use of java.awt.Polygon in project hale by halestudio.
the class CustomWaypointPainter method findWaypoints.
* Find the way-points in a given polygon
* @param poly the polygon
* @return the way-points in the polygon area
public Set<W> findWaypoints(final Polygon poly) {
Rectangle viewPort = getMapKit().getMainMap().getViewportBounds();
final int zoom = getMapKit().getMainMap().getZoom();
final PixelConverter converter = getMapKit().getMainMap().getTileFactory().getTileProvider().getConverter();
de.fhg.igd.geom.Point2D[] points = new de.fhg.igd.geom.Point2D[poly.npoints];
// create a metamodel polygon
for (int i = 0; i < poly.npoints; i++) {
int worldX = viewPort.x + poly.xpoints[i];
int worldY = viewPort.y + poly.ypoints[i];
// convert to geo position
GeoPosition pos = converter.pixelToGeo(new Point(worldX, worldY), zoom);
// convert to common CRS
try {
pos = GeotoolsConverter.getInstance().convert(pos, SelectableWaypoint.COMMON_EPSG);
} catch (IllegalGeoPositionException e) {
// $NON-NLS-1$
log.warn("Error converting polygon point for query");
return new HashSet<W>();
points[i] = new de.fhg.igd.geom.Point2D(pos.getX(), pos.getY());
final de.fhg.igd.geom.shape.Polygon verifyPolygon = new de.fhg.igd.geom.shape.Polygon(points);
// we need a 3D search bounding box for the R-Tree
BoundingBox searchBox = verifyPolygon.getBoundingBox();
poly.translate(viewPort.x, viewPort.y);
try {
Set<W> wps = waypoints.query(searchBox, new Verifier<W, BoundingBox>() {
public boolean verify(W wp, BoundingBox second) {
try {
Point2D wpPixel = converter.geoToPixel(wp.getPosition(), zoom);
int dx = (int) wpPixel.getX();
int dy = (int) wpPixel.getY();
poly.translate(-dx, -dy);
try {
Area area = wp.getMarker().getArea(zoom);
if (area != null) {
return area.containedIn(poly);
} else {
// not be selected
return false;
} finally {
poly.translate(dx, dy);
} catch (IllegalGeoPositionException e) {
log.warn("Could not convert waypoint position to pixel", e);
// fall back to simple method
return verifyPolygon.contains(wp.getBoundingBox().toExtent());
if (wps == null) {
return new HashSet<W>();
} else {
return wps;
} finally {
poly.translate(-viewPort.x, -viewPort.y);
use of java.awt.Polygon in project hale by halestudio.
the class CircleMarker method paintMarker.
* @see SimpleMarker#paintMarker(Object)
protected Area paintMarker(T context) {
int maxSize = Math.max(2 * 11, size + 2);
Graphics2D g = beginPainting(maxSize, maxSize, maxSize / 2, maxSize / 2);
try {
g.fillOval(-size / 2, -size / 2, size, size);
g.drawOval(-size / 2 - 1, -size / 2 - 1, size + 1, size + 1);
if (showMarker(context)) {
Polygon triangle = new Polygon();
triangle.addPoint(0, 0);
triangle.addPoint(-11, -11);
triangle.addPoint(11, -11);
return new PolygonArea(new Polygon(new int[] { -11, 11 + 1, size / 2 + 1, -size / 2 - 1 }, new int[] { -11, -11, size / 2 + 1, size / 2 + 1 }, 4));
} else
return new PolygonArea(new Polygon(new int[] { -size / 2 - 1, size / 2 + 1, size / 2 + 1, -size / 2 - 1 }, new int[] { -size / 2 - 1, -size / 2 - 1, size / 2 + 1, size / 2 + 1 }, 4));
} finally {
use of java.awt.Polygon in project hale by halestudio.
the class LabelMarker method paintMarker.
