use of io.trino.spi.connector.SortOrder in project trino by trinodb.
the class TestWindowOperator method testFirstValuePartition.
@Test(dataProvider = "spillEnabled")
public void testFirstValuePartition(boolean spillEnabled, boolean revokeMemoryWhenAddingPages, long memoryLimit) {
List<Page> input = rowPagesBuilder(VARCHAR, VARCHAR, BIGINT, BOOLEAN, VARCHAR).row("b", "A1", 1L, true, "").row("a", "A2", 1L, false, "").row("a", "B1", 2L, true, "").pageBreak().row("b", "C1", 2L, false, "").row("a", "C2", 3L, true, "").row("c", "A3", 1L, true, "").build();
WindowOperatorFactory operatorFactory = createFactoryUnbounded(ImmutableList.of(VARCHAR, VARCHAR, BIGINT, BOOLEAN, VARCHAR), Ints.asList(0, 1, 2, 3), FIRST_VALUE, Ints.asList(0), Ints.asList(2), ImmutableList.copyOf(new SortOrder[] { SortOrder.ASC_NULLS_LAST }), spillEnabled);
DriverContext driverContext = createDriverContext(memoryLimit);
MaterializedResult expected = resultBuilder(driverContext.getSession(), VARCHAR, VARCHAR, BIGINT, BOOLEAN, VARCHAR).row("a", "A2", 1L, false, "A2").row("a", "B1", 2L, true, "A2").row("a", "C2", 3L, true, "A2").row("b", "A1", 1L, true, "A1").row("b", "C1", 2L, false, "A1").row("c", "A3", 1L, true, "A3").build();
assertOperatorEquals(operatorFactory, driverContext, input, expected, revokeMemoryWhenAddingPages);
use of io.trino.spi.connector.SortOrder in project trino by trinodb.
the class TestMergingPageIterator method testMerging.
public void testMerging() {
List<Type> types = ImmutableList.of(INTEGER, INTEGER);
List<Integer> sortIndexes = ImmutableList.of(1);
List<SortOrder> sortOrders = ImmutableList.of(SortOrder.ASC_NULLS_FIRST);
List<List<Page>> pageLists = new ArrayList<>();
PageBuilder pageBuilder = new PageBuilder(types);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
Iterator<Integer> values = IntStream.range(0, 1000).map(ignored -> ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(100_000)).mapToObj(n -> ((n % 100) == 0) ? null : n).sorted(nullsFirst(naturalOrder())).iterator();
List<Page> pages = new ArrayList<>();
for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
for (int k = 0; k < 100; k++) {
Integer n =;
if (n == null) {
} else {
INTEGER.writeLong(pageBuilder.getBlockBuilder(0), n);
INTEGER.writeLong(pageBuilder.getBlockBuilder(1), n * 22L);
List<Iterator<Page>> pages =;
Iterator<Page> iterator = new MergingPageIterator(pages, types, sortIndexes, sortOrders, new TypeOperators());
List<Long> values = new ArrayList<>();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Page page =;
for (int i = 0; i < page.getPositionCount(); i++) {
if (page.getBlock(0).isNull(i)) {
} else {
long x = INTEGER.getLong(page.getBlock(0), i);
long y = INTEGER.getLong(page.getBlock(1), i);
assertEquals(y, x * 22);
use of io.trino.spi.connector.SortOrder in project trino by trinodb.
the class TopNStatsRule method doCalculate.
protected Optional<PlanNodeStatsEstimate> doCalculate(TopNNode node, StatsProvider statsProvider, Lookup lookup, Session session, TypeProvider types) {
PlanNodeStatsEstimate sourceStats = statsProvider.getStats(node.getSource());
double rowCount = sourceStats.getOutputRowCount();
if (node.getStep() != TopNNode.Step.SINGLE) {
return Optional.empty();
if (rowCount <= node.getCount()) {
return Optional.of(sourceStats);
long limitCount = node.getCount();
PlanNodeStatsEstimate resultStats = PlanNodeStatsEstimate.buildFrom(sourceStats).setOutputRowCount(limitCount).build();
if (limitCount == 0) {
return Optional.of(resultStats);
// augment null fraction estimation for first ORDER BY symbol
// Assuming not empty list
Symbol firstOrderSymbol = node.getOrderingScheme().getOrderBy().get(0);
SortOrder sortOrder = node.getOrderingScheme().getOrdering(firstOrderSymbol);
resultStats = resultStats.mapSymbolColumnStatistics(firstOrderSymbol, symbolStats -> {
SymbolStatsEstimate.Builder newStats = SymbolStatsEstimate.buildFrom(symbolStats);
double nullCount = rowCount * symbolStats.getNullsFraction();
if (sortOrder.isNullsFirst()) {
if (nullCount > limitCount) {
} else {
newStats.setNullsFraction(nullCount / limitCount);
} else {
double nonNullCount = (rowCount - nullCount);
if (nonNullCount > limitCount) {
} else {
newStats.setNullsFraction((limitCount - nonNullCount) / limitCount);
// TopN actually limits (or when there was no row count estimated for source)
return Optional.of(resultStats);
use of io.trino.spi.connector.SortOrder in project trino by trinodb.
the class SymbolMapper method map.
public OrderingScheme map(OrderingScheme orderingScheme) {
ImmutableList.Builder<Symbol> newSymbols = ImmutableList.builder();
ImmutableMap.Builder<Symbol, SortOrder> newOrderings = ImmutableMap.builder();
Set<Symbol> added = new HashSet<>(orderingScheme.getOrderBy().size());
for (Symbol symbol : orderingScheme.getOrderBy()) {
Symbol canonical = map(symbol);
if (added.add(canonical)) {
newOrderings.put(canonical, orderingScheme.getOrdering(symbol));
return new OrderingScheme(, newOrderings.buildOrThrow());
use of io.trino.spi.connector.SortOrder in project trino by trinodb.
the class TestWindowOperator method testRowNumberPartition.
@Test(dataProvider = "spillEnabled")
public void testRowNumberPartition(boolean spillEnabled, boolean revokeMemoryWhenAddingPages, long memoryLimit) {
List<Page> input = rowPagesBuilder(VARCHAR, BIGINT, DOUBLE, BOOLEAN).row("b", -1L, -0.1, true).row("a", 2L, 0.3, false).row("a", 4L, 0.2, true).pageBreak().row("b", 5L, 0.4, false).row("a", 6L, 0.1, true).build();
WindowOperatorFactory operatorFactory = createFactoryUnbounded(ImmutableList.of(VARCHAR, BIGINT, DOUBLE, BOOLEAN), Ints.asList(0, 1, 2, 3), ROW_NUMBER, Ints.asList(0), Ints.asList(1), ImmutableList.copyOf(new SortOrder[] { SortOrder.ASC_NULLS_LAST }), spillEnabled);
DriverContext driverContext = createDriverContext(memoryLimit);
MaterializedResult expected = resultBuilder(driverContext.getSession(), VARCHAR, BIGINT, DOUBLE, BOOLEAN, BIGINT).row("a", 2L, 0.3, false, 1L).row("a", 4L, 0.2, true, 2L).row("a", 6L, 0.1, true, 3L).row("b", -1L, -0.1, true, 1L).row("b", 5L, 0.4, false, 2L).build();
assertOperatorEquals(operatorFactory, driverContext, input, expected, revokeMemoryWhenAddingPages);