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Example 6 with Response

use of in project metro-jax-ws by eclipse-ee4j.

the class DispatchHello method kkktestHelloRequestResponseJAXBandSource.

/* public void testStubPropertySoapUseActionNegative() {

        try {
            Hello stub = getDynamicStubDynamicServer();
            // get stub
            Boolean prop = (Boolean)((BindingProvider) stub).getRequestContext().get(BindingProvider.SOAPACTION_USE_PROPERTY);
             ((BindingProvider) stub).getRequestContext().get(BindingProvider.SOAPACTION_URI_PROPERTY);

        } catch (Exception ex) {

            if (ex instanceof WebServiceException) {
                System.out.println("Property test passes");
public void kkktestHelloRequestResponseJAXBandSource() throws Exception {
    // test for bug 6194159
    JAXBContext jc = null;
    HelloResponse helloResult = null;
    Hello_Type hello = new Hello_Type();
    jc = createJAXBContext();
    try {
        hello.setExtra("Test ");
        Dispatch dispatch = getDispatchJAXB();
        Dispatch dispatch2 = getDispatchSource();
        dispatch.getRequestContext().put("", "test");
        Response response = dispatch.invokeAsync(hello);
        if (!response.isDone()) {
        Object result = response.get();
        assertEquals(((HelloResponse) result).getExtra(), hello.getExtra());
        assertEquals(((HelloResponse) result).getArgument(), hello.getArgument());
    } catch (Exception jex) {
        fail("Expected HelloResponse go Exception");
Also used : Response( Dispatch( JAXBContext(jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBContext) MalformedURLException( WebServiceException( JAXBException(jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBException) SOAPFaultException(

Example 7 with Response

use of in project metro-jax-ws by eclipse-ee4j.

the class Hello1CallbackHandler method testHelloAsyncCallback0Handler.

     * Adds handler to increment value of request and response.
public void testHelloAsyncCallback0Handler() throws Exception {
    try {
        // should be no handlers, but to be safe
        ClientServerTestUtil.clearHandlers((BindingProvider) stub);
        // test with no handler first
        int orig = 1;
        final IntHolder intHolder = new IntHolder();
        Future<?> response = stub.hello0Async(orig, new AsyncHandler<Integer>() {

            public void handleResponse(Response<Integer> resp) {
                try {
                    // add 10 to make sure this was called
                    intHolder.setValue(resp.get().intValue() + 10);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    // will cause failure
        // wait, but only up to 15 seconds. if it takes more,
        // it's considered a hangup
        response.get(15, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
        assertEquals("did not get expected value back in response", orig + 10, intHolder.getValue());
        // add handler
        ClientServerTestUtil.addHandlerToBinding(new SOAPTestHandler(), (BindingProvider) stub);
        // 1 per handler invocation
        int diff = 2;
        response = stub.hello0Async(orig, new AsyncHandler<Integer>() {

            public void handleResponse(Response<Integer> resp) {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    // will cause failure
        response.get(15, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
        assertEquals("handlers did not execute successfully", orig + diff, intHolder.getValue());
    } finally {
        ClientServerTestUtil.clearHandlers((BindingProvider) stub);
Also used : Response( AsyncHandler( SOAPTestHandler(async.wsdl_hello_lit.client.handlers.SOAPTestHandler) ExecutionException(java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException)

Example 8 with Response

use of in project metro-jax-ws by eclipse-ee4j.

the class DispatchHelloLiteralTest method testHelloAsyncPollXMLMulti.

public void testHelloAsyncPollXMLMulti() throws Exception {
    Dispatch dispatch = getDispatchSource();
    int i = 0;
    while (i < 20) {
        Collection<Source> sourceList = makeMsgSource(helloMsg);
        Collection<Source> responseList = makeMsgSource(helloResponse);
        for (Iterator iter = sourceList.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
            Object sourceObject =;
            Response result = null;
            result = dispatch.invokeAsync(sourceObject);
Also used : Response( Iterator(java.util.Iterator) Dispatch( InputSource(org.xml.sax.InputSource) DOMSource(javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource) StreamSource( SAXSource(javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXSource)

Example 9 with Response

use of in project metro-jax-ws by eclipse-ee4j.

the class DispatchHelloLiteralTest method FAILSMULTITHREADISSUEtestHelloAsyncPollJAXBSource.

// test for bug
public void FAILSMULTITHREADISSUEtestHelloAsyncPollJAXBSource() throws Exception {
    JAXBContext jc = createJAXBContext();
    Hello_Type hello = new Hello_Type();
    HelloResponse helloResult = new HelloResponse();
    hello.setExtra("Test ");
    hello.setArgument("Dispatch ");
    Dispatch dispatch = getDispatchJAXB();
    Dispatch dispatchSrc = getDispatchSource();
    StreamSource streamSource = new StreamSource(new StringReader(helloMsg));
    Response result = dispatch.invokeAsync(hello);
    if (!result.isDone()) {
    Object obj = result.get();
    HelloResponse res = (HelloResponse) obj;
    assertEquals(result.isCancelled(), false);
    assertEquals(res.getExtra(), hello.getExtra());
    assertEquals(res.getArgument(), hello.getArgument());
Also used : Response( StreamSource( Dispatch( JAXBContext(jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBContext)

Example 10 with Response

use of in project metro-jax-ws by eclipse-ee4j.

the class DispatchHelloLiteralTest method testHelloAsyncPollJAXB.

public void testHelloAsyncPollJAXB() throws Exception {
    JAXBContext jc = createJAXBContext();
    Hello_Type hello = new Hello_Type();
    HelloResponse helloResult = new HelloResponse();
    hello.setExtra("Test ");
    hello.setArgument("Dispatch ");
    Dispatch dispatch = getDispatchJAXB();
    Response result = dispatch.invokeAsync(hello);
    Object obj = result.get();
    HelloResponse res = (HelloResponse) obj;
    assertEquals(result.isCancelled(), false);
    assertEquals(res.getExtra(), hello.getExtra());
    assertEquals(res.getArgument(), hello.getArgument());
Also used : Response( Dispatch( JAXBContext(jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBContext)


Response ( Dispatch ( JAXBContext (jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBContext)7 StreamSource ( JAXBException (jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBException)2 WebServiceException ( SOAPFaultException ( MalformedURLException ( Iterator (java.util.Iterator)2 DOMSource (javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource)2 SAXSource (javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXSource)2 InputSource (org.xml.sax.InputSource)2 SOAPTestHandler (async.wsdl_hello_lit.client.handlers.SOAPTestHandler)1 AsyncHandler ( URISyntaxException ( ExecutionException (java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException)1 Source (javax.xml.transform.Source)1