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Example 21 with Rectangle

use of java.awt.Rectangle in project gephi by gephi.

the class SplineDisplay method resetSelection.

private void resetSelection() {
    Point2D oldSelected = selected;
    selected = null;
    if (oldSelected != null) {
        Rectangle bounds = getDraggableArea(oldSelected).getBounds();
        repaint(bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height);
Also used : Point2D(java.awt.geom.Point2D) Rectangle(java.awt.Rectangle)

Example 22 with Rectangle

use of java.awt.Rectangle in project binnavi by google.

the class JHexView method drawMouseOverHighlighting.

   * Draws highlighting of bytes when the mouse hovers over them.
   * @param g The graphics context where the highlighting is drawn.
private void drawMouseOverHighlighting(final Graphics g) {
    m_lastHighlightedNibble = getNibbleAtCoordinate(m_lastMouseX, m_lastMouseY);
    if (m_lastHighlightedNibble == -1) {
    // Find out in which view the mouse currently resides.
    final Views lastHighlightedView = m_lastMouseX >= getAsciiViewLeft() ? Views.ASCII_VIEW : Views.HEX_VIEW;
    if (lastHighlightedView == Views.HEX_VIEW) {
        // If the mouse is in the hex view just one nibble must be highlighted.
        final Rectangle r = getNibbleBoundsHex(m_lastHighlightedNibble);
        g.fillRect((int) r.getX(), (int) r.getY(), (int) r.getWidth(), (int) r.getHeight());
    } else if (lastHighlightedView == Views.ASCII_VIEW) {
        // If the mouse is in the ASCII view it is necessary
        // to highlight two nibbles.
        // Don't change.
        final int first = (2 * m_lastHighlightedNibble) / 2;
        Rectangle r = getNibbleBoundsHex(first);
        g.fillRect((int) r.getX(), (int) r.getY(), (int) r.getWidth(), (int) r.getHeight());
        r = getNibbleBoundsHex(first + 1);
        g.fillRect((int) r.getX(), (int) r.getY(), (int) r.getWidth(), (int) r.getHeight());
    // Highlight the byte in the ASCII panel too.
    final Rectangle r = getByteBoundsAscii(m_lastHighlightedNibble);
    g.fillRect((int) r.getX(), (int) r.getY(), (int) r.getWidth(), (int) r.getHeight());
Also used : Rectangle(java.awt.Rectangle)

Example 23 with Rectangle

use of java.awt.Rectangle in project processing by processing.

the class EditorState method defaultLocation.

   * Figure out the next location by sizing up the last editor in the list.
   * If no editors are opened, it'll just open on the main screen.
   * @param editors List of editors currently opened
void defaultLocation(List<Editor> editors) {
    int defaultWidth = Toolkit.zoom(Preferences.getInteger("editor.window.width.default"));
    int defaultHeight = Toolkit.zoom(Preferences.getInteger("editor.window.height.default"));
    defaultWidth = Math.min(defaultWidth, deviceBounds.width);
    defaultHeight = Math.min(defaultHeight, deviceBounds.height);
    if (editors.size() == 0) {
        // If no current active editor, use default placement.
        // Center the window on ths screen, taking into account that the
        // upper-left corner of the device may have a non (0, 0) origin.
        int editorX = deviceBounds.x + (deviceBounds.width - defaultWidth) / 2;
        int editorY = deviceBounds.y + (deviceBounds.height - defaultHeight) / 2;
        editorBounds = new Rectangle(editorX, editorY, defaultWidth, defaultHeight);
        dividerLocation = 0;
    } else {
        // dimensions and divider location, but offset slightly.
        synchronized (editors) {
            Editor lastOpened = editors.get(editors.size() - 1);
            isMaximized = (lastOpened.getExtendedState() == Frame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH);
            editorBounds = lastOpened.getBounds();
            editorBounds.x += WINDOW_OFFSET;
            editorBounds.y += WINDOW_OFFSET;
            dividerLocation = lastOpened.getDividerLocation();
            if (!deviceBounds.contains(editorBounds)) {
                // Warp the next window to a randomish location on screen.
                editorBounds.x = deviceBounds.x + (int) (Math.random() * (deviceBounds.width - defaultWidth));
                editorBounds.y = deviceBounds.y + (int) (Math.random() * (deviceBounds.height - defaultHeight));
            if (isMaximized) {
                editorBounds.width = defaultWidth;
                editorBounds.height = defaultHeight;
Also used : Rectangle(java.awt.Rectangle)

