use of java.awt.event.FocusListener in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddJTableHandler method setFixedCharacteristics.
* Set common table parameters and characteristics. These only need to be set when the table is
* initially created and do not require to be updated if the table is changed while it is
* visible
* @param scrollPane
* the scroll pane in which the table resides. Set to null if the table isn't in a
* scroll pane
* @param isRowsAlterable
* true if the table's rows are allowed to be changed (e.g., inserted, deleted,
* moved) via keyboard commands from the user
* @param intervalSelection
* ListSelectionModel selection mode used by the row and column selection models
* @param cellSelection
* table cell selection mode that determines the cell or cells selected when a cell
* has focus: SELECT_BY_ROW to select the entire row occupied the cell with focus;
* SELECT_BY_COLUMN to select the entire column containing the cell with focus;
* SELECT_BY_CELL to select only the cell with focus
* @param columnDragAllowed
* true if a column can be positioned by selecting the header via the mouse and
* dragging the column
* @param background
* table background color (when row not selected)
* @param selectWithoutFocus
* true to ignore if the table has focus when determining the row colors for
* selected rows
* @param allowUndo
* true to allow changes to the table to be undone and redone
* @param cellFont
* font to use for displaying the cell contents
* @param allowSort
* true to enable the rows to be sorted by selecting a column header; false to
* disable sorting
protected void setFixedCharacteristics(final JScrollPane scrollPane, boolean isRowsAlterable, int intervalSelection, TableSelectionMode cellSelection, boolean columnDragAllowed, ModifiableColor background, boolean selectWithoutFocus, boolean allowUndo, Font cellFont, boolean allowSort) {
// Set the table's scroll pane
this.scrollPane = scrollPane;
// Set the table's non-selected background color
// Set to true to keep cell(s) highlighted when the table loses focus
this.selectWithoutFocus = selectWithoutFocus;
// Set to true to allow changes to the table to be undone/redone
// Set the cell content font
this.cellFont = cellFont;
// Set to true to allow the rows to be sorted by selecting the column header
this.allowSort = allowSort;
// Initialize the special row color lists. These lists remain empty if no rows are assigned
// special colors
rowColorIndex = new ArrayList<Integer>();
rowColor = new ArrayList<Color>();
// Set the selection mode (single, contiguous, or multiple)
// Set row and column selection modes. If both are true then selection is by single cell
this.cellSelection = cellSelection;
setRowSelectionAllowed(cellSelection == TableSelectionMode.SELECT_BY_ROW || cellSelection == TableSelectionMode.SELECT_BY_CELL);
setColumnSelectionAllowed(cellSelection == TableSelectionMode.SELECT_BY_COLUMN || cellSelection == TableSelectionMode.SELECT_BY_CELL);
// Set if a column can be moved by selecting the header with the mouse and dragging it
// Remove the table border
// Set the focus to a cell if the keyboard is used to select it. Needed under some
// circumstances to make text cursor appear in table cell when editing
// Set so that the columns aren't automatically resized when the table is resized; this is
// handled manually below
// Set the font for the table cells
// Replace the table's header mouse listener with a version that captures double clicks on
// the column header borders in order to implement automatic resizing
resizeColumnListener = new ResizeColumnListener();
// Listen for changes made by the user to the table's cells
new TableCellListener();
// Change TAB/SHIFT-TAB behavior so that focus jumps between the tables and the buttons
// Create the table model. The data and column headers are added later in case these need
// to be adjusted
tableModel = UndoableTableModel() {
* Override the cell clean-up method
protected Object cleanUpCellValue(Object value, int row, int column) {
return table.cleanUpCellValue(value, row, column);
// Exit the cell's editor, if active, when the cell loses focus
putClientProperty("terminateEditOnFocusLost", Boolean.TRUE);
// Add a listener for table focus changes
addFocusListener(new FocusListener() {
* Handle loss of keyboard focus for the table
public void focusLost(FocusEvent fe) {
// Force a repaint so that any highlighted rows are unhighlighted when the table
// loses focus
* Handle gain of keyboard focus for the table
public void focusGained(FocusEvent fe) {
// Force a repaint so that all cells are highlighted in a row when the table row
// gains focus
// Row height, used to set the viewport size, needs to be determined prior to loading the
// data, which can alter the height returned; and loading the data must be done prior to
// setting the viewport size in order for the initial viewport size to be set correctly
int rowHeight = getRowHeight();
// Load the table data and format the table cells
// Set the initial number of rows to display in the table
setPreferredScrollableViewportSize(new Dimension(getPreferredSize().width, initialViewableRows * (rowHeight + getRowMargin() * 2 + 4)));
// Make the table fill the dialog
// Set the keys that initiate table cell editing and the keys to be ignored when initiating
// editing. If the table cells and rows are editable then set the keys for these actions
// Add a listener for scroll bar thumb position changes
scrollPane.getViewport().addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() {
* Handle a scroll bar thumb position change for the table
public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent ce) {
// Update the row heights for the visible rows
use of java.awt.event.FocusListener in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddJTableHandler method setCellEditors.
