use of java.awt.Composite in project SIMVA-SoS by SESoS.
the class MeterPlot method draw.
* Draws the plot on a Java 2D graphics device (such as the screen or a
* printer).
* @param g2 the graphics device.
* @param area the area within which the plot should be drawn.
* @param anchor the anchor point (<code>null</code> permitted).
* @param parentState the state from the parent plot, if there is one.
* @param info collects info about the drawing.
public void draw(Graphics2D g2, Rectangle2D area, Point2D anchor, PlotState parentState, PlotRenderingInfo info) {
if (info != null) {
// adjust for insets...
RectangleInsets insets = getInsets();
area.setRect(area.getX() + 4, area.getY() + 4, area.getWidth() - 8, area.getHeight() - 8);
// draw the background
if (this.drawBorder) {
drawBackground(g2, area);
// adjust the plot area by the interior spacing value
double gapHorizontal = (2 * DEFAULT_BORDER_SIZE);
double gapVertical = (2 * DEFAULT_BORDER_SIZE);
double meterX = area.getX() + gapHorizontal / 2;
double meterY = area.getY() + gapVertical / 2;
double meterW = area.getWidth() - gapHorizontal;
double meterH = area.getHeight() - gapVertical + ((this.meterAngle <= 180) && (this.shape != DialShape.CIRCLE) ? area.getHeight() / 1.25 : 0);
double min = Math.min(meterW, meterH) / 2;
meterX = (meterX + meterX + meterW) / 2 - min;
meterY = (meterY + meterY + meterH) / 2 - min;
meterW = 2 * min;
meterH = 2 * min;
Rectangle2D meterArea = new Rectangle2D.Double(meterX, meterY, meterW, meterH);
Rectangle2D.Double originalArea = new Rectangle2D.Double(meterArea.getX() - 4, meterArea.getY() - 4, meterArea.getWidth() + 8, meterArea.getHeight() + 8);
double meterMiddleX = meterArea.getCenterX();
double meterMiddleY = meterArea.getCenterY();
// plot the data (unless the dataset is null)...
ValueDataset data = getDataset();
if (data != null) {
double dataMin = this.range.getLowerBound();
double dataMax = this.range.getUpperBound();
Shape savedClip = g2.getClip();
Composite originalComposite = g2.getComposite();
g2.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, getForegroundAlpha()));
if (this.dialBackgroundPaint != null) {
fillArc(g2, originalArea, dataMin, dataMax, this.dialBackgroundPaint, true);
drawTicks(g2, meterArea, dataMin, dataMax);
drawArcForInterval(g2, meterArea, new MeterInterval("", this.range, this.dialOutlinePaint, new BasicStroke(1.0f), null));
Iterator iterator = this.intervals.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
MeterInterval interval = (MeterInterval);
drawArcForInterval(g2, meterArea, interval);
Number n = data.getValue();
if (n != null) {
double value = n.doubleValue();
drawValueLabel(g2, meterArea);
if (this.range.contains(value)) {
g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2.0f));
double radius = (meterArea.getWidth() / 2) + DEFAULT_BORDER_SIZE + 15;
double valueAngle = valueToAngle(value);
double valueP1 = meterMiddleX + (radius * Math.cos(Math.PI * (valueAngle / 180)));
double valueP2 = meterMiddleY - (radius * Math.sin(Math.PI * (valueAngle / 180)));
Polygon arrow = new Polygon();
if ((valueAngle > 135 && valueAngle < 225) || (valueAngle < 45 && valueAngle > -45)) {
double valueP3 = (meterMiddleY - DEFAULT_CIRCLE_SIZE / 4);
double valueP4 = (meterMiddleY + DEFAULT_CIRCLE_SIZE / 4);
arrow.addPoint((int) meterMiddleX, (int) valueP3);
arrow.addPoint((int) meterMiddleX, (int) valueP4);
} else {
arrow.addPoint((int) (meterMiddleX - DEFAULT_CIRCLE_SIZE / 4), (int) meterMiddleY);
arrow.addPoint((int) (meterMiddleX + DEFAULT_CIRCLE_SIZE / 4), (int) meterMiddleY);
arrow.addPoint((int) valueP1, (int) valueP2);
Ellipse2D circle = new Ellipse2D.Double(meterMiddleX - DEFAULT_CIRCLE_SIZE / 2, meterMiddleY - DEFAULT_CIRCLE_SIZE / 2, DEFAULT_CIRCLE_SIZE, DEFAULT_CIRCLE_SIZE);
if (this.drawBorder) {
drawOutline(g2, area);
use of java.awt.Composite in project SIMVA-SoS by SESoS.
