use of io.vertx.kafka.client.consumer.KafkaConsumer in project hono by eclipse.
the class HonoKafkaConsumer method ensureTopicIsAmongSubscribedTopicPatternTopics.
* Tries to ensure that the given topic is part of the list of topics this consumer is subscribed to.
* <p>
* The successful completion of the returned Future means that the topic exists and is among the subscribed topics.
* It also means that if partitions of this topic have been assigned to this consumer and if the offset reset config
* is set to "latest", the positions for these partitions have already been fetched and the consumer will receive
* records published thereafter.
* If all topic partition are assigned to other consumers, a best-effort approach is taken to let the result
* Future be completed after this assignment has been done.
* <p>
* Note that this method is only applicable if a topic pattern subscription is used, otherwise an
* {@link IllegalStateException} is thrown.
* <p>
* This method is needed for scenarios where the given topic either has just been created and this consumer doesn't
* know about it yet or the topic doesn't exist yet. In the latter case, this method will try to trigger creation of
* the topic, which may succeed if topic auto-creation is enabled, and wait for the following rebalance to check
* if the topic is part of the subscribed topics then.
* @param topic The topic to use.
* @return A future indicating the outcome of the operation. The Future is succeeded if the topic exists and
* is among the subscribed topics. The Future is failed with a {@link ServerErrorException} if the topic
* doesn't exist or there was an error determining whether the topic is part of the subscription.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If this consumer doesn't use a topic pattern or the topic doesn't match the pattern.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the consumer hasn't been created with a set of topics to consume from.
* @throws NullPointerException if topic is {@code null}.
public final Future<Void> ensureTopicIsAmongSubscribedTopicPatternTopics(final String topic) {
if (topics != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("consumer doesn't use topic pattern");
} else if (!topicPattern.matcher(topic).find()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("topic doesn't match pattern");
if (kafkaConsumer == null) {
return Future.failedFuture(new ServerErrorException(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR, "not started"));
} else if (stopCalled.get()) {
return Future.failedFuture(new ServerErrorException(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAVAILABLE, "already stopped"));
// use previously updated topics list (less costly than invoking kafkaConsumer.subscription() here)
if (subscribedTopicPatternTopics.contains(topic)) {
log.debug("ensureTopicIsAmongSubscribedTopics: topic is already subscribed [{}]", topic);
return Future.succeededFuture();
final Set<String> subscribedTopicPatternTopicsBefore = new HashSet<>(subscribedTopicPatternTopics);
// check whether topic has been created since the last rebalance and if not, potentially create it here implicitly
// (partitionsFor() will create the topic if it doesn't exist, provided "auto.create.topics.enable" is true)
final Promise<Void> resultPromise = Promise.promise();
final Future<Void> topicCheckFuture = HonoKafkaConsumerHelper.partitionsFor(kafkaConsumer, topic).onFailure(thr -> log.warn("ensureTopicIsAmongSubscribedTopics: error getting partitions for topic [{}]", topic, thr)).compose(partitions -> {
if (partitions.isEmpty()) {
log.warn("ensureTopicIsAmongSubscribedTopics: topic doesn't exist and didn't get auto-created: {}", topic);
return Future.failedFuture(new ServerErrorException(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAVAILABLE, "command topic doesn't exist and didn't get auto-created"));
return Future.succeededFuture();
// the topic list of a wildcard subscription only gets refreshed periodically by default (interval is defined by "");
// therefore enforce a refresh here by again subscribing to the topic pattern
log.debug("ensureTopicIsAmongSubscribedTopics: wait for subscription update and rebalance [{}]", topic);
