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Example 6 with Graphics2D

use of java.awt.Graphics2D in project groovy by apache.

the class JCaricature method paintComponent.

protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
    if (empty) {
    Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g.create();
    Image image = getImage("face", getFaceStyle());
    int iw = image.getWidth(null);
    int ih = image.getHeight(null);
    //        g2.translate(iw / 2, ih / 2);
    g2.translate(getWidth() / 2, getHeight() / 2);
    if (iw != getWidth()) {
        float forcedScale = (float) getWidth() / (float) iw;
        g2.scale(forcedScale, forcedScale);
    float scale = getScale();
    if (scale != 1) {
        g2.scale((double) scale, (double) scale);
    int rotation = getRotation();
    if (rotation != 0) {
    drawImage(g2, "face", getFaceStyle());
    drawImage(g2, "hair", getHairStyle());
    drawImage(g2, "eyes", getEyeStyle());
    drawImage(g2, "nose", getNoseStyle());
    drawImage(g2, "mouth", getMouthStyle());
Also used : Image(java.awt.Image) Graphics2D(java.awt.Graphics2D)

Example 7 with Graphics2D

use of java.awt.Graphics2D in project screenbird by adamhub.

the class ResizeHandle method paint.

public void paint(Graphics g) {
    Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) this.getGraphics();
    g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
    g2d.fillOval(0, 0, this.getWidth() - 1, this.getHeight() - 1);
    g2d.drawOval(0, 0, this.getWidth() - 1, this.getHeight() - 1);
Also used : Graphics2D(java.awt.Graphics2D)

Example 8 with Graphics2D

use of java.awt.Graphics2D in project screenbird by adamhub.

the class JRoundBorderSB method paintBorder.

public void paintBorder(Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height) {
    Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g.create();
    g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
    int r = height - 1;
    RoundRectangle2D round = new RoundRectangle2D.Float(x, y, width - 1, height - 1, r, r);
    Container parent = c.getParent();
    if (parent != null) {
        Area corner = new Area(new Rectangle2D.Float(x, y, width, height));
        corner.subtract(new Area(round));
Also used : Container(java.awt.Container) Area(java.awt.geom.Area) RoundRectangle2D(java.awt.geom.RoundRectangle2D) Rectangle2D(java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D) RoundRectangle2D(java.awt.geom.RoundRectangle2D) Graphics2D(java.awt.Graphics2D)

Example 9 with Graphics2D

use of java.awt.Graphics2D in project screenbird by adamhub.

the class JRoundedPanel method paintComponent.

//    public JRoundedPanel(CardLayout cardLayout) {
//        super(cardLayout);
//        setOpaque(false);
//        Color backgrnd = new Color(Color.darkGray.getRed(),Color.darkGray.getGreen(), Color.darkGray.getBlue(),180);
//        this.setBackground(backgrnd);
//    }
protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
    int width = getWidth();
    int height = getHeight();
    int shadowGap = this.shadowGap;
    Color shadowColorA = new Color(shadowColor.getRed(), shadowColor.getGreen(), shadowColor.getBlue(), shadowAlpha);
    Graphics2D graphics = (Graphics2D) g;
    //Sets antialiasing if HQ.
    if (highQuality) {
        graphics.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
    //Draws shadow borders if any.
    if (shady) {
        graphics.fillRoundRect(// X position
        shadowOffset, // Y position
        shadowOffset, // width
        width - strokeSize - shadowOffset, // height
        height - strokeSize - shadowOffset, arcs.width, // arc Dimension
    } else {
        shadowGap = 1;
    //Draws the rounded opaque panel with borders.
    graphics.fillRoundRect(0, 0, width - shadowGap, height - shadowGap, arcs.width, arcs.height);
    //graphics.setStroke(new BasicStroke(strokeSize));
    //graphics.drawRoundRect(0, 0, width - shadowGap, height - shadowGap, arcs.width, arcs.height);
    //Sets strokes to default, is better.
    graphics.setStroke(new BasicStroke());
Also used : BasicStroke(java.awt.BasicStroke) Color(java.awt.Color) Graphics2D(java.awt.Graphics2D)

Example 10 with Graphics2D

use of java.awt.Graphics2D in project android_frameworks_base by ParanoidAndroid.

the class NinePatch_Delegate method draw.

// ---- Private Helper methods ----
private static void draw(int canvas_instance, final int left, final int top, final int right, final int bottom, int bitmap_instance, byte[] c, int paint_instance_or_null, final int destDensity, final int srcDensity) {
    // get the delegate from the native int.
    final Bitmap_Delegate bitmap_delegate = Bitmap_Delegate.getDelegate(bitmap_instance);
    if (bitmap_delegate == null) {
    if (c == null) {
        // not a 9-patch?
        BufferedImage image = bitmap_delegate.getImage();
        Canvas_Delegate.native_drawBitmap(canvas_instance, bitmap_instance, new Rect(0, 0, image.getWidth(), image.getHeight()), new Rect(left, top, right, bottom), paint_instance_or_null, destDensity, srcDensity);
    final NinePatchChunk chunkObject = getChunk(c);
    assert chunkObject != null;
    if (chunkObject == null) {
    Canvas_Delegate canvas_delegate = Canvas_Delegate.getDelegate(canvas_instance);
    if (canvas_delegate == null) {
    // this one can be null
    Paint_Delegate paint_delegate = Paint_Delegate.getDelegate(paint_instance_or_null);
    canvas_delegate.getSnapshot().draw(new GcSnapshot.Drawable() {

        public void draw(Graphics2D graphics, Paint_Delegate paint) {
            chunkObject.draw(bitmap_delegate.getImage(), graphics, left, top, right - left, bottom - top, destDensity, srcDensity);
    }, paint_delegate, true, /*compositeOnly*/
Also used : GcSnapshot( NinePatchChunk( BufferedImage(java.awt.image.BufferedImage) Graphics2D(java.awt.Graphics2D)


Graphics2D (java.awt.Graphics2D)1716 BufferedImage (java.awt.image.BufferedImage)809 Color (java.awt.Color)394 BasicStroke (java.awt.BasicStroke)186 Font (java.awt.Font)161 Point (java.awt.Point)145 AffineTransform (java.awt.geom.AffineTransform)140 Rectangle (java.awt.Rectangle)139 IOException ( Rectangle2D (java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D)100 Dimension (java.awt.Dimension)92 Image (java.awt.Image)91 GradientPaint (java.awt.GradientPaint)90 FontMetrics (java.awt.FontMetrics)87 Paint (java.awt.Paint)82 Graphics (java.awt.Graphics)79 File ( Point2D (java.awt.geom.Point2D)59 Stroke (java.awt.Stroke)55 ImageIcon (javax.swing.ImageIcon)50