the class ChartPanel method paintComponent.
* Paints the component by drawing the chart to fill the entire component,
* but allowing for the insets (which will be non-zero if a border has been
* set for this component). To increase performance (at the expense of
* memory), an off-screen buffer image can be used.
* @param g the graphics device for drawing on.
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
if (this.chart == null) {
Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g.create();
// first determine the size of the chart rendering area...
Dimension size = getSize();
Insets insets = getInsets();
Rectangle2D available = new Rectangle2D.Double(insets.left,, size.getWidth() - insets.left - insets.right, size.getHeight() - - insets.bottom);
// work out if scaling is required...
boolean scale = false;
double drawWidth = available.getWidth();
double drawHeight = available.getHeight();
this.scaleX = 1.0;
this.scaleY = 1.0;
if (drawWidth < this.minimumDrawWidth) {
this.scaleX = drawWidth / this.minimumDrawWidth;
drawWidth = this.minimumDrawWidth;
scale = true;
} else if (drawWidth > this.maximumDrawWidth) {
this.scaleX = drawWidth / this.maximumDrawWidth;
drawWidth = this.maximumDrawWidth;
scale = true;
if (drawHeight < this.minimumDrawHeight) {
this.scaleY = drawHeight / this.minimumDrawHeight;
drawHeight = this.minimumDrawHeight;
scale = true;
} else if (drawHeight > this.maximumDrawHeight) {
this.scaleY = drawHeight / this.maximumDrawHeight;
drawHeight = this.maximumDrawHeight;
scale = true;
Rectangle2D chartArea = new Rectangle2D.Double(0.0, 0.0, drawWidth, drawHeight);
// are we using the chart buffer?
if (this.useBuffer) {
// do we need to resize the buffer?
if ((this.chartBuffer == null) || (this.chartBufferWidth != available.getWidth()) || (this.chartBufferHeight != available.getHeight())) {
this.chartBufferWidth = (int) available.getWidth();
this.chartBufferHeight = (int) available.getHeight();
GraphicsConfiguration gc = g2.getDeviceConfiguration();
this.chartBuffer = gc.createCompatibleImage(this.chartBufferWidth, this.chartBufferHeight, Transparency.TRANSLUCENT);
this.refreshBuffer = true;
// do we need to redraw the buffer?
if (this.refreshBuffer) {
// clear the flag
this.refreshBuffer = false;
Rectangle2D bufferArea = new Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0, this.chartBufferWidth, this.chartBufferHeight);
// make the background of the buffer clear and transparent
Graphics2D bufferG2 = (Graphics2D) this.chartBuffer.getGraphics();
Composite savedComposite = bufferG2.getComposite();
bufferG2.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.CLEAR, 0.0f));
Rectangle r = new Rectangle(0, 0, this.chartBufferWidth, this.chartBufferHeight);
if (scale) {
AffineTransform saved = bufferG2.getTransform();
AffineTransform st = AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(this.scaleX, this.scaleY);
this.chart.draw(bufferG2, chartArea, this.anchor,;
} else {
this.chart.draw(bufferG2, bufferArea, this.anchor,;
// zap the buffer onto the panel...
g2.drawImage(this.chartBuffer, insets.left,, this);
} else {
// redrawing the chart every time...
