use of io.trino.sql.planner.TypeProvider in project trino by trinodb.
the class TestCostCalculator method calculateCostFragmentedPlan.
private PlanCostEstimate calculateCostFragmentedPlan(PlanNode node, StatsCalculator statsCalculator, Map<String, Type> types) {
TypeProvider typeProvider = TypeProvider.copyOf(types.entrySet().stream().collect(toImmutableMap(entry -> new Symbol(entry.getKey()), Map.Entry::getValue)));
StatsProvider statsProvider = new CachingStatsProvider(statsCalculator, session, typeProvider);
CostProvider costProvider = new CachingCostProvider(costCalculatorUsingExchanges, statsProvider, Optional.empty(), session, typeProvider);
SubPlan subPlan = fragment(new Plan(node, typeProvider, StatsAndCosts.create(node, statsProvider, costProvider)));
return subPlan.getFragment().getStatsAndCosts().getCosts().getOrDefault(node.getId(), PlanCostEstimate.unknown());
use of io.trino.sql.planner.TypeProvider in project trino by trinodb.
the class TestExpressionEquivalence method assertEquivalent.
private static void assertEquivalent(@Language("SQL") String left, @Language("SQL") String right) {
ParsingOptions parsingOptions = new ParsingOptions(AS_DOUBLE);
Expression leftExpression = planExpression(PLANNER_CONTEXT, TEST_SESSION, TYPE_PROVIDER, SQL_PARSER.createExpression(left, parsingOptions));
Expression rightExpression = planExpression(PLANNER_CONTEXT, TEST_SESSION, TYPE_PROVIDER, SQL_PARSER.createExpression(right, parsingOptions));
Set<Symbol> symbols = extractUnique(ImmutableList.of(leftExpression, rightExpression));
TypeProvider types = TypeProvider.copyOf(, TestExpressionEquivalence::generateType)));
assertTrue(areExpressionEquivalent(leftExpression, rightExpression, types), format("Expected (%s) and (%s) to be equivalent", left, right));
assertTrue(areExpressionEquivalent(rightExpression, leftExpression, types), format("Expected (%s) and (%s) to be equivalent", right, left));
use of io.trino.sql.planner.TypeProvider in project trino by trinodb.
the class TestValidateLimitWithPresortedInput method validatePlan.
private void validatePlan(Function<PlanBuilder, PlanNode> planProvider) {
LocalQueryRunner queryRunner = getQueryRunner();
PlanBuilder builder = new PlanBuilder(idAllocator, queryRunner.getMetadata(), queryRunner.getDefaultSession());
PlanNode planNode = planProvider.apply(builder);
TypeProvider types = builder.getTypes();
queryRunner.inTransaction(session -> {
// metadata.getCatalogHandle() registers the catalog for the transaction
session.getCatalog().ifPresent(catalog -> queryRunner.getMetadata().getCatalogHandle(session, catalog));
TypeAnalyzer typeAnalyzer = createTestingTypeAnalyzer(queryRunner.getPlannerContext());
new ValidateLimitWithPresortedInput().validate(planNode, session, queryRunner.getPlannerContext(), typeAnalyzer, types, WarningCollector.NOOP);
return null;
use of io.trino.sql.planner.TypeProvider in project trino by trinodb.
the class DetermineJoinDistributionType method getJoinNodeWithCost.
private PlanNodeWithCost getJoinNodeWithCost(Context context, JoinNode possibleJoinNode) {
TypeProvider types = context.getSymbolAllocator().getTypes();
StatsProvider stats = context.getStatsProvider();
boolean replicated = possibleJoinNode.getDistributionType().get() == REPLICATED;
* Currently cost model always has to compute the total cost of an operation.
* For JOIN the total cost consist of 4 parts:
* - Cost of exchanges that have to be introduced to execute a JOIN
* - Cost of building a hash table
* - Cost of probing a hash table
* - Cost of building an output for matched rows
* When output size for a JOIN cannot be estimated the cost model returns
* UNKNOWN cost for the join.
* However assuming the cost of JOIN output is always the same, we can still make
* cost based decisions based on the input cost for different types of JOINs.
* Although the side flipping can be made purely based on stats (smaller side
* always goes to the right), determining JOIN type is not that simple. As when
* choosing REPLICATED over REPARTITIONED join the cost of exchanging and building
* the hash table scales with the number of nodes where the build side is replicated.
* TODO Decision about the distribution should be based on LocalCostEstimate only when PlanCostEstimate cannot be calculated. Otherwise cost comparator cannot take query.max-memory into account.
int estimatedSourceDistributedTaskCount = taskCountEstimator.estimateSourceDistributedTaskCount(context.getSession());
LocalCostEstimate cost = calculateJoinCostWithoutOutput(possibleJoinNode.getLeft(), possibleJoinNode.getRight(), stats, types, replicated, estimatedSourceDistributedTaskCount);
return new PlanNodeWithCost(cost.toPlanCost(), possibleJoinNode);
use of io.trino.sql.planner.TypeProvider in project trino by trinodb.
the class RuleAssert method matches.
public void matches(PlanMatchPattern pattern) {
RuleApplication ruleApplication = applyRule();
TypeProvider types = ruleApplication.types;
if (!ruleApplication.wasRuleApplied()) {
fail(format("%s did not fire for:\n%s", rule, formatPlan(plan, types)));
PlanNode actual = ruleApplication.getTransformedPlan();
if (actual == plan) {
// plans are not comparable, so we can only ensure they are not the same instance
fail(format("%s: rule fired but return the original plan:\n%s", rule, formatPlan(plan, types)));
if (!ImmutableSet.copyOf(plan.getOutputSymbols()).equals(ImmutableSet.copyOf(actual.getOutputSymbols()))) {
fail(format("%s: output schema of transformed and original plans are not equivalent\n" + "\texpected: %s\n" + "\tactual: %s", rule, plan.getOutputSymbols(), actual.getOutputSymbols()));
inTransaction(session -> {
assertPlan(session, metadata, functionManager, ruleApplication.statsProvider, new Plan(actual, types, StatsAndCosts.empty()), ruleApplication.lookup, pattern);
return null;