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Example 76 with MapType

use of io.trino.spi.type.MapType in project trino by trinodb.

the class TestMapBlock method testStrict.

public void testStrict() {
    MapType mapType = mapType(BIGINT, BIGINT);
    MapBlockBuilder mapBlockBuilder = (MapBlockBuilder) mapType.createBlockBuilder(null, 1);
    // Add 100 maps with only one entry but the same key
    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
        BlockBuilder entryBuilder = mapBlockBuilder.beginBlockEntry();
        BIGINT.writeLong(entryBuilder, 1);
        BIGINT.writeLong(entryBuilder, -1);
    BlockBuilder entryBuilder = mapBlockBuilder.beginBlockEntry();
    // The purpose of this test is to make sure offset is calculated correctly in MapBlockBuilder.closeEntryStrict()
    for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
        BIGINT.writeLong(entryBuilder, i);
        BIGINT.writeLong(entryBuilder, -1);
    entryBuilder = mapBlockBuilder.beginBlockEntry();
    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
        BIGINT.writeLong(entryBuilder, 99);
        BIGINT.writeLong(entryBuilder, -1);
    assertThatThrownBy(mapBlockBuilder::closeEntry).isInstanceOf(DuplicateMapKeyException.class).hasMessage("Duplicate map keys are not allowed");
Also used : MapBlockBuilder(io.trino.spi.block.MapBlockBuilder) DuplicateMapKeyException(io.trino.spi.block.DuplicateMapKeyException) MapType(io.trino.spi.type.MapType) MapBlockBuilder(io.trino.spi.block.MapBlockBuilder) BlockBuilder(io.trino.spi.block.BlockBuilder) Test(org.testng.annotations.Test)

Example 77 with MapType

use of io.trino.spi.type.MapType in project trino by trinodb.

the class TestMapBlock method assertValue.

private void assertValue(Block mapBlock, int position, Map<String, Long> map) {
    MapType mapType = mapType(VARCHAR, BIGINT);
    // null maps are handled by assertPositionValue
    requireNonNull(map, "map is null");
    SingleMapBlock elementBlock = (SingleMapBlock) mapType.getObject(mapBlock, position);
    assertEquals(elementBlock.getPositionCount(), map.size() * 2);
    // Test new/hash-index access: assert inserted keys
    for (Map.Entry<String, Long> entry : map.entrySet()) {
        int pos = elementBlock.seekKey(utf8Slice(entry.getKey()));
        assertNotEquals(pos, -1);
        if (entry.getValue() == null) {
        } else {
            assertEquals(BIGINT.getLong(elementBlock, pos), (long) entry.getValue());
    // Test new/hash-index access: assert non-existent keys
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        assertEquals(elementBlock.seekKey(utf8Slice("not-inserted-" + i)), -1);
    // Test legacy/iterative access
    for (int i = 0; i < elementBlock.getPositionCount(); i += 2) {
        String actualKey = VARCHAR.getSlice(elementBlock, i).toStringUtf8();
        Long actualValue;
        if (elementBlock.isNull(i + 1)) {
            actualValue = null;
        } else {
            actualValue = BIGINT.getLong(elementBlock, i + 1);
        assertEquals(actualValue, map.get(actualKey));
Also used : SingleMapBlock(io.trino.spi.block.SingleMapBlock) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map) MapType(io.trino.spi.type.MapType)

Example 78 with MapType

use of io.trino.spi.type.MapType in project trino by trinodb.

the class TestMapBlock method createBlockBuilderWithValues.

private BlockBuilder createBlockBuilderWithValues(Map<String, Long>[] maps) {
    MapType mapType = mapType(VARCHAR, BIGINT);
    BlockBuilder mapBlockBuilder = mapType.createBlockBuilder(null, 1);
    for (Map<String, Long> map : maps) {
        createBlockBuilderWithValues(map, mapBlockBuilder);
    return mapBlockBuilder;
Also used : MapType(io.trino.spi.type.MapType) MapBlockBuilder(io.trino.spi.block.MapBlockBuilder) BlockBuilder(io.trino.spi.block.BlockBuilder)

Example 79 with MapType

use of io.trino.spi.type.MapType in project trino by trinodb.