* @see SimpleMarker#paintMarker(java.lang.Object)
protected Area paintMarker(T context) {
String name = getName(context);
Graphics2D dummy = getGraphicsDummy();
int width = (int) dummy.getFontMetrics().getStringBounds(name, dummy).getWidth();
Graphics2D g = beginPainting(width + 10, 30, width / 2 + 5, 0);
try {
Polygon triangle = new Polygon();
triangle.addPoint(0, 0);
triangle.addPoint(11, 11);
triangle.addPoint(-11, 11);
g.fillRoundRect(-width / 2 - 5, 10, width + 10, 20, 10, 10);
// g.setColor(borderColor);
// g.drawRoundRect(-width/2 -5, 10, width+10, 20, 10, 10);
// bounding polygon
// (0,0), (11,11), (width/2 + 5, 10), (width/2 + 5, 30),
// (-width/2 - 5, 30), (-width/2 - 5, 10), (-11, 11)
Polygon bounds = new Polygon(new int[] { 0, 11, width / 2 + 5, width / 2 + 5, -width / 2 - 5, -width / 2 - 5, -11 }, new int[] { 0, 11, 10, 30, 30, 10, 11 }, 7);
// draw text w/ shadow
// shadow
g.drawString(name, -width / 2 - 1, 26 - 1);
// g.drawString(name, -width/2-1, 26-1); //shadow
// text
g.drawString(name, -width / 2, 26);
return new PolygonArea(bounds);
} finally {
use of java.awt.Polygon in project litiengine by gurkenlabs.
the class LightSource method getObstructedVisionArea.
private static Area getObstructedVisionArea(final IEntity mob, final Point2D center) {
final Polygon shadowPolygon = new Polygon();
final Ellipse2D shadowEllipse = getShadowEllipse(mob);
final Rectangle2D bounds = shadowEllipse.getBounds2D();
// radius of Entity's bounding circle
final float r = (float) bounds.getWidth() / 2f;
final float ry = (float) bounds.getHeight() / 2f;
// get relative center of entity
final Point2D relativeCenter = Point((int) (bounds.getX() + r), (int) (bounds.getY() + ry)));
final double cx = relativeCenter.getX();
final double cy = relativeCenter.getY();
// get direction from light to entity center
final double dx = cx - center.getX();
final double dy = cy - center.getY();
// get euclidean distance from entity to center
// avoid sqrt for performance
final double distSq = dx * dx + dy * dy;
// normalize the direction to a unit vector
final float len = (float) Math.sqrt(distSq);
double nx = dx;
double ny = dy;
if (len != 0) {
// avoid division by 0
nx /= len;
ny /= len;
// get perpendicular of unit vector
final double px = -ny;
final double py = nx;
// our perpendicular points in either direction from radius
final Point2D.Double pointA = new Point2D.Double(cx - px * r, cy - py * ry);
final Point2D.Double pointB = new Point2D.Double(cx + px * r, cy + py * ry);
// project the points by our SHADOW_EXTRUDE amount
final Point2D pointC = GeometricUtilities.project(center, pointA, OBSTRUCTED_VISION_RADIUS);
final Point2D pointD = GeometricUtilities.project(center, pointB, OBSTRUCTED_VISION_RADIUS);
// construct a polygon from our points
shadowPolygon.addPoint((int) pointA.getX(), (int) pointA.getY());
shadowPolygon.addPoint((int) pointB.getX(), (int) pointB.getY());
shadowPolygon.addPoint((int) pointD.getX(), (int) pointD.getY());
shadowPolygon.addPoint((int) pointC.getX(), (int) pointC.getY());
final Point2D shadowRenderLocation = Point2D.Double(shadowEllipse.getX(), shadowEllipse.getY()));
final Ellipse2D relativeEllipse = new Ellipse2D.Double(shadowRenderLocation.getX(), shadowRenderLocation.getY(), shadowEllipse.getWidth(), shadowEllipse.getHeight());
final Area ellipseArea = new Area(relativeEllipse);
final Area shadowArea = new Area(shadowPolygon);
return shadowArea;
use of java.awt.Polygon in project OsmAnd-tools by osmandapp.
the class CoastlinesLayer method getPolygon.
public Polygon getPolygon(int tileX, int tileY, int z) {
int pixX = (int) (MapUtils.getPixelShiftX(map.getZoom(), MapUtils.getLongitudeFromTile(z, tileX), map.getLongitude(), map.getTileSize()) + map.getCenterPointX());
int pixY = (int) (MapUtils.getPixelShiftY(map.getZoom(), MapUtils.getLatitudeFromTile(z, tileY), map.getLatitude(), map.getTileSize()) + map.getCenterPointY());
int pixsX = (int) (MapUtils.getPixelShiftX(map.getZoom(), MapUtils.getLongitudeFromTile(z, tileX + 1), map.getLongitude(), map.getTileSize()) + map.getCenterPointX());
int pixsY = (int) (MapUtils.getPixelShiftY(map.getZoom(), MapUtils.getLatitudeFromTile(z, tileY + 1), map.getLatitude(), map.getTileSize()) + map.getCenterPointY());
return new Polygon(new int[] { pixX, pixsX, pixsX, pixX, pixX }, new int[] { pixY, pixY, pixsY, pixsY, pixY }, 5);