use of io.trino.metadata.TableMetadata in project trino by trinodb.
the class BaseHiveConnectorTest method createTableLike.
private void createTableLike(String likeSuffix, boolean hasPartition) {
// Create a non-partitioned table
@Language("SQL") String createTable = "" + "CREATE TABLE test_table_original (" + " tinyint_col tinyint " + ", smallint_col smallint" + ")";
// Verify the table is correctly created
TableMetadata tableMetadata = getTableMetadata(catalog, TPCH_SCHEMA, "test_table_original");
assertColumnType(tableMetadata, "tinyint_col", TINYINT);
assertColumnType(tableMetadata, "smallint_col", SMALLINT);
// Create a partitioned table
@Language("SQL") String createPartitionedTable = "" + "CREATE TABLE test_partitioned_table_original (" + " string_col VARCHAR" + ", decimal_long_col DECIMAL(30,10)" + ", partition_bigint BIGINT" + ", partition_decimal_long DECIMAL(30,10)" + ") " + "WITH (" + "partitioned_by = ARRAY['partition_bigint', 'partition_decimal_long']" + ")";
// Verify the table is correctly created
tableMetadata = getTableMetadata(catalog, TPCH_SCHEMA, "test_partitioned_table_original");
// Verify the partition keys are correctly created
List<String> partitionedBy = ImmutableList.of("partition_bigint", "partition_decimal_long");
assertEquals(tableMetadata.getMetadata().getProperties().get(PARTITIONED_BY_PROPERTY), partitionedBy);
// Verify the column types
assertColumnType(tableMetadata, "string_col", createUnboundedVarcharType());
assertColumnType(tableMetadata, "partition_bigint", BIGINT);
assertColumnType(tableMetadata, "partition_decimal_long", createDecimalType(30, 10));
// Create a table using only one LIKE
@Language("SQL") String createTableSingleLike = "" + "CREATE TABLE test_partitioned_table_single_like (" + "LIKE test_partitioned_table_original " + likeSuffix + ")";
tableMetadata = getTableMetadata(catalog, TPCH_SCHEMA, "test_partitioned_table_single_like");
// Verify the partitioned keys are correctly created if copying partition columns
verifyPartition(hasPartition, tableMetadata, partitionedBy);
// Verify the column types
assertColumnType(tableMetadata, "string_col", createUnboundedVarcharType());
assertColumnType(tableMetadata, "partition_bigint", BIGINT);
assertColumnType(tableMetadata, "partition_decimal_long", createDecimalType(30, 10));
@Language("SQL") String createTableLikeExtra = "" + "CREATE TABLE test_partitioned_table_like_extra (" + " bigint_col BIGINT" + ", double_col DOUBLE" + ", LIKE test_partitioned_table_single_like " + likeSuffix + ")";
tableMetadata = getTableMetadata(catalog, TPCH_SCHEMA, "test_partitioned_table_like_extra");
// Verify the partitioned keys are correctly created if copying partition columns
verifyPartition(hasPartition, tableMetadata, partitionedBy);
// Verify the column types
assertColumnType(tableMetadata, "bigint_col", BIGINT);
assertColumnType(tableMetadata, "double_col", DOUBLE);
assertColumnType(tableMetadata, "string_col", createUnboundedVarcharType());
assertColumnType(tableMetadata, "partition_bigint", BIGINT);
assertColumnType(tableMetadata, "partition_decimal_long", createDecimalType(30, 10));
@Language("SQL") String createTableDoubleLike = "" + "CREATE TABLE test_partitioned_table_double_like (" + " LIKE test_table_original " + ", LIKE test_partitioned_table_like_extra " + likeSuffix + ")";
tableMetadata = getTableMetadata(catalog, TPCH_SCHEMA, "test_partitioned_table_double_like");
// Verify the partitioned keys are correctly created if copying partition columns
verifyPartition(hasPartition, tableMetadata, partitionedBy);
// Verify the column types
assertColumnType(tableMetadata, "tinyint_col", TINYINT);
assertColumnType(tableMetadata, "smallint_col", SMALLINT);
assertColumnType(tableMetadata, "string_col", createUnboundedVarcharType());
assertColumnType(tableMetadata, "partition_bigint", BIGINT);
assertColumnType(tableMetadata, "partition_decimal_long", createDecimalType(30, 10));
assertUpdate("DROP TABLE test_table_original");
assertUpdate("DROP TABLE test_partitioned_table_original");
assertUpdate("DROP TABLE test_partitioned_table_single_like");
assertUpdate("DROP TABLE test_partitioned_table_like_extra");
assertUpdate("DROP TABLE test_partitioned_table_double_like");
use of io.trino.metadata.TableMetadata in project trino by trinodb.
