use of io.swagger.v3.oas.models.Paths in project swagger-parser by swagger-api.
the class OpenAPIDeserializerTest method testAdditionalPropertiesBoolean.
public void testAdditionalPropertiesBoolean() {
String yaml = "openapi: 3.0.0\n" + "info:\n" + " title: Test\n" + " version: 1.0.0\n" + "paths:\n" + " \"/store/inventory\":\n" + " post:\n" + " requestBody:\n" + " content:\n" + " application/json:\n" + " schema:\n" + " additionalProperties: true\n" + " responses:\n" + " '200':\n" + " description: successful operation\n" + " content:\n" + " application/json:\n" + " schema:\n" + " additionalProperties: false\n";
OpenAPIV3Parser parser = new OpenAPIV3Parser();
SwaggerParseResult result = parser.readContents(yaml, null, null);
assertEquals(result.getMessages(), emptyList());
OpenAPI openAPI = result.getOpenAPI();
Schema body = openAPI.getPaths().get("/store/inventory").getPost().getRequestBody().getContent().get("application/json").getSchema();
assertEquals(body.getAdditionalProperties(), Boolean.TRUE);
assertEquals(body.getClass(), MapSchema.class);
Schema response = openAPI.getPaths().get("/store/inventory").getPost().getResponses().get("200").getContent().get("application/json").getSchema();
assertEquals(response.getAdditionalProperties(), Boolean.FALSE);
assertEquals(response.getClass(), ObjectSchema.class);
use of io.swagger.v3.oas.models.Paths in project swagger-parser by swagger-api.
the class OpenAPIDeserializerTest method testIssue247.
public void testIssue247() {
String yaml = "openapi: 3.0.0\n" + "servers: []\n" + "info:\n" + " description: bleh\n" + " version: 2.0.0\n" + " title: Test\n" + "paths:\n" + " /:\n" + " get:\n" + " responses:\n" + " '200':\n" + " description: OK\n" + " parameters: []\n" + "components:\n" + " schemas:\n" + " Pet:\n" + " allOf:\n" + " - type: object\n" + " required:\n" + " - id\n" + " properties:\n" + " id:\n" + " type: integer\n" + " format: int64";
OpenAPIV3Parser parser = new OpenAPIV3Parser();
SwaggerParseResult result = parser.readContents(yaml, null, null);
OpenAPI openAPI = result.getOpenAPI();
use of io.swagger.v3.oas.models.Paths in project swagger-parser by swagger-api.
the class OpenAPIDeserializerTest method testValidatorIssue50.
public void testValidatorIssue50() {
String yaml = "openapi: 3.0.0\n" + "servers:\n" + " - url: ''\n" + "info:\n" + " version: 2.0.0\n" + " title: Beanhunter API\n" + " description: Description of the api goes here.\n" + "paths:\n" + " /city:\n" + " get:\n" + " description: test description\n" + "components:\n" + " schemas:\n" + " Endpoints:\n" + " title: Endpoints object\n" + " properties:\n" + " links: {}";
OpenAPIV3Parser parser = new OpenAPIV3Parser();
SwaggerParseResult result = parser.readContents(yaml, null, null);
assertTrue(result.getMessages().size() == 1);
use of io.swagger.v3.oas.models.Paths in project swagger-parser by swagger-api.
the class NetworkReferenceTest method testValidateExternalRefsTrueRemote.
