use of io.trino.spi.type.TimeZoneKey in project trino by trinodb.
the class MaterializedResult method writeValue.
private static void writeValue(Type type, BlockBuilder blockBuilder, Object value) {
if (value == null) {
} else if (BIGINT.equals(type)) {
type.writeLong(blockBuilder, (Long) value);
} else if (INTEGER.equals(type)) {
type.writeLong(blockBuilder, (Integer) value);
} else if (SMALLINT.equals(type)) {
type.writeLong(blockBuilder, (Short) value);
} else if (TINYINT.equals(type)) {
type.writeLong(blockBuilder, (Byte) value);
} else if (REAL.equals(type)) {
type.writeLong(blockBuilder, floatToRawIntBits(((Float) value)));
} else if (DOUBLE.equals(type)) {
type.writeDouble(blockBuilder, (Double) value);
} else if (BOOLEAN.equals(type)) {
type.writeBoolean(blockBuilder, (Boolean) value);
} else if (JSON.equals(type)) {
type.writeSlice(blockBuilder, Slices.utf8Slice((String) value));
} else if (type instanceof VarcharType) {
type.writeSlice(blockBuilder, Slices.utf8Slice((String) value));
} else if (type instanceof CharType) {
type.writeSlice(blockBuilder, Slices.utf8Slice((String) value));
} else if (VARBINARY.equals(type)) {
type.writeSlice(blockBuilder, Slices.wrappedBuffer((byte[]) value));
} else if (DATE.equals(type)) {
int days = ((SqlDate) value).getDays();
type.writeLong(blockBuilder, days);
} else if (type instanceof TimeType) {
SqlTime time = (SqlTime) value;
type.writeLong(blockBuilder, time.getPicos());
} else if (type instanceof TimeWithTimeZoneType) {
long nanos = roundDiv(((SqlTimeWithTimeZone) value).getPicos(), PICOSECONDS_PER_NANOSECOND);
int offsetMinutes = ((SqlTimeWithTimeZone) value).getOffsetMinutes();
type.writeLong(blockBuilder, packTimeWithTimeZone(nanos, offsetMinutes));
} else if (type instanceof TimestampType) {
long micros = ((SqlTimestamp) value).getEpochMicros();
if (((TimestampType) type).getPrecision() <= TimestampType.MAX_SHORT_PRECISION) {
type.writeLong(blockBuilder, micros);
} else {
type.writeObject(blockBuilder, new LongTimestamp(micros, ((SqlTimestamp) value).getPicosOfMicros()));
} else if (TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIME_ZONE.equals(type)) {
long millisUtc = ((SqlTimestampWithTimeZone) value).getMillisUtc();
TimeZoneKey timeZoneKey = ((SqlTimestampWithTimeZone) value).getTimeZoneKey();
type.writeLong(blockBuilder, packDateTimeWithZone(millisUtc, timeZoneKey));
} else if (type instanceof ArrayType) {
List<?> list = (List<?>) value;
Type elementType = ((ArrayType) type).getElementType();
BlockBuilder arrayBlockBuilder = blockBuilder.beginBlockEntry();
for (Object element : list) {
writeValue(elementType, arrayBlockBuilder, element);
} else if (type instanceof MapType) {
Map<?, ?> map = (Map<?, ?>) value;
Type keyType = ((MapType) type).getKeyType();
Type valueType = ((MapType) type).getValueType();
BlockBuilder mapBlockBuilder = blockBuilder.beginBlockEntry();
for (Entry<?, ?> entry : map.entrySet()) {
writeValue(keyType, mapBlockBuilder, entry.getKey());
writeValue(valueType, mapBlockBuilder, entry.getValue());
} else if (type instanceof RowType) {
List<?> row = (List<?>) value;
List<Type> fieldTypes = type.getTypeParameters();
BlockBuilder rowBlockBuilder = blockBuilder.beginBlockEntry();
for (int field = 0; field < row.size(); field++) {
writeValue(fieldTypes.get(field), rowBlockBuilder, row.get(field));
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported type " + type);
use of io.trino.spi.type.TimeZoneKey in project trino by trinodb.
the class AtTimeZone method atTimeZone.