AffineTransform saved = g2.getTransform();
if (scale) {
AffineTransform st = AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(this.scaleX, this.scaleY);
this.chart.draw(g2, chartArea, this.anchor,;
Iterator iterator = this.overlays.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Overlay overlay = (Overlay);
overlay.paintOverlay(g2, this);
// redraw the zoom rectangle (if present) - if useBuffer is false,
// we use XOR so we can XOR the rectangle away again without redrawing
// the chart
drawZoomRectangle(g2, !this.useBuffer);
this.anchor = null;
this.verticalTraceLine = null;
this.horizontalTraceLine = null;
use of java.awt.Composite in project SIMVA-SoS by SESoS.
the class AbstractCategoryItemRenderer method drawRangeMarker.
* Draws a marker for the range axis.
* @param g2 the graphics device (not <code>null</code>).
* @param plot the plot (not <code>null</code>).
* @param axis the range axis (not <code>null</code>).
* @param marker the marker to be drawn (not <code>null</code>).
* @param dataArea the area inside the axes (not <code>null</code>).
* @see #drawDomainMarker(Graphics2D, CategoryPlot, CategoryAxis,
* CategoryMarker, Rectangle2D)
public void drawRangeMarker(Graphics2D g2, CategoryPlot plot, ValueAxis axis, Marker marker, Rectangle2D dataArea) {
if (marker instanceof ValueMarker) {
ValueMarker vm = (ValueMarker) marker;
double value = vm.getValue();
Range range = axis.getRange();
if (!range.contains(value)) {
final Composite savedComposite = g2.getComposite();
g2.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, marker.getAlpha()));
PlotOrientation orientation = plot.getOrientation();
double v = axis.valueToJava2D(value, dataArea, plot.getRangeAxisEdge());
Line2D line = null;
if (orientation == PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL) {
line = new Line2D.Double(v, dataArea.getMinY(), v, dataArea.getMaxY());
} else if (orientation == PlotOrientation.VERTICAL) {
line = new Line2D.Double(dataArea.getMinX(), v, dataArea.getMaxX(), v);
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException();
String label = marker.getLabel();
RectangleAnchor anchor = marker.getLabelAnchor();
if (label != null) {
Font labelFont = marker.getLabelFont();
Point2D coordinates = calculateRangeMarkerTextAnchorPoint(g2, orientation, dataArea, line.getBounds2D(), marker.getLabelOffset(), LengthAdjustmentType.EXPAND, anchor);
Rectangle2D rect = TextUtils.calcAlignedStringBounds(label, g2, (float) coordinates.getX(), (float) coordinates.getY(), marker.getLabelTextAnchor());
TextUtils.drawAlignedString(label, g2, (float) coordinates.getX(), (float) coordinates.getY(), marker.getLabelTextAnchor());
} else if (marker instanceof IntervalMarker) {
IntervalMarker im = (IntervalMarker) marker;
double start = im.getStartValue();
double end = im.getEndValue();
Range range = axis.getRange();
if (!(range.intersects(start, end))) {
final Composite savedComposite = g2.getComposite();
g2.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, marker.getAlpha()));
double start2d = axis.valueToJava2D(start, dataArea, plot.getRangeAxisEdge());
double end2d = axis.valueToJava2D(end, dataArea, plot.getRangeAxisEdge());
double low = Math.min(start2d, end2d);
double high = Math.max(start2d, end2d);
PlotOrientation orientation = plot.getOrientation();
Rectangle2D rect = null;
if (orientation == PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL) {
// clip left and right bounds to data area
low = Math.max(low, dataArea.getMinX());
high = Math.min(high, dataArea.getMaxX());
rect = new Rectangle2D.Double(low, dataArea.getMinY(), high - low, dataArea.getHeight());
} else if (orientation == PlotOrientation.VERTICAL) {
// clip top and bottom bounds to data area
low = Math.max(low, dataArea.getMinY());
high = Math.min(high, dataArea.getMaxY());
rect = new Rectangle2D.Double(dataArea.getMinX(), low, dataArea.getWidth(), high - low);
Paint p = marker.getPaint();
if (p instanceof GradientPaint) {
GradientPaint gp = (GradientPaint) p;
GradientPaintTransformer t = im.getGradientPaintTransformer();
if (t != null) {
gp = t.transform(gp, rect);
} else {
// now draw the outlines, if visible...
