use of io.trino.metadata.QualifiedObjectName in project trino by trinodb.
the class PhoenixQueryRunner method copyTable.
private static void copyTable(QueryRunner queryRunner, String catalog, Session session, String schema, TpchTable<?> table) {
QualifiedObjectName source = new QualifiedObjectName(catalog, schema, table.getTableName());
String target = table.getTableName();
String tableProperties = "";
if (LINE_ITEM.getTableName().equals(target)) {
} else if (ORDERS.getTableName().equals(target)) {
tableProperties = "WITH (SALT_BUCKETS=10)";
} else if (PART_SUPPLIER.getTableName().equals(target)) {
tableProperties = "WITH (ROWKEYS = 'PARTKEY,SUPPKEY')";
@Language("SQL") String sql = format("CREATE TABLE %s %s AS SELECT * FROM %s", target, tableProperties, source);
LOG.debug("Running import for %s %s", target, sql);
long rows = queryRunner.execute(session, sql).getUpdateCount().getAsLong();
LOG.debug("%s rows loaded into %s", rows, target);
use of io.trino.metadata.QualifiedObjectName in project trino by trinodb.
the class RaptorQueryRunner method copyTable.
private static void copyTable(QueryRunner queryRunner, String catalog, Session session, String schema, TpchTable<?> table, String properties) {
QualifiedObjectName source = new QualifiedObjectName(catalog, schema, table.getTableName());
String target = table.getTableName();
String with = properties.isEmpty() ? "" : format(" WITH (%s)", properties);
@Language("SQL") String sql = format("CREATE TABLE %s%s AS SELECT * FROM %s", target, with, source);"Running import for %s", target);
long start = System.nanoTime();
long rows = queryRunner.execute(session, sql).getUpdateCount().getAsLong();"Imported %s rows for %s in %s", rows, target, nanosSince(start));
use of io.trino.metadata.QualifiedObjectName in project trino by trinodb.
the class BaseConnectorTest method testRenameMaterializedView.
public void testRenameMaterializedView() {
String schema = "rename_mv_test";
Session session = Session.builder(getSession()).setSchema(schema).build();
QualifiedObjectName originalMaterializedView = new QualifiedObjectName(session.getCatalog().orElseThrow(), session.getSchema().orElseThrow(), "test_materialized_view_rename_" + randomTableSuffix());
createTestingMaterializedView(originalMaterializedView, Optional.empty());
String renamedMaterializedView = "test_materialized_view_rename_new_" + randomTableSuffix();
assertQueryFails(session, "ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW " + originalMaterializedView + " RENAME TO " + renamedMaterializedView, "This connector does not support renaming materialized views");
assertUpdate(session, "DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW " + originalMaterializedView);
// simple rename
assertUpdate(session, "ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW " + originalMaterializedView + " RENAME TO " + renamedMaterializedView);
assertTestingMaterializedViewQuery(schema, renamedMaterializedView);
// verify new name in the system.metadata.materialized_views
assertQuery(session, "SELECT catalog_name, schema_name FROM system.metadata.materialized_views WHERE name = '" + renamedMaterializedView + "'", format("VALUES ('%s', '%s')", originalMaterializedView.getCatalogName(), originalMaterializedView.getSchemaName()));
assertQueryReturnsEmptyResult(session, listMaterializedViewsSql("name = '" + originalMaterializedView.getObjectName() + "'"));
// rename with IF EXISTS on existing materialized view
String testExistsMaterializedViewName = "test_materialized_view_rename_exists_" + randomTableSuffix();
assertUpdate(session, "ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW IF EXISTS " + renamedMaterializedView + " RENAME TO " + testExistsMaterializedViewName);
assertTestingMaterializedViewQuery(schema, testExistsMaterializedViewName);
// rename with upper-case, not delimited identifier
String uppercaseName = "TEST_MATERIALIZED_VIEW_RENAME_UPPERCASE_" + randomTableSuffix();
assertUpdate(session, "ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW " + testExistsMaterializedViewName + " RENAME TO " + uppercaseName);
// Ensure select allows for lower-case, not delimited identifier
assertTestingMaterializedViewQuery(schema, uppercaseName.toLowerCase(ENGLISH));
String otherSchema = "rename_mv_other_schema";
assertUpdate(format("CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS %s", otherSchema));
assertUpdate(session, "ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW " + uppercaseName + " RENAME TO " + otherSchema + "." + originalMaterializedView.getObjectName());
assertTestingMaterializedViewQuery(otherSchema, originalMaterializedView.getObjectName());
assertUpdate(session, "DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW " + otherSchema + "." + originalMaterializedView.getObjectName());
} else {
assertQueryFails(session, "ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW " + uppercaseName + " RENAME TO " + otherSchema + "." + originalMaterializedView.getObjectName(), "Materialized View rename across schemas is not supported");
assertUpdate(session, "DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW " + uppercaseName);
assertFalse(getQueryRunner().tableExists(session, originalMaterializedView.toString()));
assertFalse(getQueryRunner().tableExists(session, renamedMaterializedView));
assertFalse(getQueryRunner().tableExists(session, testExistsMaterializedViewName));
// rename with IF EXISTS on NOT existing materialized view
assertUpdate(session, "ALTER TABLE IF EXISTS " + originalMaterializedView + " RENAME TO " + renamedMaterializedView);
assertQueryReturnsEmptyResult(session, listMaterializedViewsSql("name = '" + originalMaterializedView.getObjectName() + "'"));
assertQueryReturnsEmptyResult(session, listMaterializedViewsSql("name = '" + renamedMaterializedView + "'"));
use of io.trino.metadata.QualifiedObjectName in project trino by trinodb.
