use of io.trino.tempto.query.QueryResult in project trino by trinodb.
the class TestAllDatatypesFromHiveConnector method testSelectAllDatatypesParquetFile.
public void testSelectAllDatatypesParquetFile() {
String tableName = mutableTableInstanceOf(ALL_HIVE_SIMPLE_TYPES_PARQUET).getNameInDatabase();
onHive().executeQuery(format("INSERT INTO %s VALUES(" + "127," + "32767," + "2147483647," + "9223372036854775807," + "123.345," + "234.567," + "346," + "345.67800," + "'" + Timestamp.valueOf(LocalDateTime.of(2015, 5, 10, 12, 15, 35, 123_000_000)).toString() + "'," + "'ala ma kota'," + "'ala ma kot'," + "'ala ma '," + "true," + "'kot binarny'" + ")", tableName));
assertThat(onTrino().executeQuery(format("SHOW COLUMNS FROM %s", tableName)).project(1, 2)).containsExactlyInOrder(row("c_tinyint", "tinyint"), row("c_smallint", "smallint"), row("c_int", "integer"), row("c_bigint", "bigint"), row("c_float", "real"), row("c_double", "double"), row("c_decimal", "decimal(10,0)"), row("c_decimal_w_params", "decimal(10,5)"), row("c_timestamp", "timestamp(3)"), row("c_string", "varchar"), row("c_varchar", "varchar(10)"), row("c_char", "char(10)"), row("c_boolean", "boolean"), row("c_binary", "varbinary"));
QueryResult queryResult = onTrino().executeQuery(format("SELECT * FROM %s", tableName));
assertThat(queryResult).containsOnly(row(127, 32767, 2147483647, 9223372036854775807L, 123.345f, 234.567, new BigDecimal("346"), new BigDecimal("345.67800"), Timestamp.valueOf(LocalDateTime.of(2015, 5, 10, 12, 15, 35, 123_000_000)), "ala ma kota", "ala ma kot", "ala ma ", true, "kot binarny".getBytes(UTF_8)));
use of io.trino.tempto.query.QueryResult in project trino by trinodb.
the class TestAllDatatypesFromHiveConnector method testSelectAllDatatypesTextFile.
@Test(groups = SMOKE)
public void testSelectAllDatatypesTextFile() {
String tableName = ALL_HIVE_SIMPLE_TYPES_TEXTFILE.getName();
QueryResult queryResult = onTrino().executeQuery(format("SELECT * FROM %s", tableName));
assertThat(queryResult).containsOnly(row(127, 32767, 2147483647, 9223372036854775807L, 123.345f, 234.567, new BigDecimal("346"), new BigDecimal("345.67800"), Timestamp.valueOf(LocalDateTime.of(2015, 5, 10, 12, 15, 35, 123_000_000)), Date.valueOf("2015-05-10"), "ala ma kota", "ala ma kot", "ala ma ", true, "kot binarny".getBytes(UTF_8)));
use of io.trino.tempto.query.QueryResult in project trino by trinodb.
the class TestComments method testCommentColumn.