if (im.getOutlinePaint() != null && im.getOutlineStroke() != null) {
if (orientation == PlotOrientation.VERTICAL) {
Line2D line = new Line2D.Double();
double x0 = dataArea.getMinX();
double x1 = dataArea.getMaxX();
if (range.contains(start)) {
line.setLine(x0, start2d, x1, start2d);
if (range.contains(end)) {
line.setLine(x0, end2d, x1, end2d);
} else {
// PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL
Line2D line = new Line2D.Double();
double y0 = dataArea.getMinY();
double y1 = dataArea.getMaxY();
if (range.contains(start)) {
line.setLine(start2d, y0, start2d, y1);
if (range.contains(end)) {
line.setLine(end2d, y0, end2d, y1);
String label = marker.getLabel();
RectangleAnchor anchor = marker.getLabelAnchor();
if (label != null) {
Font labelFont = marker.getLabelFont();
Point2D coordinates = calculateRangeMarkerTextAnchorPoint(g2, orientation, dataArea, rect, marker.getLabelOffset(), marker.getLabelOffsetType(), anchor);
TextUtilities.drawAlignedString(label, g2, (float) coordinates.getX(), (float) coordinates.getY(), marker.getLabelTextAnchor());
use of java.awt.Composite in project SIMVA-SoS by SESoS.
the class PolarPlot method draw.
* Draws the plot on a Java 2D graphics device (such as the screen or a
* printer).
* <P>
* This plot relies on a {@link PolarItemRenderer} to draw each
* item in the plot. This allows the visual representation of the data to
* be changed easily.
* <P>
* The optional info argument collects information about the rendering of
* the plot (dimensions, tooltip information etc). Just pass in
* <code>null</code> if you do not need this information.
* @param g2 the graphics device.
* @param area the area within which the plot (including axes and
* labels) should be drawn.
* @param anchor the anchor point (<code>null</code> permitted).
* @param parentState ignored.
* @param info collects chart drawing information (<code>null</code>
* permitted).
public void draw(Graphics2D g2, Rectangle2D area, Point2D anchor, PlotState parentState, PlotRenderingInfo info) {
// if the plot area is too small, just return...
boolean b1 = (area.getWidth() <= MINIMUM_WIDTH_TO_DRAW);
boolean b2 = (area.getHeight() <= MINIMUM_HEIGHT_TO_DRAW);
if (b1 || b2) {
// record the plot area...
if (info != null) {
// adjust the drawing area for the plot insets (if any)...
RectangleInsets insets = getInsets();
Rectangle2D dataArea = area;
if (info != null) {
// draw the plot background and axes...
drawBackground(g2, dataArea);
int axisCount = this.axes.size();
AxisState state = null;
for (int i = 0; i < axisCount; i++) {
ValueAxis axis = getAxis(i);
if (axis != null) {
PolarAxisLocation location = (PolarAxisLocation) this.axisLocations.get(i);
AxisState s = this.drawAxis(axis, location, g2, dataArea);
if (i == 0) {
state = s;
// now for each dataset, get the renderer and the appropriate axis
// and render the dataset...
Shape originalClip = g2.getClip();
Composite originalComposite = g2.getComposite();
g2.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, getForegroundAlpha()));
this.angleTicks = refreshAngleTicks();
drawGridlines(g2, dataArea, this.angleTicks, state.getTicks());
render(g2, dataArea, info);
drawOutline(g2, dataArea);
drawCornerTextItems(g2, dataArea);
use of java.awt.Composite in project SIMVA-SoS by SESoS.
the class XYPlot method drawQuadrants.
