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Example 11 with Arc2D

use of java.awt.geom.Arc2D in project platform_frameworks_base by android.

the class Path_Delegate method arcTo.

     * Append the specified arc to the path as a new contour. If the start of
     * the path is different from the path's current last point, then an
     * automatic lineTo() is added to connect the current contour to the
     * start of the arc. However, if the path is empty, then we call moveTo()
     * with the first point of the arc. The sweep angle is tread mod 360.
     * @param left        The left of oval defining shape and size of the arc
     * @param top         The top of oval defining shape and size of the arc
     * @param right       The right of oval defining shape and size of the arc
     * @param bottom      The bottom of oval defining shape and size of the arc
     * @param startAngle  Starting angle (in degrees) where the arc begins
     * @param sweepAngle  Sweep angle (in degrees) measured clockwise, treated
     *                    mod 360.
     * @param forceMoveTo If true, always begin a new contour with the arc
public void arcTo(float left, float top, float right, float bottom, float startAngle, float sweepAngle, boolean forceMoveTo) {
    Arc2D arc = new Arc2D.Float(left, top, right - left, bottom - top, -startAngle, -sweepAngle, Arc2D.OPEN);
    mPath.append(arc, true);
Also used : Arc2D(java.awt.geom.Arc2D)

Example 12 with Arc2D

use of java.awt.geom.Arc2D in project scriptographer by scriptographer.

the class AbstractGraphics2D method drawArc.

     * Draws the outline of a circular or elliptical arc
     * covering the specified rectangle.
     * <p>
     * The resulting arc begins at <code>startAngle</code> and extends
     * for <code>arcAngle</code> degrees, using the current color.
     * Angles are interpreted such that 0&nbsp;degrees
     * is at the 3&nbsp;o'clock position.
     * A positive value indicates a counter-clockwise rotation
     * while a negative value indicates a clockwise rotation.
     * <p>
     * The center of the arc is the center of the rectangle whose origin
     * is (<i>x</i>,&nbsp;<i>y</i>) and whose size is specified by the
     * <code>width</code> and <code>height</code> arguments.
     * <p>
     * The resulting arc covers an area
     * <code>width&nbsp;+&nbsp;1</code> pixels wide
     * by <code>height&nbsp;+&nbsp;1</code> pixels tall.
     * <p>
     * The angles are specified relative to the non-square extents of
     * the bounding rectangle such that 45 degrees always falls on the
     * line from the center of the ellipse to the upper right corner of
     * the bounding rectangle. As a result, if the bounding rectangle is
     * noticeably longer in one axis than the other, the angles to the
     * start and end of the arc segment will be skewed farther along the
     * longer axis of the bounds.
     * @param        x the <i>x</i> coordinate of the
     *                    upper-left corner of the arc to be drawn.
     * @param        y the <i>y</i>  coordinate of the
     *                    upper-left corner of the arc to be drawn.
     * @param        width the width of the arc to be drawn.
     * @param        height the height of the arc to be drawn.
     * @param        startAngle the beginning angle.
     * @param        arcAngle the angular extent of the arc,
     *                    relative to the start angle.
     * @see         java.awt.Graphics#fillArc
public void drawArc(int x, int y, int width, int height, int startAngle, int arcAngle) {
    Arc2D arc = new Arc2D.Float(x, y, width, height, startAngle, arcAngle, Arc2D.OPEN);
Also used : Arc2D(java.awt.geom.Arc2D)

Example 13 with Arc2D

use of java.awt.geom.Arc2D in project scriptographer by scriptographer.

the class AbstractGraphics2D method fillArc.

     * Fills a circular or elliptical arc covering the specified rectangle.
     * <p>
     * The resulting arc begins at <code>startAngle</code> and extends
     * for <code>arcAngle</code> degrees.
     * Angles are interpreted such that 0&nbsp;degrees
     * is at the 3&nbsp;o'clock position.
     * A positive value indicates a counter-clockwise rotation
     * while a negative value indicates a clockwise rotation.
     * <p>
     * The center of the arc is the center of the rectangle whose origin
     * is (<i>x</i>,&nbsp;<i>y</i>) and whose size is specified by the
     * <code>width</code> and <code>height</code> arguments.
     * <p>
     * The resulting arc covers an area
     * <code>width&nbsp;+&nbsp;1</code> pixels wide
     * by <code>height&nbsp;+&nbsp;1</code> pixels tall.
     * <p>
     * The angles are specified relative to the non-square extents of
     * the bounding rectangle such that 45 degrees always falls on the
     * line from the center of the ellipse to the upper right corner of
     * the bounding rectangle. As a result, if the bounding rectangle is
     * noticeably longer in one axis than the other, the angles to the
     * start and end of the arc segment will be skewed farther along the
     * longer axis of the bounds.
     * @param        x the <i>x</i> coordinate of the
     *                    upper-left corner of the arc to be filled.
     * @param        y the <i>y</i>  coordinate of the
     *                    upper-left corner of the arc to be filled.
     * @param        width the width of the arc to be filled.
     * @param        height the height of the arc to be filled.
     * @param        startAngle the beginning angle.
     * @param        arcAngle the angular extent of the arc,
     *                    relative to the start angle.
     * @see         java.awt.Graphics#drawArc
public void fillArc(int x, int y, int width, int height, int startAngle, int arcAngle) {
    Arc2D arc = new Arc2D.Float(x, y, width, height, startAngle, arcAngle, Arc2D.PIE);
Also used : Arc2D(java.awt.geom.Arc2D)