the class BaseConnectorTest method testMaterializedView.
public void testMaterializedView() {
assertQueryFails("CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW nation_mv AS SELECT * FROM nation", "This connector does not support creating materialized views");
QualifiedObjectName view = new QualifiedObjectName(getSession().getCatalog().orElseThrow(), getSession().getSchema().orElseThrow(), "test_materialized_view_" + randomTableSuffix());
QualifiedObjectName otherView = new QualifiedObjectName(getSession().getCatalog().orElseThrow(), "other_schema", "test_materialized_view_" + randomTableSuffix());
QualifiedObjectName viewWithComment = new QualifiedObjectName(getSession().getCatalog().orElseThrow(), getSession().getSchema().orElseThrow(), "test_materialized_view_with_comment_" + randomTableSuffix());
createTestingMaterializedView(view, Optional.empty());
createTestingMaterializedView(otherView, Optional.of("sarcastic comment"));
createTestingMaterializedView(viewWithComment, Optional.of("mv_comment"));
// verify comment
MaterializedResult materializedRows = computeActual("SHOW CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW " + viewWithComment);
assertThat((String) materializedRows.getOnlyValue()).contains("COMMENT 'mv_comment'");
assertThat(query("SELECT table_name, comment FROM system.metadata.table_comments " + "WHERE catalog_name = '" + view.getCatalogName() + "' AND " + "schema_name = '" + view.getSchemaName() + "'")).skippingTypesCheck().containsAll("VALUES ('" + view.getObjectName() + "', null), ('" + viewWithComment.getObjectName() + "', 'mv_comment')");
// reading
assertThat(query("SELECT * FROM " + view)).skippingTypesCheck().matches("SELECT * FROM nation");
assertThat(query("SELECT * FROM " + viewWithComment)).skippingTypesCheck().matches("SELECT * FROM nation");
// table listing
assertThat(query("SHOW TABLES")).skippingTypesCheck().containsAll("VALUES '" + view.getObjectName() + "'");
// information_schema.tables without table_name filter
assertThat(query("SELECT table_name, table_type FROM information_schema.tables " + "WHERE table_schema = '" + view.getSchemaName() + "'")).skippingTypesCheck().containsAll(// TODO table_type should probably be "* VIEW"
"VALUES ('" + view.getObjectName() + "', 'BASE TABLE')");
// information_schema.tables with table_name filter
assertQuery("SELECT table_name, table_type FROM information_schema.tables " + "WHERE table_schema = '" + view.getSchemaName() + "' and table_name = '" + view.getObjectName() + "'", "VALUES ('" + view.getObjectName() + "', 'BASE TABLE')");
// system.jdbc.tables without filter
assertThat(query("SELECT table_schem, table_name, table_type FROM system.jdbc.tables")).skippingTypesCheck().containsAll("VALUES ('" + view.getSchemaName() + "', '" + view.getObjectName() + "', 'TABLE')");
// system.jdbc.tables with table prefix filter
assertQuery("SELECT table_schem, table_name, table_type " + "FROM system.jdbc.tables " + "WHERE table_cat = '" + view.getCatalogName() + "' AND " + "table_schem = '" + view.getSchemaName() + "' AND " + "table_name = '" + view.getObjectName() + "'", "VALUES ('" + view.getSchemaName() + "', '" + view.getObjectName() + "', 'TABLE')");
// column listing
assertThat(query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM " + view.getObjectName())).projected(// column types can very between connectors
0).skippingTypesCheck().matches("VALUES 'nationkey', 'name', 'regionkey', 'comment'");
assertThat(query("DESCRIBE " + view.getObjectName())).projected(// column types can very between connectors
0).skippingTypesCheck().matches("VALUES 'nationkey', 'name', 'regionkey', 'comment'");
// information_schema.columns without table_name filter
assertThat(query("SELECT table_name, column_name " + "FROM information_schema.columns " + "WHERE table_schema = '" + view.getSchemaName() + "'")).skippingTypesCheck().containsAll("SELECT * FROM (VALUES '" + view.getObjectName() + "') " + "CROSS JOIN UNNEST(ARRAY['nationkey', 'name', 'regionkey', 'comment'])");
// information_schema.columns with table_name filter
