.log\n" + " Tag " + FluentdUtil.PATRONI_LOG_TYPE + "\n" + " DB " + ClusterStatefulSetPath.PG_LOG_PATH.path() + "/patronilog.db\n" + " Multiline On\n" + " Parser_Firstline patronilog_firstline\n" + " Parser_1 patronilog_1\n" + " Buffer_Max_Size 2M\n" + " Skip_Long_Lines On\n" + "\n" + "[FILTER]\n" + " Name rewrite_tag\n" + " Match " + FluentdUtil.POSTGRES_LOG_TYPE + "\n" + " Rule $message ^.*$ " + tagName(cluster, FluentdUtil.POSTGRES_LOG_TYPE) + "." + clusterNamespace + ".${HOSTNAME} false\n" + " Emitter_Name postgres_re_emitted" + "\n" + "[FILTER]\n" + " Name rewrite_tag\n" + " Match " + FluentdUtil.PATRONI_LOG_TYPE + "\n" + " Rule $message ^.*$ " + tagName(cluster, FluentdUtil.PATRONI_LOG_TYPE) + "." + clusterNamespace + ".${HOSTNAME} false\n" + " Emitter_Name patroni_re_emitted" + "\n" + "[FILTER]\n" + " Name kubernetes\n" + " Match " + tagName(cluster, "*") + "\n" + " Annotations Off\n" + " Kube_Tag_Prefix ''\n" + " Regex_Parser kubernetes_tag\n" + " Buffer_Size 0\n" + " Kube_Meta_Cache_TTL 60\n" + "\n" + "[OUTPUT]\n" + " Name forward\n" + " Match " + tagName(cluster, "*") + "\n" + " Host " + fluentdServiceName + "." + fluentdNamespace + "\n" + " Port " + FluentdUtil.FORWARD_PORT + "\n" + "\n" + "[OUTPUT]\n" + " Name stdout\n" + " Match " + tagName(cluster, "*") + "\n" + "\n";
Map<String, String> data = ImmutableMap.of("parsers.conf", parsersConfigFile, "fluentbit.conf", fluentBitConfigFile);
ConfigMap configMap = new ConfigMapBuilder().withNewMetadata().withNamespace(namespace).withName(configName(context)).withLabels(labelFactory.clusterLabels(cluster)).endMetadata().withData(data).build();
return Optional.of(configMap);
use of io.stackgres.common.crd.sgcluster.StackGresCluster in project stackgres by ongres.
the class FluentBit method buildSource.
protected Optional<HasMetadata> buildSource(StackGresClusterContext context) {
final StackGresCluster cluster = context.getSource();
if (cluster.getSpec().getDistributedLogs() == null) {
return Optional.empty();
final String namespace = cluster.getMetadata().getNamespace();
final String fluentdRelativeId = cluster.getSpec().getDistributedLogs().getDistributedLogs();
final String fluentdNamespace = StackGresUtil.getNamespaceFromRelativeId(fluentdRelativeId, namespace);
final String fluentdServiceName = FluentdUtil.serviceName(StackGresUtil.getNameFromRelativeId(fluentdRelativeId));
String parsersConfigFile = "" + "[PARSER]\n" + " Name postgreslog_firstline\n" + " Format regex\n" + " Regex " + "^(?<log_time>\\d{4}-\\d{1,2}-\\d{1,2} \\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}.\\d*\\s\\S{3})" + ",(?<message>.*)\n" + "\n" + "[PARSER]\n" + " Name postgreslog_1\n" + " Format regex\n" + " Regex " + "^(?<log_time>\\d{4}-\\d{1,2}-\\d{1,2} \\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}.\\d*\\s\\S{3})" + ",(?<message>\"([^\"]*(?:\"\"[^\"]*)*)\"|)\n" + "\n" + "[PARSER]\n" + " Name patronilog_firstline\n" + " Format regex\n" + " Regex " + "^(?