use of java.awt.Polygon in project JMRI by JMRI.
the class AnalogClock2Display method paint.
public void paint(Graphics g) {
// overridden Paint method to draw the clock
g.translate(centreX, centreY);
// Draw the clock face
g.drawImage(clockFace, -faceSize / 2, -faceSize / 2, faceSize, faceSize, this);
// Draw the JMRI logo
g.drawImage(scaledLogo, -logoWidth / 2, -faceSize / 4, logoWidth, logoHeight, this);
// Draw hour hand rotated to appropriate angle
// Calculation mimics the AffineTransform class calculations in Graphics2D
// Grpahics2D and AffineTransform not used to maintain compatabilty with Java 1.1.8
double minuteAngleRadians = Math.toRadians(minuteAngle);
for (int i = 0; i < scaledMinuteX.length; i++) {
rotatedMinuteX[i] = (int) (scaledMinuteX[i] * Math.cos(minuteAngleRadians) - scaledMinuteY[i] * Math.sin(minuteAngleRadians));
rotatedMinuteY[i] = (int) (scaledMinuteX[i] * Math.sin(minuteAngleRadians) + scaledMinuteY[i] * Math.cos(minuteAngleRadians));
scaledMinuteHand = new Polygon(rotatedMinuteX, rotatedMinuteY, rotatedMinuteX.length);
double hourAngleRadians = Math.toRadians(hourAngle);
for (int i = 0; i < scaledHourX.length; i++) {
rotatedHourX[i] = (int) (scaledHourX[i] * Math.cos(hourAngleRadians) - scaledHourY[i] * Math.sin(hourAngleRadians));
rotatedHourY[i] = (int) (scaledHourX[i] * Math.sin(hourAngleRadians) + scaledHourY[i] * Math.cos(hourAngleRadians));
scaledHourHand = new Polygon(rotatedHourX, rotatedHourY, rotatedHourX.length);
// Draw AM/PM indicator in slightly smaller font than hour digits
int amPmFontSize = (int) (faceSize * .075);
if (amPmFontSize < 1) {
amPmFontSize = 1;
Font amPmSizedFont = new Font("Serif", Font.BOLD, amPmFontSize);
FontMetrics amPmFontM = g.getFontMetrics(amPmSizedFont);
g.drawString(amPm, -amPmFontM.stringWidth(amPm) / 2, faceSize / 5);
use of java.awt.Polygon in project JMRI by JMRI.
the class SpeedoDial method scaleFace.
// Method called on resizing event - sets various sizing variables
// based on the size of the resized panel and scales the logo/hands
public void scaleFace() {
int panelHeight = this.getSize().height;
int panelWidth = this.getSize().width;
size = Math.min(panelHeight, panelWidth);
faceSize = (int) (size * .97);
if (faceSize == 0) {
faceSize = 1;
// Had trouble getting the proper sizes when using Images by themselves so
// use the NamedIcon as a source for the sizes
int logoScaleWidth = faceSize / 6;
int logoScaleHeight = (int) ((float) logoScaleWidth * (float) jmriIcon.getIconHeight() / jmriIcon.getIconWidth());
scaledLogo = logo.getScaledInstance(logoScaleWidth, logoScaleHeight, Image.SCALE_SMOOTH);
logoWidth = scaledIcon.getIconWidth();
logoHeight = scaledIcon.getIconHeight();
scaleRatio = faceSize / 2.7F / minuteHeight;
for (int i = 0; i < minuteX.length; i++) {
scaledMinuteX[i] = (int) (minuteX[i] * scaleRatio);
scaledMinuteY[i] = (int) (minuteY[i] * scaleRatio);
scaledMinuteHand = new Polygon(scaledMinuteX, scaledMinuteY, scaledMinuteX.length);
centreX = panelWidth / 2;
centreY = panelHeight / 2;
use of java.awt.Polygon in project JMRI by JMRI.
the class SpeedoDial method paint.
