use of io.swagger.v3.core.util.Yaml in project swagger-core by swagger-api.
the class ReaderTest method testCallbackWithRef.
@Test(description = "Callback with Ref")
public void testCallbackWithRef() {
Components components = new Components();
components.addCallbacks("Callback", new Callback().addPathItem("/post", new PathItem().description("Post Path Item")));
OpenAPI oas = new OpenAPI().info(new Info().description("info")).components(components);
Reader reader = new Reader(oas);
OpenAPI openAPI =;
String yaml = "openapi: 3.0.1\n" + "info:\n" + " description: info\n" + "paths:\n" + " /simplecallback:\n" + " get:\n" + " summary: Simple get operation\n" + " operationId: getWithNoParameters\n" + " responses:\n" + " \"200\":\n" + " description: voila!\n" + " callbacks:\n" + " testCallback1:\n" + " $ref: '#/components/callbacks/Callback'\n" + "components:\n" + " callbacks:\n" + " Callback:\n" + " /post:\n" + " description: Post Path Item\n";
SerializationMatchers.assertEqualsToYaml(openAPI, yaml);
use of io.swagger.v3.core.util.Yaml in project swagger-core by swagger-api.
the class ReaderTest method testTicket3092.
public void testTicket3092() {
Reader reader = new Reader(new OpenAPI());
OpenAPI openAPI =;
String yaml = "openapi: 3.0.1\n" + "paths:\n" + " /upload:\n" + " post:\n" + " operationId: uploadWithBean\n" + " requestBody:\n" + " content:\n" + " multipart/form-data:\n" + " schema:\n" + " type: object\n" + " properties:\n" + " name:\n" + " type: string\n" + " picture:\n" + " $ref: '#/components/schemas/picture'\n" + " responses:\n" + " default:\n" + " description: default response\n" + " content:\n" + " application/json: {}\n" + " /upload/requestbody:\n" + " post:\n" + " operationId: uploadWithBeanAndRequestBody\n" + " requestBody:\n" + " content:\n" + " multipart/form-data:\n" + " schema:\n" + " $ref: '#/components/schemas/UploadRequest'\n" + " responses:\n" + " default:\n" + " description: default response\n" + " content:\n" + " application/json: {}\n" + "components:\n" + " schemas:\n" + " picture:\n" + " type: object\n" + " format: binary\n" + " UploadRequest:\n" + " title: Schema for Upload\n" + " type: object\n" + " properties:\n" + " name:\n" + " type: string\n" + " picture:\n" + " type: string\n" + " format: binary";
SerializationMatchers.assertEqualsToYaml(openAPI, yaml);
use of io.swagger.v3.core.util.Yaml in project swagger-core by swagger-api.
the class ReaderTest method testHeaderWithRef.
@Test(description = "Header with Ref")
public void testHeaderWithRef() {
Components components = new Components();
components.addHeaders("Header", new Header().description("Header Description"));
OpenAPI oas = new OpenAPI().info(new Info().description("info")).components(components);
Reader reader = new Reader(oas);
OpenAPI openAPI =;
String yaml = "openapi: 3.0.1\n" + "info:\n" + " description: info\n" + "paths:\n" + " /path:\n" + " get:\n" + " summary: Simple get operation\n" + " description: Defines a simple get operation with no inputs and a complex output\n" + " operationId: getWithPayloadResponse\n" + " responses:\n" + " \"200\":\n" + " description: voila!\n" + " headers:\n" + " Rate-Limit-Limit:\n" + " description: The number of allowed requests in the current period\n" + " $ref: '#/components/headers/Header'\n" + " style: simple\n" + " schema:\n" + " type: integer\n" + " deprecated: true\n" + "components:\n" + " headers:\n" + " Header:\n" + " description: Header Description\n";
SerializationMatchers.assertEqualsToYaml(openAPI, yaml);
use of io.swagger.v3.core.util.Yaml in project swagger-core by swagger-api.
the class ReaderTest method testResponseWithRef.