<log_time>\\d{4}-\\d{1,2}-\\d{1,2} \\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2},\\d*{3})" + " (?<error_severity>[^:]+): (?<message>.*)\n" + "\n" + "[PARSER]\n" + " Name patronilog_1\n" + " Format regex\n" + " Regex " + "^(?<log_time>\\d{4}-\\d{1,2}-\\d{1,2} \\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2},\\d*{3})" + " (?<error_severity>[^:]+): (?<message>.*)\n" + "\n" + "[PARSER]\n" + " Name kubernetes_tag\n" + " Format regex\n" + " Regex ^[^.]+\\.[^.]+\\.[^.]+\\." + "(?<namespace_name>[^.]+)\\.(?<pod_name>[^.]+)$\n" + "\n";
final String clusterNamespace = cluster.getMetadata().getNamespace();
String fluentBitConfigFile = "" + "[SERVICE]\n" + " Parsers_File /etc/fluent-bit/parsers.conf\n" + "\n" + "[INPUT]\n" + " Name tail\n" + " Path " + ClusterStatefulSetPath.PG_LOG_PATH.path() + "/postgres*.csv\n" + " Tag " + FluentdUtil.POSTGRES_LOG_TYPE + "\n" + " DB " + ClusterStatefulSetPath.PG_LOG_PATH.path() + "/postgreslog.db\n" + " Multiline On\n" + " Parser_Firstline postgreslog_firstline\n" + " Parser_1 postgreslog_1\n" + " Buffer_Max_Size 2M\n" + " Skip_Long_Lines On\n" + "\n" + "[INPUT]\n" + " Name tail\n" + " Key message\n" + " Path " + ClusterStatefulSetPath.PG_LOG_PATH.path() + "/patroni*.log\n" + " Tag " + FluentdUtil.PATRONI_LOG_TYPE + "\n" + " DB " + ClusterStatefulSetPath.PG_LOG_PATH.path() + "/patronilog.db\n" + " Multiline On\n" + " Parser_Firstline patronilog_firstline\n" + " Parser_1 patronilog_1\n" + " Buffer_Max_Size 2M\n" + " Skip_Long_Lines On\n" + "\n" + "[FILTER]\n" + " Name rewrite_tag\n" + " Match " + FluentdUtil.POSTGRES_LOG_TYPE + "\n" + " Rule $message ^.*$ " + tagName(cluster, FluentdUtil.POSTGRES_LOG_TYPE) + "." + clusterNamespace + ".${HOSTNAME} false\n" + " Emitter_Name postgres_re_emitted" + "\n" + "[FILTER]\n" + " Name rewrite_tag\n" + " Match " + FluentdUtil.PATRONI_LOG_TYPE + "\n" + " Rule $message ^.*$ " + tagName(cluster, FluentdUtil.PATRONI_LOG_TYPE) + "." + clusterNamespace + ".${HOSTNAME} false\n" + " Emitter_Name patroni_re_emitted" + "\n" + "[FILTER]\n" + " Name kubernetes\n" + " Match " + tagName(cluster, "*") + "\n" + " Annotations Off\n" + " Kube_Tag_Prefix ''\n" + " Regex_Parser kubernetes_tag\n" + " Buffer_Size 0\n" + "\n" + "[OUTPUT]\n" + " Name forward\n" + " Match " + tagName(cluster, "*") + "\n" + " Host " + fluentdServiceName + "." + fluentdNamespace + "\n" + " Port " + FluentdUtil.FORWARD_PORT + "\n" + "\n" + "[OUTPUT]\n" + " Name stdout\n" + " Match " + tagName(cluster, "*") + "\n" + "\n";
Map<String, String> data = ImmutableMap.of("parsers.conf", parsersConfigFile, "fluentbit.conf", fluentBitConfigFile);
ConfigMap configMap = new ConfigMapBuilder().withNewMetadata().withNamespace(namespace).withName(configName(context)).withLabels(labelFactory.clusterLabels(cluster)).endMetadata().withData(data).build();
return Optional.of(configMap);
use of io.stackgres.common.crd.sgcluster.StackGresCluster in project stackgres by ongres.
the class PostgresExporter method getContainer.
