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Example 21 with StageId

use of io.trino.execution.StageId in project trino by trinodb.

the class TestTaskExecutor method testQuantaFairness.

@Test(invocationCount = 100)
public void testQuantaFairness() {
    TestingTicker ticker = new TestingTicker();
    TaskExecutor taskExecutor = new TaskExecutor(1, 2, 3, 4, ticker);
    ticker.increment(20, MILLISECONDS);
    try {
        TaskHandle shortQuantaTaskHandle = taskExecutor.addTask(new TaskId(new StageId("short_quanta", 0), 0, 0), () -> 0, 10, new Duration(1, MILLISECONDS), OptionalInt.empty());
        TaskHandle longQuantaTaskHandle = taskExecutor.addTask(new TaskId(new StageId("long_quanta", 0), 0, 0), () -> 0, 10, new Duration(1, MILLISECONDS), OptionalInt.empty());
        Phaser endQuantaPhaser = new Phaser();
        TestingJob shortQuantaDriver = new TestingJob(ticker, new Phaser(), new Phaser(), endQuantaPhaser, 10, 10);
        TestingJob longQuantaDriver = new TestingJob(ticker, new Phaser(), new Phaser(), endQuantaPhaser, 10, 20);
        taskExecutor.enqueueSplits(shortQuantaTaskHandle, true, ImmutableList.of(shortQuantaDriver));
        taskExecutor.enqueueSplits(longQuantaTaskHandle, true, ImmutableList.of(longQuantaDriver));
        for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
        assertTrue(shortQuantaDriver.getCompletedPhases() >= 7 && shortQuantaDriver.getCompletedPhases() <= 8);
        assertTrue(longQuantaDriver.getCompletedPhases() >= 3 && longQuantaDriver.getCompletedPhases() <= 4);
    } finally {
Also used : TestingTicker(io.airlift.testing.TestingTicker) TaskId(io.trino.execution.TaskId) StageId(io.trino.execution.StageId) Duration(io.airlift.units.Duration) Phaser(java.util.concurrent.Phaser) Test(org.testng.annotations.Test)

Example 22 with StageId

use of io.trino.execution.StageId in project trino by trinodb.

the class TestTaskExecutor method testMinDriversPerTaskWhenTargetConcurrencyIncreases.

public void testMinDriversPerTaskWhenTargetConcurrencyIncreases() {
    MultilevelSplitQueue splitQueue = new MultilevelSplitQueue(2);
    TestingTicker ticker = new TestingTicker();
    // create a task executor with min/max drivers per task to be 2
    TaskExecutor taskExecutor = new TaskExecutor(4, 1, 2, 2, splitQueue, ticker);
    try {
        TaskHandle testTaskHandle = taskExecutor.addTask(new TaskId(new StageId(new QueryId("test"), 0), 0, 0), // make sure buffer is underutilized
        () -> 0, 1, new Duration(1, MILLISECONDS), OptionalInt.of(2));
        // create 3 splits
        int batchCount = 3;
        TestingJob[] splits = new TestingJob[3];
        Phaser[] phasers = new Phaser[batchCount];
        for (int batch = 0; batch < batchCount; batch++) {
            phasers[batch] = new Phaser();
            TestingJob split = new TestingJob(ticker, new Phaser(), new Phaser(), phasers[batch], 1, 0);
            splits[batch] = split;
        taskExecutor.enqueueSplits(testTaskHandle, false, ImmutableList.copyOf(splits));
        // wait until first split starts
        // remaining splits shouldn't start because initial split concurrency is 1
        assertSplitStates(0, splits);
        // complete first split (SplitConcurrencyController for TaskHandle should increase concurrency since buffer is underutilized)
        // 2 remaining splits should be started
        waitUntilSplitsStart(ImmutableList.of(splits[1], splits[2]));
    } finally {
Also used : TestingTicker(io.airlift.testing.TestingTicker) TaskId(io.trino.execution.TaskId) StageId(io.trino.execution.StageId) QueryId(io.trino.spi.QueryId) Duration(io.airlift.units.Duration) Phaser(java.util.concurrent.Phaser) Test(org.testng.annotations.Test)

Example 23 with StageId

use of io.trino.execution.StageId in project trino by trinodb.

the class TestTaskExecutor method testLevelMultipliers.

