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Example 41 with JsonArray

use of io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray in project hono by eclipse.

the class IntegrationTestSupport method testJsonObjectToBeContained.

 * A simple implementation of subtree containment: all entries of the JsonObject that is tested to be contained
 * must be contained in the other JsonObject as well. Nested JsonObjects are treated the same by recursively calling
 * this method to test the containment.
 * JsonArrays are tested for containment as well: all elements in a JsonArray belonging to the contained JsonObject
 * must be present in the corresponding JsonArray of the other JsonObject as well. The sequence of the array elements
 * is not important (suitable for the current tests).
 * @param jsonObject The JsonObject that must fully contain the other JsonObject (but may contain more entries as well).
 * @param jsonObjectToBeContained The JsonObject that needs to be fully contained inside the other JsonObject.
 * @return The result of the containment test.
public static boolean testJsonObjectToBeContained(final JsonObject jsonObject, final JsonObject jsonObjectToBeContained) {
    if (jsonObjectToBeContained == null) {
        return true;
    if (jsonObject == null) {
        return false;
    AtomicBoolean containResult = new AtomicBoolean(true);
    jsonObjectToBeContained.forEach(entry -> {
        if (!jsonObject.containsKey(entry.getKey())) {
        } else {
            if (entry.getValue() == null) {
                if (jsonObject.getValue(entry.getKey()) != null) {
            } else if (entry.getValue() instanceof JsonObject) {
                if (!(jsonObject.getValue(entry.getKey()) instanceof JsonObject)) {
                } else {
                    if (!testJsonObjectToBeContained((JsonObject) entry.getValue(), (JsonObject) jsonObject.getValue(entry.getKey()))) {
            } else if (entry.getValue() instanceof JsonArray) {
                if (!(jsonObject.getValue(entry.getKey()) instanceof JsonArray)) {
                } else {
                    // compare two JsonArrays
                    JsonArray biggerArray = (JsonArray) jsonObject.getValue(entry.getKey());
                    JsonArray smallerArray = (JsonArray) entry.getValue();
                    if (!testJsonArrayToBeContained(biggerArray, smallerArray)) {
            } else {
                if (!(entry.getValue().equals(jsonObject.getValue(entry.getKey())))) {
    return containResult.get();
Also used : JsonArray(io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray) AtomicBoolean(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean) JsonObject(io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject)

Example 42 with JsonArray

use of io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray in project hono by eclipse.

the class CredentialsAmqpIT method pickFirstSecretFromPayload.

private JsonObject pickFirstSecretFromPayload(final CredentialsObject payload) {
    // secrets: first entry is expected to be valid,
    // second entry may have time stamps not yet active (not checked),
    // more entries may be avail
    final JsonArray secrets = payload.getSecrets();
    assertTrue(secrets.size() > 0);
    final JsonObject firstSecret = secrets.getJsonObject(0);
    return firstSecret;
Also used : JsonArray(io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray) JsonObject(io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject)

Example 43 with JsonArray

use of io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray in project hono by eclipse.

the class CredentialsAmqpIT method checkPayloadGetCredentialsReturnsMultipleSecrets.

private void checkPayloadGetCredentialsReturnsMultipleSecrets(final CredentialsObject payload) {
    // secrets: first entry is expected to be valid,
    // second entry may have time stamps not yet active (not checked),
    // more entries may be avail
    final JsonArray secrets = payload.getSecrets();
    // at least 2 entries to test multiple entries
    assertTrue(secrets.size() > 1);
Also used : JsonArray(io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray)

Example 44 with JsonArray

use of io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray in project hono by eclipse.

the class CredentialsHttpIT method testGetCredentialsForDeviceRegardlessOfType.

