use of io.trino.testing.MaterializedRow in project trino by trinodb.
the class BaseHiveConnectorTest method testPartitionHiddenColumn.
public void testPartitionHiddenColumn() {
@Language("SQL") String createTable = "CREATE TABLE test_partition_hidden_column " + "WITH (" + "partitioned_by = ARRAY['col1', 'col2']" + ") AS " + "SELECT * FROM (VALUES " + "(0, 11, 21), (1, 12, 22), (2, 13, 23), " + "(3, 14, 24), (4, 15, 25), (5, 16, 26), " + "(6, 17, 27), (7, 18, 28), (8, 19, 29)" + " ) t (col0, col1, col2) ";
assertUpdate(createTable, 9);
assertTrue(getQueryRunner().tableExists(getSession(), "test_partition_hidden_column"));
TableMetadata tableMetadata = getTableMetadata(catalog, TPCH_SCHEMA, "test_partition_hidden_column");
assertEquals(tableMetadata.getMetadata().getProperties().get(PARTITIONED_BY_PROPERTY), ImmutableList.of("col1", "col2"));
List<String> columnNames = ImmutableList.of("col0", "col1", "col2", PATH_COLUMN_NAME, FILE_SIZE_COLUMN_NAME, FILE_MODIFIED_TIME_COLUMN_NAME, PARTITION_COLUMN_NAME);
List<ColumnMetadata> columnMetadatas = tableMetadata.getColumns();
assertEquals(columnMetadatas.size(), columnNames.size());
for (int i = 0; i < columnMetadatas.size(); i++) {
ColumnMetadata columnMetadata = columnMetadatas.get(i);
assertEquals(columnMetadata.getName(), columnNames.get(i));
if (columnMetadata.getName().equals(PARTITION_COLUMN_NAME)) {
assertEquals(getPartitions("test_partition_hidden_column").size(), 9);
MaterializedResult results = computeActual(format("SELECT *, \"%s\" FROM test_partition_hidden_column", PARTITION_COLUMN_NAME));
for (MaterializedRow row : results.getMaterializedRows()) {
String actualPartition = (String) row.getField(3);
String expectedPartition = format("col1=%s/col2=%s", row.getField(1), row.getField(2));
assertEquals(actualPartition, expectedPartition);
assertEquals(results.getRowCount(), 9);
assertUpdate("DROP TABLE test_partition_hidden_column");
use of io.trino.testing.MaterializedRow in project trino by trinodb.
the class BaseHiveConnectorTest method testDeleteAndInsert.
public void testDeleteAndInsert() {
Session session = getSession();
// Partition 1 is untouched
// Partition 2 is altered (dropped and then added back)
// Partition 3 is added
// Partition 4 is dropped
assertUpdate(session, "CREATE TABLE tmp_delete_insert WITH (partitioned_by=array ['z']) AS " + "SELECT * FROM (VALUES (CAST (101 AS BIGINT), CAST (1 AS BIGINT)), (201, 2), (202, 2), (401, 4), (402, 4), (403, 4)) t(a, z)", 6);
List<MaterializedRow> expectedBefore = resultBuilder(session, BIGINT, BIGINT).row(101L, 1L).row(201L, 2L).row(202L, 2L).row(401L, 4L).row(402L, 4L).row(403L, 4L).build().getMaterializedRows();
List<MaterializedRow> expectedAfter = resultBuilder(session, BIGINT, BIGINT).row(101L, 1L).row(203L, 2L).row(204L, 2L).row(205L, 2L).row(301L, 2L).row(302L, 3L).build().getMaterializedRows();
try {
transaction(getQueryRunner().getTransactionManager(), getQueryRunner().getAccessControl()).execute(session, transactionSession -> {
assertUpdate(transactionSession, "DELETE FROM tmp_delete_insert WHERE z >= 2");
assertUpdate(transactionSession, "INSERT INTO tmp_delete_insert VALUES (203, 2), (204, 2), (205, 2), (301, 2), (302, 3)", 5);
MaterializedResult actualFromAnotherTransaction = computeActual(session, "SELECT * FROM tmp_delete_insert");
assertEqualsIgnoreOrder(actualFromAnotherTransaction, expectedBefore);
MaterializedResult actualFromCurrentTransaction = computeActual(transactionSession, "SELECT * FROM tmp_delete_insert");
assertEqualsIgnoreOrder(actualFromCurrentTransaction, expectedAfter);
} catch (RollbackException e) {
// ignore
MaterializedResult actualAfterRollback = computeActual(session, "SELECT * FROM tmp_delete_insert");
assertEqualsIgnoreOrder(actualAfterRollback, expectedBefore);
transaction(getQueryRunner().getTransactionManager(), getQueryRunner().getAccessControl()).execute(session, transactionSession -> {
assertUpdate(transactionSession, "DELETE FROM tmp_delete_insert WHERE z >= 2");
assertUpdate(transactionSession, "INSERT INTO tmp_delete_insert VALUES (203, 2), (204, 2), (205, 2), (301, 2), (302, 3)", 5);
MaterializedResult actualOutOfTransaction = computeActual(session, "SELECT * FROM tmp_delete_insert");
assertEqualsIgnoreOrder(actualOutOfTransaction, expectedBefore);
MaterializedResult actualInTransaction = computeActual(transactionSession, "SELECT * FROM tmp_delete_insert");
assertEqualsIgnoreOrder(actualInTransaction, expectedAfter);
MaterializedResult actualAfterTransaction = computeActual(session, "SELECT * FROM tmp_delete_insert");
assertEqualsIgnoreOrder(actualAfterTransaction, expectedAfter);
use of io.trino.testing.MaterializedRow in project trino by trinodb.
