use of io.trino.spi.function.Description in project yauaa by nielsbasjes.
the class ParseUserAgentFunction method parseUserAgent.
@Description("Tries to parse and analyze the provided useragent string and extract as many attributes " + "as possible. Uses Yauaa (Yet Another UserAgent Analyzer) version " + Version.PROJECT_VERSION + ". " + "See for documentation.")
@SqlType("map(varchar, varchar)")
public static Block parseUserAgent(@SqlType(StandardTypes.VARCHAR) Slice userAgentSlice) throws IllegalArgumentException {
String userAgentStringToParse = null;
if (userAgentSlice != null) {
userAgentStringToParse = userAgentSlice.toStringUtf8();
UserAgentAnalyzer userAgentAnalyzer = threadLocalUserAgentAnalyzer.get();
UserAgent userAgent = userAgentAnalyzer.parse(userAgentStringToParse);
Map<String, String> resultMap = userAgent.toMap(userAgentAnalyzer.getAllPossibleFieldNamesSorted());
MapType mapType = new MapType(VARCHAR, VARCHAR, new TypeOperators());
BlockBuilder blockBuilder = mapType.createBlockBuilder(null, resultMap.size());
BlockBuilder singleMapBlockBuilder = blockBuilder.beginBlockEntry();
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : resultMap.entrySet()) {
VARCHAR.writeString(singleMapBlockBuilder, entry.getKey());
VARCHAR.writeString(singleMapBlockBuilder, entry.getValue());
return mapType.getObject(blockBuilder, blockBuilder.getPositionCount() - 1);
use of io.trino.spi.function.Description in project trino by trinodb.
the class JoniRegexpFunctions method regexpSplit.
@Description("Returns array of strings split by pattern")
public static Block regexpSplit(@SqlType("varchar(x)") Slice source, @SqlType(JoniRegexpType.NAME) JoniRegexp pattern) {
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(source.getBytes());
BlockBuilder blockBuilder = VARCHAR.createBlockBuilder(null, 32);
int lastEnd = 0;
int nextStart = 0;
while (true) {
int offset =, source.length(), Option.DEFAULT);
if (offset == -1) {
nextStart = getNextStart(source, matcher);
Slice slice = source.slice(lastEnd, matcher.getBegin() - lastEnd);
lastEnd = matcher.getEnd();
VARCHAR.writeSlice(blockBuilder, slice);
VARCHAR.writeSlice(blockBuilder, source.slice(lastEnd, source.length() - lastEnd));
use of io.trino.spi.function.Description in project trino by trinodb.
the class JoniRegexpFunctions method regexpCount.
@Description("Returns the number of times that a pattern occurs in a string")
public static long regexpCount(@SqlType("varchar(x)") Slice source, @SqlType(JoniRegexpType.NAME) JoniRegexp pattern) {
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(source.getBytes());
int count = 0;
// Start from zero, implies the first byte
int nextStart = 0;
while (true) {
// returns `source.length` if `nextStart` equals `source.length - 1`.
// It should return -1 if `nextStart` is greater than `source.length - 1`.
int offset =, source.length(), Option.DEFAULT);
if (offset < 0) {
nextStart = getNextStart(source, matcher);
return count;
use of io.trino.spi.function.Description in project trino by trinodb.
the class JoniRegexpFunctions method regexpLike.
@Description("Returns whether the pattern is contained within the string")
public static boolean regexpLike(@SqlType("varchar(x)") Slice source, @SqlType(JoniRegexpType.NAME) JoniRegexp pattern) {
Matcher matcher;
int offset;
if (source.hasByteArray()) {
offset = source.byteArrayOffset();
matcher = pattern.regex().matcher(source.byteArray(), offset, offset + source.length());
} else {
offset = 0;
matcher = pattern.matcher(source.getBytes());
return, offset + source.length(), Option.DEFAULT) != -1;
use of io.trino.spi.function.Description in project trino by trinodb.
the class GeoFunctions method stSphericalLength.
@Description("Returns the great-circle length in meters of a linestring or multi-linestring on Earth's surface")
public static Double stSphericalLength(@SqlType(SPHERICAL_GEOGRAPHY_TYPE_NAME) Slice input) {
OGCGeometry geometry = deserialize(input);
if (geometry.isEmpty()) {
return null;
validateSphericalType("ST_Length", geometry, EnumSet.of(LINE_STRING, MULTI_LINE_STRING));
MultiPath lineString = (MultiPath) geometry.getEsriGeometry();
double sum = 0;
// sum up paths on (multi)linestring
for (int path = 0; path < lineString.getPathCount(); path++) {
if (lineString.getPathSize(path) < 2) {
// sum up distances between adjacent points on this path
int pathStart = lineString.getPathStart(path);
Point previous = lineString.getPoint(pathStart);
for (int i = pathStart + 1; i < lineString.getPathEnd(path); i++) {
Point next = lineString.getPoint(i);
sum += greatCircleDistance(previous.getY(), previous.getX(), next.getY(), next.getX());
previous = next;
return sum * 1000;