@Test(description = "option true, adds Original Location to messages when ref is remote")
public void testValidateExternalRefsTrueRemote() throws Exception {
ParseOptions options = new ParseOptions();
new Expectations() {
remoteUrl.urlToString("http://localhost:8080/swos-443/root.yaml", new ArrayList<>());
result = issue_443_yaml;
remoteUrl.urlToString("http://localhost:8080/swos-443/ref.yaml", new ArrayList<>());
result = issue_443_ref_yaml;
SwaggerParseResult result = new OpenAPIV3Parser().readLocation("http://localhost:8080/swos-443/root.yaml", null, options);
OpenAPI openAPI = result.getOpenAPI();
assertEquals(result.getMessages().size(), 19);
assertTrue(result.getMessages().contains("attribute components.requestBodies.NewItem.asdasd is unexpected (./ref.yaml)"));
assertTrue(result.getMessages().contains("attribute components.requestBodies.NewItem.descasdasdription is unexpected (./ref.yaml)"));
assertTrue(result.getMessages().contains("attribute components.responses.GeneralError.descrsaiption is unexpected (./ref.yaml)"));
assertTrue(result.getMessages().contains("attribute components.responses.GeneralError.asdas is unexpected (./ref.yaml)"));
assertTrue(result.getMessages().contains("attribute components.responses.GeneralError.description is missing (./ref.yaml)"));
assertTrue(result.getMessages().contains("attribute components.schemas.Examples.nonExpected is unexpected (./ref.yaml)"));
assertTrue(result.getMessages().contains("attribute components.parameters.skipParam.[skip].in is not of type `[query|header|path|cookie]` (./ref.yaml)"));
assertTrue(result.getMessages().contains("attribute components.securitySchemes.api_key.namex is unexpected (./ref.yaml)"));
assertTrue(result.getMessages().contains("attribute is missing (./ref.yaml)"));
assertTrue(result.getMessages().contains("attribute components.callbacks.webhookVerificationEvent.postx is unexpected (./ref.yaml)"));
assertTrue(result.getMessages().contains("attribute components.headers.X-Rate-Limit-Limit.descriptasdd is unexpected (./ref.yaml)"));
assertTrue(result.getMessages().contains("attribute components.links.unsubscribe.parametersx is unexpected (./ref.yaml)"));
assertTrue(result.getMessages().contains("attribute components.examples.response-example.summaryx is unexpected (./ref.yaml)"));
assertTrue(result.getMessages().contains("attribute components.examples.response-example. value and externalValue are both present (./ref.yaml)"));
assertTrue(result.getMessages().contains("attribute components.callbacks.failed.wrongField is not of type `object` (./ref.yaml)"));
assertTrue(result.getMessages().contains("attribute paths.~1refPet(get).responses is missing (./ref.yaml)"));
// error message in main file
assertTrue(result.getMessages().contains("attribute components.schemas.InvalidSchema.invalid is unexpected"));
use of io.swagger.v3.oas.models.Paths in project swagger-parser by swagger-api.
the class OpenAPIDeserializerTest method testIssue1072.
public void testIssue1072() throws Exception {
String yaml = "openapi: 3.0.0\n" + "info:\n" + " title: Test\n" + " version: 1.0.0\n" + "\n" + "paths:\n" + " /value:\n" + " get:\n" + " operationId: getValues\n" + " responses:\n" + " 200:\n" + " description: Successful response\n" + " content:\n" + " application/json:\n" + " schema:\n" + " $ref: '#/components/schemas/ComponentA'\n" + "components:\n" + " schemas:\n" + " ComponentA:\n" + " description: Component A\n" + " type: object\n" + " allOf:\n" + " - type: object\n" + " properties:\n" + " attributeWithoutType:\n" + " allOf:\n" + " - $ref: '#/components/schemas/ComponentB'\n" + " default: \"coucou\"\n" + " attributeWithWrongType:\n" + " type: object\n" + " allOf:\n" + " - $ref: '#/components/schemas/ComponentB'\n" + " default: \"coucou\"\n" + " correctAttribute:\n" + " type: string\n" + " allOf:\n" + " - $ref: '#/components/schemas/ComponentB'\n" + " default: \"coucou\"\n" + " ComponentB:\n" + " description: Component B\n" + " type: string";
OpenAPIV3Parser parser = new OpenAPIV3Parser();
SwaggerParseResult result = parser.readContents(yaml, null, null);
OpenAPI openAPI = result.getOpenAPI();