the class BaseHiveConnectorTest method testEmptyBucketedTable.
private void testEmptyBucketedTable(Session session, HiveStorageFormat storageFormat, boolean createEmpty) {
String tableName = "test_empty_bucketed_table";
@Language("SQL") String createTable = "" + "CREATE TABLE " + tableName + " " + "(bucket_key VARCHAR, col_1 VARCHAR, col2 VARCHAR) " + "WITH (" + "format = '" + storageFormat + "', " + "bucketed_by = ARRAY[ 'bucket_key' ], " + "bucket_count = 11 " + ") ";
TableMetadata tableMetadata = getTableMetadata(catalog, TPCH_SCHEMA, tableName);
assertEquals(tableMetadata.getMetadata().getProperties().get(STORAGE_FORMAT_PROPERTY), storageFormat);
assertEquals(tableMetadata.getMetadata().getProperties().get(BUCKETED_BY_PROPERTY), ImmutableList.of("bucket_key"));
assertEquals(tableMetadata.getMetadata().getProperties().get(BUCKET_COUNT_PROPERTY), 11);
assertEquals(computeActual("SELECT * from " + tableName).getRowCount(), 0);
// make sure that we will get one file per bucket regardless of writer count configured
Session parallelWriter = Session.builder(getParallelWriteSession()).setCatalogSessionProperty(catalog, "create_empty_bucket_files", String.valueOf(createEmpty)).build();
assertUpdate(parallelWriter, "INSERT INTO " + tableName + " VALUES ('a0', 'b0', 'c0')", 1);
assertUpdate(parallelWriter, "INSERT INTO " + tableName + " VALUES ('a1', 'b1', 'c1')", 1);
assertQuery("SELECT * from " + tableName, "VALUES ('a0', 'b0', 'c0'), ('a1', 'b1', 'c1')");
assertUpdate(session, "DROP TABLE " + tableName);
assertFalse(getQueryRunner().tableExists(session, tableName));
use of io.trino.metadata.TableMetadata in project trino by trinodb.
the class BaseHiveConnectorTest method testBucketedCatalog.
public void testBucketedCatalog() {
String bucketedCatalog = bucketedSession.getCatalog().get();
String bucketedSchema = bucketedSession.getSchema().get();
TableMetadata ordersTableMetadata = getTableMetadata(bucketedCatalog, bucketedSchema, "orders");
assertEquals(ordersTableMetadata.getMetadata().getProperties().get(BUCKETED_BY_PROPERTY), ImmutableList.of("custkey"));
assertEquals(ordersTableMetadata.getMetadata().getProperties().get(BUCKET_COUNT_PROPERTY), 11);
TableMetadata customerTableMetadata = getTableMetadata(bucketedCatalog, bucketedSchema, "customer");
assertEquals(customerTableMetadata.getMetadata().getProperties().get(BUCKETED_BY_PROPERTY), ImmutableList.of("custkey"));
assertEquals(customerTableMetadata.getMetadata().getProperties().get(BUCKET_COUNT_PROPERTY), 11);
use of io.trino.metadata.TableMetadata in project trino by trinodb.
