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Example 41 with HttpString

use of io.undertow.util.HttpString in project undertow by undertow-io.

the class HpackDecoder method readHeaderName.

private HttpString readHeaderName(ByteBuffer buffer, int prefixLength) throws HpackException {
    //unget the byte
    buffer.position(buffer.position() - 1);
    int index = Hpack.decodeInteger(buffer, prefixLength);
    if (index == -1) {
        return null;
    } else if (index != 0) {
        return handleIndexedHeaderName(index);
    } else {
        String string = readHpackString(buffer);
        if (string == null) {
            return null;
        return new HttpString(string);
Also used : HttpString(io.undertow.util.HttpString) HttpString(io.undertow.util.HttpString)

Example 42 with HttpString

use of io.undertow.util.HttpString in project undertow by undertow-io.

the class HpackEncoder method encode.

     * Encodes the headers into a buffer.
     * @param headers
     * @param target
public State encode(HeaderMap headers, ByteBuffer target) {
    if (overflowData != null) {
        for (int i = overflowPos; i < overflowLength; ++i) {
            if (!target.hasRemaining()) {
                overflowPos = i;
                return State.OVERFLOW;
        overflowData = null;
    long it = headersIterator;
    if (headersIterator == -1) {
        //new headers map
        it = headers.fastIterate();
        currentHeaders = headers;
    } else {
        if (headers != currentHeaders) {
            throw new IllegalStateException();
    while (it != -1) {
        HeaderValues values = headers.fiCurrent(it);
        boolean skip = false;
        if (firstPass) {
            if (values.getHeaderName().byteAt(0) != ':') {
                skip = true;
        } else {
            if (values.getHeaderName().byteAt(0) == ':') {
                skip = true;
        if (SKIP.contains(values.getHeaderName())) {
            //ignore connection specific headers
            skip = true;
        if (!skip) {
            for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); ++i) {
                HttpString headerName = values.getHeaderName();
                //we use 11 to make sure we have enough room for the variable length itegers
                int required = 11 + headerName.length();
                String val = values.get(i);
                for (int v = 0; v < val.length(); ++v) {
                    char c = val.charAt(v);
                    if (c == '\r' || c == '\n') {
                        val = val.replace('\r', ' ').replace('\n', ' ');
                TableEntry tableEntry = findInTable(headerName, val);
                required += (1 + val.length());
                boolean overflowing = false;
                ByteBuffer current = target;
                if (current.remaining() < required) {
                    overflowing = true;
                    current = ByteBuffer.wrap(overflowData = new byte[required]);
                    overflowPos = 0;
                //only index if it will fit
                boolean canIndex = hpackHeaderFunction.shouldUseIndexing(headerName, val) && (headerName.length() + val.length() + 32) < maxTableSize;
                if (tableEntry == null && canIndex) {
                    //add the entry to the dynamic table
                    current.put((byte) (1 << 6));
                    writeHuffmanEncodableName(current, headerName);
                    writeHuffmanEncodableValue(current, headerName, val);
                    addToDynamicTable(headerName, val);
                } else if (tableEntry == null) {
                    //literal never indexed
                    current.put((byte) (1 << 4));
                    writeHuffmanEncodableName(current, headerName);
                    writeHuffmanEncodableValue(current, headerName, val);
                } else {
                    //so we know something is already in the table
                    if (val.equals(tableEntry.value)) {
                        //the whole thing is in the table
                        current.put((byte) (1 << 7));
                        encodeInteger(current, tableEntry.getPosition(), 7);
                    } else {
                        if (canIndex) {
                            //add the entry to the dynamic table
                            current.put((byte) (1 << 6));
                            encodeInteger(current, tableEntry.getPosition(), 6);
                            writeHuffmanEncodableValue(current, headerName, val);
                            addToDynamicTable(headerName, val);
                        } else {
                            current.put((byte) (1 << 4));
                            encodeInteger(current, tableEntry.getPosition(), 4);
                            writeHuffmanEncodableValue(current, headerName, val);
                if (overflowing) {
                    it = headers.fiNext(it);
                    this.headersIterator = it;
                    this.overflowLength = current.position();
                    return State.OVERFLOW;
        it = headers.fiNext(it);
        if (it == -1 && firstPass) {
            firstPass = false;
            it = headers.fastIterate();
    headersIterator = -1;
    firstPass = true;
    return State.COMPLETE;
Also used : HeaderValues(io.undertow.util.HeaderValues) HttpString(io.undertow.util.HttpString) ByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer) HttpString(io.undertow.util.HttpString)