@Test(invocationCount = 100)
public void testLevelMultipliers() throws Exception {
    TestingTicker ticker = new TestingTicker();
    TaskExecutor taskExecutor = new TaskExecutor(6, 3, 3, 4, new MultilevelSplitQueue(2), ticker);
    ticker.increment(20, MILLISECONDS);
    try {
        for (int i = 0; i < (LEVEL_THRESHOLD_SECONDS.length - 1); i++) {
            TaskHandle[] taskHandles = { taskExecutor.addTask(new TaskId(new StageId("test1", 0), 0, 0), () -> 0, 10, new Duration(1, MILLISECONDS), OptionalInt.empty()), taskExecutor.addTask(new TaskId(new StageId("test2", 0), 0, 0), () -> 0, 10, new Duration(1, MILLISECONDS), OptionalInt.empty()), taskExecutor.addTask(new TaskId(new StageId("test3", 0), 0, 0), () -> 0, 10, new Duration(1, MILLISECONDS), OptionalInt.empty()) };
            // move task 0 to next level
            TestingJob task0Job = new TestingJob(ticker, new Phaser(), new Phaser(), new Phaser(), 1, LEVEL_THRESHOLD_SECONDS[i + 1] * 1000);
            taskExecutor.enqueueSplits(taskHandles[0], true, ImmutableList.of(task0Job));
            // move tasks 1 and 2 to this level
            TestingJob task1Job = new TestingJob(ticker, new Phaser(), new Phaser(), new Phaser(), 1, LEVEL_THRESHOLD_SECONDS[i] * 1000);
            taskExecutor.enqueueSplits(taskHandles[1], true, ImmutableList.of(task1Job));
            TestingJob task2Job = new TestingJob(ticker, new Phaser(), new Phaser(), new Phaser(), 1, LEVEL_THRESHOLD_SECONDS[i] * 1000);
            taskExecutor.enqueueSplits(taskHandles[2], true, ImmutableList.of(task2Job));
            // then, start new drivers for all tasks
            // 6 taskExecutor threads + test thread
            Phaser globalPhaser = new Phaser(7);
            int phasesForNextLevel = LEVEL_THRESHOLD_SECONDS[i + 1] - LEVEL_THRESHOLD_SECONDS[i];
            TestingJob[] drivers = new TestingJob[6];
            for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
                drivers[j] = new TestingJob(ticker, globalPhaser, new Phaser(), new Phaser(), phasesForNextLevel, 1000);
            taskExecutor.enqueueSplits(taskHandles[0], true, ImmutableList.of(drivers[0], drivers[1]));
            taskExecutor.enqueueSplits(taskHandles[1], true, ImmutableList.of(drivers[2], drivers[3]));
            taskExecutor.enqueueSplits(taskHandles[2], true, ImmutableList.of(drivers[4], drivers[5]));
            // run all three drivers
            int lowerLevelStart = drivers[2].getCompletedPhases() + drivers[3].getCompletedPhases() + drivers[4].getCompletedPhases() + drivers[5].getCompletedPhases();
            int higherLevelStart = drivers[0].getCompletedPhases() + drivers[1].getCompletedPhases();
            while ( {
                int lowerLevelEnd = drivers[2].getCompletedPhases() + drivers[3].getCompletedPhases() + drivers[4].getCompletedPhases() + drivers[5].getCompletedPhases();
                int lowerLevelTime = lowerLevelEnd - lowerLevelStart;
                int higherLevelEnd = drivers[0].getCompletedPhases() + drivers[1].getCompletedPhases();
                int higherLevelTime = higherLevelEnd - higherLevelStart;
                if (higherLevelTime > 20) {
                    assertGreaterThan(lowerLevelTime, (higherLevelTime * 2) - 10);
                    assertLessThan(higherLevelTime, (lowerLevelTime * 2) + 10);
    } finally {
Also used : TestingTicker(io.airlift.testing.TestingTicker) TaskId(io.trino.execution.TaskId) StageId(io.trino.execution.StageId) Duration(io.airlift.units.Duration) Phaser(java.util.concurrent.Phaser) Test(org.testng.annotations.Test)

Example 24 with StageId

use of io.trino.execution.StageId in project trino by trinodb.

the class TestTaskExecutor method testMinMaxDriversPerTask.