@Test(groups = COMMENT)
public void testCommentColumn() {
String createTableSql = format("" + "CREATE TABLE hive.default.%s (\n" + " c1 bigint COMMENT 'test comment',\n" + " c2 bigint COMMENT '',\n" + " c3 bigint\n" + ")\n" + "WITH (\n" + " format = 'RCBINARY'\n" + ")", COMMENT_COLUMN_NAME);
String createTableSqlPattern = format("\\Q" + "CREATE TABLE hive.default.%s (\n" + " c1 bigint COMMENT 'test comment',\n" + " c2 bigint COMMENT '',\n" + " c3 bigint\n" + ")\\E(?s:.*)", COMMENT_COLUMN_NAME);
QueryResult actualResult = onTrino().executeQuery("SHOW CREATE TABLE " + COMMENT_COLUMN_NAME);
assertThat((String) actualResult.row(0).get(0)).matches(createTableSqlPattern);
createTableSqlPattern = format("\\Q" + "CREATE TABLE hive.default.%s (\n" + " c1 bigint COMMENT 'new comment',\n" + " c2 bigint COMMENT '',\n" + " c3 bigint\n" + ")\\E(?s:.*)", COMMENT_COLUMN_NAME);
onTrino().executeQuery(format("COMMENT ON COLUMN %s.c1 IS 'new comment'", COMMENT_COLUMN_NAME));
actualResult = onTrino().executeQuery("SHOW CREATE TABLE " + COMMENT_COLUMN_NAME);
assertThat((String) actualResult.row(0).get(0)).matches(createTableSqlPattern);
createTableSqlPattern = format("\\Q" + "CREATE TABLE hive.default.%s (\n" + " c1 bigint COMMENT '',\n" + " c2 bigint COMMENT '',\n" + " c3 bigint\n" + ")\\E(?s:.*)", COMMENT_COLUMN_NAME);
onTrino().executeQuery(format("COMMENT ON COLUMN %s.c1 IS ''", COMMENT_COLUMN_NAME));
actualResult = onTrino().executeQuery("SHOW CREATE TABLE " + COMMENT_COLUMN_NAME);
assertThat((String) actualResult.row(0).get(0)).matches(createTableSqlPattern);
createTableSqlPattern = format("\\Q" + "CREATE TABLE hive.default.%s (\n" + " c1 bigint,\n" + " c2 bigint COMMENT '',\n" + " c3 bigint\n" + ")\\E(?s:.*)", COMMENT_COLUMN_NAME);
onTrino().executeQuery(format("COMMENT ON COLUMN %s.c1 IS NULL", COMMENT_COLUMN_NAME));
actualResult = onTrino().executeQuery("SHOW CREATE TABLE " + COMMENT_COLUMN_NAME);
assertThat((String) actualResult.row(0).get(0)).matches(createTableSqlPattern);
use of io.trino.tempto.query.QueryResult in project trino by trinodb.
the class AbstractTestHiveViews method testShowCreateView.
@Test(groups = HIVE_VIEWS)
public void testShowCreateView() {
onHive().executeQuery("DROP VIEW IF EXISTS hive_show_view");
onHive().executeQuery("CREATE VIEW hive_show_view AS SELECT * FROM nation");
String showCreateViewSql = "SHOW CREATE VIEW %s.default.hive_show_view";
String expectedResult = "CREATE VIEW %s.default.hive_show_view SECURITY DEFINER AS\n" + "SELECT\n" + " \"n_nationkey\"\n" + ", \"n_name\"\n" + ", \"n_regionkey\"\n" + ", \"n_comment\"\n" + "FROM\n" + " \"default\".\"nation\"";
QueryResult actualResult = onTrino().executeQuery(format(showCreateViewSql, "hive"));
assertEquals((String) actualResult.row(0).get(0), format(expectedResult, "hive"));
// Verify the translated view sql for a catalog other than "hive", which is configured to the same metastore
actualResult = onTrino().executeQuery(format(showCreateViewSql, "hive_with_external_writes"));
assertEquals((String) actualResult.row(0).get(0), format(expectedResult, "hive_with_external_writes"));
use of io.trino.tempto.query.QueryResult in project trino by trinodb.
the class TestSqlCancel method cancelQuery.
private void cancelQuery(String sql) throws InterruptedException {
Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted();
while (stopwatch.elapsed(SECONDS) < 30) {
String findQuerySql = "SELECT query_id from system.runtime.queries WHERE query = '%s' and state = 'RUNNING' LIMIT 2";
QueryResult queryResult = onTrino().executeQuery(format(findQuerySql, sql));
checkState(queryResult.getRowsCount() < 2, "Query is executed multiple times");
if (queryResult.getRowsCount() == 1) {
String queryId = (String) queryResult.row(0).get(0);
Response response = queryCanceller.cancel(queryId);
throw new IllegalStateException("Query did not reach running state or maybe it was too quick.");