Example 43 with HttpString

use of io.undertow.util.HttpString in project undertow by undertow-io.

the class AjpClientRequestClientStreamSinkChannel method createFrameHeaderImpl.

private SendFrameHeader createFrameHeaderImpl() {
    if (discardMode) {
        return new SendFrameHeader(new ImmediatePooledByteBuffer(ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[0])));
    PooledByteBuffer pooledHeaderBuffer = getChannel().getBufferPool().allocate();
    try {
        final ByteBuffer buffer = pooledHeaderBuffer.getBuffer();
        ByteBuffer dataBuffer = getBuffer();
        int dataInBuffer = dataBuffer.remaining();
        if (!firstFrameWritten && requestedChunkSize == 0) {
            //we are waiting on a read body chunk
            return new SendFrameHeader(dataInBuffer, null);
        int maxData = getChannel().getSettings().get(UndertowOptions.MAX_AJP_PACKET_SIZE, DEFAULT_MAX_DATA_SIZE) - 6;
        if (!firstFrameWritten) {
            String contentLength = headers.getFirst(Headers.CONTENT_LENGTH);
            if (contentLength != null) {
                dataSize = Long.parseLong(contentLength);
                requestedChunkSize = maxData;
                if (dataInBuffer > dataSize) {
                    throw UndertowMessages.MESSAGES.fixedLengthOverflow();
            } else if (isWritesShutdown() && !headers.contains(Headers.TRANSFER_ENCODING)) {
                //writes are shut down, go to fixed length
                headers.put(Headers.CONTENT_LENGTH, dataInBuffer);
                dataSize = dataInBuffer;
                requestedChunkSize = maxData;
            } else {
                headers.put(Headers.TRANSFER_ENCODING, Headers.CHUNKED.toString());
                dataSize = -1;
                requestedChunkSize = 0;
            firstFrameWritten = true;
            final String path;
            final String queryString;
            int qsIndex = this.path.indexOf('?');
            if (qsIndex == -1) {
                path = this.path;
                queryString = null;
            } else {
                path = this.path.substring(0, qsIndex);
                queryString = this.path.substring(qsIndex + 1);
            buffer.put((byte) 0x12);
            buffer.put((byte) 0x34);
            //we fill the size in later
            buffer.put((byte) 0);
            buffer.put((byte) 0);
            buffer.put((byte) 2);
            boolean storeMethod = false;
            Integer methodNp = AjpConstants.HTTP_METHODS_MAP.get(method);
            if (methodNp == null) {
                methodNp = 0xFF;
                storeMethod = true;
            buffer.put((byte) (int) methodNp);
            AjpUtils.putHttpString(buffer, protocol);
            putString(buffer, path);
            putString(buffer, notNull(attachable.getAttachment(ProxiedRequestAttachments.REMOTE_ADDRESS)));
            putString(buffer, notNull(attachable.getAttachment(ProxiedRequestAttachments.REMOTE_HOST)));
            putString(buffer, notNull(attachable.getAttachment(ProxiedRequestAttachments.SERVER_NAME)));
            AjpUtils.putInt(buffer, notNull(attachable.getAttachment(ProxiedRequestAttachments.SERVER_PORT)));
            buffer.put((byte) (notNull(attachable.getAttachment(ProxiedRequestAttachments.IS_SSL)) ? 1 : 0));
            int headers = 0;
            //we need to count the headers
            final HeaderMap responseHeaders = this.headers;
            for (HttpString name : responseHeaders.getHeaderNames()) {
                headers += responseHeaders.get(name).size();
            AjpUtils.putInt(buffer, headers);
            for (final HttpString header : responseHeaders.getHeaderNames()) {
                for (String headerValue : responseHeaders.get(header)) {
                    Integer headerCode = AjpConstants.HEADER_MAP.get(header);
                    if (headerCode != null) {
                        AjpUtils.putInt(buffer, headerCode);
                    } else {
                        AjpUtils.putHttpString(buffer, header);
                    putString(buffer, headerValue);
            if (queryString != null) {
                buffer.put((byte) ATTR_QUERY_STRING);
                putString(buffer, queryString);
            String remoteUser = attachable.getAttachment(ProxiedRequestAttachments.REMOTE_USER);
            if (remoteUser != null) {
                buffer.put((byte) ATTR_REMOTE_USER);
                putString(buffer, remoteUser);