* Draws the quadrants.
* @param g2 the graphics device.
* @param area the area.
* @see #setQuadrantOrigin(Point2D)
* @see #setQuadrantPaint(int, Paint)
protected void drawQuadrants(Graphics2D g2, Rectangle2D area) {
// 0 | 1
// --+--
// 2 | 3
boolean somethingToDraw = false;
ValueAxis xAxis = getDomainAxis();
if (xAxis == null) {
// we can't draw quadrants without a valid x-axis
double x = xAxis.getRange().constrain(this.quadrantOrigin.getX());
double xx = xAxis.valueToJava2D(x, area, getDomainAxisEdge());
ValueAxis yAxis = getRangeAxis();
if (yAxis == null) {
// we can't draw quadrants without a valid y-axis
double y = yAxis.getRange().constrain(this.quadrantOrigin.getY());
double yy = yAxis.valueToJava2D(y, area, getRangeAxisEdge());
double xmin = xAxis.getLowerBound();
double xxmin = xAxis.valueToJava2D(xmin, area, getDomainAxisEdge());
double xmax = xAxis.getUpperBound();
double xxmax = xAxis.valueToJava2D(xmax, area, getDomainAxisEdge());
double ymin = yAxis.getLowerBound();
double yymin = yAxis.valueToJava2D(ymin, area, getRangeAxisEdge());
double ymax = yAxis.getUpperBound();
double yymax = yAxis.valueToJava2D(ymax, area, getRangeAxisEdge());
Rectangle2D[] r = new Rectangle2D[] { null, null, null, null };
if (this.quadrantPaint[0] != null) {
if (x > xmin && y < ymax) {
if (this.orientation == PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL) {
r[0] = new Rectangle2D.Double(Math.min(yymax, yy), Math.min(xxmin, xx), Math.abs(yy - yymax), Math.abs(xx - xxmin));
} else {
// PlotOrientation.VERTICAL
r[0] = new Rectangle2D.Double(Math.min(xxmin, xx), Math.min(yymax, yy), Math.abs(xx - xxmin), Math.abs(yy - yymax));
somethingToDraw = true;
if (this.quadrantPaint[1] != null) {
if (x < xmax && y < ymax) {
if (this.orientation == PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL) {
r[1] = new Rectangle2D.Double(Math.min(yymax, yy), Math.min(xxmax, xx), Math.abs(yy - yymax), Math.abs(xx - xxmax));
} else {
// PlotOrientation.VERTICAL
r[1] = new Rectangle2D.Double(Math.min(xx, xxmax), Math.min(yymax, yy), Math.abs(xx - xxmax), Math.abs(yy - yymax));
somethingToDraw = true;
if (this.quadrantPaint[2] != null) {
if (x > xmin && y > ymin) {
if (this.orientation == PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL) {
r[2] = new Rectangle2D.Double(Math.min(yymin, yy), Math.min(xxmin, xx), Math.abs(yy - yymin), Math.abs(xx - xxmin));
} else {
// PlotOrientation.VERTICAL
r[2] = new Rectangle2D.Double(Math.min(xxmin, xx), Math.min(yymin, yy), Math.abs(xx - xxmin), Math.abs(yy - yymin));
somethingToDraw = true;
if (this.quadrantPaint[3] != null) {
if (x < xmax && y > ymin) {
if (this.orientation == PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL) {
r[3] = new Rectangle2D.Double(Math.min(yymin, yy), Math.min(xxmax, xx), Math.abs(yy - yymin), Math.abs(xx - xxmax));
} else {
// PlotOrientation.VERTICAL
r[3] = new Rectangle2D.Double(Math.min(xx, xxmax), Math.min(yymin, yy), Math.abs(xx - xxmax), Math.abs(yy - yymin));
somethingToDraw = true;
if (somethingToDraw) {
Composite originalComposite = g2.getComposite();
g2.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, getBackgroundAlpha()));
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (this.quadrantPaint[i] != null && r[i] != null) {