// not composed with the topicCheckFuture outcome in order for both operations to be invoked directly after one another, with no poll() in between
subscribeAndWaitForRebalance().compose(v -> {
final boolean someTopicDeleted = -> !subscribedTopicPatternTopics.contains(t));
if (!subscribedTopicPatternTopics.contains(topic)) {
// first metadata refresh could have failed with a LEADER_NOT_AVAILABLE error for the new topic;
// seems to happen when some other topics have just been deleted for example
log.debug("ensureTopicIsAmongSubscribedTopics: subscription not updated with topic after rebalance; try again [topic: {}]", topic);
return subscribeAndWaitForRebalance();
} else if (isCooperativeRebalancingConfigured() && someTopicDeleted && isAutoOffsetResetConfigLatest()) {
// (most probable case here is that the rebalance was triggered by a recent deletion of topics, other cases aren't handled here)
return kafkaConsumer.assignment().compose(partitions -> {
if ( -> p.getTopic().equals(topic))) {
return Future.succeededFuture(v);
} else {
log.debug("ensureTopicIsAmongSubscribedTopics: wait for another rebalance before considering update of topic subscription [{}] as done", topic);
final Promise<Void> rebalanceResultPromise = Promise.promise();
runOnKafkaWorkerThread(v2 -> {
runOnContext(v3 -> subscribeAndWaitForRebalance().onComplete(rebalanceResultPromise));
return rebalanceResultPromise.future();
return Future.succeededFuture(v);
}).compose(v -> {
if (!subscribedTopicPatternTopics.contains(topic)) {
log.warn("ensureTopicIsAmongSubscribedTopics: subscription not updated with topic after rebalance [topic: {}]", topic);
return Future.failedFuture(new ServerErrorException(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAVAILABLE, "subscription not updated with topic after rebalance"));
log.debug("ensureTopicIsAmongSubscribedTopics: done updating topic subscription [{}]", topic);
return Future.succeededFuture(v);
}).onComplete(ar -> Futures.tryHandleResult(resultPromise, ar));
if (!isAutoOffsetResetConfigLatest()) {
// offset reset policy is "earliest" - no need to wait for rebalance and offset reset before completing the result future
// BUT: the rebalance-triggering logic above still needs to be done in the background - otherwise it could take much longer for the earliest record to actually be received
// (note that topicCheckFuture isn't returned directly here because the subscribeAndWaitForRebalance() Future could still be completed sooner)
topicCheckFuture.onSuccess(v -> resultPromise.tryComplete());
return resultPromise.future();
use of io.vertx.kafka.client.consumer.KafkaConsumer in project hono by eclipse.
the class HonoKafkaConsumerIT method testConsumerReadsLatestRecordsPublishedAfterOutOfRangeOffsetReset.
* Verifies that a HonoKafkaConsumer configured with "latest" as offset reset strategy will receive
* all still available records after the committed offset position has gone out of range
* (because records have been deleted according to the retention config) and the consumer is restarted.
* @param ctx The vert.x test context.
* @throws InterruptedException if test execution gets interrupted.
@Timeout(value = 10, timeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS)
public void testConsumerReadsLatestRecordsPublishedAfterOutOfRangeOffsetReset(final VertxTestContext ctx) throws InterruptedException {
final int numTopics = 1;
final int numTestRecordsPerTopicPerRound = 20;
// has to be 1 here because we expect partition 0 to contain *all* the records published for a topic
final int numPartitions = 1;
// prepare topics
final Set<String> topics = IntStream.range(0, numTopics).mapToObj(i -> "test_" + i + "_" + UUID.randomUUID()).collect(Collectors.toSet());
final String publishTestTopic = topics.iterator().next();
final VertxTestContext setup = new VertxTestContext();
final Map<String, String> topicsConfig = Map.of(TopicConfig.RETENTION_MS_CONFIG, "300", TopicConfig.SEGMENT_BYTES_CONFIG, SMALL_TOPIC_SEGMENT_SIZE_BYTES);
createTopics(topics, numPartitions, topicsConfig).onComplete(setup.succeedingThenComplete());
assertThat(setup.awaitCompletion(IntegrationTestSupport.getTestSetupTimeout(), TimeUnit.SECONDS)).isTrue();
if (setup.failed()) {
// prepare consumer