            String authType = attachable.getAttachment(ProxiedRequestAttachments.AUTH_TYPE);
            if (authType != null) {
                buffer.put((byte) ATTR_AUTH_TYPE);
                putString(buffer, authType);
            String route = attachable.getAttachment(ProxiedRequestAttachments.ROUTE);
            if (route != null) {
                buffer.put((byte) ATTR_ROUTE);
                putString(buffer, route);
            String sslCert = attachable.getAttachment(ProxiedRequestAttachments.SSL_CERT);
            if (sslCert != null) {
                buffer.put((byte) ATTR_SSL_CERT);
                putString(buffer, sslCert);
            String sslCypher = attachable.getAttachment(ProxiedRequestAttachments.SSL_CYPHER);
            if (sslCypher != null) {
                buffer.put((byte) ATTR_SSL_CIPHER);
                putString(buffer, sslCypher);
            byte[] sslSession = attachable.getAttachment(ProxiedRequestAttachments.SSL_SESSION_ID);
            if (sslSession != null) {
                buffer.put((byte) ATTR_SSL_SESSION);
                putString(buffer, FlexBase64.encodeString(sslSession, false));
            Integer sslKeySize = attachable.getAttachment(ProxiedRequestAttachments.SSL_KEY_SIZE);
            if (sslKeySize != null) {
                buffer.put((byte) ATTR_SSL_KEY_SIZE);
                putString(buffer, sslKeySize.toString());
            String secret = attachable.getAttachment(ProxiedRequestAttachments.SECRET);
            if (secret != null) {
                buffer.put((byte) ATTR_SECRET);
                putString(buffer, secret);
            if (storeMethod) {
                buffer.put((byte) ATTR_STORED_METHOD);
                putString(buffer, method.toString());
            buffer.put((byte) 0xFF);
            int dataLength = buffer.position() - 4;
            buffer.put(2, (byte) ((dataLength >> 8) & 0xFF));
            buffer.put(3, (byte) (dataLength & 0xFF));
        if (dataSize == 0) {
            //no data, just write out this frame and we are done
            return new SendFrameHeader(pooledHeaderBuffer);
        } else if (requestedChunkSize > 0) {
            if (isWritesShutdown() && dataInBuffer == 0) {
                buffer.put((byte) 0x12);
                buffer.put((byte) 0x34);
                buffer.put((byte) 0x00);
                buffer.put((byte) 0x02);
                buffer.put((byte) 0x00);
                buffer.put((byte) 0x00);
                return new SendFrameHeader(pooledHeaderBuffer);
            int remaining = dataInBuffer;
            remaining = Math.min(remaining, maxData);
            remaining = Math.min(remaining, requestedChunkSize);
            int bodySize = remaining + 2;
            buffer.put((byte) 0x12);
            buffer.put((byte) 0x34);
            buffer.put((byte) ((bodySize >> 8) & 0xFF));
            buffer.put((byte) (bodySize & 0xFF));
            buffer.put((byte) ((remaining >> 8) & 0xFF));
            buffer.put((byte) (remaining & 0xFF));
            requestedChunkSize = 0;
            if (remaining < dataInBuffer) {
                dataBuffer.limit(getBuffer().position() + remaining);
                return new SendFrameHeader(dataInBuffer - remaining, pooledHeaderBuffer, dataSize < 0);
            } else {
                return new SendFrameHeader(0, pooledHeaderBuffer, dataSize < 0);
        } else {
            //chunked. We just write the headers, and leave all the data in the buffer
            //they need to send us a read body chunk in order to get any data
            if (buffer.remaining() == 0) {
                return new SendFrameHeader(dataInBuffer, null, true);
            return new SendFrameHeader(dataInBuffer, pooledHeaderBuffer, true);
    } catch (BufferOverflowException e) {
        //TODO: UNDERTOW-901
        throw e;
Also used : HeaderMap(io.undertow.util.HeaderMap) ImmediatePooledByteBuffer(io.undertow.util.ImmediatePooledByteBuffer) PooledByteBuffer(io.undertow.connector.PooledByteBuffer) AjpUtils.putString(io.undertow.protocols.ajp.AjpUtils.putString) HttpString(io.undertow.util.HttpString) BufferOverflowException(java.nio.BufferOverflowException) SendFrameHeader(io.undertow.server.protocol.framed.SendFrameHeader) ByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer) ImmediatePooledByteBuffer(io.undertow.util.ImmediatePooledByteBuffer) PooledByteBuffer(io.undertow.connector.PooledByteBuffer) ImmediatePooledByteBuffer(io.undertow.util.ImmediatePooledByteBuffer) HttpString(io.undertow.util.HttpString)

