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Example 6 with SOAPBinding

use of in project metro-jax-ws by eclipse-ee4j.

the class DispatchTest method testMtom.

public void testMtom() throws Exception {
    service = new HelloService();
    JAXBContext context = createJAXBContext();
    Dispatch dispatch = service.createDispatch(portQName, context, Service.Mode.PAYLOAD);
    SOAPBinding binding = (SOAPBinding) ((BindingProvider) dispatch).getBinding();
    ((BindingProvider) dispatch).getRequestContext().put(JAXWSProperties.MTOM_THRESHOLOD_VALUE, 0);
    String name = "Duke";
    DetailType detailType = new DetailType();
    ObjectFactory of = new ObjectFactory();
    JAXBElement<DetailType> jaxbe = of.createDetail(detailType);
    JAXBElement<DetailType> response = (JAXBElement<DetailType>) dispatch.invoke(jaxbe);
    DetailType result = response.getValue();
    assertTrue(result != null);
    byte[] photo = result.getPhoto();
    Image image = result.getImage();
    assertTrue(new String(photo).equals(name));
    assertTrue(AttachmentHelper.compareImages(getImage("java.jpg"), image));
Also used : Dispatch( SOAPBinding( JAXBContext(jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBContext) JAXBElement(jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBElement)

Example 7 with SOAPBinding

use of in project metro-jax-ws by eclipse-ee4j.

the class BindingTester method testSoapBinding1.

     * tests for SOAPBinding.
public void testSoapBinding1() throws Exception {
    TestService_Service service = getService();
    TestService stub = getTestStub(service);
    Binding binding = ((BindingProvider) stub).getBinding();
    if (binding instanceof SOAPBinding) {
        SOAPBinding sb = (SOAPBinding) binding;
        assertNotNull("did not get SOAPBinding", sb);
        Set<String> roles = sb.getRoles();
        assertNotNull("roles cannot be null", roles);
        assertFalse("found zero roles in SOAPBinding", roles.isEmpty());
        assertTrue("soap 1.1 \"next\" role is not included in roles", roles.contains(NEXT_1_1));
        assertFalse("soap 1.2 \"none\" role cannot be included in roles", roles.contains(NONE));
        // try setting new roles
        Set<String> newSet = new HashSet<String>();
        String testURI = "";
        try {
            throw new RuntimeException("did not get jaxrpc exception for setting \"none\" role");
        } catch (WebServiceException e) {
        // pass
        // add empty set and check for next/ultimate
        newSet = new HashSet<String>();
        Set<String> newSet2 = sb.getRoles();
        assertTrue("soap 1.1 \"next\" role is not included in roles", newSet2.contains(NEXT_1_1));
        assertFalse("soap 1.2 \"none\" role cannot be included in roles", newSet2.contains(NONE));
    } else {
        throw new Exception("binding is not a SOAPBinding");
Also used : SOAPBinding( Binding( WebServiceException( SOAPBinding( BindingProvider( WebServiceException( HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 8 with SOAPBinding

use of in project metro-jax-ws by eclipse-ee4j.

the class BindingTester method testSoapBinding2.

     * test the roles of the binding
public void testSoapBinding2() throws Exception {
    TestService_Service service = getService();
    TestService stub = getTestStub(service);
    SOAPBinding binding = (SOAPBinding) ((BindingProvider) stub).getBinding();
    Set<String> roles = binding.getRoles();
    System.out.println("roles: " + roles);
    String uri1 = "";
    String uri2 = "";
    assertTrue("test \"role1\" is not included in roles", roles.contains(uri1));
    assertTrue("test \"role2\" is not included in roles", roles.contains(uri2));
Also used : SOAPBinding(

Example 9 with SOAPBinding

use of in project metro-jax-ws by eclipse-ee4j.

the class ClientTubeAssemblerContext method createHandlerTube.

 * Creates a {@link Tube} that invokes protocol and logical handlers.
public Tube createHandlerTube(Tube next) {
    HandlerTube cousinHandlerTube = null;
    // XML/HTTP Binding can have only LogicalHandlerPipe
    if (binding instanceof SOAPBinding) {
        // Add MessageHandlerTube
        HandlerTube messageHandlerTube = new ClientMessageHandlerTube(seiModel, binding, wsdlModel, next);
        next = cousinHandlerTube = messageHandlerTube;
        // Add SOAPHandlerTuber
        HandlerTube soapHandlerTube = new ClientSOAPHandlerTube(binding, next, cousinHandlerTube);
        next = cousinHandlerTube = soapHandlerTube;
    return new ClientLogicalHandlerTube(binding, seiModel, next, cousinHandlerTube);
Also used : ClientMessageHandlerTube( HandlerTube( ClientSOAPHandlerTube( ClientLogicalHandlerTube( ClientLogicalHandlerTube( ClientMessageHandlerTube( ClientSOAPHandlerTube( SOAPBinding(

Example 10 with SOAPBinding

use of in project metro-jax-ws by eclipse-ee4j.

the class DeploymentDescriptorParser method setHandlersAndRoles.

 * Parses the handler and role information and sets it
 * on the {@link WSBinding}.
 * @return true if &lt;handler-chains&gt; element present in DD
 *         false otherwise.
protected boolean setHandlersAndRoles(WSBinding binding, XMLStreamReader reader, QName serviceName, QName portName) {
    if (reader.getEventType() == XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT || !reader.getName().equals(HandlerChainsModel.QNAME_HANDLER_CHAINS)) {
        return false;
    HandlerAnnotationInfo handlerInfo = HandlerChainsModel.parseHandlerFile(reader, classLoader, serviceName, portName, binding);
    if (binding instanceof SOAPBinding) {
        ((SOAPBinding) binding).setRoles(handlerInfo.getRoles());
    // move past </handler-chains>
    return true;
Also used : HandlerAnnotationInfo( SOAPBinding(


SOAPBinding ( WebServiceException ( ClientTransportException ( HandlerTube ( ByteArrayBuffer ( Binding ( BindingProvider ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)2 NotNull (com.sun.istack.NotNull)1 Packet ( ClientLogicalHandlerTube ( ClientMessageHandlerTube ( ClientSOAPHandlerTube ( ServerLogicalHandlerTube ( ServerMessageHandlerTube ( ServerSOAPHandlerTube ( Headers ( HandlerAnnotationInfo ( HandlerTracker (fromwsdl.handler.common.HandlerTracker)1 HandlerTracker (handler.handler_processing.common.HandlerTracker)1