final Map<String, String> consumerConfig = IntegrationTestSupport.getKafkaConsumerConfig().getConsumerConfig("test");
consumerConfig.put(ConsumerConfig.AUTO_OFFSET_RESET_CONFIG, "latest");
final VertxTestContext firstConsumerInstanceStartedAndStopped = new VertxTestContext();
final List<KafkaConsumerRecord<String, Buffer>> receivedRecords = new ArrayList<>();
final Handler<KafkaConsumerRecord<String, Buffer>> recordHandler = record -> {
if (receivedRecords.size() == numTestRecordsPerTopicPerRound * topics.size()) {
LOG.trace("first round of records received; stop consumer; committed offset afterwards shall be {}", numTestRecordsPerTopicPerRound);
kafkaConsumer.stop().onFailure(ctx::failNow).onSuccess(v2 -> {
LOG.trace("publish 2nd round of records (shall be deleted before the to-be-restarted consumer is able to receive them)");
publishRecords(numTestRecordsPerTopicPerRound, "round2_", topics).onFailure(ctx::failNow).onSuccess(v3 -> {
LOG.trace("wait until records of first two rounds have been deleted according to the retention policy (committed offset will be out-of-range then)");
final int beginningOffsetToWaitFor = numTestRecordsPerTopicPerRound * 2;
waitForLogDeletion(new TopicPartition(publishTestTopic, 0), beginningOffsetToWaitFor, Duration.ofSeconds(5)).onComplete(firstConsumerInstanceStartedAndStopped.succeedingThenComplete());
kafkaConsumer = new HonoKafkaConsumer(vertx, topics, recordHandler, consumerConfig);
// first start of consumer, letting it commit offsets
kafkaConsumer.start().onComplete(ctx.succeeding(v -> {
LOG.trace("consumer started, publish first round of records to be received by the consumer (so that it has offsets to commit)");
publishRecords(numTestRecordsPerTopicPerRound, "round1_", topics);
assertThat(firstConsumerInstanceStartedAndStopped.awaitCompletion(IntegrationTestSupport.getTestSetupTimeout(), TimeUnit.SECONDS)).isTrue();
if (firstConsumerInstanceStartedAndStopped.failed()) {
// preparation done, now start same consumer again and verify it reads all still available records - even though committed offset is out-of-range now
final String lastRecordKey = "lastKey";
// restarted consumer is expected to receive 3rd round of records + one extra record published after consumer start
final int expectedNumberOfRecords = (numTestRecordsPerTopicPerRound * topics.size()) + 1;
final Handler<KafkaConsumerRecord<String, Buffer>> recordHandler2 = record -> {
if (receivedRecords.size() == expectedNumberOfRecords) {
ctx.verify(() -> {
assertThat(receivedRecords.get(receivedRecords.size() - 1).key()).isEqualTo(lastRecordKey);
LOG.trace("publish 3nd round of records (shall be received by to-be-restarted consumer)");
publishRecords(numTestRecordsPerTopicPerRound, "round3_", topics).onFailure(ctx::failNow).onSuccess(v -> {
kafkaConsumer = new HonoKafkaConsumer(vertx, topics, recordHandler2, consumerConfig);
kafkaConsumer.start().onComplete(ctx.succeeding(v2 -> {
LOG.debug("consumer started, publish another record to be received by the consumer");
publish(publishTestTopic, lastRecordKey, Buffer.buffer("testPayload"));
if (!ctx.awaitCompletion(9, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) {
ctx.failNow(new IllegalStateException(String.format("timeout waiting for expected number of records (%d) to be received; received records: %d", expectedNumberOfRecords, receivedRecords.size())));
use of io.vertx.kafka.client.consumer.KafkaConsumer in project hono by eclipse.
the class HonoKafkaConsumerIT method testConsumerReadsLatestRecordsPublishedAfterTopicSubscriptionConfirmed.
* Verifies that a HonoKafkaConsumer configured with "latest" as offset reset strategy and a topic pattern
* subscription only receives records published after the consumer <em>start()</em> method has completed.
* <p>
* Also verifies that all records published after the consumer <em>ensureTopicIsAmongSubscribedTopicPatternTopics()</em>
* method has completed are received by the consumer, also if the topic was only created after the consumer
* <em>start</em> method has completed.
* @param partitionAssignmentStrategy The partition assignment strategy to use for the consumer.
* @param ctx The vert.x test context.
* @throws InterruptedException if test execution gets interrupted.