the class BaseHiveConnectorTest method testTargetMaxFileSize.
protected void testTargetMaxFileSize(int expectedTableWriters) {
// We use TEXTFILE in this test because is has a very consistent and predictable size
@Language("SQL") String createTableSql = "CREATE TABLE test_max_file_size WITH (format = 'TEXTFILE') AS SELECT * FROM tpch.sf1.lineitem LIMIT 1000000";
@Language("SQL") String selectFileInfo = "SELECT distinct \"$path\", \"$file_size\" FROM test_max_file_size";
// verify the default behavior is one file per node
Session session = Session.builder(getSession()).setSystemProperty("task_writer_count", "1").build();
assertUpdate(session, createTableSql, 1000000);
assertUpdate("DROP TABLE test_max_file_size");
// Write table with small limit and verify we get multiple files per node near the expected size
// Writer writes chunks of rows that are about 1MB
DataSize maxSize = DataSize.of(1, Unit.MEGABYTE);
session = Session.builder(getSession()).setSystemProperty("task_writer_count", "1").setCatalogSessionProperty("hive", "target_max_file_size", maxSize.toString()).build();
assertUpdate(session, createTableSql, 1000000);
MaterializedResult result = computeActual(selectFileInfo);
for (MaterializedRow row : result) {
// allow up to a larger delta due to the very small max size and the relatively large writer chunk size
assertThat((Long) row.getField(1)).isLessThan(maxSize.toBytes() * 3);
assertUpdate("DROP TABLE test_max_file_size");
use of io.trino.testing.MaterializedRow in project trino by trinodb.
the class BaseHiveConnectorTest method testFileSizeHiddenColumn.
public void testFileSizeHiddenColumn() {
@Language("SQL") String createTable = "CREATE TABLE test_file_size " + "WITH (" + "partitioned_by = ARRAY['col1']" + ") AS " + "SELECT * FROM (VALUES " + "(0, 0), (3, 0), (6, 0), " + "(1, 1), (4, 1), (7, 1), " + "(2, 2), (5, 2) " + " ) t(col0, col1) ";
assertUpdate(createTable, 8);
assertTrue(getQueryRunner().tableExists(getSession(), "test_file_size"));
TableMetadata tableMetadata = getTableMetadata(catalog, TPCH_SCHEMA, "test_file_size");
List<ColumnMetadata> columnMetadatas = tableMetadata.getColumns();
assertEquals(columnMetadatas.size(), columnNames.size());
for (int i = 0; i < columnMetadatas.size(); i++) {
ColumnMetadata columnMetadata = columnMetadatas.get(i);
assertEquals(columnMetadata.getName(), columnNames.get(i));
if (columnMetadata.getName().equals(FILE_SIZE_COLUMN_NAME)) {
assertEquals(getPartitions("test_file_size").size(), 3);
MaterializedResult results = computeActual(format("SELECT *, \"%s\" FROM test_file_size", FILE_SIZE_COLUMN_NAME));
Map<Integer, Long> fileSizeMap = new HashMap<>();
for (int i = 0; i < results.getRowCount(); i++) {
MaterializedRow row = results.getMaterializedRows().get(i);
int col0 = (int) row.getField(0);
int col1 = (int) row.getField(1);
long fileSize = (Long) row.getField(2);
assertTrue(fileSize > 0);
assertEquals(col0 % 3, col1);
if (fileSizeMap.containsKey(col1)) {
assertEquals(fileSizeMap.get(col1).longValue(), fileSize);
} else {
fileSizeMap.put(col1, fileSize);
assertEquals(fileSizeMap.size(), 3);
assertUpdate("DROP TABLE test_file_size");
use of io.trino.testing.MaterializedRow in project trino by trinodb.
the class BaseHiveConnectorTest method testTargetMaxFileSizePartitioned.
protected void testTargetMaxFileSizePartitioned(int expectedTableWriters) {
// We use TEXTFILE in this test because is has a very consistent and predictable size
@Language("SQL") String createTableSql = "" + "CREATE TABLE test_max_file_size_partitioned WITH (partitioned_by = ARRAY['returnflag'], format = 'TEXTFILE') AS " + "SELECT orderkey, partkey, suppkey, linenumber, quantity, extendedprice, discount, tax, linestatus, shipdate, commitdate, receiptdate, shipinstruct, shipmode, comment, returnflag " + "FROM tpch.sf1.lineitem LIMIT 1000000";
@Language("SQL") String selectFileInfo = "SELECT distinct \"$path\", \"$file_size\" FROM test_max_file_size_partitioned";
// verify the default behavior is one file per node per partition
Session session = Session.builder(getSession()).setSystemProperty("task_writer_count", "1").build();
assertUpdate(session, createTableSql, 1000000);
assertThat(computeActual(selectFileInfo).getRowCount()).isEqualTo(expectedTableWriters * 3);
assertUpdate("DROP TABLE test_max_file_size_partitioned");
// Write table with small limit and verify we get multiple files per node near the expected size
// Writer writes chunks of rows that are about 1MB
DataSize maxSize = DataSize.of(1, Unit.MEGABYTE);
session = Session.builder(getSession()).setSystemProperty("task_writer_count", "1").setCatalogSessionProperty("hive", "target_max_file_size", maxSize.toString()).build();
assertUpdate(session, createTableSql, 1000000);
MaterializedResult result = computeActual(selectFileInfo);
assertThat(result.getRowCount()).isGreaterThan(expectedTableWriters * 3);
for (MaterializedRow row : result) {
// allow up to a larger delta due to the very small max size and the relatively large writer chunk size
assertThat((Long) row.getField(1)).isLessThan(maxSize.toBytes() * 3);
assertUpdate("DROP TABLE test_max_file_size_partitioned");