public Container getContainer(StackGresClusterContainerContext context) {
StackGresCluster cluster = context.getClusterContext().getSource();
ContainerBuilder container = new ContainerBuilder();
container.withName(NAME).withImage(StackGresComponent.PROMETHEUS_POSTGRES_EXPORTER.findLatestImageName()).withImagePullPolicy("IfNotPresent").withCommand("/bin/sh", "-exc").withArgs("" + "run_postgres_exporter() {\n" + " set -x\n" + " exec /usr/local/bin/postgres_exporter \\\n" + " --log.level=" + (POSTGRES_EXPORTER_LOGGER.isTraceEnabled() ? "debug" : "info") + "\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "set +x\n" + "while true\n" + "do\n" + " if ( [ -z \"$PID\" ] || [ ! -d \"/proc/$PID\" ] ) \\\n" + " && [ -S '" + ClusterStatefulSetPath.PG_RUN_PATH.path() + "/.s.PGSQL." + EnvoyUtil.PG_PORT + "' ]\n" + " then\n" + " if [ -n \"$PID\" ]\n" + " then\n" + " kill \"$PID\"\n" + " wait \"$PID\" || true\n" + " fi\n" + " run_postgres_exporter &\n" + " PID=\"$!\"\n" + " fi\n" + " sleep 5\n" + "done\n").withEnv(new EnvVarBuilder().withName("PGAPPNAME").withValue(NAME).build(), new EnvVarBuilder().withName("DATA_SOURCE_NAME").withValue("postgresql://postgres@:" + EnvoyUtil.PG_PORT + "/postgres" + "?host=" + ClusterStatefulSetPath.PG_RUN_PATH.path() + "&sslmode=disable").build(), new EnvVarBuilder().withName("PG_EXPORTER_EXTEND_QUERY_PATH").withValue("/var/opt/postgres-exporter/queries.yaml").build(), new EnvVarBuilder().withName("PG_EXPORTER_CONSTANT_LABELS").withValue("cluster_name=" + cluster.getMetadata().getName() + ", namespace=" + cluster.getMetadata().getNamespace()).build()).withPorts(new ContainerPortBuilder().withProtocol("TCP").withContainerPort(9187).build()).addAllToVolumeMounts(postgresSocket.getVolumeMounts(context)).addToVolumeMounts(new VolumeMountBuilder().withName(StatefulSetDynamicVolumes.EXPORTER_QUERIES.getVolumeName()).withMountPath("/var/opt/postgres-exporter/queries.yaml").withSubPath("queries.yaml").withReadOnly(true).build()).addAllToVolumeMounts(containerUserOverrideMounts.getVolumeMounts(context));
use of io.stackgres.common.crd.sgcluster.StackGresCluster in project stackgres by ongres.
the class PrometheusIntegration method generateResource.
public Stream<HasMetadata> generateResource(StackGresClusterContext context) {
final StackGresCluster cluster = context.getSource();
final Map<String, String> defaultLabels = labelFactory.clusterLabels(cluster);
Map<String, String> labels = new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>().putAll(labelFactory.clusterCrossNamespaceLabels(cluster)).build();
final String clusterNamespace = cluster.getMetadata().getNamespace();
final Stream<HasMetadata> resources = Stream.of(new ServiceBuilder().withNewMetadata().withNamespace(clusterNamespace).withName(serviceName(context)).withLabels(ImmutableMap.<String, String>builder().putAll(labels).put("container", POSTGRES_EXPORTER_CONTAINER_NAME).build()).endMetadata().withSpec(new ServiceSpecBuilder().withSelector(defaultLabels).withPorts(new ServicePortBuilder().withName(POSTGRES_EXPORTER_CONTAINER_NAME).withProtocol("TCP").withPort(9187).build()).build()).build());
Optional<Stream<HasMetadata>> serviceMonitors = context.getPrometheus().filter(c -> Optional.ofNullable(c.getCreateServiceMonitor()).orElse(false)).map(c -> c.getPrometheusInstallations().stream().map(pi -> {
ServiceMonitor serviceMonitor = new ServiceMonitor();
serviceMonitor.setMetadata(new ObjectMetaBuilder().withNamespace(pi.getNamespace()).withName(serviceMonitorName(context)).withLabels(ImmutableMap.<String, String>builder().putAll(pi.getMatchLabels()).putAll(labels).build()).build());
ServiceMonitorSpec spec = new ServiceMonitorSpec();
LabelSelector selector = new LabelSelector();
NamespaceSelector namespaceSelector = new NamespaceSelector();
Endpoint endpoint = new Endpoint();
return serviceMonitor;
return -> Stream.concat(resources, hasMetadataStream)).orElse(resources);