@Timeout(value = 10, timeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS)
public void testConsumerReadsLatestRecordsPublishedAfterTopicSubscriptionConfirmed(final String partitionAssignmentStrategy, final VertxTestContext ctx) throws InterruptedException {
final String patternPrefix = "test_" + UUID.randomUUID() + "_";
final int numTopics = 2;
final Pattern topicPattern = Pattern.compile(Pattern.quote(patternPrefix) + ".*");
final int numPartitions = 5;
final int numTestRecordsPerTopic = 20;
final Set<String> topics = IntStream.range(0, numTopics).mapToObj(i -> patternPrefix + i).collect(Collectors.toSet());
final VertxTestContext setup = new VertxTestContext();
createTopics(topics, numPartitions).compose(v -> publishRecords(numTestRecordsPerTopic, "key_", topics)).onComplete(setup.succeedingThenComplete());
assertThat(setup.awaitCompletion(IntegrationTestSupport.getTestSetupTimeout(), TimeUnit.SECONDS)).isTrue();
if (setup.failed()) {
LOG.debug("topics created and (to be ignored) test records published");
// prepare consumer
final Map<String, String> consumerConfig = IntegrationTestSupport.getKafkaConsumerConfig().getConsumerConfig("test");
applyPartitionAssignmentStrategy(consumerConfig, partitionAssignmentStrategy);
consumerConfig.put(ConsumerConfig.AUTO_OFFSET_RESET_CONFIG, "latest");
final AtomicReference<Promise<Void>> nextRecordReceivedPromiseRef = new AtomicReference<>();
final List<KafkaConsumerRecord<String, Buffer>> receivedRecords = new ArrayList<>();
final Handler<KafkaConsumerRecord<String, Buffer>> recordHandler = record -> {
kafkaConsumer = new HonoKafkaConsumer(vertx, topicPattern, recordHandler, consumerConfig);
// start consumer
kafkaConsumer.start().onComplete(ctx.succeeding(v -> {
ctx.verify(() -> {
final Promise<Void> nextRecordReceivedPromise = Promise.promise();
LOG.debug("consumer started, create new topic implicitly by invoking ensureTopicIsAmongSubscribedTopicPatternTopics()");
final String newTopic = patternPrefix + "new";
final String recordKey = "addedAfterStartKey";
kafkaConsumer.ensureTopicIsAmongSubscribedTopicPatternTopics(newTopic).onComplete(ctx.succeeding(v2 -> {
LOG.debug("publish record to be received by the consumer");
publish(newTopic, recordKey, Buffer.buffer("testPayload"));
nextRecordReceivedPromise.future().onComplete(ar -> {
ctx.verify(() -> {
use of io.vertx.kafka.client.consumer.KafkaConsumer in project hono by eclipse.
the class HonoKafkaConsumerIT method testConsumerReadsLatestRecordsPublishedAfterStart.
* Verifies that a HonoKafkaConsumer configured with "latest" as offset reset strategy only receives
* records published after the consumer <em>start()</em> method has completed.
* @param partitionAssignmentStrategy The partition assignment strategy to use for the consumer.
* @param ctx The vert.x test context.
* @throws InterruptedException if test execution gets interrupted.
@Timeout(value = 10, timeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS)
public void testConsumerReadsLatestRecordsPublishedAfterStart(final String partitionAssignmentStrategy, final VertxTestContext ctx) throws InterruptedException {
final int numTopics = 2;
final int numPartitions = 5;
final int numTestRecordsPerTopic = 20;
final Set<String> topics = IntStream.range(0, numTopics).mapToObj(i -> "test_" + i + "_" + UUID.randomUUID()).collect(Collectors.toSet());
final String publishTestTopic = topics.iterator().next();
final VertxTestContext setup = new VertxTestContext();
createTopics(topics, numPartitions).compose(v -> publishRecords(numTestRecordsPerTopic, "key_", topics)).onComplete(setup.succeedingThenComplete());
assertThat(setup.awaitCompletion(IntegrationTestSupport.getTestSetupTimeout(), TimeUnit.SECONDS)).isTrue();
if (setup.failed()) {
LOG.debug("topics created and (to be ignored) test records published");
// prepare consumer
final Map<String, String> consumerConfig = IntegrationTestSupport.getKafkaConsumerConfig().getConsumerConfig("test");
applyPartitionAssignmentStrategy(consumerConfig, partitionAssignmentStrategy);
consumerConfig.put(ConsumerConfig.AUTO_OFFSET_RESET_CONFIG, "latest");
final String publishedAfterStartRecordKey = "publishedAfterStartKey";
final Handler<KafkaConsumerRecord<String, Buffer>> recordHandler = record -> {
// verify received record
ctx.verify(() -> assertThat(record.key()).isEqualTo(publishedAfterStartRecordKey));
kafkaConsumer = new HonoKafkaConsumer(vertx, topics, recordHandler, consumerConfig);
// start consumer
kafkaConsumer.start().onComplete(ctx.succeeding(v -> {
LOG.debug("consumer started, publish record to be received by the consumer");
publish(publishTestTopic, publishedAfterStartRecordKey, Buffer.buffer("testPayload"));
if (!ctx.awaitCompletion(9, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) {
ctx.failNow(new IllegalStateException("timeout waiting for record to be received"));