@Test(description = "Responses with ref")
public void testResponseWithRef() {
Components components = new Components();
components.addResponses("invalidJWT", new ApiResponse().description("when JWT token invalid/expired"));
OpenAPI oas = new OpenAPI().info(new Info().description("info")).components(components);
Reader reader = new Reader(oas);
OpenAPI openAPI =;
String yaml = "openapi: 3.0.1\n" + "info:\n" + " description: info\n" + "paths:\n" + " /:\n" + " get:\n" + " summary: Simple get operation\n" + " description: Defines a simple get operation with no inputs and a complex output\n" + " object\n" + " operationId: getWithPayloadResponse\n" + " responses:\n" + " \"200\":\n" + " description: voila!\n" + " content:\n" + " application/json:\n" + " schema:\n" + " $ref: '#/components/schemas/SampleResponseSchema'\n" + " default:\n" + " description: boo\n" + " content:\n" + " '*/*':\n" + " schema:\n" + " $ref: '#/components/schemas/GenericError'\n" + " \"401\":\n" + " $ref: '#/components/responses/invalidJWT'\n" + " deprecated: true\n" + "components:\n" + " schemas:\n" + " GenericError:\n" + " type: object\n" + " SampleResponseSchema:\n" + " type: object\n" + " responses:\n" + " invalidJWT:\n" + " description: when JWT token invalid/expired";
SerializationMatchers.assertEqualsToYaml(openAPI, yaml);
use of io.swagger.v3.core.util.Yaml in project swagger-core by swagger-api.
the class ReaderTest method testTicket3694.
@Test(description = "overridden generic resource methods")
public void testTicket3694() {
Reader reader = new Reader(new OpenAPI());
OpenAPI openAPI =;
String yaml = "openapi: 3.0.1\n" + "paths:\n" + " /foo:\n" + " post:\n" + " tags:\n" + " - Foo\n" + " summary: Foo List in Interface\n" + " operationId: foo\n" + " requestBody:\n" + " content:\n" + " application/json:\n" + " schema:\n" + " type: array\n" + " items:\n" + " type: string\n" + " responses:\n" + " default:\n" + " description: default response\n" + " content:\n" + " '*/*': {}\n" + " /bar:\n" + " post:\n" + " operationId: bar\n" + " requestBody:\n" + " content:\n" + " application/json:\n" + " schema:\n" + " type: array\n" + " items:\n" + " type: string\n" + " responses:\n" + " default:\n" + " description: default response\n" + " content:\n" + " '*/*':\n" + " schema:\n" + " type: string\n" + " /another:\n" + " post:\n" + " operationId: another\n" + " requestBody:\n" + " content:\n" + " application/json:\n" + " schema:\n" + " type: string\n" + " responses:\n" + " default:\n" + " description: default response\n" + " content:\n" + " '*/*': {}";
SerializationMatchers.assertEqualsToYaml(openAPI, yaml);
reader = new Reader(new OpenAPI());
openAPI =;
yaml = "openapi: 3.0.1\n" + "paths:\n" + " /foo:\n" + " post:\n" + " tags:\n" + " - Foo\n" + " summary: Foo List in Interface\n" + " operationId: foo\n" + " requestBody:\n" + " content:\n" + " application/json:\n" + " schema:\n" + " type: array\n" + " items:\n" + " type: string\n" + " responses:\n" + " default:\n" + " description: default response\n" + " content:\n" + " '*/*': {}\n" + " /bar:\n" + " post:\n" + " operationId: bar\n" + " requestBody:\n" + " content:\n" + " application/json:\n" + " schema:\n" + " type: array\n" + " items:\n" + " type: string\n" + " responses:\n" + " default:\n" + " description: default response\n" + " content:\n" + " '*/*':\n" + " schema:\n" + " type: string\n" + " /another:\n" + " post:\n" + " operationId: another\n" + " requestBody:\n" + " content:\n" + " application/json:\n" + " schema:\n" + " type: string\n" + " responses:\n" + " default:\n" + " description: default response\n" + " content:\n" + " '*/*': {}";
SerializationMatchers.assertEqualsToYaml(openAPI, yaml);
reader = new Reader(new OpenAPI());
openAPI =;
yaml = "openapi: 3.0.1\n" + "paths:\n" + " /bar:\n" + " post:\n" + " operationId: bar\n" + " requestBody:\n" + " content:\n" + " application/json:\n" + " schema:\n" + " type: array\n" + " items:\n" + " type: string\n" + " responses:\n" + " default:\n" + " description: default response\n" + " content:\n" + " '*/*':\n" + " schema:\n" + " type: string";
SerializationMatchers.assertEqualsToYaml(openAPI, yaml);
reader = new Reader(new OpenAPI());
openAPI =;
yaml = "openapi: 3.0.1\n" + "paths:\n" + " /bar:\n" + " post:\n" + " operationId: bar\n" + " requestBody:\n" + " content:\n" + " application/json:\n" + " schema:\n" + " type: array\n" + " items:\n" + " type: string\n" + " responses:\n" + " default:\n" + " description: default response\n" + " content:\n" + " '*/*': {}";
SerializationMatchers.assertEqualsToYaml(openAPI, yaml);