use of io.trino.sql.planner.plan.UnionNode in project trino by trinodb.
the class TestCostCalculator method testUnion.
public void testUnion() {
TableScanNode ts1 = tableScan("ts1", "orderkey");
TableScanNode ts2 = tableScan("ts2", "orderkey_0");
ImmutableListMultimap.Builder<Symbol, Symbol> outputMappings = ImmutableListMultimap.builder();
outputMappings.put(new Symbol("orderkey_1"), new Symbol("orderkey"));
outputMappings.put(new Symbol("orderkey_1"), new Symbol("orderkey_0"));
UnionNode union = new UnionNode(new PlanNodeId("union"), ImmutableList.of(ts1, ts2),, ImmutableList.of(new Symbol("orderkey_1")));
Map<String, PlanNodeStatsEstimate> stats = ImmutableMap.of("ts1", statsEstimate(ts1, 4000), "ts2", statsEstimate(ts2, 1000), "union", statsEstimate(ts1, 5000));
Map<String, PlanCostEstimate> costs = ImmutableMap.of("ts1", cpuCost(1000), "ts2", cpuCost(1000));
Map<String, Type> types = ImmutableMap.of("orderkey", BIGINT, "orderkey_0", BIGINT, "orderkey_1", BIGINT);
assertCost(union, costs, stats, types).cpu(2000).memory(0).network(0);
assertCostEstimatedExchanges(union, costs, stats, types).cpu(2000).memory(0).network(5000 * IS_NULL_OVERHEAD);
use of io.trino.sql.planner.plan.UnionNode in project trino by trinodb.
the class PushLimitThroughUnion method apply.
public Result apply(LimitNode parent, Captures captures, Context context) {
UnionNode unionNode = captures.get(CHILD);
ImmutableList.Builder<PlanNode> builder = ImmutableList.builder();
boolean shouldApply = false;
for (PlanNode source : unionNode.getSources()) {
// This check is to ensure that we don't fire the optimizer if it was previously applied.
if (isAtMost(source, context.getLookup(), parent.getCount())) {
} else {
shouldApply = true;
builder.add(new LimitNode(context.getIdAllocator().getNextId(), source, parent.getCount(), true));
if (!shouldApply) {
return Result.empty();
return Result.ofPlanNode(parent.replaceChildren(ImmutableList.of(unionNode.replaceChildren(;
use of io.trino.sql.planner.plan.UnionNode in project trino by trinodb.
the class SetOperationMerge method merge.
* Merge all matching source nodes. This method is assumed to be used only for associative set operations: UNION and INTERSECT.
* @return Merged plan node if applied.
public Optional<SetOperationNode> merge() {
checkState(node instanceof UnionNode || node instanceof IntersectNode, "unexpected node type: %s", node.getClass().getSimpleName());
Lookup lookup = context.getLookup();
List<PlanNode> sources = node.getSources().stream().flatMap(lookup::resolveGroup).collect(Collectors.toList());
ImmutableListMultimap.Builder<Symbol, Symbol> newMappingsBuilder = ImmutableListMultimap.builder();
boolean resultIsDistinct = false;
boolean rewritten = false;
for (int i = 0; i < sources.size(); i++) {
PlanNode source = sources.get(i);
// Determine if set operations can be merged and whether the resulting set operation is quantified DISTINCT or ALL
Optional<Boolean> mergedQuantifier = mergedQuantifierIsDistinct(node, source);
if (mergedQuantifier.isPresent()) {
addMergedMappings((SetOperationNode) source, i, newMappingsBuilder);
resultIsDistinct |= mergedQuantifier.get();
rewritten = true;
} else {
// Keep mapping as it is
addOriginalMappings(source, i, newMappingsBuilder);
if (!rewritten) {
return Optional.empty();
if (node instanceof UnionNode) {
return Optional.of(new UnionNode(node.getId(), newSources,, node.getOutputSymbols()));
return Optional.of(new IntersectNode(node.getId(), newSources,, node.getOutputSymbols(), resultIsDistinct));
use of io.trino.sql.planner.plan.UnionNode in project trino by trinodb.
the class SetOperationNodeTranslator method makeSetContainmentPlanForAll.
public TranslationResult makeSetContainmentPlanForAll(SetOperationNode node) {
checkArgument(!(node instanceof UnionNode), "Cannot simplify a UnionNode");
List<Symbol> markers = allocateSymbols(node.getSources().size(), MARKER, BOOLEAN);
// identity projection for all the fields in each of the sources plus marker columns
List<PlanNode> withMarkers = appendMarkers(markers, node.getSources(), node);
// add a union over all the rewritten sources
List<Symbol> outputs = node.getOutputSymbols();
UnionNode union = union(withMarkers, ImmutableList.copyOf(concat(outputs, markers)));
// add counts and row number
List<Symbol> countOutputs = allocateSymbols(markers.size(), "count", BIGINT);
Symbol rowNumberSymbol = symbolAllocator.newSymbol("row_number", BIGINT);
WindowNode window = appendCounts(union, outputs, markers, countOutputs, rowNumberSymbol);
// prune markers
ProjectNode project = new ProjectNode(idAllocator.getNextId(), window, Assignments.identity(ImmutableList.copyOf(concat(outputs, countOutputs, ImmutableList.of(rowNumberSymbol)))));
return new TranslationResult(project, countOutputs, Optional.of(rowNumberSymbol));
use of io.trino.sql.planner.plan.UnionNode in project trino by trinodb.
the class SetOperationNodeTranslator method makeSetContainmentPlanForDistinct.
public TranslationResult makeSetContainmentPlanForDistinct(SetOperationNode node) {
checkArgument(!(node instanceof UnionNode), "Cannot simplify a UnionNode");
List<Symbol> markers = allocateSymbols(node.getSources().size(), MARKER, BOOLEAN);
// identity projection for all the fields in each of the sources plus marker columns
List<PlanNode> withMarkers = appendMarkers(markers, node.getSources(), node);
// add a union over all the rewritten sources. The outputs of the union have the same name as the
// original intersect node
List<Symbol> outputs = node.getOutputSymbols();
UnionNode union = union(withMarkers, ImmutableList.copyOf(concat(outputs, markers)));
// add count aggregations
List<Symbol> aggregationOutputs = allocateSymbols(markers.size(), "count", BIGINT);
AggregationNode aggregation = computeCounts(union, outputs, markers, aggregationOutputs);
return new TranslationResult(aggregation, aggregationOutputs);