Example 14 with Arc2D

use of java.awt.geom.Arc2D in project android_frameworks_base by DirtyUnicorns.

the class Path_Delegate method arcTo.

     * Append the specified arc to the path as a new contour. If the start of
     * the path is different from the path's current last point, then an
     * automatic lineTo() is added to connect the current contour to the
     * start of the arc. However, if the path is empty, then we call moveTo()
     * with the first point of the arc. The sweep angle is tread mod 360.
     * @param left        The left of oval defining shape and size of the arc
     * @param top         The top of oval defining shape and size of the arc
     * @param right       The right of oval defining shape and size of the arc
     * @param bottom      The bottom of oval defining shape and size of the arc
     * @param startAngle  Starting angle (in degrees) where the arc begins
     * @param sweepAngle  Sweep angle (in degrees) measured clockwise, treated
     *                    mod 360.
     * @param forceMoveTo If true, always begin a new contour with the arc
public void arcTo(float left, float top, float right, float bottom, float startAngle, float sweepAngle, boolean forceMoveTo) {
    Arc2D arc = new Arc2D.Float(left, top, right - left, bottom - top, -startAngle, -sweepAngle, Arc2D.OPEN);
    mPath.append(arc, true);
Also used : Arc2D(java.awt.geom.Arc2D)

Example 15 with Arc2D

use of java.awt.geom.Arc2D in project android_frameworks_base by ResurrectionRemix.

the class Path_Delegate method arcTo.

     * Append the specified arc to the path as a new contour. If the start of
     * the path is different from the path's current last point, then an
     * automatic lineTo() is added to connect the current contour to the
     * start of the arc. However, if the path is empty, then we call moveTo()
     * with the first point of the arc. The sweep angle is tread mod 360.
     * @param left        The left of oval defining shape and size of the arc
     * @param top         The top of oval defining shape and size of the arc
     * @param right       The right of oval defining shape and size of the arc
     * @param bottom      The bottom of oval defining shape and size of the arc
     * @param startAngle  Starting angle (in degrees) where the arc begins
     * @param sweepAngle  Sweep angle (in degrees) measured clockwise, treated
     *                    mod 360.
     * @param forceMoveTo If true, always begin a new contour with the arc
public void arcTo(float left, float top, float right, float bottom, float startAngle, float sweepAngle, boolean forceMoveTo) {
    Arc2D arc = new Arc2D.Float(left, top, right - left, bottom - top, -startAngle, -sweepAngle, Arc2D.OPEN);
    mPath.append(arc, true);
Also used : Arc2D(java.awt.geom.Arc2D)


Arc2D (java.awt.geom.Arc2D)25 BasicStroke (java.awt.BasicStroke)5 Color (java.awt.Color)5 Point2D (java.awt.geom.Point2D)5 Paint (java.awt.Paint)4 Stroke (java.awt.Stroke)4 GradientPaint (java.awt.GradientPaint)3 Graphics2D (java.awt.Graphics2D)3 Line2D (java.awt.geom.Line2D)3 Graphics (java.awt.Graphics)2 Rectangle2D (java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D)2 AggregationMethod (org.knime.base.node.viz.aggregation.AggregationMethod)2 RbmModelContainer (cbit.vcell.model.Model.RbmModelContainer)1 ReactionRule (cbit.vcell.model.ReactionRule)1 Font (java.awt.Font)1 FontMetrics (java.awt.FontMetrics)1 Frame (java.awt.Frame)1 Point (java.awt.Point)1 RadialGradientPaint (java.awt.RadialGradientPaint)1 Rectangle (java.awt.Rectangle)1