assertThat(query("SELECT table_name, column_name " + "FROM information_schema.columns " + "WHERE table_schema = '" + view.getSchemaName() + "' and table_name = '" + view.getObjectName() + "'")).skippingTypesCheck().containsAll("SELECT * FROM (VALUES '" + view.getObjectName() + "') " + "CROSS JOIN UNNEST(ARRAY['nationkey', 'name', 'regionkey', 'comment'])");
// view-specific listings
checkInformationSchemaViewsForMaterializedView(view.getSchemaName(), view.getObjectName());
// system.jdbc.columns without filter
assertThat(query("SELECT table_schem, table_name, column_name FROM system.jdbc.columns")).skippingTypesCheck().containsAll("SELECT * FROM (VALUES ('" + view.getSchemaName() + "', '" + view.getObjectName() + "')) " + "CROSS JOIN UNNEST(ARRAY['nationkey', 'name', 'regionkey', 'comment'])");
// system.jdbc.columns with schema filter
assertThat(query("SELECT table_schem, table_name, column_name " + "FROM system.jdbc.columns " + "WHERE table_schem LIKE '%" + view.getSchemaName() + "%'")).skippingTypesCheck().containsAll("SELECT * FROM (VALUES ('" + view.getSchemaName() + "', '" + view.getObjectName() + "')) " + "CROSS JOIN UNNEST(ARRAY['nationkey', 'name', 'regionkey', 'comment'])");
// system.jdbc.columns with table filter
assertThat(query("SELECT table_schem, table_name, column_name " + "FROM system.jdbc.columns " + "WHERE table_name LIKE '%" + view.getObjectName() + "%'")).skippingTypesCheck().containsAll("SELECT * FROM (VALUES ('" + view.getSchemaName() + "', '" + view.getObjectName() + "')) " + "CROSS JOIN UNNEST(ARRAY['nationkey', 'name', 'regionkey', 'comment'])");
// details
assertThat(((String) computeScalar("SHOW CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW " + view.getObjectName()))).matches("(?s)" + "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW \\Q" + view + "\\E" + ".* AS\n" + "SELECT \\*\n" + "FROM\n" + " nation");
// we only want to test filtering materialized views in different schemas,
// `viewWithComment` is in the same schema as `view` so it is not needed
assertUpdate("DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW " + viewWithComment);
// test filtering materialized views in system metadata table
assertThat(query(listMaterializedViewsSql("catalog_name = '" + view.getCatalogName() + "'"))).skippingTypesCheck().containsAll(getTestingMaterializedViewsResultRows(view, otherView));
assertThat(query(listMaterializedViewsSql("catalog_name = '" + otherView.getCatalogName() + "'", "schema_name = '" + otherView.getSchemaName() + "'"))).skippingTypesCheck().containsAll(getTestingMaterializedViewsResultRow(otherView, "sarcastic comment"));
assertThat(query(listMaterializedViewsSql("catalog_name = '" + view.getCatalogName() + "'", "schema_name = '" + view.getSchemaName() + "'", "name = '" + view.getObjectName() + "'"))).skippingTypesCheck().containsAll(getTestingMaterializedViewsResultRow(view, ""));
assertThat(query(listMaterializedViewsSql("schema_name LIKE '%" + view.getSchemaName() + "%'"))).skippingTypesCheck().containsAll(getTestingMaterializedViewsResultRow(view, ""));
assertThat(query(listMaterializedViewsSql("name LIKE '%" + view.getObjectName() + "%'"))).skippingTypesCheck().containsAll(getTestingMaterializedViewsResultRow(view, ""));
// verify write in transaction
assertThatThrownBy(() -> inTransaction(session -> computeActual(session, "REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW " + view))).hasMessageMatching("Catalog only supports writes using autocommit: \\w+");
assertUpdate("DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW " + view);
assertUpdate("DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW " + otherView);
assertQueryReturnsEmptyResult(listMaterializedViewsSql("name = '" + view.getObjectName() + "'"));
assertQueryReturnsEmptyResult(listMaterializedViewsSql("name = '" + otherView.getObjectName() + "'"));
assertQueryReturnsEmptyResult(listMaterializedViewsSql("name = '" + viewWithComment.getObjectName() + "'"));
use of io.trino.metadata.QualifiedObjectName in project trino by trinodb.
the class QueryAssertions method copyTable.
public static void copyTable(QueryRunner queryRunner, String sourceCatalog, String sourceSchema, String sourceTable, Session session) {
QualifiedObjectName table = new QualifiedObjectName(sourceCatalog, sourceSchema, sourceTable);
copyTable(queryRunner, table, session);