public void paint(Graphics g) {
if (!(g instanceof Graphics2D)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Graphics object passed is not the correct type");
Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
// overridden Paint method to draw the speedo dial
g2.translate(centreX, centreY);
// Draw the dial outline scaled to the panel size with a dot in the middle and
// center ring for the pointer
g2.fillOval(-faceSize / 2, -faceSize / 2, faceSize, faceSize);
g2.drawOval(-faceSize / 2, -faceSize / 2, faceSize, faceSize);
int dotSize = faceSize / 40;
g2.fillOval(-dotSize * 2, -dotSize * 2, 4 * dotSize, 4 * dotSize);
// Draw the JMRI logo
g2.drawImage(scaledLogo, -logoWidth / 2, -faceSize / 4, logoWidth, logoHeight, this);
// Currently selected units are plotted every 10 units with major and minor
// tick marks around the outer edge of the dial
// Other units are plotted in a differrent color, smaller font with dots
// in an inner ring
// Scaled font size for primary units
int fontSize = faceSize / 10;
if (fontSize < 1) {
fontSize = 1;
Font sizedFont = new Font("Serif", Font.PLAIN, fontSize);
FontMetrics fontM = g2.getFontMetrics(sizedFont);
// Draw the speed markers for the primary units
int dashSize = size / 60;
// Add minor tick marks
for (float i = 150; i < 391; i = i + priMinorTick) {
g2.drawLine(dotX((float) faceSize / 2, i), dotY((float) faceSize / 2, i), dotX((float) faceSize / 2 - dashSize, i), dotY((float) faceSize / 2 - dashSize, i));
// Add major tick marks and digits
int j = 0;
for (float i = 150; i < 391; i = i + priMajorTick) {
g2.drawLine(dotX((float) faceSize / 2, i), dotY((float) faceSize / 2, i), dotX((float) faceSize / 2 - 3 * dashSize, i), dotY((float) faceSize / 2 - 3 * dashSize, i));
String speed = Integer.toString(10 * j);
int xOffset = fontM.stringWidth(speed);
int yOffset = fontM.getHeight();
// offset by 210 degrees to start in lower left quadrant and work clockwise
g2.drawString(speed, dotX((float) faceSize / 2 - 6 * dashSize, j * priMajorTick - 210) - xOffset / 2, dotY((float) faceSize / 2 - 6 * dashSize, j * priMajorTick - 210) + yOffset / 4);
// Add dots and digits for secondary units
// First make a smaller font
fontSize = faceSize / 15;
if (fontSize < 1) {
fontSize = 1;
sizedFont = new Font("Serif", Font.PLAIN, fontSize);
fontM = g2.getFontMetrics(sizedFont);
j = 0;
for (float i = 150; i < 391; i = i + secTick) {
g2.fillOval(dotX((float) faceSize / 2 - 10 * dashSize, i), dotY((float) faceSize / 2 - 10 * dashSize, i), 5, 5);
if (((j & 1) == 0) || (units == Speed.KPH)) {
// kph are plotted every 20 when secondary, mph every 10
String speed = Integer.toString(10 * j);
int xOffset = fontM.stringWidth(speed);
int yOffset = fontM.getHeight();
// offset by 210 degrees to start in lower left quadrant and work clockwise
g2.drawString(speed, dotX((float) faceSize / 2 - 13 * dashSize, j * secTick - 210) - xOffset / 2, dotY((float) faceSize / 2 - 13 * dashSize, j * secTick - 210) + yOffset / 4);
// Draw secondary units string
g2.drawString(secString, dotX((float) faceSize / 2 - 5 * dashSize, 45) - fontM.stringWidth(secString) / 2, dotY((float) faceSize / 2 - 5 * dashSize, 45) + fontM.getHeight() / 4);
// Draw pointer rotated to appropriate angle
// Calculation mimics the AffineTransform class calculations in Graphics2D
// Graphics2D and AffineTransform not used to maintain compatabilty with Java 1.1.8
double speedAngleRadians = Math.toRadians(speedAngle);
for (int i = 0; i < scaledMinuteX.length; i++) {