* Set the editors for the editable cells based on the column type
private void setCellEditors() {
// Create a focus listener to track the text cursor position when the cell loses focus
FocusListener focusListener = new FocusListener() {
* Handle loss of keyboard focus for the cell
public void focusLost(FocusEvent fe) {
// Check if editing is active in the cell
if (table.isEditing()) {
// Store the start and end positions of the selected text
lastSelectionStart = ((JTextComponent) fe.getComponent()).getSelectionStart();
lastSelectionEnd = ((JTextComponent) fe.getComponent()).getSelectionEnd();
} else // Editing is inactive
// Reset the text selection positions
lastSelectionStart = -1;
lastSelectionEnd = -1;
* Handle gain of keyboard focus for the cell
public void focusGained(FocusEvent fe) {
// Create a text area so that its properties can be set and then used to create a
// multi-line editor for cells containing one or more lines of text
JTextArea textFieldMulti = new JTextArea();
// Add a listener for cell focus changes
// Create the cell editor for multi-line cells
MultiLineCellEditor dceMulti = new MultiLineCellEditor(textFieldMulti);
// Create a a cell editor for single line cells. The padding differs from the multi-line
// cell; using this editor for single line cells prevents the text from changing vertical
// alignment when editing is initiated
JTextField textFieldSingle = new JTextField();
// Add a listener for cell focus changes
// Create the cell editor
DefaultCellEditor dceSingle = new DefaultCellEditor(textFieldSingle);
// Step through each column in the table
for (int column = 0; column < getColumnCount(); column++) {
// Get the column index in model coordinates
int columnModel = convertColumnIndexToModel(column);
// Check if the column's contents is not displayed as a check box
if (!isColumnBoolean(columnModel)) {
// Set the editor so that the contents can be modified within the table cell. Use
// the editor appropriate for the number of cell display lines
getColumnModel().getColumn(column).setCellEditor(isColumnMultiLine(columnModel) ? dceMulti : dceSingle);
use of java.awt.event.FocusListener in project freeplane by freeplane.
the class PathProperty method layout.
public void layout(final DefaultFormBuilder builder) {
final Box box = Box.createHorizontalBox();
box.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(5, 0, 5, 0));
filenameField = new JTextField();
filenameField.addFocusListener(new FocusListener() {
public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) {
final String text = filenameField.getText();
if (text == null || text.length() == 0) {
JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(e.getComponent(), TextUtils.getText("OptionPanel.path_property_may_not_be_empty"), "", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
} else {
path = text;
public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) {
selectButton = new JButton();
LabelAndMnemonicSetter.setLabelAndMnemonic(selectButton, TextUtils.getText("browse"));
selectButton.addActionListener(new SelectFileAction());
selectButton.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(1000, 1000));
layout(builder, box);
use of java.awt.event.FocusListener in project freeplane by freeplane.
the class MNoteController method getHtmlEditorPanel.
SHTMLPanel getHtmlEditorPanel() {
if (htmlEditorPanel != null) {
return htmlEditorPanel;
htmlEditorPanel = MTextController.getController().createSHTMLPanel(NoteModel.EDITING_PURPOSE);
// make sure that SHTML gets notified of relevant config changes!
ResourceController.getResourceController().addPropertyChangeListener(new FreeplaneToSHTMLPropertyChangeAdapter(htmlEditorPanel));
htmlEditorPanel.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(100, 100));
final SHTMLEditorPane editorPane = (SHTMLEditorPane) htmlEditorPanel.getEditorPane();
for (InputMap inputMap = editorPane.getInputMap(); inputMap != null; inputMap = inputMap.getParent()) {
inputMap.remove(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("ctrl pressed T"));
inputMap.remove(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("ctrl shift pressed T"));
inputMap.remove(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("ctrl pressed SPACE"));
editorPane.addFocusListener(new FocusListener() {
private SpellCheckerController spellCheckerController = null;
private boolean enabled = false;
public void focusLost(final FocusEvent e) {
if (!e.isTemporary()) {
spellCheckerController.enableAutoSpell(editorPane, false);
enabled = false;
public void focusGained(final FocusEvent e) {
if (!enabled) {
spellCheckerController.enableAutoSpell(editorPane, true);
enabled = true;
private void initSpellChecker() {
if (spellCheckerController != null) {
spellCheckerController = SpellCheckerController.getController();
spellCheckerController.enableShortKey(editorPane, true);
htmlEditorPanel.getSourceEditorPane().addFocusListener(new FocusListener() {
public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) {
if (!e.isTemporary()) {
public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) {
return htmlEditorPanel;
use of java.awt.event.FocusListener in project freeplane by freeplane.
the class UITools method executeWhenNodeHasFocus.
public static void executeWhenNodeHasFocus(final Runnable runnable) {
final Component selectedComponent = Controller.getCurrentController().getMapViewManager().getSelectedComponent();
if (selectedComponent != null && !selectedComponent.hasFocus()) {
selectedComponent.addFocusListener(new FocusListener() {
public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) {
public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) {
} else;