 * Verifies that the service returns all credentials registered for a given device regardless of type.
 * <p>
 * The returned JsonObject must consist of the total number of entries and contain all previously added credentials
 * in the provided JsonArray that is found under the key of the endpoint {@link CredentialsConstants#CREDENTIALS_ENDPOINT}.
 * @param context The vert.x test context.
 * @throws InterruptedException if registration of credentials is interrupted.
public void testGetCredentialsForDeviceRegardlessOfType(final TestContext context) throws InterruptedException {
    final String pskAuthId = getRandomAuthId(TEST_AUTH_ID);
    final List<JsonObject> credentialsToAdd = new ArrayList<>();
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        final JsonObject requestBody = newPskCredentials(deviceId, pskAuthId);
        requestBody.put(CredentialsConstants.FIELD_TYPE, "type" + i);
    addMultipleCredentials(credentialsToAdd).compose(ar -> registry.getCredentials(TENANT, deviceId)).setHandler(context.asyncAssertSuccess(b -> {
        assertResponseBodyContainsAllCredentials(context, b.toJsonObject(), credentialsToAdd);
Also used : HttpURLConnection( TestContext(io.vertx.ext.unit.TestContext) Async(io.vertx.ext.unit.Async) BeforeClass(org.junit.BeforeClass) RunWith(org.junit.runner.RunWith) Constants(org.eclipse.hono.util.Constants) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) CompositeFuture(io.vertx.core.CompositeFuture) IntegrationTestSupport(org.eclipse.hono.tests.IntegrationTestSupport) After(org.junit.After) Timeout(org.junit.rules.Timeout) JsonObject(io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject) Before(org.junit.Before) AfterClass(org.junit.AfterClass) Vertx(io.vertx.core.Vertx) Test(org.junit.Test) UUID(java.util.UUID) VertxUnitRunner(io.vertx.ext.unit.junit.VertxUnitRunner) Future(io.vertx.core.Future) StandardCharsets(java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets) CredentialsConstants(org.eclipse.hono.util.CredentialsConstants) JsonArray(io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray) List(java.util.List) Rule(org.junit.Rule) DeviceRegistryHttpClient(org.eclipse.hono.tests.DeviceRegistryHttpClient) CredentialsObject(org.eclipse.hono.util.CredentialsObject) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) JsonObject(io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 45 with JsonArray

use of io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray in project hono by eclipse.

the class CredentialsHttpIT method assertResponseBodyContainsAllCredentials.

private static void assertResponseBodyContainsAllCredentials(final TestContext context, final JsonObject responseBody, final List<JsonObject> credentialsList) {
    // the response must contain all of the payload of the add request, so test that now
    Integer totalCredentialsFound = responseBody.getInteger(CredentialsConstants.FIELD_CREDENTIALS_TOTAL);
    context.assertEquals(totalCredentialsFound, credentialsList.size());
    final JsonArray credentials = responseBody.getJsonArray(CredentialsConstants.CREDENTIALS_ENDPOINT);
    context.assertEquals(credentials.size(), totalCredentialsFound);
// TODO: add full test if the lists are 'identical' (contain the same JsonObjects by using the
// contained helper method)
Also used : JsonArray(io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray)


JsonArray (io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray)116 JsonObject (io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject)82 Test (org.junit.Test)72 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)19 Future (io.vertx.core.Future)15 Buffer (io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer)15 Handler (io.vertx.core.Handler)14 HttpURLConnection ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)13 TestContext (io.vertx.ext.unit.TestContext)10 VertxUnitRunner (io.vertx.ext.unit.junit.VertxUnitRunner)10 RunWith (org.junit.runner.RunWith)10 StandardCharsets (java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets)9 Instant (java.time.Instant)9 CredentialsConstants (org.eclipse.hono.util.CredentialsConstants)9 Vertx (io.vertx.core.Vertx)8 Async (io.vertx.ext.unit.Async)8 Constants (org.eclipse.hono.util.Constants)8 CredentialsObject (org.eclipse.hono.util.CredentialsObject)8 Before (org.junit.Before)8