rotatedMinuteX[i] = (int) (scaledMinuteX[i] * Math.cos(speedAngleRadians) - scaledMinuteY[i] * Math.sin(speedAngleRadians));
rotatedMinuteY[i] = (int) (scaledMinuteX[i] * Math.sin(speedAngleRadians) + scaledMinuteY[i] * Math.cos(speedAngleRadians));
scaledMinuteHand = new Polygon(rotatedMinuteX, rotatedMinuteY, rotatedMinuteX.length);
// Draw primary units indicator in slightly smaller font than speed digits
int unitsFontSize = (int) ((float) faceSize / 10 * .75);
if (unitsFontSize < 1) {
unitsFontSize = 1;
Font unitsSizedFont = new Font("Serif", Font.PLAIN, unitsFontSize);
FontMetrics unitsFontM = g2.getFontMetrics(unitsSizedFont);
// g2.drawString(unitsString, -amPmFontM.stringWidth(unitsString)/2, faceSize/5 );
g2.drawString(priString, dotX((float) faceSize / 2 - 5 * dashSize, -225) - unitsFontM.stringWidth(priString) / 2, dotY((float) faceSize / 2 - 5 * dashSize, -225) + unitsFontM.getHeight() / 4);
// Show numeric speed
String speedString = Integer.toString(speedDigits);
int digitsFontSize = (int) (fontSize * 1.5);
Font digitsSizedFont = new Font("Serif", Font.PLAIN, digitsFontSize);
FontMetrics digitsFontM = g2.getFontMetrics(digitsSizedFont);
// draw a box around the digital speed
int pad = (int) (digitsFontSize * 0.2);
int h = (int) (digitsFontM.getAscent() * 0.8);
int w = digitsFontM.stringWidth("999");
if (pad < 2) {
pad = 2;
g2.fillRect(-w / 2 - pad, 2 * faceSize / 5 - h - pad, w + pad * 2, h + pad * 2);
g2.drawRect(-w / 2 - pad, 2 * faceSize / 5 - h - pad, w + pad * 2, h + pad * 2);
g2.drawString(speedString, -digitsFontM.stringWidth(speedString) / 2, 2 * faceSize / 5);
use of java.awt.Polygon in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.
the class CSSBorder method paintBorder.
public void paintBorder(Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height) {
if (!(g instanceof Graphics2D)) {
Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g.create();
int[] widths = getWidths();
// Position and size of the border interior.
int intX = x + widths[LEFT];
int intY = y + widths[TOP];
int intWidth = width - (widths[RIGHT] + widths[LEFT]);
int intHeight = height - (widths[TOP] + widths[BOTTOM]);
// Coordinates of the interior corners, from NW clockwise.
int[][] intCorners = { { intX, intY }, { intX + intWidth, intY }, { intX + intWidth, intY + intHeight }, { intX, intY + intHeight } };
// Draw the borders for all sides.
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
Value style = getBorderStyle(i);
Polygon shape = getBorderShape(i);
if ((style != Value.NONE) && (shape != null)) {
int sideLength = (i % 2 == 0 ? intWidth : intHeight);
// "stretch" the border shape by the interior area dimension
shape.xpoints[2] += sideLength;
shape.xpoints[3] += sideLength;
Color color = getBorderColor(i);
BorderPainter painter = getBorderPainter(i);
double angle = i * Math.PI / 2;
// Restore initial clip
g2.translate(intCorners[i][0], intCorners[i][1]);
painter.paint(shape, g2, color, i);
g2.translate(-intCorners[i][0], -intCorners[i][1]);
use of java.awt.Polygon in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.
the class CSSBorder method getBorderShape.
* Return border shape for {@code side} as if the border has zero interior
* length. Shape start is at (0,0); points are added clockwise.
private Polygon getBorderShape(int side) {
Polygon shape = null;
int[] widths = getWidths();
if (widths[side] != 0) {
shape = new Polygon(new int[4], new int[4], 0);
shape.addPoint(0, 0);
shape.addPoint(-widths[(side + 3) % 4], -widths[side]);
shape.addPoint(widths[(side + 1) % 4], -widths[side]);
shape.addPoint(0, 0);
return shape;