@Test(timeOut = 30_000)
public void testMinMaxDriversPerTask() {
    int maxDriversPerTask = 2;
    MultilevelSplitQueue splitQueue = new MultilevelSplitQueue(2);
    TestingTicker ticker = new TestingTicker();
    TaskExecutor taskExecutor = new TaskExecutor(4, 16, 1, maxDriversPerTask, splitQueue, ticker);
    try {
        TaskHandle testTaskHandle = taskExecutor.addTask(new TaskId(new StageId("test", 0), 0, 0), () -> 0, 10, new Duration(1, MILLISECONDS), OptionalInt.empty());
        // enqueue all batches of splits
        int batchCount = 4;
        TestingJob[] splits = new TestingJob[8];
        Phaser[] phasers = new Phaser[batchCount];
        for (int batch = 0; batch < batchCount; batch++) {
            phasers[batch] = new Phaser();
            TestingJob split1 = new TestingJob(ticker, new Phaser(), new Phaser(), phasers[batch], 1, 0);
            TestingJob split2 = new TestingJob(ticker, new Phaser(), new Phaser(), phasers[batch], 1, 0);
            splits[2 * batch] = split1;
            splits[2 * batch + 1] = split2;
            taskExecutor.enqueueSplits(testTaskHandle, false, ImmutableList.of(split1, split2));
        // assert that the splits are processed in batches as expected
        for (int batch = 0; batch < batchCount; batch++) {
            // wait until the current batch starts
            waitUntilSplitsStart(ImmutableList.of(splits[2 * batch], splits[2 * batch + 1]));
            // assert that only the splits including and up to the current batch are running and the rest haven't started yet
            assertSplitStates(2 * batch + 1, splits);
            // complete the current batch
    } finally {
Also used : TestingTicker(io.airlift.testing.TestingTicker) TaskId(io.trino.execution.TaskId) StageId(io.trino.execution.StageId) Duration(io.airlift.units.Duration) Phaser(java.util.concurrent.Phaser) Test(org.testng.annotations.Test)

Example 25 with StageId

use of io.trino.execution.StageId in project trino by trinodb.

the class TestTaskExecutor method testLevelMovement.

@Test(invocationCount = 100)
public void testLevelMovement() {
    TestingTicker ticker = new TestingTicker();
    TaskExecutor taskExecutor = new TaskExecutor(2, 2, 3, 4, ticker);
    ticker.increment(20, MILLISECONDS);
    try {
        TaskHandle testTaskHandle = taskExecutor.addTask(new TaskId(new StageId("test", 0), 0, 0), () -> 0, 10, new Duration(1, MILLISECONDS), OptionalInt.empty());
        Phaser globalPhaser = new Phaser();
        // 2 taskExecutor threads + test thread
        int quantaTimeMills = 500;
        int phasesPerSecond = 1000 / quantaTimeMills;
        int totalPhases = LEVEL_THRESHOLD_SECONDS[LEVEL_THRESHOLD_SECONDS.length - 1] * phasesPerSecond;
        TestingJob driver1 = new TestingJob(ticker, globalPhaser, new Phaser(), new Phaser(), totalPhases, quantaTimeMills);
        TestingJob driver2 = new TestingJob(ticker, globalPhaser, new Phaser(), new Phaser(), totalPhases, quantaTimeMills);
        taskExecutor.enqueueSplits(testTaskHandle, true, ImmutableList.of(driver1, driver2));
        int completedPhases = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < (LEVEL_THRESHOLD_SECONDS.length - 1); i++) {
            for (; (completedPhases / phasesPerSecond) < LEVEL_THRESHOLD_SECONDS[i + 1]; completedPhases++) {
            assertEquals(testTaskHandle.getPriority().getLevel(), i + 1);
    } finally {
Also used : TestingTicker(io.airlift.testing.TestingTicker) TaskId(io.trino.execution.TaskId) StageId(io.trino.execution.StageId) Duration(io.airlift.units.Duration) Phaser(java.util.concurrent.Phaser) Test(org.testng.annotations.Test)


StageId (io.trino.execution.StageId)47 TaskId (io.trino.execution.TaskId)44 Test (org.testng.annotations.Test)38 Duration (io.airlift.units.Duration)25 QueryId (io.trino.spi.QueryId)25 DynamicFilterId (io.trino.sql.planner.plan.DynamicFilterId)15 URI ( SimpleLocalMemoryContext (io.trino.memory.context.SimpleLocalMemoryContext)13 DataSize (io.airlift.units.DataSize)12 DynamicFilter (io.trino.spi.connector.DynamicFilter)12 Symbol (io.trino.sql.planner.Symbol)12 TestingHttpClient (io.airlift.http.client.testing.TestingHttpClient)11 SymbolAllocator (io.trino.sql.planner.SymbolAllocator)11 TestingColumnHandle (io.trino.spi.connector.TestingColumnHandle)10 DynamicFilters.createDynamicFilterExpression (io.trino.sql.DynamicFilters.createDynamicFilterExpression)9 TestingTicker (io.airlift.testing.TestingTicker)8 Expression (io.trino.sql.tree.Expression)8 Phaser (java.util.concurrent.Phaser)8 ImmutableList ( TupleDomain (io.trino.spi.predicate.TupleDomain)7