use of io.vertx.reactivex.ext.auth.oauth2.AccessToken in project helios by spotify.
the class AuthenticatingHttpConnector method connect.
public HttpURLConnection connect(final URI uri, final String method, final byte[] entity, final Map<String, List<String>> headers) throws HeliosException {
final Endpoint endpoint =;
// convert the URI whose hostname portion is a domain name into a URI where the host is an IP
// as we expect there to be several different IP addresses besides a common domain name
final URI ipUri;
try {
ipUri = toIpUri(endpoint, uri);
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
throw new HeliosException(e);
try {
log.debug("connecting to {}", ipUri);
final Optional<AccessToken> accessTokenOpt = accessTokenSupplier.get();
if (accessTokenOpt.isPresent()) {
final String token = accessTokenOpt.get().getTokenValue();
headers.put("Authorization", singletonList("Bearer " + token));
log.debug("Add Authorization header with bearer token");
if (clientCertificatePath.isPresent()) {
// prioritize using the certificate file if set
return connectWithCertificateFile(ipUri, method, entity, headers);
} else if (agentProxy.isPresent() && !identities.isEmpty()) {
// ssh-agent based authentication
return connectWithIdentities(identities, ipUri, method, entity, headers);
} else {
// no authentication
return doConnect(ipUri, method, entity, headers);
} catch (ConnectException | SocketTimeoutException | UnknownHostException e) {
// UnknownHostException happens if we can't resolve hostname into IP address.
// UnknownHostException's getMessage method returns just the hostname which is a
// useless message, so log the exception class name to provide more info.
throw new HeliosException("Unable to connect to master: " + ipUri, e);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new HeliosException("Unexpected error connecting to " + ipUri, e);
use of io.vertx.reactivex.ext.auth.oauth2.AccessToken in project helios by spotify.
the class AuthenticatingHttpConnectorTest method createAuthenticatingConnectorWithAccessToken.
private AuthenticatingHttpConnector createAuthenticatingConnectorWithAccessToken(final Optional<AgentProxy> proxy, final List<Identity> identities) {
final EndpointIterator endpointIterator = EndpointIterator.of(endpoints);
final AccessToken accessToken = new AccessToken("<token>", null);
return new AuthenticatingHttpConnector(USER, Suppliers.ofInstance(Optional.of(accessToken)), proxy, Optional.<CertKeyPaths>absent(), endpointIterator, connector, identities);
use of io.vertx.reactivex.ext.auth.oauth2.AccessToken in project helios by spotify.
the class GoogleCredentialsAccessTokenSupplierTest method testGetWithStaticToken.
public void testGetWithStaticToken() {
final AccessToken token = new AccessToken("token", null);
final GoogleCredentialsAccessTokenSupplier supplier = new GoogleCredentialsAccessTokenSupplier(true, token, null);
assertThat(supplier.get(), equalTo(Optional.of(token)));
use of io.vertx.reactivex.ext.auth.oauth2.AccessToken in project grpc-java by grpc.
the class GoogleAuthLibraryCallCredentialsTest method googleCredential_privacyAndIntegrityAllowed.
public void googleCredential_privacyAndIntegrityAllowed() {
final AccessToken token = new AccessToken("allyourbase", new Date(Long.MAX_VALUE));
final Credentials credentials = GoogleCredentials.create(token);
GoogleAuthLibraryCallCredentials callCredentials = new GoogleAuthLibraryCallCredentials(credentials);
callCredentials.applyRequestMetadata(new RequestInfoImpl(SecurityLevel.PRIVACY_AND_INTEGRITY), executor, applier);
Metadata headers = headersCaptor.getValue();
Iterable<String> authorization = headers.getAll(AUTHORIZATION);
assertArrayEquals(new String[] { "Bearer allyourbase" }, Iterables.toArray(authorization, String.class));
use of io.vertx.reactivex.ext.auth.oauth2.AccessToken in project grpc-java by grpc.
the class GoogleAuthLibraryCallCredentialsTest method googleCredential_integrityDenied.
public void googleCredential_integrityDenied() {
final AccessToken token = new AccessToken("allyourbase", new Date(Long.MAX_VALUE));
final Credentials credentials = GoogleCredentials.create(token);
// Anything less than PRIVACY_AND_INTEGRITY should fail
GoogleAuthLibraryCallCredentials callCredentials = new GoogleAuthLibraryCallCredentials(credentials);
callCredentials.applyRequestMetadata(new RequestInfoImpl(SecurityLevel.INTEGRITY), executor, applier);
Status status = statusCaptor.getValue();
assertEquals(Status.Code.UNAUTHENTICATED, status.getCode());