Example 44 with HttpString

use of io.undertow.util.HttpString in project undertow by undertow-io.

the class RoutingHandler method addAll.

public synchronized RoutingHandler addAll(RoutingHandler routingHandler) {
    for (Entry<HttpString, PathTemplateMatcher<RoutingMatch>> entry : routingHandler.getMatches().entrySet()) {
        HttpString method = entry.getKey();
        PathTemplateMatcher<RoutingMatch> matcher = matches.get(method);
        if (matcher == null) {
            matches.put(method, matcher = new PathTemplateMatcher<>());
        // PathTemplates which we want to ignore here so it does not crash.
        for (PathTemplate template : entry.getValue().getPathTemplates()) {
            if (allMethodsMatcher.get(template.getTemplateString()) == null) {
                allMethodsMatcher.add(template, new RoutingMatch());
    return this;
Also used : PathTemplateMatcher(io.undertow.util.PathTemplateMatcher) PathTemplate(io.undertow.util.PathTemplate) HttpString(io.undertow.util.HttpString)

Example 45 with HttpString

use of io.undertow.util.HttpString in project undertow by undertow-io.

the class MCMPHandler method parseFormData.

     * Transform the form data into an intermediate request data which can me used
     * by the web manager
     * @param exchange    the http server exchange
     * @return
     * @throws IOException
RequestData parseFormData(final HttpServerExchange exchange) throws IOException {
    // Read post parameters
    final FormDataParser parser = parserFactory.createParser(exchange);
    final FormData formData = parser.parseBlocking();
    final RequestData data = new RequestData();
    for (String name : formData) {
        final HttpString key = new HttpString(name);
        data.add(key, formData.get(name));
    return data;
Also used : FormData(io.undertow.server.handlers.form.FormData) FormDataParser(io.undertow.server.handlers.form.FormDataParser) HttpString(io.undertow.util.HttpString) HttpString(io.undertow.util.HttpString)


HttpString (io.undertow.util.HttpString)59 IOException ( HttpServerExchange (io.undertow.server.HttpServerExchange)16 HeaderMap (io.undertow.util.HeaderMap)15 HttpHandler (io.undertow.server.HttpHandler)9 ByteBuffer (java.nio.ByteBuffer)9 Map (java.util.Map)8 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)7 PooledByteBuffer (io.undertow.connector.PooledByteBuffer)6 HeaderValues (io.undertow.util.HeaderValues)6 ClientRequest (io.undertow.client.ClientRequest)5 Session (io.undertow.server.session.Session)5 URISyntaxException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)5 Test (org.junit.Test)5 InMemorySessionManager (io.undertow.server.session.InMemorySessionManager)4 SessionAttachmentHandler (io.undertow.server.session.SessionAttachmentHandler)4 SessionManager (io.undertow.server.session.SessionManager)4 List (java.util.List)4 TypeConverter (org.apache.camel.TypeConverter)4