Example 24 with Rectangle

use of java.awt.Rectangle in project processing by processing.

the class CompositionTextManager method getCaretRectangle.

private Rectangle getCaretRectangle(int x, int y) {
    TextAreaPainter painter = textArea.getPainter();
    Point origin = painter.getLocationOnScreen();
    int height = painter.getFontMetrics().getHeight();
    return new Rectangle(origin.x + x, origin.y + y, 0, height);
Also used : TextAreaPainter( Rectangle(java.awt.Rectangle) Point(java.awt.Point) Point(java.awt.Point)

Example 25 with Rectangle

use of java.awt.Rectangle in project processing by processing.

the class CompositionTextPainter method draw.

   * Draw text via input method with composed text information.
   * This method can draw texts with some underlines to illustrate converting characters.
   * This method is workaround for TextAreaPainter.
   * Because, TextAreaPainter can't treat AttributedCharacterIterator directly.
   * AttributedCharacterIterator has very important information when composing text.
   * It has a map where are converted characters and committed characters.
   * Ideally, changing TextAreaPainter method can treat AttributedCharacterIterator is better. But it's very tough!!
   * So I choose to write some code as a workaround.
   * This draw method is proceeded with the following steps.
   * 1. Original TextAreaPainter draws characters.
   * 2. CompositionTextPainter.draw method paints composed text. It was actually drawn by TextLayout.
   * @param gfx set TextAreaPainter's Graphics object.
   * @param fillBackGroundColor set textarea's background.
//  public void draw(Graphics gfx, Color fillBackGroundColor) {
//	assert(composedTextLayout != null);
//	Point composedLoc = getCaretLocation();
//	//refillComposedArea(fillBackGroundColor, composedLoc.x, composedLoc.y);
//	composedTextLayout.draw((Graphics2D) gfx, composedLoc.x, composedLoc.y);
//  }
public void draw(Graphics gfx, Color fillBackGroundColor) {
    //assert(composedTextLayout != null);
    if (composedTextLayout != null) {
        Point composedLoc = getCaretLocation();
        //refillComposedArea(fillBackGroundColor, composedLoc.x, composedLoc.y);
        composedTextLayout.draw((Graphics2D) gfx, composedLoc.x, composedLoc.y);
        // draw caret.
        if (this.caret != null) {
            int caretLocation = Math.round(composedTextLayout.getCaretInfo(caret)[0]);
            Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(composedLoc.x + caretLocation, composedLoc.y - (int) composedTextLayout.getAscent(), 1, (int) composedTextLayout.getAscent() + (int) composedTextLayout.getDescent());
            // save
            Color c = gfx.getColor();
            if (caretColorFlag) {
                caretColorFlag = false;
            } else {
                caretColorFlag = true;
            gfx.fillRect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);
            // restore
Also used : Color(java.awt.Color) Rectangle(java.awt.Rectangle) Point(java.awt.Point) Point(java.awt.Point)


Rectangle (java.awt.Rectangle)809 Point (java.awt.Point)201 Dimension (java.awt.Dimension)81 BufferedImage (java.awt.image.BufferedImage)68 Graphics2D (java.awt.Graphics2D)65 Color (java.awt.Color)48 Insets (java.awt.Insets)47 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)37 Font (java.awt.Font)29 Test (org.junit.Test)28 IOException ( GraphicsConfiguration (java.awt.GraphicsConfiguration)23 Paint (java.awt.Paint)23 GradientPaint (java.awt.GradientPaint)22 FontMetrics (java.awt.FontMetrics)21 Graphics (java.awt.Graphics)21 Rectangle2D (java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D)21 Robot (java.awt.Robot)19 File ( PeakResult (gdsc.smlm.results.PeakResult)18