the class BenchmarkMapCopy method benchmarkMapCopy.

public BlockBuilder benchmarkMapCopy(BenchmarkData data) {
    Block block = data.getDataBlock();
    BlockBuilder blockBuilder = data.getBlockBuilder();
    MapType mapType = mapType(VARCHAR, BIGINT);
    for (int i = 0; i < POSITIONS; i++) {
        mapType.appendTo(block, i, blockBuilder);
    return blockBuilder;
Also used : Block(io.trino.spi.block.Block) MapType(io.trino.spi.type.MapType) BlockBuilder(io.trino.spi.block.BlockBuilder) Benchmark(org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Benchmark) OperationsPerInvocation(org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.OperationsPerInvocation)

Example 80 with MapType

use of io.trino.spi.type.MapType in project trino by trinodb.

the class AvroDecoderTestUtil method checkMapValues.

public static void checkMapValues(Block block, Type type, Object value) {
    assertNotNull(type, "Type is null");
    assertTrue(type instanceof MapType, "Unexpected type");
    assertTrue(((MapType) type).getKeyType() instanceof VarcharType, "Unexpected key type");
    assertNotNull(block, "Block is null");
    assertNotNull(value, "Value is null");
    Map<String, ?> expected = (Map<String, ?>) value;
    assertEquals(block.getPositionCount(), expected.size() * 2);
    Type valueType = ((MapType) type).getValueType();
    if (valueType instanceof ArrayType) {
        for (int index = 0; index < block.getPositionCount(); index += 2) {
            String actualKey = VARCHAR.getSlice(block, index).toStringUtf8();
            if (block.isNull(index + 1)) {
            Block arrayBlock = block.getObject(index + 1, Block.class);
            checkArrayValues(arrayBlock, valueType, expected.get(actualKey));
    } else if (valueType instanceof MapType) {
        for (int index = 0; index < block.getPositionCount(); index += 2) {
            String actualKey = VARCHAR.getSlice(block, index).toStringUtf8();
            if (block.isNull(index + 1)) {
            Block mapBlock = block.getObject(index + 1, Block.class);
            checkMapValues(mapBlock, valueType, expected.get(actualKey));
    } else if (valueType instanceof RowType) {
        for (int index = 0; index < block.getPositionCount(); index += 2) {
            String actualKey = VARCHAR.getSlice(block, index).toStringUtf8();
            if (block.isNull(index + 1)) {
            Block rowBlock = block.getObject(index + 1, Block.class);
            checkRowValues(rowBlock, valueType, expected.get(actualKey));
    } else {
        for (int index = 0; index < block.getPositionCount(); index += 2) {
            String actualKey = VARCHAR.getSlice(block, index).toStringUtf8();
            checkPrimitiveValue(getObjectValue(valueType, block, index + 1), expected.get(actualKey));
Also used : ArrayType(io.trino.spi.type.ArrayType) RowType(io.trino.spi.type.RowType) MapType(io.trino.spi.type.MapType) Type(io.trino.spi.type.Type) ArrayType(io.trino.spi.type.ArrayType) VarcharType(io.trino.spi.type.VarcharType) VarcharType(io.trino.spi.type.VarcharType) Block(io.trino.spi.block.Block) RowType(io.trino.spi.type.RowType) Map(java.util.Map) MapType(io.trino.spi.type.MapType)


MapType (io.trino.spi.type.MapType)85 Type (io.trino.spi.type.Type)45 ArrayType (io.trino.spi.type.ArrayType)42 RowType (io.trino.spi.type.RowType)38 BlockBuilder (io.trino.spi.block.BlockBuilder)28 VarcharType (io.trino.spi.type.VarcharType)26 Block (io.trino.spi.block.Block)17 DecimalType (io.trino.spi.type.DecimalType)17 Map (java.util.Map)17 Test (org.testng.annotations.Test)17 ImmutableList ( List (java.util.List)14 TypeSignature.mapType (io.trino.spi.type.TypeSignature.mapType)13 CharType (io.trino.spi.type.CharType)12 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)12 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)11 TypeOperators (io.trino.spi.type.TypeOperators)10 ImmutableMap ( VarbinaryType (io.trino.spi.type.VarbinaryType)8 Collectors.toList (