use of io.trino.spi.TrinoException in project trino by trinodb.
the class ChoicesScalarFunctionImplementation method getScalarFunctionInvoker.
public FunctionInvoker getScalarFunctionInvoker(InvocationConvention invocationConvention) {
List<ScalarImplementationChoice> choices = new ArrayList<>();
for (ScalarImplementationChoice choice : this.choices) {
InvocationConvention callingConvention = choice.getInvocationConvention();
if (functionAdapter.canAdapt(callingConvention, invocationConvention)) {
if (choices.isEmpty()) {
throw new TrinoException(FUNCTION_NOT_FOUND, format("Function implementation for (%s) cannot be adapted to convention (%s)", boundSignature, invocationConvention));
ScalarImplementationChoice bestChoice = Collections.max(choices, comparingInt(ScalarImplementationChoice::getScore));
MethodHandle methodHandle = functionAdapter.adapt(bestChoice.getMethodHandle(), boundSignature.getArgumentTypes(), bestChoice.getInvocationConvention(), invocationConvention);
return new FunctionInvoker(methodHandle, bestChoice.getInstanceFactory(), bestChoice.getLambdaInterfaces());
use of io.trino.spi.TrinoException in project trino by trinodb.
the class RequestErrorTracker method requestFailed.
public void requestFailed(Throwable reason) throws TrinoException {
// cancellation is not a failure
if (reason instanceof CancellationException) {
if (reason instanceof RejectedExecutionException) {
throw new TrinoException(REMOTE_TASK_ERROR, reason);
// log failure message
if (isExpectedError(reason)) {
// don't print a stack for a known errors
log.warn("Error %s %s: %s: %s", jobDescription, taskId, reason.getMessage(), taskUri);
} else {
log.warn(reason, "Error %s %s: %s", jobDescription, taskId, taskUri);
// remember the first 10 errors
if (errorsSinceLastSuccess.size() < 10) {
// fail the task, if we have more than X failures in a row and more than Y seconds have passed since the last request
if (backoff.failure()) {
// it is weird to mark the task failed locally and then cancel the remote task, but there is no way to tell a remote task that it is failed
TrinoException exception = new TrinoTransportException(TOO_MANY_REQUESTS_FAILED, fromUri(taskUri), format("%s (%s %s - %s failures, failure duration %s, total failed request time %s)", WORKER_NODE_ERROR, jobDescription, taskUri, backoff.getFailureCount(), backoff.getFailureDuration().convertTo(SECONDS), backoff.getFailureRequestTimeTotal().convertTo(SECONDS)));
throw exception;
use of io.trino.spi.TrinoException in project trino by trinodb.
the class ExtractSpatialJoins method loadKdbTree.
private static KdbTree loadKdbTree(String tableName, Session session, Metadata metadata, SplitManager splitManager, PageSourceManager pageSourceManager) {
QualifiedObjectName name = toQualifiedObjectName(tableName, session.getCatalog().get(), session.getSchema().get());
TableHandle tableHandle = metadata.getTableHandle(session, name).orElseThrow(() -> new TrinoException(INVALID_SPATIAL_PARTITIONING, format("Table not found: %s", name)));
Map<String, ColumnHandle> columnHandles = metadata.getColumnHandles(session, tableHandle);
List<ColumnHandle> visibleColumnHandles = columnHandles.values().stream().filter(handle -> !metadata.getColumnMetadata(session, tableHandle, handle).isHidden()).collect(toImmutableList());
checkSpatialPartitioningTable(visibleColumnHandles.size() == 1, "Expected single column for table %s, but found %s columns", name, columnHandles.size());
ColumnHandle kdbTreeColumn = Iterables.getOnlyElement(visibleColumnHandles);
Optional<KdbTree> kdbTree = Optional.empty();
try (SplitSource splitSource = splitManager.getSplits(session, tableHandle, UNGROUPED_SCHEDULING, EMPTY, alwaysTrue())) {
while (!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
SplitBatch splitBatch = getFutureValue(splitSource.getNextBatch(NOT_PARTITIONED, Lifespan.taskWide(), 1000));
List<Split> splits = splitBatch.getSplits();
for (Split split : splits) {
try (ConnectorPageSource pageSource = pageSourceManager.createPageSource(session, split, tableHandle, ImmutableList.of(kdbTreeColumn), DynamicFilter.EMPTY)) {
do {
Page page = pageSource.getNextPage();
if (page != null && page.getPositionCount() > 0) {
checkSpatialPartitioningTable(kdbTree.isEmpty(), "Expected exactly one row for table %s, but found more", name);
checkSpatialPartitioningTable(page.getPositionCount() == 1, "Expected exactly one row for table %s, but found %s rows", name, page.getPositionCount());
String kdbTreeJson = VARCHAR.getSlice(page.getBlock(0), 0).toStringUtf8();
try {
kdbTree = Optional.of(KdbTreeUtils.fromJson(kdbTreeJson));
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
checkSpatialPartitioningTable(false, "Invalid JSON string for KDB tree: %s", e.getMessage());
} while (!pageSource.isFinished());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
if (splitBatch.isLastBatch()) {
checkSpatialPartitioningTable(kdbTree.isPresent(), "Expected exactly one row for table %s, but got none", name);
return kdbTree.get();
use of io.trino.spi.TrinoException in project trino by trinodb.
the class SqlQueryExecution method analyze.
private static Analysis analyze(PreparedQuery preparedQuery, QueryStateMachine stateMachine, WarningCollector warningCollector, AnalyzerFactory analyzerFactory) {
requireNonNull(preparedQuery, "preparedQuery is null");
Analyzer analyzer = analyzerFactory.createAnalyzer(stateMachine.getSession(), preparedQuery.getParameters(), parameterExtractor(preparedQuery.getStatement(), preparedQuery.getParameters()), warningCollector);
Analysis analysis;
try {
analysis = analyzer.analyze(preparedQuery.getStatement());
} catch (StackOverflowError e) {
throw new TrinoException(STACK_OVERFLOW, "statement is too large (stack overflow during analysis)", e);
return analysis;
use of io.trino.spi.TrinoException in project trino by trinodb.
the class SqlTaskManager method failAbandonedTasks.
private void failAbandonedTasks() {
DateTime now =;
DateTime oldestAllowedHeartbeat = now.minus(clientTimeout.toMillis());
for (SqlTask sqlTask : tasks.asMap().values()) {
try {
TaskInfo taskInfo = sqlTask.getTaskInfo();
TaskStatus taskStatus = taskInfo.getTaskStatus();
if (taskStatus.getState().isDone()) {
DateTime lastHeartbeat = taskInfo.getLastHeartbeat();
if (lastHeartbeat != null && lastHeartbeat.isBefore(oldestAllowedHeartbeat)) {"Failing abandoned task %s", taskStatus.getTaskId());
sqlTask.failed(new TrinoException(ABANDONED_TASK, format("Task %s has not been accessed since %s: currentTime %s", taskStatus.getTaskId(), lastHeartbeat, now)));
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
log.warn(e, "Error while inspecting age of task %s", sqlTask.getTaskId());