use of io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.parameters.RequestBody in project snow-owl by b2ihealthcare.
the class SnomedConceptRestService method create.
@Operation(summary = "Create Concept", description = "Creates a new Concept directly on a path.")
@ApiResponses({ @ApiResponse(responseCode = "201", description = "Concept created on task"), @ApiResponse(responseCode = "404", description = "Branch not found") })
@PostMapping(consumes = { AbstractRestService.JSON_MEDIA_TYPE })
public ResponseEntity<Void> create(@Parameter(description = "The resource path", required = true) @PathVariable(value = "path") final String path, @Parameter(description = "Concept parameters") @RequestBody final SnomedResourceRequest<SnomedConceptRestInput> body, @RequestHeader(value = X_AUTHOR, required = false) final String author) {
final SnomedConceptRestInput change = body.getChange();
final String commitComment = body.getCommitComment();
final String defaultModuleId = body.getDefaultModuleId();
final String createdConceptId = change.toRequestBuilder().commit().setDefaultModuleId(defaultModuleId).setAuthor(author).setCommitComment(commitComment).build(path).execute(getBus()).getSync(COMMIT_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MINUTES).getResultAs(String.class);
return ResponseEntity.created(getResourceLocationURI(path, createdConceptId)).build();
use of io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.parameters.RequestBody in project snow-owl by b2ihealthcare.
the class SnomedReferenceSetRestService method create.
@Operation(summary = "Create a reference set", description = "Creates a new reference set directly on a path. Creates the corresponding identifier concept as well based on the given JSON body." + "<p>Reference Set type and referenced component type properties are immutable and cannot be modified, " + "thus there is no update endpoint for reference sets. " + "To update the corresponding identifier concept properties, use the concept update endpoint.</p>")
@ApiResponses({ @ApiResponse(responseCode = "201", description = "Created"), @ApiResponse(responseCode = "404", description = "Branch not found") })
@PostMapping(consumes = { AbstractRestService.JSON_MEDIA_TYPE })
public ResponseEntity<Void> create(@Parameter(description = "The resource path", required = true) @PathVariable(value = "path") final String path, @Parameter(description = "Reference set parameters") @RequestBody final SnomedResourceRequest<SnomedRefSetRestInput> body, @RequestHeader(value = X_AUTHOR, required = false) final String author) {
final SnomedRefSetRestInput change = body.getChange();
final String commitComment = body.getCommitComment();
final String defaultModuleId = body.getDefaultModuleId();
final String createdRefSetId = change.toRequestBuilder().commit().setDefaultModuleId(defaultModuleId).setAuthor(author).setCommitComment(commitComment).build(path).execute(getBus()).getSync(COMMIT_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MINUTES).getResultAs(String.class);
return ResponseEntity.created(getResourceLocationURI(path, createdRefSetId)).build();
use of io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.parameters.RequestBody in project snow-owl by b2ihealthcare.
the class FhirCodeSystemValidateCodeOperationController method validateCode.
* POST-based $validate-code end-point.
* All parameters are in the request body, except the codeSystemId
* @param body - FHIR parameters
* @return out - FHIR parameters
@Operation(summary = "Validate a code in a code system", description = "Validate that a coded value is in a code system.")
@ApiResponses({ @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200", description = "OK"), @ApiResponse(responseCode = "404", description = "Not found"), @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "Bad request") })
@PostMapping(value = "/{codeSystemId:**}/$validate-code", consumes = AbstractFhirController.APPLICATION_FHIR_JSON)
public Promise<Parameters.Fhir> validateCode(@Parameter(description = "The id of the code system to validate against") @PathVariable("codeSystemId") String codeSystemId, @Parameter(description = "The validate-code request parameters") @RequestBody Parameters.Fhir body) {
final ValidateCodeRequest request = toRequest(body, ValidateCodeRequest.class);
// Validate for parameters that are not allowed on the instance level
if (request.getUrl() != null) {
throw new BadRequestException("Parameter 'url' cannot be specified when the code system ID is set.", "ValidateCodeRequest.url");
if (request.getCoding() != null) {
throw new BadRequestException("Parameter 'coding' cannot be specified when the code system ID is set.", "ValidateCodeRequest.coding");
if (request.getCodeableConcept() != null) {
throw new BadRequestException("Parameter 'codeableConcept' cannot be specified when the code system ID is set.", "ValidateCodeRequest.codeableConcept");
if (request.getCodeSystem() != null) {
throw new BadRequestException("Validation against external code systems is not supported", "ValidateCodeRequest.codeSystem");
// before execution set the codesystem to the path variable
request.setUrl(new Uri(codeSystemId));
return FhirRequests.codeSystems().prepareValidateCode().setRequest(request).buildAsync().execute(getBus()).then(this::toResponse);
use of io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.parameters.RequestBody in project snow-owl by b2ihealthcare.
the class FhirCodeSystemSubsumesOperationController method subsumes.
* Subsumes POST method without codeSystemId and body
@Operation(summary = "Subsumption testing", description = "Test the subsumption relationship between code/Coding A and code/Coding B given the semantics of subsumption in the underlying code system (see hierarchyMeaning).")
@ApiResponses({ @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200", description = "OK"), @ApiResponse(responseCode = "404", description = "Not found"), @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "Bad request") })
@PostMapping(value = "/$subsumes", consumes = AbstractFhirController.APPLICATION_FHIR_JSON)
public Promise<Parameters.Fhir> subsumes(@Parameter(description = "The lookup request parameters") @RequestBody Parameters.Fhir body) {
SubsumptionRequest request = toRequest(body, SubsumptionRequest.class);
return FhirRequests.codeSystems().prepareSubsumes().setRequest(request).buildAsync().execute(getBus()).then(this::toResponse);
use of io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.parameters.RequestBody in project snow-owl by b2ihealthcare.
the class FhirConceptMapTranslateOperationController method translate.
* HTTP POST request to translate a code that belongs to a {@link ConceptMap} specified by its ID.
* @param conceptMapId
* @return translation of the code
@Operation(summary = "Translate a code based on a specific Concept Map", description = "Translate a code from one value set to another, based on the existing value set and specific concept map.")
@ApiResponses({ @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200", description = "OK"), @ApiResponse(responseCode = "404", description = "Not found"), @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "Bad request") })
@PostMapping(value = "/{conceptMapId:**}/$translate", consumes = AbstractFhirController.APPLICATION_FHIR_JSON)
public Promise<Parameters.Fhir> translate(@Parameter(description = "The id of the conceptMap to base the translation on") @PathVariable("conceptMapId") String conceptMapId, @Parameter(description = "The translate request parameters") @RequestBody Parameters.Fhir body) {
// validation is triggered by
final TranslateRequest request = toRequest(body, TranslateRequest.class);
return doTranslate(request);