@LiteralParameters({ "x", "p" })
@SqlType("time(p) with time zone")
public static LongTimeWithTimeZone atTimeZone(ConnectorSession session, @SqlType("time(p) with time zone") LongTimeWithTimeZone time, @SqlType("varchar(x)") Slice zoneId) {
TimeZoneKey zoneKey;
try {
zoneKey = getTimeZoneKey(zoneId.toStringUtf8());
} catch (TimeZoneNotSupportedException e) {
throw new TrinoException(INVALID_FUNCTION_ARGUMENT, format("'%s' is not a valid time zone", zoneId));
int offsetMinutes = getOffsetMinutes(session.getStart(), zoneKey);
long picos = time.getPicoseconds() - (time.getOffsetMinutes() - offsetMinutes) * PICOSECONDS_PER_MINUTE;
return new LongTimeWithTimeZone(floorMod(picos, PICOSECONDS_PER_DAY), offsetMinutes);
use of io.trino.spi.type.TimeZoneKey in project trino by trinodb.
the class AtTimeZone method atTimeZone.
@LiteralParameters({ "x", "p" })
@SqlType("time(p) with time zone")
public static long atTimeZone(ConnectorSession session, @SqlType("time(p) with time zone") long packedTime, @SqlType("varchar(x)") Slice zoneId) {
TimeZoneKey zoneKey;
try {
zoneKey = getTimeZoneKey(zoneId.toStringUtf8());
} catch (TimeZoneNotSupportedException e) {
throw new TrinoException(INVALID_FUNCTION_ARGUMENT, format("'%s' is not a valid time zone", zoneId));
int offsetMinutes = getOffsetMinutes(session.getStart(), zoneKey);
long nanos = unpackTimeNanos(packedTime) - (unpackOffsetMinutes(packedTime) - offsetMinutes) * NANOSECONDS_PER_MINUTE;
return packTimeWithTimeZone(floorMod(nanos, NANOSECONDS_PER_DAY), offsetMinutes);
use of io.trino.spi.type.TimeZoneKey in project trino by trinodb.
the class TimestampWithTimeZoneToTimeWithTimeZoneCast method shortToLong.
@LiteralParameters({ "sourcePrecision", "targetPrecision" })
@SqlType("time(targetPrecision) with time zone")
public static LongTimeWithTimeZone shortToLong(@SqlType("timestamp(sourcePrecision) with time zone") long timestamp) {
// source precision is <= 3
// target precision is > 9
TimeZoneKey zoneKey = unpackZoneKey(timestamp);
long epochMillis = getChronology(zoneKey).getZone().convertUTCToLocal(unpackMillisUtc(timestamp));
long millis = floorMod(epochMillis, MILLISECONDS_PER_DAY);
return new LongTimeWithTimeZone(millis * PICOSECONDS_PER_MILLISECOND, DateTimes.getOffsetMinutes(Instant.ofEpochMilli(epochMillis), zoneKey));
use of io.trino.spi.type.TimeZoneKey in project trino by trinodb.
the class WithTimeZone method toLong.
private static LongTimestampWithTimeZone toLong(long epochMicros, int picosOfMicro, Slice zoneId) {
TimeZoneKey toTimeZoneKey;
try {
toTimeZoneKey = getTimeZoneKey(zoneId.toStringUtf8());
} catch (TimeZoneNotSupportedException e) {
throw new TrinoException(INVALID_FUNCTION_ARGUMENT, format("'%s' is not a valid time zone", zoneId.toStringUtf8()));
DateTimeZone toDateTimeZone = getDateTimeZone(toTimeZoneKey);
long epochMillis = scaleEpochMicrosToMillis(epochMicros);
epochMillis = UTC.getMillisKeepLocal(toDateTimeZone, epochMillis);
int picosOfMilli = getMicrosOfMilli(epochMicros) * PICOSECONDS_PER_MICROSECOND + picosOfMicro;
return LongTimestampWithTimeZone.fromEpochMillisAndFraction(epochMillis, picosOfMilli, toTimeZoneKey);