the class BaseHiveConnectorTest method testInsertPartitionedTableOverwriteExistingPartition.
private void testInsertPartitionedTableOverwriteExistingPartition(Session session, HiveStorageFormat storageFormat) {
String tableName = "test_insert_partitioned_table_overwrite_existing_partition";
@Language("SQL") String createTable = "" + "CREATE TABLE " + tableName + " " + "(" + " order_key BIGINT," + " comment VARCHAR," + " order_status VARCHAR" + ") " + "WITH (" + "format = '" + storageFormat + "', " + "partitioned_by = ARRAY[ 'order_status' ]" + ") ";
assertUpdate(session, createTable);
TableMetadata tableMetadata = getTableMetadata(catalog, TPCH_SCHEMA, tableName);
assertEquals(tableMetadata.getMetadata().getProperties().get(STORAGE_FORMAT_PROPERTY), storageFormat);
assertEquals(tableMetadata.getMetadata().getProperties().get(PARTITIONED_BY_PROPERTY), ImmutableList.of("order_status"));
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
assertUpdate(session, format("INSERT INTO " + tableName + " " + "SELECT orderkey, comment, orderstatus " + "FROM tpch.tiny.orders " + "WHERE orderkey %% 3 = %d", i), format("SELECT count(*) FROM orders WHERE orderkey %% 3 = %d", i));
// verify the partitions
List<?> partitions = getPartitions(tableName);
assertEquals(partitions.size(), 3);
assertQuery(session, "SELECT * FROM " + tableName, format("SELECT orderkey, comment, orderstatus FROM orders WHERE orderkey %% 3 = %d", i));
assertUpdate(session, "DROP TABLE " + tableName);
assertFalse(getQueryRunner().tableExists(session, tableName));
use of io.trino.metadata.TableMetadata in project trino by trinodb.
the class BaseHiveConnectorTest method testCreateTableAs.
private void testCreateTableAs(Session session, HiveStorageFormat storageFormat) {
@Language("SQL") String select = "SELECT" + " 'foo' _varchar" + ", CAST('bar' AS CHAR(10)) _char" + ", CAST (1 AS BIGINT) _bigint" + ", 2 _integer" + ", CAST (3 AS SMALLINT) _smallint" + ", CAST (4 AS TINYINT) _tinyint" + ", CAST ('123.45' as REAL) _real" + ", CAST('3.14' AS DOUBLE) _double" + ", true _boolean" + ", CAST('3.14' AS DECIMAL(3,2)) _decimal_short" + ", CAST('12345678901234567890.0123456789' AS DECIMAL(30,10)) _decimal_long";
if (storageFormat == HiveStorageFormat.AVRO) {
select = select.replace(" CAST (3 AS SMALLINT) _smallint,", " 3 _smallint,");
select = select.replace(" CAST (4 AS TINYINT) _tinyint,", " 4 _tinyint,");
String createTableAs = format("CREATE TABLE test_format_table WITH (format = '%s') AS %s", storageFormat, select);
assertUpdate(session, createTableAs, 1);
TableMetadata tableMetadata = getTableMetadata(catalog, TPCH_SCHEMA, "test_format_table");
assertEquals(tableMetadata.getMetadata().getProperties().get(STORAGE_FORMAT_PROPERTY), storageFormat);
assertColumnType(tableMetadata, "_varchar", createVarcharType(3));
assertColumnType(tableMetadata, "_char", createCharType(10));
// assure reader supports basic column reordering and pruning
assertQuery(session, "SELECT _integer, _varchar, _integer FROM test_format_table", "SELECT 2, 'foo', 2");
assertQuery(session, "SELECT * FROM test_format_table", select);
assertUpdate(session, "DROP TABLE test_format_table");
assertFalse(getQueryRunner().tableExists(session, "test_format_table"));